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30.Dec.2004 Changes to Editorial Team
Two changes occurred this month in's editorial team: Alfred Sturm left; he had tended the Amiga Link Directory from June 2000 until December 2004 by adding and deleting websites and putting up a screenshot of each. His responsibilities there have been taken over by Christoph Gutjahr. Don't forget to announce your new Amiga websites in the Amiga Link Directory. Gerhard "Gary7" Schmid ceased his activity as moderator of the "classified advertisements" forum. His successor is Martina Jacobs, who returns to She had managed the English language section for three years. We thank our two departing coworkers for their commitment in the last years and wish them for the future all prosperity! (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 30. Dec. 2004, 02:55] [Comments: 0]
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