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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Markus Lunk (E-Mail)

Movieplayer: SoftCinema version 0.15 (full release)
Version 0.15 of the shareware-movie- and animplayer for Amiga with PPC-support (PowerUP, WarpUP and MorphOS) called 'SoftCinema´ has been published. You can download the program under the title link or under the alternative address.

Changes: V0.15 beta 1
  • WOS and MOS versions added.
  • 30% faster divx;)/opendivx/3iv/h263/i263/intel indeo decoding
  • lot of bugs fixed
  • added audio.device support, via directaudio.library
  • added NOAHI and AHIUNIT options
  • Bugfixes in AVI parser, QT parser and mpeg audio decoder.
  • Much faster AVI indexx loading, up to 1000%.
  • Bugfixed timing routines.
  • Fixed GRAY display on fullscreen.
  • Fixed RGB15PC and RGB16PC display routines.
  • Fixed mpeg audio decoder, should not crash anymore.
  • 10% faster mpeg audio decoding.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 20:15] [Comments: 0]
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Constantinos Nicolakakis (E-Mail)

Tool: SRename 3.0.0 final
SRename is a program which has some more functions as the common 'rename'. Here are some features:

  • Can use wildcards.
  • Total control over recursion, the user can set the level of recursion, starting level of recursion and can even specify a different pattern for entering directories.
  • Can renumber filename sequences without the user having to care for the renumber order or filename clashes because these are taken care of automatically.
  • Can perform numbering of filename sequences.
  • Can modify the filename's comment and transfer the filename to the comment or the reverse.
  • Allows the user to build his/her own functions by providing a command set of selectors and actions that can be combined in many ways.
  • The number of actions that can be executed in one go is only limited by the command line length.
  • It is interface compatible with the OS Rename command.
  • Efficient memory usage.
Download: SRename3.lzx (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 20:03] [Comments: 0]
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Nico Barbat (E-Mail)

Event: Provisional list of exhibitors for AMIGA 2001 available
From now on there is a provisional list of exhibitors on the website of AMIGA 2001 (17.-18. November 2001, Cologne). Additionally you can of course find important information about the fair, updated news around Pegasos, AmigaOS 4 and AmigaDE. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Hummel (ANF)

Emulation: Playstation emulator FPSE for Amiga published
Mathias Roslund has published a new version of the Playstation-emulator FPSE. It is the first Amiga version which is based on version 0.09. You need a Playstation Bios-Rom for the emulation. There are some screenshots for the Amiga version. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 19:51] [Comments: 0]
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Solar (BAUD) (ANF)

Alan Redhouse corrects some rumours on
Of course there were some confusion after the message of Eyetech and it was discussed here as well as on The opinions ranged from "It is OK" to "Cheat!". I think in this context the clearing statement of Alan Redhouse (Eyetech) in the corresponding thread on is important.

Quintessence: He has absoluely no problem with any decisions of Amiga Inc. and in their place he would have decided in the same way - and there was no reason to evoke a crises if there would be very real progresses made to a solution. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 19:50] [Comments: 0]
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H&P and Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Freespace supports virtual memory
The 68k-version of Freespace also runs on systems with 32 MB memory and virtual memory (you can use a freely available VMM-program for it) if there is at least 24.5 MB of free physical memory. In this case the reduction of speed is under 2%. The corresponding hints for the installation will be added to Freespace. With the help of it also users which have only 32 MB of memory can play Descent Freespace: The Great War.

Future games of Hyperion Entertainment will also support the Virtual Memory System of OS 4.0 to give users of PowerPC the opportunity to get along with a lower amount of memory. (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Homepage Update
Today the homepage of Amiga Future has been extensivly updated:
A completely reworked download section has been uploaded which is edited by Jörg Wernicke and which will be regularly updated.

Additionally the sites of "AGB", "Kontakt" and "Werbebanner" have been updated. Besides this new advertisement prices are online which run from issue 34.

