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Andreas R. Kleinert via eMail

Probably no akDatatypes for MorphOS
Contrairy to the original plans there will probably be no akDatatypes especially for MorphOS. The reasons are:
  1. Andreas Kleinert has not enough time, because he is busy with other - non free time- projects.
  2. The akDatatypes support many platforms at the moment but the SAS/C-Source-Tree needs some changes to become crosscompatible with gcc (or vbcc), because SAS/C is not available for MorphOS and also isn't the best choice for the PPClib any longer.
  3. To involve other programmers in the developement, e.g. by CVS and the opening of the sources to a closed group of people, could help but surely the interest is way too low.
  4. The Warp-datatypes were already ported to MorphOS and are free.
  5. At the moment there are no more registration-request for the akDatatypes. This is another clear sign.

Andreas Kleinert suggests the MorphOS-Users to use the Warp-datatypes instead.

It is possible that programs of Andreas Kleinert are ported to MorphOS. There will be annoucements when the product is available.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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