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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with Emanuele Cesaroni (PuzzleBOBS)
The Amiga Arena talked to Emanuele Cesaroni, Nexus Development, about his current game "PuzzleBOBS".

"PuzzleBOBS" is a puzzle Bobble clone being completely configurabel and having a very funny game mode and more. One game mode of cooperative style, where two players stay in the same level and shoot at the same bobbles.

The interview.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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NAG: AmigaOS XL Review
Rick Ruge of the user group 'Northwest Amiga Group' from Oregon, U.S.A., has written a review of AmigaOS XL, which you can find in the "December 2001" rubric. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 19:23] [Comments: 0]
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Michael 'Das MCP' Göken (ANF)

GRex IRC Channel closed for the time being
Michael Göken, who presented DCE's PCI board GRex on the Amiga 2001 show, has established a support channel for GRex users on 27. October 2001 (we reported about). Now, after about six weeks this channel was put on hold until further notice.

Michael Göken: "I neither have the time nor the money to perform support while DCE does not support me in doing this. After hundreds of miles and masses of sparetime spend on it, I still haven't got a run capable A4000T beta board from DCE.
Thus for the time being I will not answer any questions regarding the GRex PCI board, any more. Please, if you have questions contact T. Dellert in person." (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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Chaos Computer Club

CCC: 18. Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin - 27./29. December 2001
From 27. to 29. December the 18. Chaos Communication Congress will take place in the 'Haus Am Köllnischen Park' (HAKP) in Berlin, Germany. The Chaos Communication Congress is the annual symposium of the Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC). This three-days congress will be about technology, community, and utopias. The congress will offer lectures and workshops about a variety of subjects all around information technologies, computer security, Internet, cryptography, the discerning and inventive use of technogies, and discussions about how technological progress effects society.

The congress can be attended as permanent or one-day guest. The admission charges are staggert. A standard one-day ticket will cost 30DM. More details under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 16:14] [Comments: 0]
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Blitz 2000

Programming language: AmiBlitz Version 2.21
Blitz2 has been updated and is now released under GPL. It's now called AmiBlitz2 and has lots of new features including optimisations, faster compiler, PPC and FPU assembly and many bugfixes. A full distribution will be worked out soon, but for now you will need to get this and use some files from a previous Blitz installation (the demo might work).

Please, send bugreports for the program to the Blitz mailing list, rather than to the uploader, to prevent double reports.

To subscribe to the mailing list send an e-mail to To unsubscribe send an e-mail to (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 15:21] [Comments: 2 - 16. Dec. 2001, 19:04]
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Sample Editor: SoundFX - Status of V4.2
SoundFX is an editor for digitized audio data (samples). SoundFX was built modular and has a comfortable GUI. You can add digital effects (which are unique on the Amiga) to samples and edit them. Currently the programmer is working on version 4.2 and gives the following status report:

Stefan Kost: "The changes of the saving API were finished, so one now also can save to areas. Now I will adjust the savers. Furthermore I have added some new menu items (help menu). Of course some bugs had to bite the dust, too, and the documentation is progressing as well (FAQ almost finished)." (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2001, 14:34] [Comments: 0]
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AmTALK II Version 2.3
AmTALK is a combined server/client for the TALK-protocol of the Internet which allows chatting between two users. It follows the full message to the new published version 2.3:

AmTALK II is a combined server/client for the Internet TALK protocol for point-to-point online chatting.

AmTALK II has the following features:

  • fully multithreaded for several talk sessions at once.
  • auto answer facility to accept talk requests and store incoming messages. Can be triggered manually or by a user-definable timeout. Optional auto answer information icon on workbench displaying number of new and unread messages.
  • "Locate" function to locate an AmTALK II user on a dynamic IP address even if you don't know the exact IP number he is using right now.
  • history of last used talk addresses for easy access.
  • user configurable sounds for notification of incoming talk requests and successfully established talk links and more...
  • userlist to store frequently used talk partners, with aliasing for easy talk start and specificable access privilleges (override auto answer, refuse/ignore always, locate always etc.)
  • can be started from inetd, or reside resident in the background, activated by hotkey.
  • supports clipboard Copy & Paste from talk windows.
  • keeps a full log of incoming talk requests.
  • supports session log save in ANSI or plain text mode
  • nice and friendly GUI to start talks, control operation and configuration
  • handles incoming talk requests with "wrong" usernames gracefully.
  • keyboard resethandler to gracefully close active talk requests upon a soft reset.
  • works with Genesis, AmiTCP, Miami and as225r2-derived TCP/IP stacks.
NOTE: the provided Installer script doesn't work with the old OS 1.3 1.24/1.25 versions of Installer. Please get Installer-43_3.lha from AmiNet (/util/misc) or from, /pub/misc/Installer-43_3.lha.

