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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


A-EON confirms lack of an AmigaOS 4 license
A few days ago, Alinea announced that the X5000 was back in stock. Their listing of a complete system includes a digital copy of AmigaOS 4, but according to a former Hyperion manager, A-EON no longer has a valid AmigaOS 4 license - which brings up the question where Alinea is purchasing X5000 motherboards bundled with an AmigaOS 4 license. Approached by, Matthew Leaman from A-EON and Amigakit confirms that "there are no active OEM agreements for A-EON hardware". According to him each reseller makes "his own arrangements for any third party software they resell".

Since Alina claims (German) to be purchasing hardware and software from the same source, that means there has to be another layer in the distribution channel - somebody who has access to valid OS4 licenses, bundles them with motherboards purchased from A-EON and then sells them to Alinea and maybe other dealers.

Neither Matthew Leaman nor Simon Neumann from Alinea wanted to discuss details of the current distribution model with Leaman only confirmed that the boards currently on sale are not new production runs, they are supplied from existing stocks. We asked both Ben Hermans (Hyperion) and an entrepreneur who is rumoured to be the middleman described above for a statement, but have not heard back from either party so far.

Note from staff: In his original statement (German) at, Simon Neumann explains that one of the reasons for the new price of a X5000 system - 2400 Euros instead of 2100 Euros - is the substantially higher wholesale price the German dealer has to pay. An additional middleman between A-EON and dealers selling to endusers would explain that, since the middleman obviosly has to generate profit as well. (cg)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2022, 13:02] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: 'Tables' and 'Strings' in programming language COBOL
Carl Svensson, author of the ARexx tools RxEnv, deals in his latest blog entry with 'Tables' and 'Strings' in the COBOL programming language in response to a corresponding article on The Craft of Coding.
A (no longer maintained) compiler is also available for AmigaOS, along with syntax parsers for GoldEd 4.7 and GoldEd 5.0. (dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2022, 07:30] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: AmiBlitz 3.9.0
The latest version 3.9.0 of the programming language AmiBlitz contains some major changes and a few optimizations:

Adjustments to libs handling: To be able to reduce the amount of loaded blitzlibraries at startup, I divided the former to biglib-files ACIDLIBS and DEFLIBS into four biglib files that are organized according to their purpose:
  • baseLibs: base libraries everyone needs or other libs depend on
  • utilLibs: libraries that contains several useful functions
  • csLibs: libraries that make use of the custom chips hardware
  • osLibs: libraries that are wrapper libs for standard amigaos libraries
So if you don't use oslibrary functions or don't do graphics an sound stuff, you can just disable that file from being loaded.

Major internal changes:
  • converted tons of code from asm to basic

Minor adjustments:
  • added tooltype DISABLE_HIGHLIGHTING to improve performance on lowend machines
  • added tooltype DISABLE_LOCALIZATION to reduce needed of memory on lowend machines
  • removed tooltype STANDARDEDITMODE, only the new behaviour is supported now
  • removed tooltype OLDSEARCH, only the new behaviour is supported now
  • removed tooltype USE_ASLDIMS
  • renamed tooltype NO_WELCOME to DISABLE_WELCOME
  • renamed tooltype TOKENBOLD to BOLD_TOKENS
  • added menu entry "Autolayout" to perform an auto arrangement of all open windows per menu call
  • added wrapperlib for gadtools.library to osLibs
  • reorganized settings window
  • added new iconify gadget for source window (OS3.2+)
  • updated GlowIcons for all icons in the AmiBlitz3 drawer

Adjustments to tools:
  • AB3LibsManager: implemented the new biglibs handling with 4 biglibfiles
  • AB3LibsManager: added new column to commandlist table that shows dependencies to other libs
  • AB3LibsManager: added shortcuts for some buttons

[News message: 25. Mar. 2022, 06:16] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Retream: all games available for free download, new beta version of 'Skillgrid'
Simone 'saimo' Bevilacqua is currently offering all of his retro games for free download, including the commercial titles Skillgrid und BOH Advanced. He asks players who like the games to make a donation to any organisation supporting the people of Ukraine. His game Skillgrid actually got updated a few days ago, the many changes are documented in the dem Changelog. (cg)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2022, 22:45] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Preview videos: Robocop (AGA), Metro Siege
Daniel Allsopp is working on a port of Data East's classic Arcade game 'Robocop', he's trying create a better Amiga version than the official port from 1989. Allsopp has released a few preview videos (1, 2) of his AGA game which is developed in 68k assembler.