In the forum the new fair information have been updated. Amiga Future asks the readers to write what is being expected of the fair. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 14:33] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail)

Messenger: AmigAIM BETA version 0.9435
Richard H. Poser has published betaversion 0.9435 of the AIM-messenger AmigAIM. AmigAIM is a client for connecting with America Online Instant-Messenger (AIM-service). It follows an extract of the history where you can get the changes which have been made:

  • Hopefully repaired a problem with the single window mode. It doesn't exhibit the problem here anymore, anyway.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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ProStationAudio's (realtime nl-editing for AmigaOS) new architecture for 2002
The ProStationAudio architecture has been enhanced to make this non-linear editing software solution for AmigaOS even more powerful. And faster. The new version based on this design, ProStationAudio Titanium, is ready and will be on sale in a few days.

While Amigas are wonderful systems, their main problem is lack of raw hardware horse-power: Titanium addresses this problem at design level, using optimizations independent on the host CPU, so that 68K (060 recommended), PPC, and emulated 68K hardware benefit.

Major new features include:

Signal path layout: stereo sends/returns
  • multiple sends per track, stereo.
  • multiple aux busses, stereo.
  • multiple DSP inserts for each return bus, stereo.
  • returns can be muted and/or soloed.
  • plugin sharing among multiple tracks reduces CPU load, with peak acceleration up to 1500% (when using 15 sends to the same aux bus).
Mixig console layout: 6 master inserts, stereo.
  • master DSP inserts have been extended to 6, for increased flexibility.
  • using track inserts, multiple sends/returns, and master inserts, now each track's signal can pass through up to 18 DSP processors.
Faast dsp, the new quick-preview mode
  • sustained 200% acceleration on mixing and effects processing, using bitrate reduction
  • modifies the bitrate of multiple streams in realtime during disk-streaming, no need to save audio files at lower bitrates for fast previewing..
  • fully transparent, original bitrate restored just before the signals reach the audio output hardware, providing full compatibility with fixed-rate devices such as external D/A converters over S/P-DIF.
  • quality drop is acceptable for most material.
  • any previously saved project benefits, no updates needed
  • automatically disabled when mastering and/or bouncing tracks, to preserve always perfect quality on the final work.
  • can be toggled on/off in realtime for comparisons
  • the channel bars layout has been optimized to display more tracks at once on screen.
  • the screen is public and palette-sharing friendly: use tools like calculators, notepads, or web browsers to view tutorials, directly on the ProStationAudio screen.
Titanium preserves the tons of features present in current versions: support for dual graphic cards, dual monitors, two CPU's, realtime operations, mixing automation, 30 DSP plugins, 24bit and MP3 import, read/write access to Amiga, Windows, Mac and Unix files, more...

Informations on pricing and upgrade options for current users will follow this week. As usual part of the service, buyers of the previous top version, Millennium, will upgrade free of charge.

All the best,

dr. Maurizio Ciccione
AudioLabs, Digital Audio Engineering
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 14:15] [Comments: 0]
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Golem: AmigaOne does not start in 2001
»Development of AmigaOS 4.0 and of AmigaOne were momentarily stopped
According to Eyetech the AmigaOne will be not introduced this year because Amiga Inc. could not set on the development of the belonging AmigaOS 4.0 and could not pay its partners because of financial problems. But it seems that there is still some hope and the new Amiga computer based on a PowerPC-architecture is supposed to be marketed at the beginning of 2002.«
Have a look at the title link for the full article. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 13:44] [Comments: 0]
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Dieter Groppé (ANF)

MCP with new version
From 21. October I've taken over further development of MCP (MasterControlProgram). Since there was no development for more than two years and I must become acquainted with the code, at first, the first update isn't perfect, yet.

But many of the 'surrounding' things, like installer script, German Guide and catalog, icons, history, and of course MCP and MCP commodity have been updated and should work now. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Engelhardt (ANF)

Amigaland having server problems currently has problems to really offer every game for download. The reason why is that two servers canceled their service. The Amigaland team now is searching for replacement servers. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 20:01] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Knäbel (E-Mail)

bplan: Pegasos-System: Official presentation at Amiga 2001
The Pegasos system will be presented to the public at the Cologne based Amiga 2001 event. Beside the presentation of the innovating hardware, our main show efforts will concentrate on software and system expansibility.