AmTALK 2.x uses different keyfiles than AmTALK 1.x; however, the upgrade is totally free. New keyfiles have already been mailed out to everyone who registered AmTALK 1.x, if you didn't receive yours, please mail to, stating when and where you originally registered. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 23:45] [Comments: 0]
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Da SixK Port Page

Game ports by SixK basing on the SDL Library
During last week it was often reported about the SDL library port for AmigaOS and MorphOS. The SDL library allows platform comprehensive programming of games and other multimedia products. SixK now published five game ports on their website (title link), which base on this library.

Note: These is about a beta versions, which in part were not tested for run capability, yet.

  • Xrick - A Rick Dangerous game using SDL. Work for 68k and Mos (Except if you have a Mediator + P96 like me for Mos).
  • Supertux - A platform game using SDL. Don't remember if it works, but it should.
  • Sdlroids - An asteroid clone game using SDL.
  • Mangoquest - A GL game using SDL - not fully tested.
  • Glaxium - An openGL game using SDL.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Information Online

Magazine: AIO collecting Christmas greetings for next issue
The English online magazine AIO (Amiga Information Online) accept Chritsmas greetings to be published on their website in the coming issue #54. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 22:09] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 10.12.2001)
With WHDLoad you can install games which were formerly meant only for use with disks on your harddrive. The following packets have been added or updated:

  • 10.12.01 improved: Santa's Xmas Caper (Zeppelin) requires less memory
  • 10.12.01 new: Raffles (The Edge/Softek) done by Bored Seal
  • 10.12.01 improved: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Lucasfilm Games) support for another version added
  • 08.12.01 new: Santa's Xmas Caper (Zeppelin) done by Codetapper
  • 08.12.01 improved: Total Football (Domark/Acclaim) minor changes
  • 08.12.01 improved: Rocket Ranger (Cinemaware) more compatibility
  • 08.12.01 improved: Operation Thunderbolt (Ocean) highscore saving, trainer added, several other changes
  • 08.12.01 new: Joe Blade (Players Software) done by Codetapper
  • 08.12.01 fixed: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Lucasfilm Games) stuck in students class
  • 08.12.01 improved: Future Wars (Delphine Software) small fixes
  • 08.12.01 new: Abandoned Places 2 (ICE) done by JOTD
  • 02.12.01 new: Woody's World (Vision) done by Codetapper
  • 02.12.01 new: Wings (Cinemaware) done by JOTD
  • 02.12.01 new: Kikugi (Image Tech) done by CFOU!
  • 02.12.01 fixed: Future Wars (Delphine Software) small bug fixed
  • 30.11.01 new: The Three Stooges (Cinemaware) done by CFOU!

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 20:05] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

MPEG-Player: Frogger Version 1.67
Today the new version 1.67 of the MPEG-video-player called Frogger has been published and fixes many bugs of the previous version. You can download Frogger as WarpOS-, PowerUp- and 68k-version under the title link. But you can also try the following mirror: (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Lachner (ANF)

Emulator: Bochs version 1.3 for AmigaOS / MorphOS
Version 1.3 of the PC-emulator called Bochs has been published. As you can read on the homepage Bochs now also support AmigaOS / MorphOS. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 15:57] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Interface card SER/PAR: Delivery date for VarIO
The last acknowledgments of orders from all suppliers arrived today, now it's only a matter of parcel services if pre-ordered boards arrive on december 24th or 27th. Our international partners shall most probably not receive the boards until next year. (ps)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2001, 15:53] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Amiga Expo call for exhibitors and usergroups
Amiga Expo's currently discounted booth and table rates will be going up at the end of December, 2001 - if you're a developer, reseller, or user group planning on exhibiting at Amiga Expo please get your reservation in before the end of this month in order to take advantage of these low-low rates!

