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ANN (website)

AROS: Latest state of the TCP/IP stack development
By the title link there is a forum thread at AROS-Exec, which contains information about the current state of the TCP/IP stack development for AROS and a screenshot. The latter shows the browser Mosaic and a simple webserver, Cheetah. An e-mail client is in development.

According to that thread there are two stacks under development now. One developer goes for the TCP/IP bounty and develops a SANA2 compatible driver. That stack might, like Roadshow, become an AmiTCP heir and accordingly build on the bsdsocket.library.

The second version is a port of LwIP by those both developers who contributed the screenshot. Currently only loopback is working, but a tap/tun driver for the Linux hosted version of AROS is close. Here, the bsdsocket.library is a regular, disk based library. The first call of that library leads to the start of the stack task and programs may access by the bsdsocket.library the network. But the driver will be a different one. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2004, 19:12] [Comments: 0]
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