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30.11.24 • Alkmaar Amiga Meetup • Alkmaar (Niederlande)

Heise Newsticker

Aktion "Stimm gegen Spam" läuft weiter
Die Frist zur Unterzeichnung der Petition "Stimm gegen Spam!" endet nicht, wie zunächst vorgesehen, am Mittwoch, 24. März, sondern läuft zunächst weiter. Während bisher erwartet wurde, daß der Wirtschaftsausschuß des Europäischen Parlaments bereits am 29. März eine Vorentscheidung über künftige gesetzliche Regelungen zum Versand von Email-Werbung treffen würde, hat der Rücktritt der EU-Kommission einen Aufschub von noch unbestimmter Dauer bewirkt.
     Die Initiatoren der ersten europaweiten Online-Petition im Internet, politik-digital und c't, erneuern deshalb ihren Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Aktion, die sich gegen eine gesetzliche Freigabe unerwünschter Email-Werbesendungen wendet. Bisher haben knapp 20.000 Bürger aus allen EU-Ländern die Petition digital unterzeichnet, die weitaus meisten aus Deutschland und Österreich (siehe Unterzeichnerliste). In diesen Ländern hatte auch die Tagespresse über die Petition berichtet. Dagegen verbreitet sich der Aufruf in anderen europäischen Ländern, in denen es bisher nur ein sehr schwaches oder gar kein Presseecho gab, nur sehr langsam, zumal die Initiatoren dazu aufgerufen haben, im Sinne der Aktion die Verbreitung in Internet-Newsgroups zu unterlassen. (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Neues im Aminet
STFax3038Upd.lha Update von 3.0 auf 3.8
STFax38Upd.lha Update von 3.7 auf 3.8

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

TVPaint Manuals als Textdateien von Kimme Utsi

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Corel wird AmigaNG supporten
Leider noch nicht bestätigt, aber Gerüchten zufolge wird Corel (bekannt durch WordPerfect und andere gute Programme) AmigaNG supporten. (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Nutta

Spiele News von Amiga Nutta
Review von Napalm
Preisausschreiben: Gewinnen Sie Napalm
FUBAR braucht Hilfe von 2D und 3D-Artisten
Tales From Haeven - endgültige Demo fertig

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Michael David per eMail

Zukunft von BattleDuel
Die Autoren von BattleDuel haben beschlossen, das Projekt "BattleDuel" und dessen Weiterentwicklung in die Hände interessierter Amiga-User abzugeben. Die Auswahl der User für das neue BattleDuel-Entwicklungsteam trifft das alte Team. Bewerbungen sollten per e-mail an die Autoren geschickt werden. Mehr Informationen zum Weiterentwicklungskonzept finden Sie auf der komplett überarbeiteten BattleDuel-Website unter (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]

Midwest Amiga Exposition wird dieses Jahr nicht stattfinden
AmiCon MAE hat sich entschieden, dieses Jahr keine Midwest Amiga Exposition Show auszurichten, da sie im Gegensatz zu den Vorjahren, wo viele andere Shows nicht stattfanden, nun keinen Bedarf mehr sehen. (ps)

[Meldung: 25. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Czech Amiga News kurz vor dem 100.000sten Besucher
Die erfolgreiche tschechische Amiga News Website wartet auf den 100.000sten Besucher. Er wird ein Geschenk erhalten, wenn er ein Screengrab einsendet, aus dem hervorgeht, daß er der 100.000ste Besucher ist, außerdem muß die Adresse angegeben werden und ein Foto geschickt werden. (ps)

[Meldung: 25. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Haage & Partner

Warp3D für Permedia
Endlich liegt die lange erwartete Version von Warp3D für den Permedia-Chip der CVision/BVisionPPC-Grafikkarten vor. Einzelheiten finden Sie hier. Download unter: (ps)

[Meldung: 25. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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C.S. Bridge Deady per eMail

KOSH summary Nr. 12
KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 13th March 1999

Number: 012

Mailing List: kosh-general

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report  the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.


Subject: Alternative filesystem mechanics

Summary of debate: Part of the feature set for the filesystem "SFS" is that it
                   supports a "run-time defragmenter" that defragments the
                   drive when the user isn't accessing it. Still in development
                   but take a look at the following if interested:

                   There is a similar tool under development for PFS2


Subject: File locations

Summary of debate: If the end user wants to be able to keep their files in
                   locations not originally designed for, eg: applications in
                   the applications area then they should be able to do so.


Subject: Sets

Summary of debate: A collection of files/objects could be termed a set. Sets
                   can contain subsets. Two sets can also contain common
                   objects without one being a subset of another. Folders and
                   drawers as terms lack this ability of multiplicity.

                   Soft sets would contain only references to objects. Hard
                   sets would contain the objects themselves.


Subject: Moving around a GUI

Summary of debate: At the moment most GUI's are designed so that you move
                   around them vertically and then horizontally (or vice
                   versa). As a result moving windows, text, pictures etc. in a
                   fluid and accurate diagonal manner can be haphazard at best.
                   For example: resizing windows in 2 plains at once is OK, but
                   after that you are left with a vertical and a horizontal
                   scroll bar and nothing that combines both (except the new
                   track wheel mice - but these have their problems).

                   Therefore it would be nice if KOSH could have diagonal
                   movement built in as standard in an intuitive way.


Subject: New keys on keyboards

Summary of debate: It would be nice if KOSHkeyboards had cut, copy and paste
                   keys in intuitive positions. However you should be able to
                   define your own clipboard keys so adding these three may not
                   be necessary. If we did add these keys they would need to be
                   placed in the main area of the keyboard and not off to one
                   side (eg: near the keypad) as accessing them becomes slower.


Subject: Abstraction and Backing up data

Summary of debate: Scribe's note: this is a subject that I have summarised in
                   depth as it is central to a number of concerns that people
                   have expressed about the object sea.

                   KOSH will fully abstract physical and logical devices in a
                   comprehensive and easy-to-live-with manner. Therefore it
                   will be possible to locate all animations, text objects,
                   application objects, etc individually (eg: .jpg) or by
                   group (eg: all picture types etc) that are present on the
                   system irrespective of where they are located.

                   There is no relationship between the layout of the
                   filesystem as presented to the user and the physical
                   location of the files on a disk.

                   However there should still be a way to find all data
                   relating to a particular object or objects. This could be
                   one of the many entries in the object "database". Therefore
                   an option to display the system as per the conventional
                   currently used directory tree system should also be included
                   as this could be of use when wanting to do things like data

                   However the user should not need to see this. The backup
                   tool perhaps does but it can present the information to you
                   in whatever way you like.

                   Backup tools would probably take a frozen object and
                   compress it (if not already) and store it on the chosen
                   backup media, and note the pertinent information in some
                   index object it maintains of the backup.

                   Backup tools don't need to work directly with the storage
                   system on the drive, just with the objects themselves. It is
                   unlikely that people would often want to perform a
                   block-by-block backup of their files.

                   With an object sea, you throw your work into the sea. To
                   enable you to find it again, it has one or several strings
                   attached to it. When you need it you can just pull in the
                   right string until your creation comes up to the surface. A
                   natural worry that this creates is that the descriptive
                   strings could get broken and objects could therefore be
                   theoretically lost in the sea.

                   Therefore objects in the object sea will not float in an
                   arbitrary way. The objects will be ordered, even if they can
                   have links all over the place.

                   When sending an object to another KOSH machine the class
                   object and associated binding would be understood. however
                   when passing this same object (eg: a JPEG file) to a Linux
                   or Windows machine, they don't know KOSH object structures or
                   class bindings. Further, "JPEG" has a fairly precise
                   definition as a byte-stream. When sending this out to other
                   systems, just that JPEG stream would be wanted. Likewise
                   when importing: a JPEG (again as an example) from another
                   system should be inserted into a JPEG object.

                   Having the ability to add compression, cryptification or other
                   services to the objectsystem is a very good idea.


Subject: Java Serialization

Summary of debate: See: - In Java there is something
                   called serialization which provides an easy way to implement
                   loads and saves of data in an ArrayList (from the Java API).
                   This could be the same with the Object Sea except that load
                   and save are replaced with freeze/unfreeze.


Subject: Engineering Jobs at Amiga (in San Jose)

Summary of debate: See: or the post forwarded to the ML by
                   Paul May dated 13/03/99, title as per the above subject
                   for information about positions with Amiga.


Subject: Status of AROS

Summary of debate: Paul May has also forwarded a statement on AROS and where it
                   is currently at to the ML, dated 13/03/99, title: [TA] AROS
                   Statement (fwd).


Subject: Icons (continued)

Summary of debate: Do we want fixed size icons which must occupy a specific
                   square or do we go for the Amiga approach which is more
                   flexible but potentially untidier and harder to handle?


Subject: Force feedback input devices

Summary of debate: The idea to have force feedback devices such as a mouse was
                   suggested. This could (for example) let the user feel
                   scrollbars as channels, resizing windows as pulling elastic
                   and selecting icons becoming heavier the more you picked up.


Subject: Mouse-Responsive Speech in a GUI

Summary of debate: As the mouse (or other control device) moves around the
                   desktop a voice could quietly tell the user the name
                   associated with each icon that is passed over, or some other
                   sound, word, or phrase specific to it. This then provides
                   aural confirmation of selection for those who may benefit
                   from such a feature. The same type of aural presentation
                   could equally as an option be implemented for menus and
                   controls within an application. The same applies to context
                   menus in web browsers.


Subject: Heat dissipation in KOSHboxes (continuing "Waterproofing KOSH")

Summary of debate: Two links recommended regarding cooling chips are:
                   Kryotech manufactures cooling cases for PCs that use a
                   refrigerating base that runs through a heatsink that you can
                   then affix to your CPU in place of a standard heatsink.

                   The best solution to overheating would be to use low power
                   components and some sensible power management system that
                   can power down unused parts of the system.

                   As for radio interference as previously mentioned, the way
                   to solve this is with shielding which converts radiation
                   back into heat which can then be dissipated via some inbuilt

                   The orientation of cards to allow for unfanned convective
                   currents to be optimised could be important. Orientating
                   cards on a vertical plane would not hinder heat

                   We must ensure that any KOSHbox that is produced can compete
                   in the general marketplace and therefore special cases and
                   heat dissipation units may increase the cost and reduce
                   sales potential when put next to an average PC. Therefore
                   apart from passive design points (eg: orientating cards
                   vertically) there may be little we can do initially to
                   improve designs.


Subject: Virtual memory in newer NetBSD systems

Summary of debate: See: for some
                   technical documents on the above.


Subject: Compiling for the Object Sea

Summary of debate: How far would existing compilers need to be rewritten to
                   take account of the new object system when taking into
                   account the fact that programs tend to save data as
                   separate files?

                   A set of functions in the OO filesystem would allow existing
                   applications to be directed to use the new system and not
                   rely on traditional methods of saving. A method would be
                   needed to map the old style files onto the OO filespace.