If you're planning on attending Amiga Expo the advance-ticket prices for the show will be going up as well! Please call and order your tickets soon. Buy 'em Christmas gifts for all your Amiga friends too! While you're at it - be sure to book your hotel room reservation before they run out!! (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 22:43] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.: AmigaDE Shop - Christmas Special
Now through December 24, 2001, our existing AmigaDE Player Customers will receive a discount on participating applications purchased through the AmigaDE Shop. Customers who have not purchased the AmigaDE Player will receive a free AmigaDE Player for the platform of their choice with the purchase of regularly priced applications through the AmigaDE Shop. (ps)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 19:31] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

AmigaOS XL/Amithlon Poll about Graphic and Network Cards
We apeal every AmigaOS XL/Amithlon user to participate in our poll. We hope that the results will enable us to faster realize what cards raise problems, and then will try to enhance the respective product /driver support.

The results play a certain role in deciding driver priorities and therefor are very important for us.

Thank you in advance to all who will participate and with this will help us to further enhance our products.

Best regards,
VMC Harald Frank

Direct link to this poll
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 19:18] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Dröge (ANF)

Financial Software: Bonds Version 1.84 - corrected version available
Sven Dröge: "After I've checked the last version once more, it now should run stable, meaning the share price update works again. Now a backup (optional) is done on import to have your old data available in case of an error. There also were problems with the date. I released the archive on the site, again."

Bonds is a financial software for bonds management of any kind, but mainly focuses on shares. This software is specialized for the financial center of Germany and best handles German bonds, since it uses the bond ident number system of the German stock exchange. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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The Legacy

The Legacy: Games museum updated about 800 game infos
"The Legacy" contains screenshots, cover-scans, and informations about the developers of older games for C64, Amiga, Atari, PC and Schneider/Amstrad CPC. Now the latest news about 800 game infos and new search features are added. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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Grabriele Greco

Library: SDL V1.2.3 Beta for StormC 4 and SDL Mixer V1.2.0
On December, 9th Gabriele Greco has released the beta version 1.2.3 of the multimedia-Library "SDL" for StormC 4 (68k, PPC/WOS). New added is the SDL Mixer Version 1.2.0 for 68k and MorphOS. With this program different sample formats, MIDI-songs and several MOD formats can be played.

SDL_Mixer-Amiga-1.2.0.lha (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 12:30] [Comments: 0]
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neo Award: Countdown running - currently position #18
As already reported is nominated for the Internet award neo, category "favourit webiste". Currently we are on position #18 of 636 nominated websites in this category, which already is a very good result! Tank you very much to our readers!

The countdown has stared, cause there are only two days left to vote (thru 13. December). Everybody has another vote this week and can participate and support us again. Will we make it a bit closer to the top? (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 12:12] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: "Siegfried Software" Projects
Sure there are many knowing the software company "Siegfried Software" and still today "Siegfried Software" offers full customer service for their Amiga products. Very positive is to say that the company would like to take NEW products or reactive further development of their existing products for the Amiga, but which is of too much risk and too expensive in the current situation.

Olaf Köbnik, Amiga Arena: "I hope those reliable for AmigaOS' future will take note of this and support such companies in good time to ensure NEW products to be available along with the release of a new AmigaOS!" More information can be found at Siegfried-Soft.

Amiga Arena - "Siegfried Software SE" Full Versions
The programs "Siegfried Antivirus Professional 1.6" and "Siegfried Copy 1.8" from the traditional Amiga company "Siegfried Soft" are available for free download. These are SE versions registered for the Amiga Arena. Both programs are fully updatable!

About "SIEGFRIED Antivirus Professional"
Main part of SIEGFRIED Antivirus Professional is the linkvirus too for searching file- or linkviruses on any kind of divce.

