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Andreas Küssner via eMail

Wildfire Successor (Codename: Taifun) for AmigaOne under Developement
1. New Wildfire Homepage created
2. Wildfire Successor (Codename: Taifung) for AmigaOne under Developement
3. Emal addresses of the WF developers have changed

1. From now on at is to finde the new homepage of WK-Artworks. Among other stuff there are to find information on the video editing software Wildfire\PPC and it's Movieshop operator.

2. Since the Neuss show they are working on developement of the successor of Wildfire for the new Amiga (AmigaOne). A first screenshot from the running program is to find on the above mentioned homepage. The name of the project is `Taifun` - as the related link on the homepage is called. Please, send queries, suggestions and wishes on the program to the project leader Andreas Küssner.

3. The email addresses of the Wildfire/Taifun/YAFA developers have changed. Please, use the following addresses, from now on.
  • Andreas Küssner: Project Leader, Programming (former:
  • Michael Henke: Developement, Programming (former: - on holyday at the time beeing

[News message: 31. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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