                   It was stated that this would have nothing to do with
                   compilers as most languages have I/O as some kind of library
                   routine. Allowing for some functions being rewritten there
                   should be no problem.


Subject: RAM disks

Summary of debate: Implementing a RAM: disk aka Amiga-style but designed to
                   work with virtual memory so that the data would be held on
                   disk but not placed in memory. This could be a better way to
                   handle things than temporary files in Windows.

                   Perhaps if everything is conceptually in RAM (including
                   contents of physical disks). Some systems use this and it
                   would building an OO system with persistent objects.

                   There could actually be a (small?) application which does
                   about the same thing as a RAM: disk.


Subject: Task masking

Summary of debate: Could we set up a system where, via a quick option, certain
                   running tasks are suspended and hidden according to user
                   settings and (optionally) another one that's been frozen in
                   the background gets re-activated and set as the current
                   running application?

                   Hotkeys could accommodate this.


Subject: Use of computers by those with disabilities

Summary of debate: See:,3605,30692,00.html
                   which is relevant to the above subject particularly as KOSH
                   aims to enable accessibility for all.


Subject: Speed and thousands of files

Summary of debate: In a traditional filesystem organising several thousand
                   files into several directories with several subdirectories
                   allows for a relatively fast search and locate for an
                   individual file. With the Object Sea references to objects
                   will similarly allow fast access - most likely faster
                   if a directory class optimised for large numbers of files
                   was created.


Subject: Printing of objects

Summary of debate: Objects could be made to include the details to be able to
                   print themselves if text (or show themselves if pictures -
                   or both if either etc). This would remove concerns about
                   having the correct viewer/whatever to be able to use the
                   object. Could Amiga-style datatypes be used for this?


Subject: Computer knit-wear

Summary of debate: See: for (what one scribe-e
                   describes as) a "combined pocket computer and hand warmer".


Subject: Userinterface Working Group

Summary of debate: Timo Suoranta wants to work on user interfaces. For this he
                   would like a mailing list and a working group set up. Timo
                   details that this would be started by making one version of
                   the user interface with a limited C++ object model. Then when
                   the KOSH object model is available this can be rewritten or
                   translated. The first version would run on top of X.

                   Timo will look at some existing user interfaces which have
                   free source code and see if this can be utilised. See:
          which could
                   be relevant.

                   It turns out that Xclasses had some building trouble, but
                   another promising toolkit could be:
                   which Timo built on his NetBSD system.


Subject: Disadvantages of the Windows interface (again)

Summary of debate: Greg says the URL quoted last time should have been:
          - that little "l" makes
                   all the difference:)

[Meldung: 25. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Active Technologies

MicroDotII V1.3 NetConnect Upgrade
Für User von NetConnect V2.3 steht bei Active Technologies ein Update von MicroDotII zum Download bereit. md13.lha. Dieses Update funktioniert aufgrund der neuen netconnect.library nur mit NetConnect V2.3. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AC-Forum [Joachim Vollmer]

Neue Flashupdates von Phase5 vom 24.03.1999 online
FlashUpdates-240399.lha, lesen Sie auch das entsprechende readme. Die "c"-Taste arbeitete nicht korrekt. Außerdem stehen auch neue 68060/ppc Libraries zum Download bereit 68060-230999.lha, 68060-230399.readme. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Plus sucht "Die beste Homepage"
Immer mehr Amiga-Anwender sind mit einer eigenen Homepage im Internet vertreten. Rund 150 haben sich in die Linkliste der AMIGA PLUS eintragen lassen. Jetzt starten wir einen Wettbewerb: Es gilt, die besten Seiten hinsichtlich Optik, Inhalt und Nutzen zu finden. Ausführliche Infos liefert die Mai-Ausgabe der AMIGA PLUS. Abgestimmt werden kann bereits jetzt - und zwar hier.
Meine Website hat die Nummer 08 *unverschämtgrins* :-) (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Oliver Schuler

Feuerwerk auf Amiga
Mit dem Programm Pyro kann man sich sein eigenes Feuerwerk simulieren. Neben anderen Betriebssystemversionen kann man seit heute auch eine Amiga-Binary Zusammenstellung (von Oliver Schuler) auf der obigen Homepage downloaden.
     Die Amigaversion benötigt: mindestens StormMesa installiert, mindestens einen 68040/FPU Prozessor. Besser WarpUP, Warp3D und entsprechende PPC- und 3D-Beschleuniger Hardware. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue Dry Ice Website
Bei Dry Ice handelt es sich um einen weiteren WWW-Browser, der sich in Entwicklung für Amiga befindet. Er wird HTML 4.0 und JavaSkript 1.3 unterstützen. Neben Java soll der Browser auch REBOL unterstützen. Bis jetzt sind 1943 Zeilen geschrieben. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga99 Report von RMAU mit Bildern
Sehr guter Report über die Amiga99 Show in St. Louis mit vielen Bildern, die die gute Stimmung dokumentieren. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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In eigener Sache

Neue Linkliste bei
Nachtrag 08.03.2000: Diese Linkliste ist außer Funktion
Wurde durch das neue Amiga Link Directory ersetzt

Da die alte externe Linkliste zum Selbsteintragen nicht sehr zuverlässig arbeitete und immer wieder nicht erreichbar war, habe ich jetzt eine eigene Linkliste eingerichtet. Leider konnte ich die alten Einträge nicht übernehmen, da nun mehr Kategorien zur Verfügung stehen. Bitte tragen Sie Ihre Homepage neu ein. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

MakeCD 3.2b ist fertig
MakeCD32b.lha. Die deutsche Dokumentation und die aktualisierte FAQ werden nächste Woche eingespielt, warscheinlich zusammen mit einem FlashROM-Tool, welches dann auch Yamaha Drives und Plextor PX-820C unterstützt. (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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per eMail von Salva

Neue Flashupdates von Phase5 vom 23.03.1999 online
FlashUpdates-230399.lha, lesen Sie auch das entsprechende readme. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Michael Rogger per eMail

AUGS-Meeting 99
Zum 14. Mal richtet die Amiga User Group Switzerland (AUGS) am 17. und 18. April 99 im Bildungszentrum BZZ in Zofingen bei freiem Eintritt ein Meeting aus, bei dem Sie Ihren Rechner mitbringen können. Auch dieses Jahr werden Neuigkeiten rund um den Amiga vorgestellt. Es werden viele interessante Workshops angeboten, u.a. Internet-Einführung, Suchen und Finden im Internet, Linux und Amiga, KDE Desktop Environment unter Linux. Neben dem Amiga sind auch andere Computer willkommen.
     Den Blick über den Tellerrand, z.B. auf Linux, wird auf diversen Plattformen wie Silicon Graphics Workstations und anderen Systemen, ermöglicht. Auf der Occasionsbörse kann gebrauchte Hard- und Software verkauft und Langgesuchtes gefunden werden. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist das traditionelle Harddisk-Weitwerfen und CD-Diskus-Schleudern am Sonntagnachmittag. Weitere Einzelheiten unter: (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert

Neue akDatatypes vom V44.30 vom 23.03.99
akPNG-dt.lha und akTIFF-dt.lha sowie akJFIF-dt.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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TWFmultiLED V12.5 verfügbar
Diese MUI LED custom class wird z.B. in StrICQ und StartPanel benutzt. Download: MCC_TWFmultiLED.lzx. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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GTK wird für Amiga portiert
Laut Ben Rothwell wird GTK (GUI-System von Linux) auf den Amiga portiert. Damit wäre auch The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) nutzbar. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik per eMail

Amiga Arena News
Auf der TaskForce-Seite können Sie einen neuen Screenshot sehen und ein Preview der TaskForce Mission Operation: Babysitter Online! lesen. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Cyberstorm G3/G4 Projekt Update
Dieses Update umfaßt im Wesentlichen die Punkte, die Wolf Dietrich bereits in den Newsgroups angesprochen hat (siehe hier). Das Update wird auch noch in Deutsch folgen. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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BetterPath V 1.00
Auf Amigas mit OS 2.04 und 2.1 ärgert man sich oft herum, daß das System Libraries grundsätzlich im Libs-Ordner der Workbench-Partition haben will. BetterPath soll diesem Ärgernis ein Ende setzen. Es patcht die OpenLibrary()-Funktion der exec.lib in solch einer Weise, daß sie fortan in drei verschiedenen Verzeichnissen nach der gewünschten Library sucht: In "SYS:Libs/", in "PROGDIR:" und in "PROGDIR:libs/".
     Wichtig: Das Programm ist für Besitzer des AmigaOS 3.0 und 3.1 nutzlos, da das System in diesen Versionen das das genannte Feature ohnehin besitzt! (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

AmigaAMP News
Steffen Häuser hat für AmigaAMP unter WarpUP die erste "external decoding engine" kompiliert.
Neues PlugIn: NeonBars11.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Fast ATA2/EIDE Software Update V3.9
Downloadseite (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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OS Bundle
Schatztruhe bietet Ihnen drei alternative Betriebssysteme für Ihren Amiga zu einem Preis: Das inoffizielle RedHat Linux5.1, NetBSD (gateway! Vol.3) und p.OS (prerelease) ab sofort als Bundle lieferbar für DM 59,- (Gesamtpreis Einzel-CD's DM 107,90). (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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MicroDotII Version 1.3
md2_13.lzx (441 kb) oder md2_13.lha (490 kb) (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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TV Paint 3.59 Docs
Wer TVPaint gesaugt hat, wird festgestellt haben, daß das Handbuch im nicht gerade amigafreundlichen PDF-Format vorliegt. NW Amiga Group wird eine Guide- und eine HTML-Version erstellen. Wer ein gedrucktes Handbuch haben möchte, melde sich bei Die Kosten für das gedruckte Handbuch werden möglichst gering gehalten. Nähere Infos demnächst auf der Website von NW Amiga Group. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Nutta

Amiga Nutta Spielenews
The Prophet - Demo Download (1.7 MB) unter: prophetdemo.lha oder prophetdemo.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Diese Website will wissen, wer in der Welt mit welchem Rechnersystem online ist. Zur Zeit ist AmigaOS nach BeOS in Deutschland auf dem zweiten Platz. Das können wir doch ändern, oder? :-). In der internationalen Statistik befindet sich AmigaOS nach BeOS und Linux auf dem dritten Platz.
Nachtrag vom 23.03.1999: Na, wer sagts denn, in Deutschland sind wir jetzt schon auf Platz 1, international zwar immer noch auf Platz 3, aber wir rücken näher. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Screens Hintergrundbild
Immer wieder erhält das Team von Screens (PowerPC und MC68040+ OS für Amiga) Anfragen von Usern, die gerne das Hintergrundbild des veröffentlichten Screenshots haben möchten. Darum wird das Bild landscape.jpg zum Download (329 kb) freigegeben. Es ist 1024x768x16 Pixel groß, zeigt eine phantastische Berglandschaft und sieht als Workbench-Hintergrund wirklich super aus. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Status Register 03/99
Lesen Sie CUCOG monatlichen Newsletter. Ältere Status Register finden Sie unter (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Manfred Tremmel