In the software field, the user gets an extensive overview on capacity and efficiency of the MorphOS environment. The perfectly smooth integration of present Motorola® 680xx applications and native PowerPC® programms with absolute transparency for the user is only one among many outstanding features of MorphOS.

In combination with the extraordinary capability of extension of the Pegasos system with standard PCI cards, users will already be able to take a look at the wide spectrum of supported hardware by the upcoming fair. Besides a variety of graphic cards of the manufacturers S3®,SIS®,3DLabs® and 3Dfx®, tv and network cards will round up the so far available spectrum.

The bplan gmbh would like to invite you to visit the Amiga 2001 in cologne. Our team is looking forward to your vivid interest and proud to be able to present you the Pegasos system, an innovation in the fields of personal computing. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel (E-Mail)

File manager: DiskMaster 2.5RC1
Rudolph Riedel wrote:
I have uploaded DiskMaster2.5RC1, and on my homepage.

News in short:
  • 2.5RC1 (01-10-30) 71932 bytes
  • DM2 is now localised! German, french and dutch DM2.catalogs are included (english build in)
  • Translators wanted ( also included)
  • COPY and MOVE have a WARN option, so DM2 ask before overwriting files.
  • SELECT knows a new option: COMMENT
  • OPENWINDOW has now a ZOOM option for alternative windowsize and -position
  • Many small improvements
  • Several bugfixes
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 17:38] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: New packages for WHDLoad (bis 29.10.2001)
Thanks to WHDLoad games you normally only play from disk can be installed on HD. The following packages are added or updated:

  • 29.10.01 new: Amazing SpiderMan () done by JOTD
  • 29.10.01 fixed: Tennis Cup (Loriciel/Electronic Zoo) install script corrected
  • 29.10.01 new: Carthage (Psygnosis) done by CFOU!
  • 28.10.01 new: Wanted (Infogrames) done by Codetapper
  • 28.10.01 new: Vector-Balls Demo (Tom Soft) done by Psygore (Info,Image)
  • 28.10.01 new: Major Motion (Microdeal) done by Codetapper
  • 28.10.01 new: Tennis Cup (Loriciel/Electronic Zoo) done by CFOU!
  • 28.10.01 new: Pro Tennis Simulator (Codemasters) done by Bored Seal
  • 28.10.01 new: Obvious Disaster (Phenomena) done by Psygore (Info,Image)
  • 28.10.01 new: Mystical (Infogrames) done by CFOU!
  • 28.10.01 new: Forgotten World (Arc Developments/Capcom) done by CFOU!
  • 28.10.01 new: Cosmic Relief (Grandslam) done by Bored Seal
  • 26.10.01 new: Sex Vens () done by JOTD
  • 26.10.01 new: Pub Trivia Simulator (Codemasters) done by Bored Seal
  • 26.10.01 new: Operation Wolf (Ocean) done by Codetapper
  • 26.10.01 new: Murders in Space (Infogrames) done by CFOU!
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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Rene Hatje (ANF)

Chicago Tribune: Amiga is mentioned in issue about MacOS X
In the issue "Apple's best reason yet to pitch your Pentium" the Amiga is mentioned in very positive way. (ps)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 16:09] [Comments: 0]
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Miguel Gonçalves (E-Mail)

New Portuguese Amiga-Website
At the title link you will find a new website in Portuguese whic provides the reader with news and informations about the amiga. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 10:41] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Asse (ANF)

Betaversion of new FFE-Page
Michael Asse wrote:
From today the new reworked homepage of the AmigaFFE project is online (title link). It is a beta version, so if there are broken links or anything else, just send a mail to me.

