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13.Jul.2008 (forum)

Event: Report and photos from the AIConf
Under the title link, a first report in English from the AIConf was published, which took place yesterday in Italy and where AmigaOS 4.1 was demonstrated for the first time. In addition, the author, Andrea Maniero, has shot some photos.

News compared to the announcement of the operating system update which took place the day before yesterday (reported by concern the price as well as the question of a version for PowerUp Amigas.

According to the report, which was confirmed by Massimiliano Tretene (Soft3, ACube Systems) to that effect as well, the recommended retail price for AmigaOS 4.1 will amount to 105 euros plus taxes, so in Germany, to around 125 euros. For it, you acquire a physical product in the form of a cardboard box, a CD with serial number as well as a printed installation manual, as with the previous version.

A version of AmigaOS 4.1 for PowerUp Amigas is not planned, according to the report. According to ACube Systems, it concerns a final cut; reportedly, only supporting newer computers allows concentrating on new functions. However, in all probability, the owners of AmigaOS 4.0 "Classic" would receive some updates, mainly bug fixes.

Regarding ACube Systems' new Flex-ATX board Sam440 Flex, which no longer has a Radeon M9 chip on-board, but three PCI slots instead, it was disclosed that the price is not conclusively fixed yet, but will probably lie between 300 and 350 euros plus VAT. No statements were made on the ability to run AmigaOS 4 on the Sam440 in view of the ongoing lawsuit by Amiga Inc. against Hyperion (reported by (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 13. Jul. 2008, 18:45] [Comments: 0]
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