MT-Rechnung III Update 1.06
MTRechIII_1_06.lzx (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Pascal Gisin

TextloaderTNG Update 1.12
TLNG112.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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epic marketing

Superfrog wieder da!
Bei epic marketing können Sie das neuaufgelegte Superfrog von Islona Entertainment für £14.99 kaufen. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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TTime-Deluxe Update V3.11
TTimeDeluxe311upd.lha, das vorliegende Update-Archiv setzt TTime-Deluxe Version 3.10 voraus. Der Autor Jürgen Reinert empfiehlt zum Installieren sein Installer-Skript zu verwenden. Das Update enthält eine neue Version von T-Calc, TTime-Deluxe und eine leicht veränderte/erweiterte Sondertarif-Tabelle. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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VVA (VirtualNetworkingComputing auf Amiga) Update V0.2.1
vva021.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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de comp sys amiga misc

Cyberstorm G3/G4 Zusatzinfos von Wolf Dietrich
Weitere Informationen von Wolf Dietrich über Cyberstorm G3/G4 PPC-Karten (deutsch/engl.):

Cyberstorm G3/G4 Zusatzinfos
Author: Wolf Dietrich
Date: 1999/03/21
Forum: de.comp.sys.amiga.misc

In den ersten zwei Tagen nach der Ankündigung unseres Cyberstorm
G3/G4-Projekts haben wir bereits eine recht positive Resonanz erhalten.
Allen denen, die bereits jetzt dieses Projekt durch ein Vorbestellung
unterstützen, möchte ich daher schon einmal herzlich danken. Da
allerdings auch einige Fragen gestellt wurden, und in ersten Kommentaren
in dieser Newsgroup einige Dinge gesagt wurde, die m.E. der Ergänzung
bedürfen, möchte ich diese hier kurz ansprechen.

1. Leistungsdaten
Das Cyberstorm G3/G4 ist eine reine PowerPC-Lösung, die als erste
PPC-Karte für Amiga keinen 68k-Prozessor benötigt. Sie wird mit
G3-Prozessoren mit mindestens 400MHz oder G4/Altivec-CPUs geliefert
werden (auf  Interposer ZIF- Prozessormodulen). Es wird immer mindestens
1 MB Cache vorhanden sein. Über das PCI-Interface lassen sich beliebige
PCI-Karten betreiben (wir werden uns über mechanischen Anforderungen mit
den Tower-Herstellern unterhalten); hier bietet sich für alle Entwickler
die Möglichkeit, Karten mit PCI-Chips zu bauen oder z.B. PC-Karten mit
Amiga-Treibern zu versehen und anzubieten. Erweiterungen von unserer
Seite sind derzeit nicht vorgesehen; wir werden aufgrund von Nachfragen
allerdings prüfen, ob wir einen Slot für vorhandene
CyberVisionPPC-Karten vorsehen kann.

Zusätzliche on-board Features sind auch nicht vorgesehen; ggfs. könnte
allerdings noch ein FireWire-IF integriert werden, das werden wir in den
nächsten Wochen prüfen. Theoretisch (und praktisch) könnten wir auch
zwei Prozessorsockel (und die dazugehörige MP-Logik) auf dem Board
unterbringen, allerdings wäre für MP-Betrieb die Softwareunterstützung
völlig offen; hier sind andere als wir gefragt...

2. Preis
Die Prozessormodule für Apple PowerMacs mit 400MHz/1MB Backside-Cache
kosten derzeit rund DM 1.700 inkl. MwSt. auf dem deutschen Markt. Wer
also zum aktuellen Vorbestellungspreis von DM 2.030,-- eine Cyberstorm
G3/G4 mit 400MHz G3 ordert, auf der genau ein solches G3 ZIF-Modul wie
in den PowerMacs eingesetzt wird, kauft, erhält das "Cyberstorm
Baseboard" mit dem A4000-Interface, dem SDRAM-Memory Controller bis zu
1GB, sowie dem PCI 2.1 Interface für DM 330,-- Mehrpreis. Dies ist wohl
alles andere als teuer.

Außerdem sollte man berücksichtigen, daß man ggfs. durch den Verkauf
einer vorhandenen Prozessorkarte die Kosten noch etwas reduzieren kann -
und wenn es nur ein paar hundert Mark sind. Bei einem anderen Ansatz ,
z.B. einer Z3-Karte, ist dies eher problematisch, da ein G3 im
Zorro-III-Slot weiterhin den 68k benötigt - zumindest als
Interrupt-Server (was eigentlich auch keinen "100% native PPC kernel"
erlauben dürfte).

3. Vorkasse
Wie (ab Montag abend auch in Deutsch) aus unserer Ankündigung
hervorgeht, verlangen wir - sobald nach Eingang von 1000 Bestellungen
das Projekt gestartet wird - eine Vorkasse von DM 250. Diese wird auf
ein notarielles Anderkonto geleistet, und uns nur dann zur Verfügung
gestellt, wenn wir  innerhalb einer festgelegten Frist die Boards an die
Kunden liefern (Einzelheiten hierzu werden den Vorbestellern zusammen
mit einer Proforma-Rechnung bei Projektstart zugehen). Erfüllen wir die
zugesagte Leistung nicht, erhalten die Kunden ihr Geld zurück. Bei einer
Storno seitens des Kunden besteht allerdings kein Erstattungsanspruch.

Da wir heute nicht einschätzen können, ob sich die sechsstelligen
Investitionen, die für Entwicklung, Prototypisierung, Test und
Produktionsstart notwendig sind, rechnen werden, sehen wir diesen
Mechanismus als einzig sinnvolle Möglichkeit an, das Projekt zu
realisieren. Wir denken, daß man dies als eine Art Partnerschaft
zwischen den Kunden, die Interesse am Erscheinen und Kauf dieses
Produkts haben, und uns, die wir das Produkt bei ausreichender und
gesicherter Nachfrage gerne realisieren möchten, sehen kann. Nebenbei
kann eine über diesen Vorbestellungs-Mechanismus abgesicherte
Entwicklung auch zeitlich gestrafft durchgeführt werden, da eine
gesonderte Finanzierung möglich ist.

4. Lohnt sich ein Upgrade überhaupt noch oder Warum baut man nicht
gleich einen neuen Rechner?

Dies muß natürlich jeder für sich selbst entscheiden. Wer z.B. sieht,
daß ein neuer 300 MHz PC im April 98 DM 2.800 kostet und das gleiche
Produkt im November des gleichen Jahres für DM 1.350 erhältlich ist, muß
sich die Frage stellen, ob er sich überhaupt einen Computer oder
irgendein Zubehör kaufen sollte...

Man muß daher wohl eher den Wert und Nutzen der Leistung, die man zu
einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt einkauft, absolut bewerten. Hier steht eine
400MHz G3-Karte (mit Speichererweiterung und PCI-Interface) für rund
2000 Mark sicherlich recht gut da. Da man über PCI beliebige aktuelle
Hardwareprodukte anschließen kann, wird für eine Erweiterung mit
günstigem Zubehör nur noch die Treiberentwicklung benötigt - und
zumindest für SCSI, Grafik und einiges andere besteht hierfür immer noch
ausreichend Entwicklerpotential. Daran, daß man als Gehäuse und für's
I/O noch die alte A4000-Hardware weiterverwendet (um's mal so überspitzt
zu sagen), gibt es ja eigentlich auch nichts einzuwenden. Wenn man dabei
Erweiterungen, die man schon hat, weiterbenutzen kann, umso besser.

Ein neuer Rechner für AmigaOS wäre natürlich noch besser, aber dies läßt
sich nur dann realisieren, wenn es dazu ein klares (unterstützendes)
Statement und entsprechende Aktivitäten von AI gibt. Die G3/G4
Generation wäre nach unserer Meinung weiterhin der sinnvolle Weg in die
Zukunft, auch mit neuen OS-Versionen. Aber leider beteiligen wir uns
derzeit nicht an Visionen, sondern bauen eben ganz bodenständig nur ein
Stück Hardware...

Wir werden in der Zukunft weitere Infos zu diesem Projekt
veröffentlichen, und auch auf typische Fragen eingehen. Ich bitte, von
Fragen direkt an mich per email abzusehen, ich werde sie (aus zeitlichen
Gründen) mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht
beantworten können

Ich hoffe, daß wir dieses neue Projekt erfolgreich durchführen können,
und daß es weiterhin genug Unterstützung der Anwender für den Amiga
gibt, und auch das Interesse, mit diesem System ins neue Jahrtausend zu

Wolf Dietrich, GM phase 5 digital products

In the first two days after the announcement of our Cyberstorm G3/G4-Projekts we already
received a quite positive resonance. Those, which support this project already now by
vorbestellung, I would like to thank all already once cordially therefore. Since however also some
questions were asked, and in first comments into this newsgroup was said some things, which
require m.E. the supplement, would like I these briefly here to address.

1. Performance data the Cyberstorm G3/G4 is a pure power PC solution, which does not need
68k-Prozessor as the first PPC card for Amiga. It will be supplied with G3-Prozessoren with at
least 400MHz or G4/Altivec-CPUs (on Interposer ZIF processor modules). It will be available
always at least 1 MB Cache. Over the PCI INTERFACE any PCI cards can be operated (we will
us over mechanical request maintained with the Tower manufacturers); here is offered the
possibility, cards with for all developers PCI chip

Additional on board feature are not intended also; if necessary however still another FireWire IF
could be integrated, which we become in the next weeks to check. Theoretically (and practically)
we could accommodate also two processor bases (and the pertinent MP logic) on the board,
however the software support would be completely open for MP operation; here others than we in
demand are...

2. DM 1,700 cost price the processor modules for Apple PowerMacs with 400MHz/1MB Backside
Cache at present approximately inclusive MwSt. on the German market. Who thus at the current
priceprice price of DM 2,030, - - a Cyberstorm G3/G4 with 400MHz G3 orders, on which exactly
such G3 ZIF module is inserted as into the PowerMacs, buys, receives the " Cyberstorm cousin
board " with the A4000-Interface, the SDRAM MEMORY CONTROLLER up to 1GB, as well as the
PCI 2,1 INTERFACES for DM 330, - - additional price. This is probably everything else as

Additionally one should consider that one can if necessary reduce the costs by the sales of an
available processor card still somewhat - and if there only a few hundred Marks is. With another
beginning, e.g. a Z3-Karte, this is rather problematic, since a G3 in the Zorro III Slot needs further
the 68k - at least as INTERRUPT server (which actually also no " 100% native PPC might permit
kernel ").

3. Vorkasse as (starting from Monday evening also into German) from our announcement follows,
requires we - as soon as after receipt by 1000 orders the project is started - a vorkasse of DM
250. This is carried out on a notarial Anderkonto one, and made available us only if we supply the
boards within a determined period to the customers (details for this will happen to the
Vorbestellern as well as a pro forma calculation with project start). If we do not fulfill the assured
performance, the customers receive their cash back. With cancellation on the part of the
customer however no claim to reimbursement exists.

