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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Multimedia authoring system: Screenshots of Hollywood - AmigaSeeDC
Andreas Falkenhahn:
Today's Hollywood screenshots show AmigaSeeDC, a real application created with Hollywood. AmigaSeeDC is an image viewer like ACDSee or IrfanView that are very popular on the PC market. You can select a picture and then browse through the picture's directory by simply pressing cursor up and down. AmigaSeeDC is also able to zoom in and out. It took me only 1 hour to program AmigaSeeDC with Hollywood. And of course this cool example program is included on the Hollywood CD-ROM. If you've always wanted a viewer program for your Amiga that is standard on every PC, order Hollywood now. I also use AmigaSeeDC privately because it's really cool. (ps)

[News message: 18. Nov. 2002, 20:21] [Comments: 0]
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