About "Siegfried Copy"
  • Simple and clear graphical user guide.
  • Automatic bootblock virus recognition.
  • Settings can be saved to preferences file.
  • Multitasking capable.
  • Automode: efficient and fast copying.
  • Copying via remote data transmision.
  • Backup your software on HD or similar!
  • HD floppy disks are accessed like DD floppy disks.

Amiga Arena - Special Price Project
In cooperation with SIEGFRIED Software the Amiga Arena make possible special prices for the following products (for prices see title link):
  • SIEGFRIED Copy 1.9SE -> 2.2
    • Update with manual in AMIGA-Guide.
    • Update with printed manual.
    • Update with printed manual + passive copying hardware.
    • Update with printed manual + electronic copying hardware FLASH1.
  • SIEGFRIED Antivirus Professional 1.6SE -> V1.8
    • Update with manual in AMIGA-Guide.
    • Update with printed manual.
The update of the SE version contains an automatic registration, full customer service and the right to update to possible future versions of Siegfried Copy and Siegfried Antivirus Professional.
Note: Currently no new versions are under development.

Amiga Arena - "BangBoo" Full Version Update
The "BangBoo" archive has been replaced, due to an error during the first upload. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 11:54] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Lachner (ANF)

Handheld: Intent for Sharp SL5000D
The Development Department of Sharp offers Intent for the developers version for its latest PDA for testing. The system replaces the whole system in the FlashROM of the SL 5000D. This means you can not use Qt embedded and Opera for example.

A link to a new developer page for Intent / AmigaDE is also shown. This page is reachable here: (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 11:08] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (E-Mail)

AmigaOS 3.9: More locale files
Haage&Partner has just uploaded the latest collection of locale files for OS 3.9 including:

  • Bosanski
  • Catala
  • Czech
  • Dansk
  • Espanol
  • Francais
  • Italiano
  • Magyar
  • Nederlands
  • Polski
  • Portugues
  • Portugues-Brasil
  • Russian
  • Slovensko
  • Srpski
  • Suomi
  • Svenska
  • Turkce
The files are named "39locale_name". Please download the files you need from this FTP-drawer. (ps)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2001, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider (ANF)

Journal File System "JFS" von IBM für Linux-APUS (PPC)
As already announced in the forum some time ago, the Journal File System by IBM is now available for Linux-APUS from my homepage. Among other things the download contains a precompiled kernel (2.4.8) and a kernel-patch that can be used with version 2.4.xx of the APUS-kernel-sources.

There is still some work to do for porting ReiserFS and Ext3. The release will be announced too. Futhermore there are some important information about the new Bootstrap (23.06.2001), by the APUS-development-team, available. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2001, 14:32] [Comments: 0]
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Manfred Tremmels Homepage

Invoicing: MT-Rechnung III Version 1.11
There was an update released for MT-Rechnung III version 1.11. This program is freeware under GPL. MT-Rechnung is being an invoice processing program by Manfred Tremmel managing addresses (offices, employees, customers, and suppliers), goods, different kinds of delivery, goods receipt and issue records.

Automatic stock recording is impelemented (from v1.04 including inventory) as well as an automatic price accounting. Prices can be scaled regarding number of units, shipping and handling regarding wheight. An accounting function is being worked on, accounts and account groups can already be created from v1.04.

MT-Rechnung III builds on a database especially developed for this, crashes don't cause any loss of data anymore, several users can use the same dataset simultanously via network.

Printing forms are not integrated in the program, but are external PostScript fiels, so it is no problem to add new or adjust existing forms. If no PostScript capable printer is available a PostScript interpreter like HWPost or GhostScript can be used for printing.

Becaus of the acute lack of time the programmer Manfred Tremmel can only work very few on MT-Rechnung III, thus he is hoping for active cooperation to not let the project drop off completely. The source code is available for donwload.