In about two weeks the address of the domain will be adapted. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Dellert (ANF)

DCE: GREX Soundcard drivers are available for download
Now drivers for soundcards with the chipsets ESS-SOLO-ONE and FM-801 are available for download. For this highperformance AHI drivers we give you the equivalent soundmixer (needs gtlayout.library).

Soundcards from Terratec like the 128iPCI (ESS-SOLO-ONE) and 512i Digital (Fortemedia FM-801) use this chipset. The FM-801 chipset can only be used in the GRex 4000, the ESS-ONE chipset can be used in all GRex systems. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Oct. 2001, 10:30] [Comments: 0]
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29.Oct.2001 (ANF)

Cloanto licences Picasso96 software (Update 3)
Press release: Cloanto is proud to announce that it licenced both the "Picasso96" software from Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt, and Brian King's "UAEgfx" Monitor implementation, for use in Amiga Forever.

A shareware version of Picasso96 has been providing RTG (Amiga retargetable graphics) functionality to the emulation software which is part of Amiga Forever since 1997. With the new license Cloanto would like to acknowledge the precious contribution of the Picasso96 Team to the ease of use, compatibility and speed which made Amiga Forever so successful, and further contribute to the future development of the Picasso96 software. The new license replaces the shareware status of the Picasso96 software included in Amiga Forever. Support and upgrades will continue to be provided by Cloanto as part of the Amiga Forever product.

Thanks to the Picasso96 implementation in the Amiga emulation, when an Amiga program makes a function call to open an RTG screen, or to otherwise read or change its contents, that functionality is in most part executed as native and very fast x86 code. Furthermore, the Windows versions of the emulation programs included with Amiga Forever (i.e. WinUAE and WinFellow) fully exploit the latest versions of Microsoft DirectX, which is normally used by games and multimedia applications to provide maximum performance by providing low-level access to specialized hardware features, without having to re-write hardware-specific code. In practice this means that while other emulation programs only offer proper support for a handful of display cards, Amiga Forever has been running fine and will continue to run fine with hundreds of different display cards, including most graphics card currently available, and those which will be released with Windows drivers in the future.

The combination of Picasso96 and DirectX technologies provides palette-based, hi-color, true-color and multi-monitor screen modes well beyond the functionality and speed of the original Amiga hardware. Also, while other emulation packages do not even support simple peripherals such as a USB mouse, keyboard, joystick and speakers, DirectX includes DirectInput and DirectSound, which allow the emulation as included in Amiga Forever to support all popular input and sound devices.

The Picasso96 software is just one of the many components which have been carefully selected, preinstalled and tested for compatibility in Amiga Forever, to make Amiga emulation a simple one-click experience which works on the widest possible range of different PCs. Hundreds of other items, including for example GIF/LZW code used under license from Unisys Corporation (and not available in the version of Personal Paint included on Aminet), ColorFonts and AnimFonts by Kara Computer Graphics, and anything from entire software packages to single icons are carefully listed in the Copyright and Credits sections of the Amiga Forever documentation (which includes 8 KB of text only to list the individual third-party contributions).

In spite of increasingly difficult times Cloanto keeps improving its own software technology and licensing valued third-party contents to constantly improve Amiga Forever and offer continued support and compatibility to the Amiga community. Cloanto is grateful to all of its valued customers for supporting these efforts.

Picasso96 Home Page
Amiga Forever Home Page
Cloanto Home Page

Update: (04.04.2018, 14:30, cg)

Mike Battilana (Cloanto) asked us to add the following clarification: The new license discussed in this press release only covers the 2001 version and minor updates - no upgrade privileges for future major versions.

Update 2: (31.12.2018, 15:30, cg)

As requested by Mike Battilana, we replaced "the 2.x version" in the first clarification (refer to previous paragraph) with "the 2001 version". Also, the following paragraph was added to the original press release on

"At the time of this writing in 2001, the Picasso96 project was owned by its original developers Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt. Updates released by a new Picasso96 ownership were neither envisioned nor intended to be included in Amiga Forever under this license."