Since we cannot estimate today whether the six-digit investments, which are necessary for
development, Prototypisierung, test and production start will count themselves, regard we this
mechanism as only meaningful possibility of implementing the project. We think that one can see
this as a type partnership between the customers, who have interest in the appearance and
purchase of this product and us, whom we would like to implement the product with sufficient and
secured demand gladly. Besides a development secured by this mechanism can be executed also
temporally tightened, since a separate financing is possible.

4. Is a Upgrade worthwhile itself at all still or why builds one not directly a new computer?
This must naturally decide everyone for itself. Who sees e.g. that new 300 mc/s PC in April it
costs 98 DM 2,800 and the same product in the November of the same yearly for DM 1,350 is
available, the question to place itself whether he should buy at all a computer or any

One must evaluate therefore probably rather the value and use of the performance, which one
buys at a certain point in time, absolutely. Here is a 400MHz G3-Karte (with memory expansion
and PCI INTERFACE) for approximately 2000 Marks surely quite well there. Since one can attach
any current hardware products over PCI, for an extension with favorable accessories the driver
development is only needed - and at least for SCSI, diagram and some different one for this still
sufficiently developer potential exists. To the fact that one gives I/O still the old A4000-Hardware
as housing and fuer's re-used (um's exaggerates times in such a way to say), it also nothing to
actually object. If one can retain thereby extensions, which one has already, the better.

A new computer for Amiga OS would be naturally still better, but this can be implemented only if
there are in addition a clear (supporting) statement and appropriate activities of AI. The G3/G4
generation would be according to our opinion further the meaningful way into the future, also with
new OS versions. But we unfortunately take part at present not in visions, but build ourselves
evenly quite natively only one piece hardware...

We will publish further information in the future to this project, and will deal also with typical
questions. I please to refrain I her (for temporal reasons) also at security of bordering probability
to answer will not be able from questions directly to me by email

I hope that we can successfully execute this new project, and that there is further enough support
of the users for the Amiga, and also the interest to go with this system in the new millenium.

Wolf Dietrich, GM phase 5 digital products

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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WarpSNES 3.5 mit Sound
WarpSNES.lzx Update 3.5 (170 kb) oder WarpSNES.lha 3.5 (400 kb) ganzes Archiv. (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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ICQ Support

StrICQ Version 0.1290
STRICQ_1290.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue Hintergrundbilder bei
Eine wirklich gute Sammlung von schönen Workbench Hintergrundbildern finden Sie bei (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Nutta

Amiga Nutta Spiele News
Tales From Haeven - endgültige Demo veröffentlicht
The Prophet - Statement vom Autor
Phoenix Fighters - Demo veröffentlicht
World Foundry - Update (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stuart Walker per eMail

Space Station 3000 kommt erst im April
Stuart Walker schreibt:
Das versprochen DEMO von Space Station 3000 ist noch nicht veröffentlicht, weil wir es erst noch perfektionieren wollen. Die Intro-Animation ist fertig, es ist 2 Minuten und 20 Sekunden lang und wurde mit Lightwave gerendert. Wir hoffen, SS3000 im April veröffentlichen zu können. (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert

Neue akDatatypes vom V44.28 vom 21.03.99
akPNG-dt.lha und akTIFF-dt.lha sowie akJFIF-dt.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

UGN kündigt Amiga Radio News an
Hören Sie sich die neuesten Amiga News per "Radio" an. Downloadbare Files können widerum per PlayADPCM, welches sich in Ihrem C-Verzeichnis befinden muß, angehört werden. (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jim Collas Rede in Audiofiles
Immerhin 28 MB müssen Sie downloaden, um die Rede hören zu können. Um diese Files abspielen zu können, müssen Sie PlayADPCM in Ihr C-Verzeichnis kopieren. (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga99 - Video
Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine hat nur zwei Tage nach der Show zwei Videobänder über die Amiga99-Show fertig, welche u.a. die Rede von Jim Collas, dem neuen Präsidenten von AMIGA enthälten. (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiComSys sucht neuen Server
AmiComSys ist ein ICQ-Programm für Amiga. Der Autor Håkan Parting sucht einen neuen Server (einen Amiga, der Tag und Nacht online ist und auf dem AMarquee, das Basisprogramm installiert werden kann). (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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FD Support

Foundation Update 1.23c
Nachtrag vom 21.03.1999: Ich habe dieses Update ausprobiert. Der Gegner ist stärker und intelligenter geworden, was Foundation wesentlich interessanter macht und den Spieler zwingt, seine Strategie genau zu durchdenken. Das Update sollten Sie unbedingt downloaden :-). Wer noch mit einer Version unter 1.20 spielt, muß das Spiel von CD komplett neu installieren, aber es lohnt sich. (ps)

[Meldung: 20. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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UGN Meeting mit Jim Collas
Am Samstag auf der Amiga99 Show hatten Repräsentanten verschiedener Usergruppen aus aller Welt Gelegenheit, mit den neuen Präsidenten Jim Collas von "Angesicht zu Angesicht" zu diskutieren.
Lesen Sie die deutsche Zusammenfassung von Martin Baute.
Der wichtigste Punkt dieser Zusammenfassung ist, daß das UGN alle Usergruppen darum bittet, Informationen für ihre zentrale Datenbank zur Verfügung zu stellen. Besuchen Sie für Details. (ps)

[Meldung: 20. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AMIGA Update Newsletter von Brad Webb #990319
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
         KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING         ||       Newsmagazine)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

     A M I G A   ' 9 9   -   A   W A T E R S H E D   S H O W 

           A M I G A   O S   3 . 5   D E S C R I B E D

               A M I G A   A N D   U G N   M E E T 

        D E A T H   R O B S   A M I G A   C O M M U N I T Y 

                L E T T E R   F R O M   P E T R O 

       E - M A I L   F R O M   H A V E M O S E   O N   M M C 

              F R E E   J A V A   F O R   A M I G A ! 

 S P E C I A L   F O R   A M I G A ' S   1 4 T H   B I R T H D A Y - 

    - A N D   1 5 T H   B I R T H D A Y   C E L E B R A T I O N 

                C T M A   S H O W   I N   I N D I A  

          P H O T O G E N I C S   4 . 0   L A U N C H E D

   F O N T   W I T H   E U R O   S Y M B O L   A V A I L A B L E 

          A M I G A   T V   P A I N T   N O W   F R E E ! 

     B A S I L I S K   I I   F R E E   M A C   E M U L A T O R 

          A U D I O   E N H A N C E M E N T   D E V I C E

         T O R N A D O   3 D   3 . 0   D U E   I N   M A Y

            S T A R G A T E   1 . 1   A N N O U N C E D 

         A R T   E F F E C T   3   N O W   S H I P P I N G 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 This newsletter is already almost too long, so I'm not going to say
much right here. Most of my thoughts this time will be found below, in
comments on the just completed Amiga 99 show. We actually held this
issue a day or two, hoping to hear more reaction from the show. The
community has been almost eerily silent about the show. My thoughts on
that are in the article.
 There's an amazing amount of Amiga news right now, and that in part
is because many people make announcements at show time. Several of
these are significant, and we think you'll find the stories very
interesting. We'll have to hold one or two for the next issue.
 Last issue announced the beginning of a new regime at Amiga, one that
has much promise for the future. With this issue, we start chronicling
how they're doing. Stay with us, we'll keep you informed.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

15 Mar 1999 

Hello Brad.

I know you are gonna have one heck of a crammed issue of Amiga Update coming
out soon.

But if you have got room, can you mention the announcement that NewIcons 4.5
is now available.
(assuming you haven't got that already)

- I love newicons - better than that mwb.

Mikey C
Mikey C,
 Good news for NewIcons users. We may have a story in the next issue.

16 Mar 1999 

Dear Sir,

 I have an Amiga 500 C with about a bushel basket full of soft ware. I
had to stop using it because I couldn't get a print driver that works
well with an HP 690 Ink Jet printer. I love using the machine -- it is
old, like me -- but still runs well. Can you offer any information on
how to keep my old machine fairly close to up to date?


 I wish I had an answer for you. If any of our readers knows of a
driver for the HP 690, please let us know and we'll run the
information in the next issue.

27 Feb 99 

 In the Dec 19, 1998 newsletter, you listed BlackIRC as being
available. Excuse me if you have already addressed my question in a
late issue, but I didn't see an address or web page for more info or
 Love the newsletter. You are doing a great job, keep it up.

Thanks so much.

 You can find BlackIRC at any Aminet site.
 We're pleased you like "Amiga Update"; thanks for saying so!

    A M I G A   ' 9 9   -   A   W A T E R S H E D   S H O W 

By Brad Webb

 What to make of the Amiga 99 show just concluded in Saint Louis, USA?
Circumstances we couldn't control prevented "Amiga Update" from having
a representative at the show. However, there are always many good show
reports available after an Amiga show, so we went looking for the best
to bring you. This time, there has been almost nothing. The best we've
seen so far is by CUCUG's Kevin Hisle on their web site. Check it out
for a list of those who had booths, and many good photos. But even
Kevin's report says virtually nothing about the "big" events -
speeches by the new President of Amiga, Jim Collas, and others,
concerning the new corporate structure, the move to San Diego, the
development plans and so on.
 In part, this is probably due to the fact that the new regime and its
newly announced fast track development plans had been in place only a
short time when the show started. In part, it may be due to the few
postings we have seen being marked as not for reposting. That doesn't
explain why more folks haven't given their impressions of events,
 From what we can learn, it's still too early to be certain how the
Amiga community views the new order. We think that's why there's been
so much silence. Mr. Collas is saying all the right things. That's
good, but Amigans have heard that before. The plan sounds good, but
Amigan's have had plans described before without results. Our reading,
based on letters from readers who attended and poking around the
community a bit, is that most people are hopeful but wary. They
appreciated what they heard at the show, but will only be convinced
the world is improving when it happens. The good news is people still
believe a future can be built, and they are willing to contribute if
they can. The bad news is they're not prepared to be excited to talk
about it much. It's up to Amiga to make them excited, by following
through. Our guess? We think Amiga will follow through this time, and
there will be some excitement down the road.
 We've seen reports that the biggest group of doubters are the
developers. It's hard to judge how accurate that is, but they've
certainly lost the most with the direction Amiga Incorporated has
limped in up till now. We have reports of a deep divide between Amiga
Inc. and the developers being detected at the show. As these are
subjective reactions, we can only hope things aren't as bad as the
impressions some folks received. We did receive other reports that the
developers were more excited by the new directions Amiga Inc. is
talking about than the user community is. This somewhat schizophrenic
reaction to recent news isn't surprising - it will take some time to
see where we're really going. One thing to keep in mind is that
developers are business people, and must have a love of the Amiga or
they wouldn't be in that business. Help create a market they can
thrive in, and they'll be there for you.
 There were several important announcements at the show from the
companies involved. We have stories on many of them below. Our vote
for the top news would have two stories tied - the "Daytona" Java
Virtual Machine from top Amiga developer Holger Kruse, and the news
about the "Classic" Amiga OS from Amiga itself. The pages put up at
Amiga International's web site at the time of the show indicate that
not only is 3.5 alive and well, there may even be further upgrades
beyond that. This is a genuine shock, and if it's indicative of the
new thinking going on within Amiga, then we find it very encouraging.
Of course, part of the reason for more than one upcoming revision of
Classic OS is that Amiga is too far behind to put everything in the
next release and get it out any time soon.
 According to those who listened to Mr. Collas's speech, he had many
encouraging points to make. First among them was that Amiga now has
the full support of Gateway, who have placed seasoned senior
management in the division and given it a meaningful budget. As if to
underscore this, Amiga has posted several job openings.
 Mr. Collas also announced the first version of the new Amiga
operating environment, to be called AmigaSoft 4.0, will be released in
September for developer use. We're not sure why the term is operating
environment rather than operating system. We'll be watching to see if
there's significance to the choice of words. In any event, the final
version is due later in the year. AmigaSoft will apparently support
multiple processors, an unexpected and welcome development. AmigaSoft
5.0 will follow in 2000.
 Apparently Mr. Collas has high goals for the Amiga. He mentioned as
many as 30 million sales being targeted, but added that would require
the proper strategies to accomplish. He also promised more involvement
in the Amiga community, with better communications and support
programs for developers, magazines, dealers, shows and distributors.
 All this sounds very good, and must have raised the hopes of
most listeners. One thing we've all learned in recent years, though -
we'll listen, we'll hope, but we'll only believe when we see it. If we
do see it, Mr. Collas and the rest of Amiga can count on support and
praise from the community well beyond the standing ovation he received
in Saint Louis.

