Amiga Future (Webseite)
MorphOS: Hu-Go! 1.3
Hu-Go! emulates the game console TurboGrafX-16 which is also known as PC Engine (screenshot). The MorphOS port by Kelly Samel is now available in version 1.3.
- Clones Ambient resolution in full screen + Overlay
- Audio channels only allocated while emulation is running
- Added compact mode
- Added BG pattern toggle
- Added video sync option
- Cleaner sound channel termination
- Shortened the commodity description line
- Fixed MUI colors to work with most configs
- Added rompath selector
- Made gui resizable and fixed spacing
- Added 1 and 2 player joypad configs
- Added Scanline mode
- Several bugs fixed that were causing lock ups
- A few more premade HCD files added to archive
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 12. Jul. 2008, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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