Update 3: (18.02.2019, 23:00, cg)

To counter allegations made by Jens Schönfeld, Cloanto has added copies of their 2001 correspondence with Alexander Kneer and a scan of a cash transfer receipt. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 17:10] [Comments: 0]
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Georges Halvadjian (ANF)

Paintprogram: PerfectPaint V2.75b
A new version of PerfectPaint V2.75b is now available. What's new:

  • New TOOLTYPE: 'CLASSIC', by default, this tooltype is disable. This Tooltype will change the WorkSpace of Perfectpaint. Disable 'Classic' will show you only the zoom window (like other Processing software). Enable 'Classic' will show you for each picture the main window (always 100%) and optionally the Zoom window (like other version of PfPaint).
  • PopUp menu can have transparency.
  • Improve palette buffer: Add Icons / Allow Drag & Drop / Show the Current stencil / See Doc for more info.
  • New Arexx Commands.
  • New Picture tool: Insert Picture.
  • New Processing tool: linked freeHand.
  • Redraw the anim control requester.
  • New effect Blur, Horizontal Blur, Vertical Blur and the Arexx Command.
  • New Wrap effect: Silver.
  • New text effect: Candy.
  • Redraw Font requester with a Bold option for CGfont, add a menu.
  • A lot of small improvements and some small bug corrected.
  • New tool under the boing icon: Alchemy: Here you can find all processing script with preview.
  • New Alchemy script: FlowerPaint.
  • Improve Density mapping requester with Load and Save Points.
  • Add two new item in Stencil menu: Density mapping and clear Stencil.
  • Improve 'Brush to Picture' and 'Picture to Brush': Stencil is respected.
Download: PfPaint-V275b.lha (1,9 MB) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 11:58] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: Virus Warning 'Harrier A'
A new virus is found. As far as we know, it has not been spread. But read more about is here . Also, new virus translations added to the Amiga Virus Encyclopedia.
Hi All....
A new linkvirus has been found a few days ago, but not in the wild. It was send to directly to Georg Hoermann (programmer of xvs.library) by the virus-programmer. Georg received the whole source code. This new virus, named "Harrier A" was able to disable the antivirus programs, but with the new xvs.library v33.36, this in no longer possible, due to the new security stuff in the xvs.library code. And maybe that is the reason why the virus-programmer send the code to Georg Hoermann.
We do not know if this virus was released in any way, so if you get a requester poping up, telling you that something is trying to disable the xvs.library, please let us know.
This is what we know of the virus:
Virus name.... : Harrier A
Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus size.... : 4.800 bytes (Uses polmorphic engine)
Infects....... : 020+ machines

In the decoded virus you can read:
.[ Harrier .A 1.02 virus, (c) by ] .Markus! Come back!Hç..,z
(xxxxxxx = Programmers name, removed by Virus Help Denmark)
The xvs.library package will be released very soon.....
Thanks to 'Georg Hoermann' for sending the archive, and to Zeeball for the first test. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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AMI Sector One

AMI Sector One wanting help for Perl/PHP/(My)SQL
'AMI Sectore One' is wanting help in enhancing theire website. Who is Perl, PHP or (My)SQL literate and interested in supporting the website might contact Bernd Gmeineder.

There are many suggestions how to enhance 'AMI Sector One' which could be realized using the mentioned languages.

'AMI Sectore One' among other things offers Amiga games for free download. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2001, 00:27] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Duin alias amigaharry (ANF)

Tools: RealPlayerInfo V1.1, MiamiDX2Phonebill V1.0
Tom Duin released version 1.1 of 'RealPlayerInfo' and version 1.0 of 'MiamiDX2Phonebill'.

RealPlayerInfo displays information about Real-Audio and Real-Video files.

MiamiDX2Phonebill converts the MiamiDX phone-log to the Phonebill program format to operate the data within that program.

Download: (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Mod3mski/Darkage (ANF)

Demo party: Spoletium 4
On 24. and 25. November 2001 in Spoleto, Italy, the demo party 'Spoletium 4' will take place.

