Chiptune tracker: Furnace V0.6.7 for Windows, Mac and Linux (update)
'tildearrows' Furnace is a tool that can be used to create sound chip music ("chiptune"), mostly from the 8/16-bit era (amiga-news.de reported). It supports a wide range of functions and sound chips, from NES, SNES and Genesis to ES5506, VIC-20 and the Amiga. Version 0.6.6 provides several improvements and fixes and can now import the formats .it (Impulse Tracker), .xm (Extended Module) and .s3m (Scream Tracker 3).
The songs can be exported as audio files (.wav), VGM files and ZSM files (for Commander X16). An manual is available.
Update: (17:49, 29.08.24, dr)
Version 0.6.7 was released today, which fixes a major bug in the previous version: the NES DPCM sample loop was not working properly. (dr)
[News message: 28. Aug. 2024, 20:45] [Comments: 0]
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