MTRechIII_1_11.lzx - 736 KB
MTRIIIsrc_1_11.lzx - 324 KB (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2001, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Pär Boberg (E-Mail)

Famous Amiga Uses
I just wanted to let everybody know that Famous Amiga Uses page has moved to a new server, at: and has a new email address: The previous web and email address's stops working sometime in January. A new update of the Famous Amiga Uses list is coming within two months! (ps)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2001, 12:04] [Comments: 0]
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Music: AMIGA-hymn by MAGIC WAVE
MAGIC WAVE, a trance-/techno-project, presents their own AMIGA-hymn. Because they are using AMIGAs for producing their music they decided to write a song about the AMIGA.

This song is available via the Aminet or at their homepage.

Amiga-Anthem.mpg - (3,9 MB) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2001, 11:55] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Workbench: Scalos V40.16 Beta
On 9. December 2001 the beta version 40.16 of the Workbench replacement "Scalos" was published. This version rectifies quite a few of the reported bugs.

Download: ScalosBeta.lha (200K) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 23:33] [Comments: 0]
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Sébastien Jeudy (E-Mail)

User: Annuaire Amiga Francophone #11
The edition 11 of the "Annuaire Amiga Francophone" has been sent to the subscribers. This is a list of French speaking Amiga users all over the world (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec,...), which is sent out monthly. At the moment this list cites 621 users.

Via the title link you can find further information and you can add your name to the list. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 23:13] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

USB: HIGHWAY for Zorro II (Update)
The web pages for the SUBWAY USB controller card for the clockport of A1200, which was introduced at the Amiga trade show in Cologne, have been completely revised. Additionally, the HIGHWAY, a Zorro II based USB controller card, is presented.

The test results regarding the compatibility of SUBWAY and Zorro based clockport solutions are available now. (sd)

appendix 10.12.2001:
A mirror page is available under (ps) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 23:13] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with Sascha Brandt ("The last Seal")
Olaf Köbnik writes:
Amiga Arena - Interview Action
1999 a demo version of the adventures "The last Seal" was published, developed by the Swiss team "Ancor".

Since a lot of things were announced, yet never realized we're now even more pleased to hear that "The last Seal" has been further developed throughout 2001.

Half of the game has supposedly been rewritten in "C" and "The last Seal" seems to promise a downright crazy adventure. (Let's hope that it will be finished).

The Amiga Arena held a short interview with the developer Sascha Brandt.

Further information is available under Ancor. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 23:13] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark: xvs.library V33.37
On 9. December 2001 Georg Hoermann and Jan Erik Olausen published the version 33.37 of the virus scanner library "xvs".

Compared to the previous version the following changes have been made:
  • Once more added some new security features to the library. It will now try to self-defend after alien attacks, only if these efforts fail, the library gets disabled.
  • Added recognition for 2 demo files that I call 'Anti-UAE Trojan'. Their code checks for UAE systems and in case it finds one will delete important files. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending the demos to me.
  • Added recognition for a MS-DOS strain of 'Bastard Installer'. Thanks to Jan Andersen for the file.
  • Added recognition and repair code for 'Bobek 3' linkvirus. Thanks to Zeeball for sending me an infected file, even though it was accidentally :-)
This virus scanner library can be used together with VirusExecutor, VirusChecker II or VirusZ.

Download: xvslibrary.lha (79972 Bytes), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 21:51] [Comments: 0]
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Magazine: Amitopia
The Amiga magazine "Amitopia" in Norway is still looking for further 23 subscribers from Norway or Sweden in order to publish the current edition. Orders are possible via the title link.

In Sweden the magazine will finally be available from 15. December 2001.

In addition, the publication of the magazine in Denmark has been planned for next year. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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Programming Language: PowerD V0.19 Alpha3
On 9. December 2001 Martin Kuchinka published the alpha version V0.19 Alpha3 of the programming language "PowerD". In this early alpha version various bugs were rectified.

  • announced support for OOP4A project
  • on some occasions (when no external references used), phxass produced executable directly without the intermediate object file, that PowerD requires
  • all the LIBRARY definition only modules made an error, fixed
  • bugfixes reported by Michel Bagmeijer
    • pr2m: some string fixed and at last translated from E to D :)
    • removed few enforcer hits

Download: alpha.lzx (157K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Game: Walkthrough for Myst
In the interactive section of Amiga Future Olaf Bathke has published a walkthrough (German) for Myst.