Metro Siege is a side-scrolling Beat'em Up for up to two simultanous players requiring 1 Megabyte of RAM. The game has been in development for 2.5 years, a recently released video recording demonstrates the current state. (cg)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2022, 22:12] [Comments: 0]
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Seiya (ANF)

PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 132 (English/Italian)
The PDF magazine REV'n'GE ("Retro Emulator Vision and Game") is available in English and Italian editions. The game reviews of REV'n'GE compare the releases of classic games on different computer systems with each other. The current edition also features an extensive review of the Amiga Strategical 'Exodus' and presents the ZX SpectrumArcade Adventure 'Terramex'. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2022, 21:57] [Comments: 0]
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AROS x86_64: Update of ABI-v11 developer branch
The AROS developer 'deadwood' had given his stable branch of AROS for 64-bit Intel and AMD processors the code name 'ABIv11' to distinguish it from the in-progress ABIv1 version in the main AROS repository. It has now updated this to version '20220318-1'. The changes can be seen at the title link. (dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2022, 13:17] [Comments: 0]
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Accelerator board project: Buffee now Closed Source
According to the developers of the turbo card 'Buffee' ( reported) in their latest blog entry, the project which started as open source under a non-commercial Creative Commons license will now be continued completely closed source.

Up to about version 0.4 of the Buffee project, both the hardware and the newly developed Buffee-PJIT firmware were completely accessible online. The developers had clearly indicated that under the existing license, the project could be studied and ported to one's own hobby boards, but could not be used commercially under any circumstances. There were obvious violations of this, so the developers decided to stop publishing details. They are aware that this does not prevent cloning, but at least makes it more difficult.

The Buffee hardware would remain closed source until the design was abandoned. The corresponding page on 'Open Source Hardware Lab' is no longer available (dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2022, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Wille (ANF)

Compiler: vbcc V0.9h patch 2
After the release of version 0.9h of the C compiler vbcc and a first patch at the beginning of March ( reported), the second patch has now been released, which fixes three optimizer bugs, as well as an old bug in fopen() and a new one in strncat(). (dr)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2022, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Kickstarter campaign: 'Tank Mouse' with wireless DB9 receiver
The Polish designer Lukas Remis had started a Kickstarter campaign with the goal of a wireless re-release of the Commodore mouse 1352 ( reported). Although the campaign is still running for three days, 150% (about 120,000 Euro) of the funding goal has already been reached and thus the condition set for the development and production of a wireless DB9 receiver for the Amiga. This will be included with every 'Tank Mouse'. (dr)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2022, 11:00] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Screenbar plugin MouseCoords 1.4
The #amigazeux team has updated the screenbar plugin 'Mousecoords' for displaying the current mouse coordinates for MorphOS to version 1.4. Changes:
  • Window titles of the window currently under the mouse pointer weren't shown anymore in the info window. Fixed.
  • Also shows information about the screen, the monitor and the skin in the info window. See pull open button at the bottom of info window to access these informations.
  • Shows more details for the window under the mouse pointer in the info window like shadows and current pointer type.
  • Now only displays and updates coords for the instance running on the screen the mouse pointer is on.

[News message: 23. Mar. 2022, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Considerations to the AmigaOne X1000
Vincent Perkins dedicates his website AmigaNG to the "next generation and new Amigas computers and operating systems." Over 10 years ago he bought his AmigaOne X1000, which he writes had a lot of promise to take the Amiga platform to the next level: Dual-Core support, 64Bit, CPU and the Xmos custom chip. What happened to this initial euphoria he describes in a new blog entry AmigaONE X1000 10 Year Anniversary Thoughts. (dr)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2022, 07:23] [Comments: 0]
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Artur Jarosik (Patreon)

Real-time strategy: Vanilla Conquer V0.95
Artur Jarosik is known for various game ports like the platformer Hydra Castle Labyrinth or the action adventure Heart of Darkness besides his SDL implementation of the browser NetSurf. As a contribution for the AmiGameJam he started to port the first part of the realtime strategy series Command & Conquer to the Amiga and named it "Vanilla Conquer" ( reported).

