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Flood Catastrophe: Appeal for Donations
The tidal wave catastrophe in the Indian Ocean causes great shock here at home as well. Aid organizations are dealing with more than 100,000 dead, possibly more than 1,000 of them are from Germany. In this exceptional situation we'd like to call on our readers to help all those affected and to support locally the medical and humanitarian work of the relief organizations. Donate - even small amounts alleviate the emergency! If you would like to help those in the disaster areas, you may donate to the following account links:

[I'm going to put the translated name to the right of the actual organization name for English language readers. If you want to give you should probably use the German language name -DM]

Aktion Deutschland hilft [Germany Helps Campaign]
Alliance of these aid organizations: medeor,
Adra, ASB, AWO, Care, Help, Johanniter, Malteser,
Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband and World Vision

Bank name: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Bank code: 370 20 500
Account number: 10 20 30,
Keyword: "Seebeben Südasien" [means "South Asia ocean quake"]

Ärzte für die Dritte Welt [Doctors for the Third World]
Bank name: EKK Bank
Bank code: 500 605 00
Account number: 104 88888 0
Keyword: "Seebebenopfer" [means "ocean quake victims"]

Ärzte ohne Grenzen [Doctors without Borders]
Sparkasse Bonn [Savings Bank Bonn]
Bank code: 38 05 00 00
Account number: 97 0 97
Keyword: "Seebeben" [means "ocean quake"]

Caritas International
Postbank Karlsruhe [Postal Bank Karlsruhe]
Bank code: 660 100 75
Account number: 202 753
Keyword: "Erdbeben-Südasien" [means ocean quake South Asia]

Christoffel-Blindenmission [Christoffel Mission for the Blind]
Sparkasse Bensheim [Savings Bank Bensheim]
Bank code: 509 500 68
Account number: 505 05 05
Keyword: "Südasien"

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz [German Red Cross]
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft [Bank for the Social Economy]
Bank code: 370 205 00
Account number: 41 41 41
Keyword: "Südasien" [means "South Asia"]

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe [German Hunger Relief]
Sparkasse Bonn [Savings Bank Bonn]
Bank Code: 380 500 00
Account number: 20 20
Keyword: "Erdbeben Asien" [means "earthquake Asia"]

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe [Diakonie Disaster Relief]
Postbank Stuttgart [Postal Bank Stuttgart]
Bank code: 600 100 70
Account number: 502 707
Keyword "Erdbeben-Südasien" [means "earthquake South Asia"]

Kindernothilfe [Children Emergency Help]
Bank code: 350 601 90
Account number: 45 45 40

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft [Bank for the Social Economy]
Bankcode: 370 205 00
Account number: 300 000
Keyword: "Erdbeben Asien" [means "earthquake Asia"]

World Vision
Volksbank Frankfurt [People's Bank Frankfurt]
Bankcode: 501 900 00
Account number: 2020
Keyword: "Tsunami Südasien" [means "Tsunami South Asia"] (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 30. Dec. 2004, 02:56] [Comments: 2 - 04. Jan. 2005, 14:12]
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