The Amiga Future Editorial Department would of course be happy if even more users would write solution paths in order to publish them on the Amiga Future Homepage. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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x-cellence (ANF)

Games: x-cellence redesigned, Amiga-Team sought for
Jens [bruZard] Henschel writes:
The web page of the game development team "x-cellence" has been completely redesigned. Our latest project, the RPG "God's Light", has made this necessary.

Unfortunately, we can only work on PC-titles at the moment. For this reason we're still (and have been for a year now) looking for a qualified Amiga-Team which will work together with us on the implementation of our titles for Amiga.

This mainly means the implementation of the X-Fire-Engine in Warp3D or OpenGL. On this basis, it would be relatively easy to develop our titles for Amiga and at the same time support this fantastic platform. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 15:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Magazin: NoCover #93
On 8. December 2001 the APC&TCP published the edition 93 of the disc and online magazine 'NoCover' in German.

The magazine can be read online and can be downloaded.

Download: nocover93.lha (1,7M) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2001, 15:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: full version of Bangboo
With permission by Michael Taupitz is the game "Bangboo" available for free download in the Amiga Arena. "Bangboo" is a game mixture needing skill and puzzling. "Bangboo" is playable from disk/HD and really recommendable for long winter evenings. Special thanks go to Michael Taupitz and Andreas Magerl. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2001, 21:21] [Comments: 0]
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FORE-MATT Home Computing (ANF)

100%AMIGA CD Magzine issue 19
The Christmas issue of 100%AMIGA is out now. Inside the magazine this month we have a totally festive theme for Christmas including some free Xmas games and a whole bunch of seasonal clipart, music and animations. We also show the results of last month's readers survey of the future of Amiga and take a light hearted look at some future Amiga products (mostly fictional) sung to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas. You can also listen to the out-takes in the 100%BLOOPERS drawer. The new Directory Opus/OS3.9 utilities collection D.O.O.N. is shown in the Hot Off The Press section and of course we bring you the top Amiga news stories in the only magazine that has News Presenter reading them to you. More details available from Amiga Online Superstore or 100%AMIGA website.

[News message: 08. Dec. 2001, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Orth (ANF)

Collect points in the new topcool club
The magazine amiga-topcool has brought from this day on a new loyalty club into live. The membership is free. Members can collect points for various actions and then change these into CDs. You get points for sending news, writing articles, participating in polls or enlisting new members. (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2001, 17:14] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (ML)

Virus Help Denmark: two new viruses discovered
Two archives found on Aminet contain a new trojan. They are said to be AGA demos but if you run these demos on a PC using 'WinUAE' your system will be deleted. These demos come from a Polish demo group. Why they would program something like this, I don't know.

This is some info about the two archives:

Trojan name... : AME-DSD Trojan (name might be changed later)
Trojan file... : dsd-main
Trojan size... : 93.924 bytes
Trojan archive : AME-DSD.lha
Archive size.. : 6.927.166 bytes
Archive info.. : Dog Star Descends by Amnesty (CGX&AHI compatible)

Trojan name... : PSL-KMJ Trojan (name might be changed later)
Trojan file... : main
Trojan size... : 49.308 bytes
Trojan archive : PSL-KMJ.lha
Archive size.. : 5.530.365 bytes
Archive info.. : Kiss My Jazz by Pic Saint Loup (AGA/CGX)

In the code for these archives you can read:

------------ Code start -----------------------

Warning!!! UAE System for lamers detected!!! - System will reboot after mouse button... run c:delete s:startup-sequence force quiet >NIL:

------------ Code end -------------------------

It is not legal to release destructive programs to the public, and we will see what we can do with this. In almost every country the programmer of such destructive programs can go to jail for this kind of programming.

The xvs.library package will be released very soon.....

Thanks to 'Urban' for the info about the archive.

A new linkvirus has been found a few days ago, we are not sure if this virus is in the wild. It was send directly to Zbigniew Trzcionkowski (the programmer of Safe). Zbigniew received one infected file. This new virus is a clone of the "Bobek-2" linkvirus and is named "Bobek-3". This is able to disable the antivirus programs.