Today he has released version 0.95 with the following changes:
  • Fixed flying vehicles
  • Fixed rockets, turrets and other bullets
  • Fixed music playback bug
  • Fixed: If we played Commando, after saving, he was a normal soldier
  • Disabled debug
The game is primarily intended for Amigas upgraded with an Apollo accelerator board, especially the V4 series. However, as the author explained to us, it could be playable on a 68060 processor with a graphics card with the music and sound effects turned off. However, the version now available should play the sound correctly on Amigas without V4 accelerator cards.
If you want to support the author, you can do so on his Patreon page. (dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2022, 19:02] [Comments: 0]
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8/16-bit emulator for Mac OS and Linux: Clock Signal V2022-03-13
Thomas Harte's Clock Signal is an emulator for various 8- and 16-bit platforms aiming to be invisible to the user. The idea is to simply start the source medium without configuring the emulator oneself. Clock Signal is available for Mac OS and Unix-compatible systems. While there is also an Amiga emulation included, it "remains wilfully inaccurate" for now.

The update V2022-03-13, released a few days ago, corrects an issue with Copper WAITs that caused a reasonable proportion of PAL Amiga titles to display incorrectly at the bottom of the screen. Furthermore, the update adds support for Amiga fast RAM, and allows user selection of the quantity of chip RAM. (dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2022, 04:50] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Zigotzky (Mail)

Linux: Kernel 5.17 for AmigaOne X1000/X5000
The final Linux kernel 5.17 has been released. Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky has compiled the kernel for the AmigaOne X1000 and X5000. The image can be downloaded in the corresponding thread of the Hyperion forum. Among other things, the XFS file system and the 9P protocol are now supported. (dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2022, 04:50] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AmiKit XE 11.6.1 for Windows/Mac/Linux
An update to version 11.6.1 has been released for the workbench distribution AmiKit, which is intended for emulators. In addition to an emulator AmigaOS 3.x and the Kickstart ROMs are required.

With the new version it is now also possible to use AmigaOS 3.2. However, an earlier AmigaOS version or Amiga Forever is still required for the initial installation. The changes in detail:
  • NEW: AmigaOS 3.2.1 works with AmiKit now! Use MorpheuZ to install it (at your own risk) on top of your current AmigaOS version used in AmiKit.
  • ADDED: AmiKit Dark VisualPrefs theme for AmigaOS 3.2
  • UPDATED: AmiKit Morpheuz 11.6.2 by Jan Zahurancik
  • UPDATED: AmiKit VisualPrefs themes for FullHD resolution (and AmigaOS 3.2 too)
  • UPDATED: AmiKitReset 11.6.1
  • UPDATED: VisualPrefs 1.5n by Massimo Tantignone
  • UPDATED: WinUAE 4.9.1 German translation by BlackByte
  • FIXED: Slow I/O operations of 64-bit WinUAE. A 32-bit executable is used instead.
  • FIXED: A possible endless loop of AmiKit AddDown script
  • FIXED: A potential WinUAE misconfiguration where mouse wheel movement was interpreted as LeftAlt keypress.

[News message: 21. Mar. 2022, 06:35] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Screensaver ModernArt Blanker 3.3
ModernArt Blanker is a screensaver that, according to the author, "draws psychedelic shapes like circles, triangles, squares and stars all over the screen producing multicoloured pieces of random modern art". Since our last news about version 3.0, some bugs have been fixed and numerous changes have been made. Among other things, it is now possible to adjust the movement speed, change the palette between monochrome, summer, autumn, winter, spring and night or a random selection of them. Furthermore, there is now a real installation script. (dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2022, 06:22] [Comments: 0]
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Diskmag: aSCIIeXPRESS #001
The new ASCII discmag aSCIIeXPRESS by 'Up Rough' and 'Divine Stylers' presents a collection of ASCII art from the last months with a casual soundtrack. It can be downloaded under the title link either as a dms file or watched on YouTube. (dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2022, 05:49] [Comments: 0]
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Graphic designer Celal Kandemiroglu passed away
GamesWirtschaft (German) has reported that graphic designer and artist Celal Kandemiroglu has passed away in Turkey at the age of 69.

Readers of Amiga Joker, PC Joker and PC Player magazines will be familiar with his cover artwork, which Celâl Kandemiroğlu created in the 1990s. He also worked for the German game companies Ascon / Ascaron, Factor 5, Greenwood Entertainment, Koch Media, Magic Bytes, Rainbow Arts, Reline, Starbyte and Thalion and created the graphics for the game X-Out, for example (see entry at MobyGames). (dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2022, 05:36] [Comments: 0]
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Self-made project: MP3 player for parallel port
The "Amiga MAS Player Pro2+" by Marcel Jähne is based on the MAS player developed by Dirk Conrad and is an MP3 player hardware for the parallel port of the Amiga. It plays any kind of MP3 files and MP3 radio streams without loading the processor. The MAS-Player is a small module that does the job of decoding music compressed in MPEG and providing the data as an analog signal. It has an audio output for connection to the stereo system, a DB25 connector for connection to the parallel port and a USB port for 5V power supply. This short video shows the function test on the Amiga 1000. (dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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Minimig: Revision 1.8 (update)
In 2005 we reported on the start of the Minimig project by Dutch electrical engineer Dennis van Weeren: the reimplementation of the one Amiga 500 in an FPGA. Based on this approach there were other projects like the Mist, which uses its own hardware but for the Amiga core (with AGA support) an adaptation of the Minimig, the MiSTer, an adaptation of MiST to a more powerful FPGA or even the Apollo core.