              A M I G A   O S   3 . 5   D E S C R I B E D


        Easy Internet Access
        Support for Hard disks > 4GB
        Modern Graphical User Interface (GUI)
        Extensive CD-ROM Support
        Support for current Printers
        PowerPC Support
        HTML Online Documentation
        Bug Fixes


 TCP/IP Stack
 o Easy to setup the connection to your provider within minutes
 o Multi user support
 o Multi interface support (Internet and Ethernet)
 o Latest Socks v4/5 client module for firewalls
 o Enhanced SANA II support for fast transfer rates
 WWW Browser with Offline/Online Support
 o Browsing the OS 3.5 docs and the Internet
 New Cross-Application E-mail Library
 o General API for sending and receiving of E-mails
 New EMail Client
 o Based on the E-mail library


 o New standard for 64 Bit Devices
 o Updated Info, Format, Diskcopy and FastFileSystem
 New HDToolBox
 o The low-level library processes the following tasks
 o Scanning the SCSI bus
 o Read the physical information of the hard disk
 o Read/write the logical information (RDB)
 o Create Mount files
 o Read special Mount entries to restore the RDB
 o HDToolBox applicatsion that uses the low-level library
 o New GUI style


 New Icon Set (Glow Icons)
 o New complete icon set for all system tools
 o New icons for most applications

 New Icon Library
 o Icons with up to 256 colors
 o Automatic color adaptation
 o NewIcon compatible
 o Compatible to OS 3.1 icons

 New BOOPSI Library
 o New complete set of powerful BOOPSI gadgets
 o Very fast, modular and scalable
 o AmigaOS compatible implementation
 o Compatible to existing BOOPSI classes
 New Resource Library
 o Loads and manages all GUI resources
 o Change the GUI without recompilation of the application
 o Can be used with any programming language
 New GUI Editor for Developers
 o WYSIWYG GUI editor
 o Creates resource files that are used by the new resource library
 o Automatic localization of the application


 o ISO9660, RockRidge, Joliet (Win 95/98) and MAC HFS compatible
 o Supports Amiga protection bit and file comments
 o MultiSession CD-ROM support
 New PlayCD
 o (programmable) Audio player for SCSI and ATAPI CD-ROM drives
 o Low memory consumption
 New CDFSPrefs
 o CacheCDFS preferences for 'on the fly' configuration


 New Printer Device
 o Drivers for all common printers
 o PowerPC support
 o New functions to print all kinds of bitmaps
 o New API to define page size and page break correctly
 o Support for 24 bit Picasso96 DumpRastPort command
 o TurboPrint compatible functions to print 8 Bit chunky and 16/24 bit

 New Printer Preferences
 o Updated for new GUI style

 New WarpUP PowerPC Support
 o AmigaOS compatible integration
 o Extensive functionality
 o Hardware independent driver system, easy to extend
 New Preferences
 o Updated for new GUI style


 New Comprehensive Instructions
 o Reworked documentation for Workbench, DOS, ARexx and Harddisk
 o Completion of all the new featues of AmigaOS 3.5
 o Extensive Illustrations
 o Bilingual English/German


 o Corrections and Extensions
 o Accelerated and reworked Workbench
 o Extened and reworked ASL library
 o Reworked Bullet library
 o Reworked Diskfont library
 o New datatypes for JPG, GIF, AIFF
 o New SCSI Mount tool
 o Reworked A2024 monitor driver
 o Reworked CLI command (Join, Status, Type)


 3.6, 3.7, ....
 o Further Releases or AddOn Packages
 4.0 - A New Release for the Classic Amiga
 o New reworked and extended Kickstart
 o Extended PowerPC Support
 o New 68K Emulator for PPC-only systems
 o Many new System Libraries ( Graphics.Library, Layers.library, etc)
 as PPC-native

Amiga OS 3.5 System Requirements

 In order to upgrade your Amiga system to OS 3.5, it must be equipped
 with the following hardware:
 o CD-ROM drive
 o Hard drive
 o 68020 or higher processor
 o Amiga 3.1 ROMs
 o 4 MB Fast RAM
 For better performance, Amiga Inc. recommends:
 o 68030 or higher processor
 o 8 MB Fast RAM
 o Graphics accelerator and/or scandoubler
 o Modem
 To take full advantage of OS 3.5 we also recommend you add the
 o 68060 processor with PowerPC accellerator card
 o 16-bit sound card
 o 32 MB Fast RAM
 o I/O Accelerator

Amiga OS 3.5 Frequently Asked Questions

 Q. When will 3.5 be completed?
 A. 3.5 is scheduled for release the first half of 1999. 3.5 is still
    on schedule.
 Q. How much will it cost?
 A. 3.5 has a targeted list price for USD$49.95
 Q. Where are the RTG and RTA support?
 A. These are features that are no longer part of the core of 3.5. We
    are evaluating these features.
 Q. Will there be PPC support?
 A. Yes. 3.5 will have PPC co-processor support.
 Q. Will it run on a Macintosh?
 A. No.
 Q. Will 3.5 support MUI?
 A. As 3.1 does currently.
 Q. Will 3.5 have new icon support?
 A. Yes. More specifics will follow.
 Q. Do you plan on to bundle the 3.1 ROM with the 3.5 upgrade?
 A. This will be up to the reseller. We are not intending to offer a
 3.1/3.5 bundle.
 Q. Is this the last upgrade for the Amiga Classic?
 A. There are plans for further Updates as well as AddOn packages for
    OS 3.5
 Q. Is QNX playing some role in 3.5?
 A. No. QNX is only working with Amiga on the NG Amiga.

                A M I G A   A N D   U G N   M E E T 


UGN Representatives meet with Amiga

17 March, 1999

Wayne Hunt
Executive Director
User Group Network
User Group Network Mailing List

 {This is from the UGN's mailing list, covering the metting between
Amiga's management team and the User Group Network. Amiga President
Jim Collas, Jeff Schindler, Bill McEwen, Jim VonHolle and Darreck
Lisle were all in attendance. Below is the story as posted. Brad}

 To elaborate, or at least help Steven with the points he had, I was
asked at the last minute to assemble no more than 12 people to meet
face-to-face with Jim Collas "sometime Saturday afternoon" to
represent the User Groups (and users) out there. This occurred at
roughly 10:00pm Friday night.
 8:00 Saturday morning, we had the UGN representative breakfast which
lasted until about 9:30 or so, then found out from our liason, Darreck
Lisle, that it was to happen at 11am that morning. I made the
invitation to the attendees there, then literally RAN around the hall
and show floor searching out each and every user group president and
UGN representative I could find to attend the meeting. If anyone
wasn't included, it was not for lack of trying, it's simply the fact
that I didn't run across you before I had found 12 other people. As
for the rest, here's what happened.

 After hauling our own chairs from the King James conference room, we
all squeezed into Mr. Collas' suite to be greeted by Mr. Collas with
"do you have any questions for us?" Oh boy was that ever an
understatement! What followed was almost one and a half hours
(overlapping the UGN luncheon) of feedback and discussion on several
relevant subjects to include;

- the community

 The Amiga staff there pointed out to us that they really would like
to involve themselves fully in the existing community and in fact,
become a part of it rather than simply "the company". JimC (who did
most of the talking) pointed out to us that he's aware that Gateway
has been "screwing up" and underestimating the Amiga community and
they want to make amends by becoming not only the company, but "part
of the community as well".
 It was pointed out to the Amiga management that the public needs more
news of every kind to come from the company. Not just "these are the
specs and dates" type news, but all of it. It was suggested that;
 1. they look into the production of a biweekly or monthly mailing to
all of the User Groups which would contain giveaway trinkets and news
updates. (similar to Gateway's "Prairie News" newsletter)
 2. if they really want to start participating in the community, they
might consider actively participating (when possible) in things like
the UGN Mailing list.
 3. let us know the personality details of the crew to make them a
part of the community. Let us know who's hired and their background,
 4. include as news when AI goes out and talks to major third party
 5. it was suggested by several representatives (not me) that Amiga
needs to really get on the ball as far as website updates and that
 o make the .com a suitable, professional site
 o use the .net site for network services such as free web services to
 UG's and free e-mail to all (ala
 o use the UGN's .org site for all outgoing news to users and groups
 which didn't fit on the .com site.
 6. Mr. Collas stressed that they (Gateway) had underestimated the
need to support the current machines and market and he firmly pledged
that "the classic machines aren't going away for at least another two
or three years". Now, he didn't offer specifics other than the fact
that they would continue (or in the minds of some attendees, start)
supporting and developing for the "Classic Amiga line" even after the
newmachines were introduced. Editor's note: Combined with the
announcement from H&P that there would be a 3.6, 3.7, etc, the
lifeline of the Amiga "Classic" machines seems ensured.
 7. We (the UGN) need to get our contact information verified and
updated in the database so that each User Group could be contacted
directly from Amiga with pertinent mailings, etc. It was also
recommended that EACH user group update their own records and include
the address information of each user, past and present for a private
database which Amiga would use to let people know that "something
wonderful is happening" and to keep an eye on the Amiga.
- developers and dealers
 We discussed several points of relevance where keeping developers
involved was concerned. Jim Collas said they would (or were) consider
a "sponsored development" (for lack of better terms) program whereby
Amiga could be petitioned by established developers for financial
assistance to complete a project or upgrade in return for some
 There were also various pointers about keeping dealers involved and
perhaps Amiga organizing discounts on products for Amiga User Groups
through every available, relevant dealer (not just Amiga dealers, but
major players such as Yamaha {speakers}, 3Com {modems and network
cards}, and others.)

