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Retro Games: New Amiga "console" to be released in Q1 2025
Retro Games Ltd, developer of the THEA500 Mini, has published a new schedule for the presentation of new products (YouTube video), which shows that the release of the "New Full Size Amiga Console" has been postponed from the fourth quarter of 2024 to the first quarter of 2025. It is speculated that this model will be a full-size desktop Amiga with a keyboard, as was previously the case with the re-released THEC64 Maxi.

Retro Games Ltd. has also announced another "New Full Size Console" (not Amiga-related) for the fourth quarter of 2024 and two new accessories for the second quarter of 2025. (nba)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2024, 11:59] [Comments: 0]
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