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Fake company: Amiga Technologies UG registry has been deleted
Salvador Fernandez Gomez, a former employee in the support department at phase5, had made numerous entries of companies in recent years, including the registration of a large number of website domains and the registration of word marks such as Amiga Technologies or Kickstart, which were intended to suggest a claim to the rights of various current and former Amiga brands. After the "phase 5 digital products UG" registered by him has been deleted on November 4, 2022, the "Amiga Technologies UG", which was also founded by Salvador Fernandez Gomez, has been deleted on July 17, 2024. So far, the "Commodore Büromaschinen UG" and the "Concorde Media UG" remain, for which a deletion notice also exists. (nba)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2024, 10:40] [Comments: 0]
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