 Overall, most every point was designed to help every other part of
the community (Amiga, user groups, developers, and vendors) bring in
both memberships and interest. It is also designed to stop the slow
decline of interest in User Groups and the Amiga in general.
 For the first time, as many there will attest, we really felt like
Amiga was actually listening and very, VERY interested in what we had
to say. During the meeting, we got the distinct impression that we
were hearing Jim Collas thinking out loud and that a lot of the
feedback we provided came as a profound surprise to them. A lot of "we
should do this" and such. Later Sunday, I was approached by a
management member who stated that he was told to "be sure this stuff
happens" so I am actually psyched and waiting for stuff to happen.
 ***** Current status (just got off the phone)***** is that we (the
UGN and are working towards reaching a formal agreement
with Amiga to handle and be recognized as the central location for
Amiga Organizations as per number 5 above (the ICOA voted to move
their website to Friday at the show). The mailings (#1
above) aren't expected to actually start until mid April, which will
give the UGN time to get it's ducks in a row.
 We need to start assembling and submitting user information to them
 Amiga is also in the midst of moving their offices from South Dakota
to San Diego which has all the staff tied up at the moment with
logistics. Once the Agreement is reached to use for
organizations, changes will start occurring and we will start seeing a
lot more news items flowing from Amiga as they've designated a staff
member specifically to disseminating news to the community.

Feedback is welcomed,

Wayne Hunt
Executive Director
User Group Network

"Users Helping Users"

         D E A T H   R O B S   A M I G A   C O M M U N I T Y 


The Amiga loses a Champion

3 March, 1999


 Mr. Hardware Computers has some sad news to bring you. *Joe Rothman*
(Mr. Hardware) died this morning March 3, 1999. He died suddenly of
apparent Heart failure. Pam, his wife found him dead early this
morning. Joe was a main pillar in the *Amiga* community since the
beginning. Pam's picture even appeared on one of the Amiga 500 boxes.
The future of Mr. Hardware will be announced. If you have any
questions please direct them to me, Russ Norrby (516)821-2364 or Pam will not be answering the phone for the next
week or so.
 The funeral will be this Friday 10-11am for visitation Moloney
Funeral Hall in Central Islip, NY (516)234-6000 Please do not bring
flowers but , if you would like to make a dontation for his wife Pam.
Make all checks out to Pam Rothman and send to 38 Pearl Rd. Rocky
Point, NY 11778.

Amiga Forever!!!

Sincerely, Russ Norrby

Field Rep for Mr. Hardware & LICA, Treasurer

                L E T T E R   F R O M   P E T R O 

2 Mar 99 13:08:19 -0600
                       Open letter to the Amiga Community

 February 8, 1999 - a historical day.

 This day reminded me of the spirit of 1985, when Amiga was presented
to the world public in New York.
 This time a vision is born: Making computers a natural part of
everyday life.
 It is almost 2 years ago, since the take over by Gateway. Many people
know me as an impatient man and you may anticipate how difficult the
period from March 97 to February 8, 1999 was. A time of low
communication with the Amiga community, low public relations and low
information about visions, missions and goals.
 But my dear Amigans, I can reassure you the ray of hope will become a
bright sun within the next 6 month. The Amiga will be lead to the
future under the technical experienced management of an absolute
professional. Jim Collas, Senior Vice President Product Development &
Management of Gateway, Inc. has decided to modify his position and to
work for Amiga only. To reach all our goals, I will work on his side
and support him with all my energy.
 Our mission is:
 To create a revolutionary and compelling systems architecture and
operating environment for multimedia computers and digital information
appliances which can easily be imbedded into consumer computing
devices and enables innovative Internet services.
 Without talk big, I can tell you that in the middle of November 99 we
will launch the new Amiga systems architecture and operation
 For this purpose we will organise press conferences to inform the
public about our goals and directions. Besides the new and
revolutionary Amiga Operating System we are working on our existing
platform to present the upgrade 3.5 as soon as possible
 First detailed information will be presented in St. Louis, USA (March
12. - 14.). We hope to be in the position to sell the first Operating
System upgrades 3.5 in summer 99. The German company Haage & Partner
and myself will take care about this project.
 AMIGA International, Inc. and Amiga, Inc. will conquer as one team
the computer world; under the management of Jim Collas - and you my
dear Amigans, will be a part of it.
 Help us performing our goals. Jim Collas will inform you within the
next days about the organisation, plans and goals of our company.
 A very exciting time is coming and it is for me and my staff a honour
to be a part of a new computer generation as pioneer and to pave the
way for the future just like it was at Commodore.
 Long live our beloved Amiga and our community

Petro Tyschtschenko
March 1999

      E - M A I L   F R O M   H A V E M O S E   O N   M M C 

12 Mar 1999 

{The following note from Amiga's Dr. Allan Havemose was discovered on
the Net. The MMC, for those new to the term, is the "Magical Mystery
Chip", or the mysterious processor which will be at the heart of the
next generation of Amigas. Brad}

>The MMC-maker (which one ever - as Allan told us at Cologne there are
>several MMC-like chips in development) would be crazy to tie himself
>too much to a startup-company like AI, who knows if they'll have
>success. And AI doesn't look like they want to tie themselves again
>too much to one architecture (although they need of course one to
>start with).

 We probably made a mistake by not making it completely clear that our
target specs were being met by several MMC at the time of the
announcement (WOA London last year). And with technology moving very
rapidly, who would want to be tied down with just one partner ?

I know that the MMC speculation has been fun, but there unfortunately
isn't much to speculate about. We just have not had to make a decision
yet, so we haven't !

It's really that simple :)


Allan Havemose, Ph.D.
Amiga Vice President, Engineering (W) (H)

              F R E E   J A V A   F O R   A M I G A ! 

 Nordic Global made a surprise announcement at Amiga99--Java for the
Amiga! And best of all, the runtime package and developer package will
be FREE!

Java(tm) for AmigaOS

 Daytona is a complete Java 2 runtime system for AmigaOS, based on the
"Java 2 Platform" by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Among other things it
contains support for
 o The complete Java 2 API and class set, directly derived from Sun's
 reference implementation, and therefore 100% compatible with the
 official Java specifications and releases (unlike some other Java
 runtime engines for Amiga OS).

 o Multithreading, using a native Amiga implementation. No Unix
 emulation code or libraries required.
 o File and socket I/O (multithreaded) including multicasting,
 URLhandling and Internet protocol engines.
 o AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit): The basic Daytona package contains
 AWT runtime classes, but no native bindings AWT bindings for native
 AmigaOS displays are available as part of the Dayton~LUS package.
 o JFC (Java Foundation Classes): Swing, Java 2D.

Daytona is available FREE of charge.


 DaytonaDEV is an add-on to Daytona. It is intended for developers who
want to write their own Java programs, and compile them into Java byte
code. DaytonaDEV contains the following items:
 o Java byte-code compiler: launcher and all required runtime classes.
 o Various tools (bytecode disassembler, documentation generator,
   archive management tools etc.)

DaytonaDEV is available FREE of charge.


 Daytona PLUS(tm) DaytonaPLUS is an independently developed add-on to
Daytona that provides additional Amiga-specific features. DaytonaPLUS
 o AWT bindings for native AmigaOS displays. Includes support for
 CyberGraphX and Picasso96 high/truecolor screens.

 o BOOPSI "look-and-feel" for Swing.

 o Applet API and runtime system with a stand-alone Applet viewer and
 a documented Applet API library, allowing Daytona to be used to add
 Java Applet support to AmigaOS web browsers.

 o PowerPC support for PowerUP

 o JIT (Just-In-Time) compilers for 68K and PPC.

 o Support for precompiled native (68K and PPC) versions of all
 standard Java runtime classes. Daytona and DaytonaDEV come with
 complete sets of 68K/PPC-precompiled runtime classes for use with
 DaytonaPLUS is distributed as shareware and requires registration.
Registration fee: to be announced. For more information please contact
Holger Kruse at Nordic Global Inc. (kruse@nordicglobal . corn, Projected release date of first public
beta versions: summer 1999. Features are subject to change.


 Daytona, DaytonaDEV and DaytonaPLUS are trademarks of Nordic Global
Inc. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other
collutnea. Nordic Global Inc., Daytona, DaytonaDEV and DaytonaPLUS are
independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

 S P E C I A L   F O R   A M I G A ' S   1 4 T H   B I R T H D A Y - 

Amiga Is 14 This Year

 We at Trogladite Software, and World Of Amiga, decided that we wanted
to do more for the Amiga's 14th birthday than just slap a 'Special
Edition' title on Issue 4 and have done with it. So, we are going to
release Issue 4 on May 20th (instead of June, when it should be
released), and then release WOA Special Issue 1 on June 15th June.
 Since this is happening, we need input from you, the readers. Games,
articles, utils, pictures, animations, whatever. Just send it to the
address at the bottom of this page. We've already got loads of
exciting things lined up, including articles from famous Amiga
shareware developers (and a special guest appearance from a well known
man at Amiga Inc... you'll have to wait and see who).
 The address to send stuff to is

    - A N D   1 5 T H   B I R T H D A Y   C E L E B R A T I O N 

March 16th, 1999

Amiga 15th Anniversary Celebration in Atlanta (Amiga:2000)

 Class of '85 Reunion: On July 21st, 2000, we are celebrating the 15th
anniversary of a machine that started a revolution that is still felt
today. The Amiga spawned a cult religion of unbelievable proportion
and magnitude, which keeps the spirit alive in spite of tremendous
 Come celebrate as we commemorate the life of the Amiga. Join Carl
Sassenrath, Ron Nicholson, Dave Haynie, Matt Dillon, and many many
more Amiga luminaries for presentations on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. Topping things off will be a banquet awards dinner on Saturday
night honoring those in the Amiga community, and remembering those who
are no longer with us.
 You can sign up for a yearbook that spans from the early days of the
Lorraine right up to the show, complete with development notes from
the designers, pictures, and stories from the original Amiga, Inc, and
Commodore-Amiga teams. Also, tidbits from developers and trade shows
will round out the yearbook. There will also be a Boing class ring, as
well as a limited edition event T-shirt autographed by VIPs at the

and.. much... much... more.

