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Commodore International Historical Society

Computer history: User manual for the Amiga 300
A user manual dated November 1991 for the computer designed as the Amiga 300 but ultimately named the Amiga 600 has appeared on, contributed by Randell Jesup. Photos of this scanned manual can be seen on the Commodore International Historical Society page. This manual, entitled "Introducing the Amiga 300", provides an insight into the functions and compact design of the official successor to the Amiga 500. The sudden and secret renaming by Commodore's top management shortly before the market launch remains an interesting chapter in the history of the Amiga. The subject was taken up by ex-Commodore UK boss David Pleasance in his book "Commodore: The Inside Story" (30 untold stories about a computer giant) in the section "The Amiga 600 Debacle". (nba)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2024, 11:45] [Comments: 0]
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