Like in the years before contributions for the competitions can be sent by e-mail. The prizes will be sent by post.

Darkage and Trinity are oganizing the party.

More information are available by following the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Digital Almanac III: Little error inside update
Unfortunately a little error happened to find it's way into the DA III update to V4.2, which mercifully has no consequences. A file containing the Internet links for planets is missing in the archive. That causes the program to always ask for the CD-ROM.

This missing file can be downloaded: and must be copied to the 'User' directory of DA III.

The Aminet archive will be corrected and replaced at the next opportunity. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 20:38] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Williams (ANF)

Magazine: Clubbed #9
Clubbed Issue 9 Now Available
South Essex Amiga Link are proud to announce that the latest issue of Clubbed, our quarterly print Amiga magazine is now available.

Subscription copies have been posted and copies are available from stock. SEAL will be at the World of Amiga South East show next weekend selling the new issue.

The new issue has 44 A4 pages packed with Amiga news, reviews and tutorials. For issue 9 the main feature is on DTP with your Amiga, we cover the basics of publishing, describe the applications, old and new, that might suit your needs and discuss getting your work printed.

We review Metaview, the ArtEffect Plugins Collection, Epson's Stylus Photo 790 printer and take a first look at the PCI card drivers on the Elbox Mediator Multimedia CD.

On the games front you will find an extensive review of Shogo:MAD and a preview of Payback PPC/Warp3D. To go with our DTP feature we have a PageStream 4 tutorial on planning your pages and setting up for long documents. Also in issue 9 are tutorials on archiving and IRC. As usual there are many more items there wasn't room to mention here including news, comment, tips, and several other reviews.

If you'd like to know more visit our website at for a full contents list and sample articles from previous issues. Clubbed is a not-for-profit publication.

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 20:30] [Comments: 0]
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CGX: Snapshots of CyberGraphX V4.3
Snapshot of RadioX on a CGX V4.3 screen [Friday 26-Oct-01] (585K)

Here is a snapshot of CyberGraphX V4.3 Workbench with most of the Multimedia software running. RadioX (under AmigaAMP), Visionary, TeleText software and the ForteMedia801 SoundMixer software. Click on the thumbnail to the left for the 1280x1024x16bit full size grab.

CyberGraphX V4.3 driving 2 screens: G-Rex [Wednesday 24-Oct-01] (492K)

Here is a picture of CyberGraphX V4.3 (not out yet) driving 2 17" Monitors. On the left is a Voodoo4 based card gfx with Workbench running Visionary with TV/Video in the background. A quick peek at RadioX. Screen #2 is on a ViRGE based card and has AmIRC and AmigaAMP running, with the same TV/Video in the background. Both screens are 1024x768x16bit and watching "The Arrival". Click on the thumbnail to the left to see the full shot. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Workbench: WBStartEmu V45.2b
On 25. October 2001 Stephan Rupprecht has released version 45.2b of 'WBStartEmu' being an AmigaOS V3.9 version of the 'wbstart.library'. The following has changed since version 45.2:
  • Bugfix: Now all path problems (program not found, program cannot find own icon) should be solved. Thanks to Andreas Kürzinger for testing.
  • New: Spanish translation. Thanks to D.Dominguez.
  • Changed. New version of the wbrun command with a better deficons support: Note: This is the wbrun version from AmigaOS V3.9 which does not require both, neither AmigaOS V3.9 nor 'wbstartemu'.

Download: WBStartEmu.lha (8K), Readme (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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Magazine: The Crypt #20
Issue 20 is our NEW edition of The Crypt, and it's our Birthday! 4 whole disks worth of the best material for you to enjoy. And our Online version as well.

So what do we have for you this time? Well, it seems as though the world has gone mad since we brought out our last issue So hopefully this one will bring some cheer back into your lives. As we have been back for a year now (Find out more about this in the "History" section. We thought it was time to have some fun, so this is what we have for you:- Ever wondered where the Haggis came from? Well we bring you the story. And find out why the Scots are thought of as miserly. Then we preview a forthcomming part of the Crypt for all the Steam Train enthusiasts out there.