We do not know if this virus was released in any way, so if you get a requester popping up, telling you that something is trying to disable the xvs.library, please let us know.

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus name: Bobek-3
Virus Type: Linkvirus
Virus size: about 2.000 bytes (uses polmorphic engine)

Well, it looks like the Polish virus group is back in action. But maybe not for long. Things will happen very soon.

Thanks to 'Zbigniew' for sending the archive. (ps)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2001, 13:00] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlawack (E-Mail)

Mailer: SimpleMail Version 0.13
Yesterday was released SimpleMail Version 0.13. The changes are:

  • Included a real manual at last. Thanks to David Rey!
  • SMTP over SSL.
  • POP3 connections can be made secure with the STLS command now. (RFC 2595)
  • Primitive ARexx-port.
  • Support for playing sounds.
  • Taglines, the last %t in the signature will be replaced by a tagline.
  • Folders holding unread mails are hilighted now.
  • Localization.
Please note: if you downloaded your archive before 2001/12/08, 0:30 am, there were informations about the taglines missing in the guide so the guide has been replaced just now. If you don't want to download the whole archive again, here is the changeg paragraph:

Tick this box if you want SimpleMail to automatically add a random tagline to every email you write. Simply insert a %t in the signature and it will be replaced by a random tagline found in .taglines when composing a mail.

Sorry for the inconvience.

Download: simplemail.lha - 306 KB (ps)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2001, 06:03] [Comments: 0]
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Marius Schwarz (ANF)

The OOP4A-Project joins forces with PowerD and WizardClasses
"The OOP4A-Project joins forces with PowerD and WizardClasses"
"Stefan Robl, author of OS 3.9's AmiDock, has agreed to support the OOP4A project by providing his class system 'WizardClasses' which is extensively used in all of his programs. The class system also contains - among many other classes - a GUI class system. We hope to release a first package sometime in Q1, 2002 - this will enable programs using OOP4A to use GUI in a truly object oriented way as well.
Martin Kuchinka, author of the PowerD programming language, agreed too to support the OOP4A-Project within PowerD.

New features in this weekend's release of OOP4A are argument types and method overloading. These are the last basic oop functions which had to be implemented, so that the next releases will concentrate on building new classes."

OOP4A stands for Object Oriented Programming for All and offers full oop support to nearly any programming language used on the Amiga. Project start was the around the 5.10.2001. German Pages see title link.

English Pages

Marius Schwarz (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2001, 19:05] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Computer / Wojtek Kozlowski

Event: Amiga 2001 pictures by Elbox
At the title link you'll find images from the Amiga 2001 fair by Elbox Computer. The images are subtitled in English. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2001, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Steines Friday, 7th december offline
On Friday, 7th December 2001, at about 11:00 GMT Back to the Roots will temporarily go offline, since we upgrade the server's harddisks, memory and operating system.

If all performs well it should be back online in less than one day, and should allow our future updates and services to be even more massive :)

Sorry for the inconvenience. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2001, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga board elects Frank Wilde as Chairman of the Board (update)
Carsten Schröder of Amiga Aktuell explains in a special the following terms:
"First of all for clarification: in American companies the "chairman" is the head of the "Board of Directors", some sort of administrative council which is elected by the company shareholders and decides on the basic company politics as well as announcing the "Executive Officers" who are responsible for daily business. Thus the chairman has - at least formally - a higher influence as for example the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a company."

Wilde brings 18 years of experience in the personal computer industry to Amiga's Board of Directors

(December 6, 2001) The Board of Directors for Amiga Inc. have elected Frank Wilde as its new Chairman of the Board. 

Mr. Wilde will bring his many years of experience and leadership to Amiga to help expand its business into new markets while releasing new products.

