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AmigaOS 4.1: First public demonstrations (Update)
According to Massimiliano "m3x" Tretene by ACube Systems today the announced Amiga OS 4.1 is supposed to be shown at the AIConf taking place in Papozze (Italy).

The first demonstration in UK will be tomorrow on 13. July presented by the user group Amiga North Thames.

Update: (16:28, 13.07.08, snx)
As Massimiliano Tretene (Soft3, Participator of ACube Systems) confirms, at the show ACube Systems communicated the price for the upcoming AmigaOS 4.1. The suggested retail price is Euro 105 + local VAT or further taxes. The package is similar to the OS4 Classic one and will include a cardboard box, a CD with a serial number and a printed install instruction manual. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2008, 02:06] [Comments: 0]
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