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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Scorpion Engine: Pre-versions of 'Spy Hunter', 'Wonder Boy' and 'GothicVania'
Spy Hunter is an arcade classic from Midway that is currently being converted for the Amiga with the help of the Scorpion Engine (video). The pre-release version currently available for download does not yet contain any sound effects or background music.

Ryuichi Nishizawa's 'Wonder Boy' (video) is also an arcade machine conversion: it is inspired by the first part of the Wonder Boy series, for the Amiga only the successor Wonderboy in Monsterland has been available so far. An older alpha version can be obtained from the developer's website.

'GothicVania' (video) is a 'tech demo' demonstrating the features and the AGA support of the Scorpion Engine and included in the latest version of the engine. Among other things, a triple parallax scrolling is presented. It is currently unclear whether the game will ever be developed into a complete game. (cg)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2022, 23:43] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: RSS reader IvoRSS 1.0
IvoRSS is a simple RSS reader written with Hollywood. The codesets.library, AmiSSL 4 as well as the Hollywood plugins XMLParser, MUIRoyale and hURL are required. (cg)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2022, 23:15] [Comments: 0]
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21.Jul.2022 (forum)

Windows: Update for the arcade games Huenison and KOG (update)
Simone Bevilacqua's game Huenison for AmigaOS 4 and Windows combines various game elements of early arcade games. The current update of the title, which was released in 2013, is intended to improve the recognition of control pads under Windows (the D-pads were occasionally recognised as thumbsticks), and the instructions have been supplemented.

Update: (16:08, 21.07.22, snx)
The same improvement has been applied to the arcade game KOG, which has been released by him 14 years ago. (snx)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2022, 07:56] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jul.2022 (forum)

Mai Logic: Research on the company history published (Update)
The PowerPC computers "AmigaOne" by Eyetech and "Pegasos (I)" by bplan used the northbridge "Articia S" by Mai Logic, whose defectiveness made it more widely known in Amiga circles. In the forum of Michael 'RTK0103' Coe has linked at the title link the results of his research on later allegations of the former Mai Logic CEO Jason Hue about Chinese industrial espionage, which according to him are not true.

Those interested in such details surrounding actual Amiga history will find there especially information about the company history of Mai Logic, formerly Mentor Arc.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2022, 09:46] [Comments: 1 - 24. Jul. 2022, 08:04]
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Alinea Computer (ANF)

Amega 32: use Mega Drive gamepads on Amiga and CD32
Press release: Alinea Computer is pleased to introduce the Amega 32 adapter. The Amega 32 is an adapter for the AmigaCD 32 to use SEGA Mega Drive gamepads (DB9) with 6 or 3 buttons. The adapter supports the full CD32 gamepad assignment. Of course, the adapter can also be used with other Amigas, if games there support the gamepad assignment. In addition, it is possible to change the assignment of the adapter via the firmware. more ... (cg)

[News message: 18. Jul. 2022, 23:18] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 16.07.2022
The following files have been added until 16.07.2022 to Aminet:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 16.07.2022
The following files have been added until 16.07.2022 to OS4Depot:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 16.07.2022
The following files have been added until 16.07.2022 to AROS Archives:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 16.07.2022
The following files have been added until 16.07.2022 to MorphOS-Storage:
more ... (snx)

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WHDLoad: New installers until 16.07.2022
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 16.07.2022: more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 files have been added: more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

RCross: Radio-controlled car game from developer contest ported
Last year, the developer competition #hvdosdev2021 was won by the PC game "RCross", which requires an 80486 processor with 8 MB RAM. In it, you control a radio-controlled car that has to complete a course in the best possible time.

The Amiga port by Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró requires a 68040 or 68060 processor with FPU, 8 MB Fast-RAM and either AGA or RTG. (snx)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2022, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga E Compiler: E-VO 3.5.0
E-VO Amiga E Compiler is a derivative of the original Amiga E compiler written by Wouter van Oortmerssen. It adds many new features, bug fixes and optimisations including object UNIONs, string merging, non word-aligned objects and many more. more ... (dr)

[News message: 15. Jul. 2022, 08:59] [Comments: 0]
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Event: 30th Assembly Summer 2022 in Helsinki
The demo party "Assembly" has been held since 1992 and thus celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. From August 4 to 7 at the Messukeskus exhibition center in Helsinki, there will be various demo competitions, including the Oldskool competition, in addition to various program items such as demo demonstrations, gaming and e-sports. (dr)

[News message: 15. Jul. 2022, 07:26] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.0
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP), which enables reading and back-writing of copy-protected disks ( reported) more ... (dr)

[News message: 15. Jul. 2022, 06:27] [Comments: 0]
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Weather tool: Wet 6.9 for AmigaOS 3 and 4
Chris Young - among others http-handler, ReAction-GUI for XAD Avalanche or Netsurf ports - has released an update for his weather tool 'Wet', which now requires AmiSSL 5. The new version now can better handle connection problems. The update requires a previous installation of version 6.7. Wet is available for AmigaOS 3.9 and 4.

You can support the developer on his Ko-fi page. (dr)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2022, 09:44] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Temptations port for CD32
The developer 'S0Y' is primarily dedicated to converting games to the Amiga platform using the game construction kit RedPill. After his Abu Simbel Profanation project, he has now begun the conversion of Temptations, a platform game originally published for MSX-1 in 1988. The basis for this, however, is a port for Android. With the author's permission, he uses graphics and music, but modifies some of them. more ... (dr)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2022, 08:14] [Comments: 0]
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Bluetooth for the Amiga: Unijoysticle 2 A500
Ricardo Quesada is a software developer for different platforms in different languages. A few days ago he presented an update to his Unijoysticle 2+ project under the title link: The 'Unijoysticle 2 A500' is a device that allows the connection and operation of Bluetooth gamepads and mice on the Commodore Amiga (YouTube video). more ... (dr)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2022, 07:04] [Comments: 0]
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