Mr. Wilde joins Amiga from Ravisent Technologies where he was President and Chief Executive Officer. Frank was appointed Chief Executive Officer of RAVISENT Technologies Inc. in April of 1998, a year after joining the company as Director and President.  Wilde brings over eighteen years of sales, marketing and business development experience in the computer industry holding key industry positions at IBM, Dell Computer Corporation and Memorex Telex Corporation. He has over 15 years P&L experience and is a veteran of six startup companies and has led or been a team member of companies that have raised over 300 million in venture funding. He strongly believes in developing highly competitive and fast growing organizations that enable individuals and teams to grow and develop their professional capabilities in such a way that shareholder value is maximized. Wilde was instrumental in the planning and execution of the company's transition from a hardware company to a software Intellectual Property licensing company. Under his leadership, RAVISENT was able to raise $18 million in private funding in June of 1998. Wilde also led the company through the IPO process, taking the company public in July of 1999, raising $61.4 million.   RAVISENT's flagship product family, CinePlayer, offers consumers a single look-and-feel PC solution for interactive playback of a wide variety of multimedia formats - including CD Audio, MPEG audio, MPEG video, DVD, Dolby Digital audio, MP3 audio, LPCM audio, digital television (DTV), analog (traditional) television, high definition television (HDTV), and "time-shifted" television broadcasts (so-called digital video recorder files or DVR).

“I had many choices on where I wanted to go next and where the best opportunity for the future was.  Bill McEwen and I had been speaking for many months on business plans and other issues, and after meeting with the team, and viewing the technology and their partners, there was no better choice for me than joining Amiga" said Frank Wilde, Chairman of Amiga, Inc. "The Amiga has an amazing past and is well known at Ravisent, but seeing what I have seen of the technology, they have even a brighter future, and I am pleased to be here".

"Frank brings a level of expertise and knowledge that is second to none. His level of excitement and dedication to Amiga, will be seen shortly as we continue to build and release new products" said Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga, Inc.   "I look forward to working with Frank, and the two of us working with the community and our partners on building a very solid future".

Over the years, Wilde and RAVISENT received recognition from numerous business and technology organizations. Most recently, RAVISENT was recognized as the #7 in the 2000 Deloitte & Touche Fast 50 - Fastest Growing Technology Companies in Eastern Pennsylvania. He was also recognized as a Technology Pioneer, an award that is developed jointly by the World Economic Forum and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu to recognize the world's fastest growing, most technologically innovative companies. In 1999, RAVISENT was named the #1 in the Deloitte & Touche Fast 50 - Fastest Growing Technology Companies in Eastern Pennsylvania. Also, RAVISENT was recognized as the #9 in the 1999 in the Deloitte & Touche Fast 500 - Fastest Growing Technology Companies in the United States. In April of 1999, RAVISENT was ranked #8 in the Electronic Business list of Top 20 Small Electronics Companies. Frost & Sullivan granted RAVISENT the 1998 Marketing Engineering Competitive Strategy Award because the company was able to create and implement an effective competitive strategy. 

Wilde received a Bachelor's degree in business administration from Seton Hall University. He is a member of the American Management Association, American Electronics Association, USA Reserves Officers Association, Special Forces Decade Association and the Army Aviation Association of Aviators and Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. He has also been named to Who's Who in International Business and awarded the Republican National Committee "Businessman of the Year" award for 1999.

About Amiga

Amiga Inc. provides technology to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media operating system which is hardware agnostic. AmigaDE is a joint development effort between the Tao Group of Reading, England, and Amiga Incorporated. AmigaDE based applications can run unchanged on x86, PowerPC, M Core, ARM, StrongARM, MIPS R3000, R4000, R5000, SH 3, SH4, and NEC V850 processors. The AmigaDE can run hosted on Linux, Embedded Linux, Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, CE and QNX4. AmigaDE Player and applications for the AmigaDE Environment can be purchased at   Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, 28 miles east of Seattle and has offices worldwide. Amiga can be reached at (425) 396-5660 or visit Amiga on the web at (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2001, 16:12] [Comments: 1 - 08. Dec. 2001, 02:06]
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Joachim Schmid (ANF)

Freespace demo update 4 released
The fourth update to the demo version of the game Freespace has been released for download on the Hyperion homepage. It removes several smaller bugs (like the bug in the third statistics table) as well as a new option to allow switching voicestreaming on and off.

Also included is a description how you have to connect an analog joystick. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2001, 15:54] [Comments: 0]
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