William Coldwell, A2K coordinator (
Lamar Morgan, A2K coordinator (

Mailing List:
Send "subscribe a2k" to

Web page:

                  C T M A   S H O W   I N   I N D I A  

              Cable TV Show '99 in Calcutta, India (CTMA)

 (From the Amiga Web site.) From February 23 - 25, 1999, the third big
exhibition for cable TV in India took place in Calcutta, India. AMIGA
International, Inc. attended the exhibition with an own booth,
represented by our distributor Raja Electronics from Delhi. The show
was a complete success for AMIGA. A lot of people from the cable TV
industry came over from nearby Bangladesh to stock up with A1200's.
 AMIGA's booth was a one of the most visited booths of the exhibition.
Also, Mrs. Newel from famous German Radio Station "Deutsche Welle",
(another exhibitor) visited AMIGA's booth (picture 3). AMIGA
International, Inc. is now represented in Calcutta by both a dealer
and a service center.
 During the exhibition (three days), 60 A1200's were sold at the booth
and additional orders have been placed. Employees of several cable TV
companies got familiar with the AMIGA system using "Scala" during
seminars held in Lindbay hotel. AMIGA is known in India's cable TV
industry as one of the most popular and irreplaceable computer

         P H O T O G E N I C S   4 . 0   L A U N C H E D

9th March 1999

 Paul Nolan is proud to announce Photogenics 4.0, a complete rewrite
of the original Photogenics, and the culmination of over four years of
 Photogenics is a graphics/art package. It allows you to create
stunning images, either from scratch or by modifying existing images.
It can be used for a multitude of purposes, from simple file
conversion, to advanced photo manipulation and re-touching. It also
offers extremely realistic and easy to use media such as pencils,
chalk and watercolours to create stunning masterpieces in minutes.
 Photogenics is based on innovation. At its core, it works on images
unlike any other product. Nothing you draw is permanent, it can be
rubbed out as easily as it was drawn, and tweaked to perfection. This
freedom allows you to experiment to a level never before seen.
 Photogenics 4.0 features:
 o Unparalleled levels of creativity from being able to modify the
colour, transparency, image processing mode, and even the position of
what you have drawn, all in real time!

 o Realistic Media tools such as Airbrush, Chalk, Pencil, Sponge,
Watercolour, Smudge and Smear.

 o Designed to look and feel good using just a standard mouse.

 o Paint-on Image Processing allows the user to apply effects simply
by drawing with any of the media tools. Being able to just airbrush
everything on (and off!) allows instant touch ups without the need for
tedious masking. Paint modes available include AddColour, Adjust
(Brightness/Contrast/Red/Green/Blue), Bas Relief, BiColour, Blur,Burn,
BurnThru, Clone, ColourToGrey, Convolve, Darken, DifferenceRGB,
DisplaceMap, Dodge, EdgeDetect, Emboss, FlipX, FlipY, Hardlight,
Lighten, Min, Max, MotionBlur, Multiply, Negative, Overlay, Paint,
PanBlur, Pixelize, Posterize, RadialBlur, Roll, RubPaint, RubThru,
Screen, Fire, Solarize, Softlight, SubtractColour, and Tint.

 o Exclusive Paint Layer technology allows mistakes to be rubbed out
without having to redo the good parts, simply by fading out with the
right mouse button.

 o Undo/Redo system allows you to go back as far as you specify, so
that you have the power of both undo styles.
 o Unlimited number of easy to use layers allows fast image
composition and amazing possibilities.
 o Stunning Paint-On Pyrotechnics such as lens-flares, fire, and
explosions. Combine with smear to produce supernovas, waves of fire,
and even sunsets and waterfalls.
 o Innovative clutter free user interface (font sensitive and user
scaleable). GUI components can be docked/undocked, and positioned
wherever you please.

 o Fully multi-threaded - you'll never be kept waiting as Photogenics
responds instantly to your requests even while operations are in
 o Advanced yet still easy to use Alpha channel support. Use any open
image as a mask, or simply paint one straight on to the image. Updates
to the Alpha channel such as brush strokes are reflected on the main
image in real time.
 o 24bit Alpha channels. Only Photogenics lets you use colour Alpha
channels, which enable you to independently mask each of the red green
and blue channels. Paint on the Alpha with red, and this lets the red
component show through, paint on with yellow, and both the red and
green channels are updated. Painting with shades of grey produce
masking as normal. Create awesome effects by loading in a 24bit Alpha
channel and using it to mask image-processing effects.
 o Text Tool - finally you can just drag a box where you want the
text, and type it straight onto any paint layer. Supports bitmapped
and scalable fonts, with antialiasing.
 o Multiple Views - allows you to have as many views of an image as
you like, each with its own magnification.
 o Impressive colour selection facilities, with five colour choosers,
RGB and HSV sliders, and support for 256 colour swatches. You can also
pick colours from Images, with changes updating in real time.
 o Extensive file format support. Current list includes loading and
saving IFF-ILBM, IFF-DEEP, JPEG, Targa, TIFF, BMP, PNG, with more to
follow. Photogenics also supports loading with 24bit DataTypes.
 o 24bit Printing support via StudioPrint.

 o Open Architecture - Photogenics is effectively just one big
collection of plug-ins that blends seamlessly to form one program.
Third party developers can have access to the same API as Photogenics
does, allowing developers to extend the core software to an amazing

Minimum Requirements:

68020, 8Mb RAM, Amiga OS 3.0,CD ROM drive.

Recommended Requirements:

68060, 16 or 24bit display, 16Mb RAM, Amiga OS 3.0, CD ROM drive.

Pricing details to follow shortly.

Paul Nolan

    F O N T   W I T H   E U R O   S Y M B O L   A V A I L A B L E 

1 Mar 1999

 I've made probably the first Amiga font with the new Euro currency
sign incorporated instead of the "general" currency sign. FlodisEuro
is available for downloading from the Internet address 
/JohanBjörnson, Malmö, SWEDEN

          A M I G A   T V   P A I N  T   N O W   F R E E ! 

March 12, 1999

 NewTek To Release Amiga TVPaint!

 NewTek surprised a lot of people at the Amiga 99 Gateway Computer
Show where it announced that it was going to release Amiga TVPaint,
which inspired the PC Aura, for free! NewTek had three representatives
at the Amiga 99 show, where it was showing off TVPaint 3.59, the Video
Toaster, and the Video Toaster Flyer. Beginning the 17th, for a
limited time, NewTek will have TVPaint 3.59 downloadable from its Web
site . Once a short survey is filled out, people will be allowed to
download the full working version of TVPaint 3.59 for free. A CyberGFX
compatible graphics card capable of displaying at least 256 colors is
required to run the program as is Amiga O/S 3.0 or higher

 TVPaint is a three layer paint and compositing program that runs on
the Amiga platform. It includes tools like Pen, Airbrush, Chalk,
Pencil, Crayon, and cutout Brushes along with an easy to use scripting
language for multiple task operations. There are over 2400 drawing and
image processing combinations available. In addition, it includes the
ability to do bump maps, smears, perspectives, blur, grain, and chroma

     B A S I L I S K   I I   F R E E   M A C   E M U L A T O R 

	Basilisk II, Version 0.3
	A free, portable Mac II emulator

	Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Christian Bauer et al.
	Freely distributable


 Basilisk II is available under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" that is included in this archive for


 Basilisk II is an attempt at creating a free, portable 68k Mac
emulator. It requires a copy of a 512K or 1MB Mac ROM and a copy of
MacOS 7.x or 8.x to run. Basilisk II is freeware and distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
Basilisk II has currently been ported to the following systems:
  - BeOS R4
  - Unix (tested under Linux)
  - AmigaOS 3.x

Some features of Basilisk II:
  - Runs MacOS 7.x and 8.x (7.0 not recommended)
  - Color video
  - Floppy disk driver (only 1.44MB disks supported)
  - Driver for HFS partitions and hardfiles
  - CD-ROM driver with basic audio functions
  - Serial drivers
  - SCSI Manager (old-style) emulation
  - Emulates extended ADB keyboard and 3-button mouse
  - Uses UAE 68k emulation or (under AmigaOS) real 68k processor

 The emulator is far from being complete. See the file "TODO" for a
list of unimplemented stuff.



 The archive contains a precompiled AmigaOS binary (unless it's a
"src" archive). You need at least a 68020 and AmigaOS 3.0. You must
also have the "PrepareEmul" utility installed that comes with
ShapeShifter (or any equivalent PrepareEmul substitute, see the
ShapeShifter docs).
 Basilisk II needs a 512K or 1MB 32-bit clean Macintosh ROM image. For
copyright reasons this is not included in the archive. No, I don't
know where you can download it. No, I won't send you one. The ROM file
has to be named "ROM" and put in the same directory as the Basilisk II


Basilisk II is configured via a text file.


 If no preferences file is present, Basilisk II will create one with
the default settings upon startup.
 The preferences file is a text file editable with any text editor.
Each line in this file has the format "keyword value" and describes
one preferences item. For each keyword, the meaning of the "value"
string may vary across platforms. The following keywords exist:
disk <volume description>


 Partitions/drives are specified in the following format:
 /dev/<device name>/<unit>/<open flags>/<start byte>/<size>/<block
size> "start byte", "size" and "block size" are given in bytes.

floppy <floppy drive description>

 This item describes one floppy drive to be used by Basilisk II. There
 can be multiple "floppy" lines in the preferences file. If no
"floppy" line is given, Basilisk II will try to automatically detect
and use installed floppy drives. The format of the "floppy drive
description" is the same as that of "disk" lines.

cdrom <CD-ROM drive description>

 This item describes one CD-ROM drive to be used by Basilisk II. There
 can be multiple "cdrom" lines in the preferences file. If no "cdrom"
 line is given, Basilisk II will try to automatically detect and use
 installed CD-ROM drives. The format of the "CD-ROM drive description"
 is the same as that of "disk" lines.

scsi0 <SCSI target> ... scsi6 <SCSI target>

 These items describe the SCSI target to be used for a given Mac SCSI
 ID by Basilisk II. Basilisk II emulates the old SCSI Manager and
 to assign a different SCSI target (they don't even have to be on the
 same SCSI bus) for each SCSI ID (0..6) as seen by the MacOS. "scsi0"
 describes the target for ID 0, "scsi1" the target for ID 1 etc.
 The format of the "SCSI target" is platform specific.

    The "SCSI target" has the format "<device name>/<unit>" (e.g.

screen <video mode>

 This item describes the type of video display to be used by Basilisk
II. The format of the "video mode" is platform specific.

    The "video mode" is one of the following:


 Black-and-white display in a window of the given size on the
 Workbench screen. This is the default and will also be used when
 one of the other options (PIP/screen) fails to open.