But the Minimig project itself also continues: After publishing the project's source code and schematics on July 25, 2007, the site has been taking care of the project since mid-2021. So with the Revision 1.3 every board got 4 MB RAM by default. Likewise, the SD connector and the 3.5 mm audio jack were replaced and termination resistors for FPGA RAM and FPGA CPU were added.

In mid-February the site released Revision 1.8: The board has 4MB of SRAM divided into 2MB of CHIP, 512KB of ROM and 1.5MB of Slow. In addition, for the first time a real MC68000 CPU (CMOS and NMOS) could be run and PiStorm could deliver over 800MIPS performance to this board.

Update: (22.03.2022, 05:08, dr)

Inspired by the comments of our readers, we have asked the developer Ranko Rodic again:
Since he is still in the process of changing the hardware, he postpones the release of the Gerber files until version 2. Likewise, he gives an outlook on future development:
  • At the moment I am working with Renee Cousins (Buffee project) on Minimig FPGA core. At this time Renee successfully integrated stock Gary chip into the core. This will make a significant difference for the bus control. The goal is to make sure Minimig is 100% real Amiga. Soon we will be able to run accelerator cards like TerribleFire 530 with additional RAM and HDD controllers on the board. At the moment only accelerator card that works well is PiStorm.
  • Replace outdated Spartan 3 with something modern and cost effective. With the larger FPGA chip we will be able to support AGA and 32-bit architecture.
  • Replace old SRAM with DDR. 128MB IC will do
  • Make sure the board is mini ITX compliant
  • Add floppy disk support and 34pin header. Make sure Minimig can drive real Amiga FDD
  • Move from PS/2 to USB
  • Add real HDD header to the board
  • Add ethernet/wireless
  • Before moving forward we will use REV 8 to make sure FPGA core is up to date and 100% compatible with A600 class Amiga. After I will replace old ICs and make sure hardware improvements are in place. As a spinoff I am hoping to move forward with chipset ICs. It would be awesome if we can recreate every custom chip as a FPGA/CPLD. We are making some progress.

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 14:39] [Comments: 1 - 22. Mar. 2022, 05:36]
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Aminet uploads until 19.03.2022
The following files have been added until 19.03.2022 to Aminet:
ZitaFTPServer.lha        comm/tcp   19M   OS4 A fast and secure FTP(S) server.
just-for-fun.lha         demo/misc  4.6M  MOS Oldschool Demo in SDL2 by PuR...
void-planetr.lha         demo/misc  126K  68k Invitation to Revision 2022
StarDriveSCSI.lha        driver/med 51K   68k Microbotics StarDrive SCSI dr...
prism2v2.lha             driver/net 404K  OS4 Driver for 11Mbps wireless ne...
bsaog.lha                game/shoot 810K  68k Blake Stone Aliens of Gold
bsps.lha                 game/shoot 217K  68k Blake Stone Planet Strike
Chocolate_DOOM.lha       game/shoot 2.5M  68k Amiga port of Chocolate DOOM
ODAMEX_RTG.lha           game/shoot 19M   68k Amiga port of Odamex (DOOM)
MegaSaperPL.lha          game/think 669K  68k Minesweeper game clone
webptools122_a68k.lha    gfx/conv   2.4M  68k encode/decode images in WebP ...
webptools122_aros.lha    gfx/conv   3.0M  x86 encode/decode images in WebP ...             pix/misc   82K       Gradient Fonts f. RSI Demo Ma...
TECO-64.lha              text/edit  610K  MOS TECO (Text Editor and COrrector)
avalanche.lha            util/arc   85K   OS4 Simple ReAction GUI for xadma...
UnRAR-6.11.lha           util/arc   2.5M      UnRAR 6.11
GoShell.lha              util/shell 20K   68k tool for open Shell in full s...

