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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

Andreas Kleinert: Completion to the MorphOS-Statement
Some authentic questions that reached me by email as reaction on the MorphOS-Statement (i summarized the answers):
  • Q: Read today that you do not want to write datatypes for the MorphOS. It is a pity.
  • A: Maybe I produce something different for MorphOS.

  • Q: I hope that you do not have the intention to turn away from the amiga.
  • A: I am still using my Amiga. At the moment.

  • Q: You wrote that there are nearly no registrations for your datatypes at the moment. I know why. [...] If there would be an easy way to register I really would like to do it and use the DT. But for doing this I will never apply for a credit card or waste my time by clicking through english pages. [...] The easiest way would be a money transfer.
  • A: Money transfer is available since, I do not know when. It is explained in the documentation.

And about generall things
  • Q: All together I want to praise you for your products and I hope you are developing them. Versions for Windows (under development), Linux, maybe Amie (if it will be released some day) and maybe as a PPC-plugin for AWeb & Co would be greate.
  • A: I will not port anyone of my programs to Amie in the near future. Windows is in a early alpha-stage and Linux is interesting too. There won't be PPC-plugins [refer to akMPEG] but it is possible to integrate them in the actual version.

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 08:42] [Comments: 0]
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