 15-bit truecolor display in a Picasso96 PIP. This requires
 Picasso96 as well as a PIP-capable graphics card (e.g. Picasso IV).
      scr/<hexadecimal mode ID>

 8/15/24-bit fullscreen display on a Picasso96 screen with the given
 mode ID. This requires Picasso96. For 15 and 24 bit, the frame buffer
 format must be QuickDraw-compatible (big-endian, xRGB 1:5:5:5 or
 xRGB 8:8:8:8). The screen size will be the default size for that
 mode ID.

seriala <serial port description>

 This item describes the serial port to be used as Port A (Modem Port)
 by Basilisk II. If no "seriala" line is given, Basilisk II will try
to automatically detect and use installed serial ports. The "serial
port description" is a platform-dependant description of a serial

    <not yet implemented>

serialb <serial port description>

 This item describes the serial port to be used as Port B (Printer
Port) by Basilisk II. If no "serialb" line is given, Basilisk II will
try to automatically detect and use installed serial ports. The format
of the "serial port description" is the same as that of the "seriala"

bootdrive <drive number>

 Specify MacOS drive number of boot volume. "0" (the default) means
 "boot from first bootable volume".

bootdriver <driver number>

 Specify MacOS driver number of boot volume. "0" (the default) means
 "boot from first bootable volume". Use "-62" to boot from CD-ROM.

ramsize <bytes>

 Allocate "bytes" bytes of RAM for MacOS system and application
 The value given should be a multiple of 4096. The default is 8MB.

frameskip <frames to skip>

 For refreshed graphics modes (usually window modes), this specifies
 how many frames to skip after drawing one frame. Higher values make
 the video display more responsive but require more processing power.
 The default is "8".

modelid <MacOS model ID>

 Specifies the Model ID that Basilisk II should report to MacOS.
 The default is "5" which corresponds to a Mac IIci. If you want to
 run MacOS 8, you have to set this to "14" (Quadra 700). Other values
 are not officially supported and may result in crashed.

nocdrom <"true" or "false">

 Set this to "true" to disable Basilisk's built-in CD-ROM driver.
 The only reason to do this is if you want to use a third-party CD-ROM
 driver that uses the SCSI Manager. The default is "false".

nogui <"true" or "false">

 Set this to "true" to disable the GUI preferences editor and GUI
 error alerts. All errors will then be reported to stdout. The default
 is "false".

For additional information, consult prefs.cpp, prefs.h, sys_*.cpp,
serial_*.cpp, scsi_*.cpp and video_*.cpp.



 The right way to quit Basilisk II is to select the "Shut Down" menu
item from the Finder's "Special" menu. You should not kill it from the
shell unless it hangs.


 Basilisk II can only handle 1.44MB MFM floppies. Depending on your
platform, flopy disk changes might not be detected automatically.

MacOS versions supported

 Basilisk II has been tested (i.e. it booted) with MacOS System 7.1,
7.5 and 8.0. Your Mileage May Vary. Booting from floppy may take
several minutes, so be patient.

Technical Documentation

 Please see the included file "TECH" for a technical overview of the


Contributions by:

 - Bernd Schmidt <>: UAE 68k
 - Mac Hellwig <>: Some BeOS video
 - Bill Huey <>: 15/16 bit DGA and 15/16/32 bit X11
 window support
Special thanks to:

 - Bernd Schmidt for letting me use his UAE 68k emulation
 - Daniel Bobbert who printed dozens of pages from the THINK Reference
for me years ago
 - All ShapeShifter users and beta testers
 - Apple Computer Inc., who made writing a Macintosh emulator a
child's play


 You can contact me at <>. Because
of the very preliminary state of this software, I will accept neither
feature requests nor bug reports at this time. Bug fixes are welcome,
as are ports to other platforms. Please contact me before you intend
to make major changes to the source. You might be working on something
that I have already done or I may have different ideas about the Right
Way to do it.

There are two things I will NOT do:
 1. Send you Mac ROM files
 2. Explain to you how to use a Macintosh, install printer drivers


The official Basilisk II home page can be found at


Please consult the file "CHANGES" for the release history.

Christian Bauer

          A U D I O   E N H A N C E M E N T   D E V I C E

Contraption Industries Announces The Audio Enhancement Device (AED)

February 24, 1999
For Immediate Release:

 Contraption Industries announces that having affordable audio on your
Amiga that sounds great is now a reality.
 Frequencies that are normally rolled off by the Amiga's audio
circuitry are added, enhanced, and lightly amplified to produce
amazing dynamic range. The high frequencies are not only brought out
but are smoother and cleaner while the bass is rich, deep, and more
 The AED connects to the audio out of the Amiga and gets it's power
from a pass-thru on the serial port. It is compatible with all of the
Amiga models except for the A1000 and CD32. For online ordering or
more information, visit our web site.

Rick Hunter
Contraption Industries


        T O R N A D O   3 D   3 . 0   D U E   I N   M A Y

March 1st, 1999

 ROME, ITALY (March 1st, 1999) Eyelight is proud to announce that
Tornado3D V3.0 is in advanced state of development and will be
released in May 1999. This significant update to the popular rendering
package will sport a redesigned user interface and many high end
features never before available on the Amiga. A partial feature list
can be found on
 After the phenomenal success of 1998's special offer that allowed
Tornado3D 1.x users to get V2.0 for free saving over 50%, Eyelight
introduced a new special offer: "Buy Tornado3D 2.1 and get V3.0 for
FREE". The offer is good until May, 31st, 1999 for any copy of V2.0,
regardless of where it has been purchased. Registered users of V2.x
will be able to download V3.0 for FREE.
 In addition to the FREE 3.0 offer, an extra 10% discount is available
for customers that buy Tornado3D V2.1 direct from Eyelight using the
online order form before March, 31st 1999.
 Tornado3D is the flagship product of Eyelight, a 3D Graphics and
animation firm located in Rome, Italy. It has full support for
PowerPC, Permedia2 and the most advanced feature set available on any
Amiga software. Tornado3D 2.1 now ships with its new, 300+ pages long,
 Eyelight is also pleased to announce that its web presence has
expanded with the opening of, that focus
on Eyelight's products and services, and
devoted/ to 'Mage. the revolutionary 3D package for Amiga, Macintosh
and Silicon Graphics that will be unveiled at the end of March, 1999.

Via del Serafico, 64
00142 Rome
voice: +39-06-51965486/7
fax: +39-06-51965488

            S T A R G A T E   1 . 1   A N N O U N C E D 

3 Mar 1999 

 Toysoft Development Inc. is pleased to announce the release of
StarGate v1.1 e-mail client for the Amiga computers.
 StarGate includes many basic email features such as message
attachment and message decoding. StarGate comes with a very extensive
and detailed address book that supports multiple email accounts,
personal and business addresses.

StarGate 1.1 Features

 - Multiple mailboxes. (Inbox, Draft, Outbox, Sentbox, Trashcan)
 -Unlimited user folders. Can file message from folder to folder.
 - File messages to other Folders for archiving.
 - Mail sorting. (7 different sorts)
 - Custom formating for mailbox and folder columns.
 - Supports multiple E-mail accounts. Accounts can be turned off at
 - Detailed address book with multiple email acccount support.
 - When sending email you can address users by their first or last
 - Auto preview of messages even in Mail Peek!!
 - Multiple signatures. Up to 255 characters long.
 - Unlimited tags. Tags can be upto 255 characters long.
 - Forms in colors and with sounds.
 - Filters for spam mail. You can Delete, File or Notify with multiple
level filters.
 - Multiple mail notification methods. (Sound, dialog box and filter
 - Peek mail. Preview your mail on the mail server before downloading.
 - Support PowerPC for MIME decoding and encoding of files.
 - Direct http links to your web browser.
 - Easy file attachments using UU or MIME methods.
 - Helper files to support MIME messages.
 -Check mail on StartUp or on Quit.
 - Button, Large or Small 256 color icon interface.
 - And many more...

 Click for a preview. To
learn more about Toysoft Development Inc. please visit or call 1-403-680-1656

        A R T   E F F E C T   3   N O W   S H I P P I N G 

 The new version of ArtEffect from Haage and Partner offers a lot of
new functions an most parts have been reworked. The most conspicuous
features are: heavily improved layers, indexed colors, improved color
ranges, new filters and many optimizations

Here is a complete list of the new features:

 o Enhanced memory management
 o pictures now take up to 3 times less memory
 o smart undo technology saves lots of memory and time especially when
 working with layers or invertable operations like flip, rotate or
 invert selection
 o layers needs much less memory
 o Layer functionality has been strongly enhanced
 o there is no limit to the number of layers (of course the number is
 still limited by memory and a bit by processor speed, although ten
 layers a still quite fast)
 o layers can cast an adjustable shadow which is calculated on the fly
 o layers can be moved around
 o several layers can be flattened at once
 o layers can be duplicated
 o Support for grayscale and indexed color pictures
 o floyd steinberg dithering and reduction to any number of colors
 2 to 256
 o execute simple operations (like flip, scale, rotate) on grayscale
 indexed color pictures
 o most tools can be used with grayscale or indexed color pictures,
 although they act very limited. (no different paint modes anymore)
 o Graduates have been vastly improved
 o there are new types of graduates like: square, symmetric and
asymmetric conical
 o new graduate dialog allows you to specify any number of colors with
their position in the graduate; they can be simply moved around
 o you can specify the transparency for the graduate separately; this
is great to create halos or lensflare effects, when used in
conjunction with the radial fill
 o database for the graduates, so you know longer have to setup up
them each time you need them; a simple click will be enough, if they
once have been created
 o the graduate database is stored in an ASCII file, making it easy to
join different databases or create graduates with simple programs
 o Enhanced brush creator dialog
 o brushes (even image brushes) can now vary in size (depending on
pressure or randomly)
 o brushes have now a displacement setting, making it easy to create
clouds (in conjunction with the new sizing feature) or simulate the
old paint airbrush behavior
 o I/O modules have been improved
 o GIF can now save 1-8 bit/color pictures
 o GIF pictures can also have transparency
 o IFF/PNG can now save 8 bit colors pictures
 o JPEG can now create progressive Jpeg
 o New intelligent refresh technique
 o can speed up drawing (depending on your machine)
 o allows you to scroll or zoom the picture, before the refresh is
completely finished
 o you can even draw onto the picture, although the refresh isn't
finished yet
 o calculations are done on the fly (this is the main reason for the
lower memory consumption); this has the disadvantage that the
refresh time is mainly limited to your processor power
 o New/enhanced plugins
 o deinterlace filter
 o caricature filter is now 30% faster and has some new options
 o new gaussian, it's much faster and supports a size up to 100 pixels
in 1/10 pixel steps
 o polar coordinate filter
 o edgefind has been optimized and a lineart mode has been added
 o minor enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes
 o cloner now behaves like in Photoshop lalt click selects the source
the next click selects destination
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 20. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Phase5 kündigt G3/G4-Board an, bittet um Vorbestellungen
phase 5 digital products plant ein G3/G4 Beschleunigerboard für den A4000 CPU-Slot, mit SDRAM und PCI 2.1-Slot. Allerdings können sie dieses Projekt nur realisieren, wenn sie 1.000 Vorbestellungen von Leuten erhalten, die bereit sind, 250,- DM im Voraus zu zahlen.
Lesen Sie die komplette deutsche Übersetzung von Martin Baute.
Nachtrag vom 22.03.1999: Seit heute steht die Ankündigung auch bei Phase5 in deutsch zur Verfügung. (ps)

[Meldung: 20. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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