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 19.03.2022
The following files have been added until 19.03.2022 to OS4Depot:
analog-cheap-disk.lha    dem/mus 685kb 4.1 AmigaOS4.x version of Analog Che...
hieronymus.lha           dev/deb 151kb 4.1 Statistical profiler
arabic_console_device... dri/inp 3Mb   4.1 An arabic console device, line &...
prism2.lha               dri/net 404kb 4.0 Driver for 11Mbps wireless netwo...
avalanche.lha            uti/arc 85kb  4.1 Simple ReAction GUI for xadmaster
unrar_ml.lha             uti/arc 3Mb   4.1 Unpak RAR files
checkas.lha              uti/scr 8kb   4.0 Checks for assigns.

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 19.03.2022
The following files have been added until 19.03.2022 to AROS Archives:
whatiff1.03.lha              doc/mis 259kb Magazine in format amigaguide &q...
webptools122_aros.lha        lib/mis 3Mb   encode/decode images in WebP format
unrar-6.11.lha               uti/arc 3Mb   UnRAR for AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 19.03.2022
The following files have been added until 19.03.2022 to MorphOS-Storage:
bePlayer_1.3.lha          Audio/Players             A simple music player u...
GG.module_1.4.lha         Communication/KwaKwa      A plugin for KwaKwa ins...
Kwakwa_1.9.lha            Communication             Multiprotocol, plugin b...
just-for-fun.lha          Demoscene                 A small demo to discove...
SDL_2.0.20_Libraries.lha  Development/Library       All Libraries SDL 2.0.2...
UnRAR_6.11.lha            Files/Archive             UnRAR port for MorphOS,...
PrBoom-plus_2.6.2_upda... Games/Shoot3D             PrBoom+ is a version of...
freegemas.lha             Games/Think               Freegemas is an open so...
SuDokuL_1.12.lha          Games/Think               Sudoku game for Switch/...
MineSweeperGui.lha        Games/Think               The Minesweeper game wi...
AmiTube_1.0.lha           Multimedia                The first YouTube Clien...
Wayfarer_3.1.lha          Network/Web               Wayfarer is the latest ...
Odyssey_1.26-standalon... Network/Web               Odyssey Web Browser is ...
TECO-64_200.24.1.lha      Text/Edit                 TECO (Text Editor and C...

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 19.03.2022
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 19.03.2022:
  • 2022-03-18 updated: Flower Power (Anarchy) patch redone, real files used to avoid OS swaps, line drawing routines fixed, memory requiremens changed to 512k chip and 512k fast, 68000 quitkey support, source code included (Info, Image)
  • 2022-03-13 improved: Airball (Microdeal) trainer options added, demo can be skipped with space or fire, game can be started with space or fire (Info)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

Emulator: vAmigaWeb 2.0 Beta 1
The Amiga emulator vAmigaWeb for web-browsers is based on vAmiga for Mac OS ( reported). Besides being updated to the current vAmiga core released a couple of days ago, it also contains a new GPU shader renderer. Furthermore there is automatic mapping of used Amiga screen space to host display now. (snx)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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PDF magazine: 20th anniversary of (german)
Michael Schmitzer's retro website about game reviews by past german computer magazines,, celebrates its 20th anniversary this weekend. For this reason, a PDF magazine of 42 pages has been created, designed like ASM magazine. It contains interviews with former ASM editors and a retro-podcaster, letters to the editor and, of course, game reviews.

Download: kbm_3_2022.pdf (82 MB) (snx)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2022, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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ACube Systems: Production of Sam460LE boards started
Press release: Dears customers,

we would like to tell you some important news about the production of the Sam460LE boards. Well, to be honest, just one BIG news.

The production has begun!!!

Do not miss the opportunity to be among the first to receive this new board. Join us in this new project by pre-ordering your board.

While waiting for the first batch to be ready, we want to share a preview of the schematics layout of our new board (editor's note: available under the title link). Whenever a new hardware pops up we, as hardcore users, are always interested in this kind of pictures, and we bet that all our customers will be interested as well :-)

Our goal, as always, is to give the AmigaOS 4.1 and MorphOS communities new hardware to run and enjoy. And let's not forget the large Linux community too! If you want to take part in this adventure, do not hesitate and take your ticket for the trip :-) (dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2022, 19:08] [Comments: 0]
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Prince (Mail)

Video tutorial: Episode 27 of assembler coding course
'Prince', founder of the demo group 'Phaze101', is currently streaming the assembler programming course "Corso completo di programmazione assembler in due dischi" in English on Twitch and uploads the respective episodes time-delayed to YouTube. Now episode 27 was published, which is about DMAs. (dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2022, 12:17] [Comments: 0]
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