Just before we released this issue, we heard of the closure of Amiga Active who have given us their support for the last year, so our esteemed Dungeon Master has written a few words and we thank them for all the work they have done for the Amiga community, and we wish them well for the future with their new venture of "Digital".

As usual we have a strong line up of Readers bringing you all the best (and some of the worse) jokes and articles for every taste, and the Riyan Production team have been busy scouring the world to great effect, and have once again done us proud with all their articles and pics.

Have you ever wondered how safe it is to buy things online? Well we give you the best advice on how to make sure you are as safe as you can be with some very good tips about the world wide web.

Dr. Jekyll writes about the MAS Player, and Craig gives us a review on MuLib. And did you know that someone has made a robot from an Amiga? We have the pics and a review from the man himself. Then there is our usual collection of jokes and pics, which will brighten up any party. And in our Dungeons section we have some real life accounts from people who have experienced our Haunted World.

At the time of writing this, we are just a week away from the WOA-se show, where we hope to see new things from Amiga, and I'm hoping to get myself a very fast emulator for the PC so I can run all my favourite programs on a fast machine. Ray Elf has submitted a load of cartoons and art work for you to enjoy, and then we have a look at a NEW CD called D.O.O.N. which is a great utilities CD for the Amiga which gives you everything you could want for Opus including a whole host of themes, there are also OS3.5 and OS3.9 icons and a REGISTERED version of Class Act!

But thats enough from me for now, as we have a lot of work to do, bringing you the Christmas edition, which is only a few weeks away now. Zola

You will need the "CrM.library" to read the Crypt Disk mag. Download the lib,unlha it,and pop it in your libs drawer.

Also this version is incompatible With Amiga's using RTG or a graphics card. So please go to Online so you can read the HTML version.

Download: (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz (ANF)

The amiNET.GUI has a forum again
The amiNET.GUI has a forum, again, available via the menu item [interaktiv].

There you can ask or answer questions and discuss with people.

Unfortunately at this time there's only a German version.

At last the Spanish, Italian, and French versions of the amiNET.GUI got the category descriptions and menu texts translated. The same for the English version.

The Recent-Uploads are available so far, again, and the amiNET full text search was implemented.

Any file now can be rated inside of the directories. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 16:02] [Comments: 0]
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Martin R. Elsner (E-Mail)

Tools: ClassAction V4.3, Choowin V1.11, StopMenu
Martin Elsner has released new versions of the filemanager 'ClassAction' and the tool 'Choowin'. A new version of 'StopMenu' is being worked on.

ClassAction V4.3 - Poppping Uppp
The new version of the filemanager carries the sub-title 'Poppping Uppp', because of the new popup-menus like known from 'MagicMenu'. Those replace the old action-list, the main menu, and the drop-down list.

Additionally the following has changed:
  • Both lists of same functionality.
  • New edit menu.
  • Directory buffering.
  • Updating on disk change.
  • Path buttons.
  • Cut'n paste.
  • Search.

ClassAction is aware of more than 40 file formats (gif, jpeg, iff, mods, ...), what makes possible to automatically start operations by just clicking on a file - view, start, edit, translate. It is possible to define new file types and add operations.

Choowin V1.11
This little help tool can start programs, put windows to front and activate them - similar too the Task-Manager. You click on one of the buttons in one corner of the Workbench screen and chose the program or window title from the list displayed.

'ClassAction' and 'Choowin' both require AmigaOS V3.5+.

Development of the start menu 'StopMenu' progresses, but still needs more time. A release date within next week wasn't determined, yet.

StopMenu is a small help tool to start programs and put windows to front and activate them, similar to Windows' start menu.

Download: (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:18] [Comments: 0]
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Virtual Dimension (ANF)

Virtual Dimension: Video interview planned, Star Empire reservation possible
Virtual Dimension wrote:
On 17. and 18. November the 'AMIGA 2001' will take place in Cologne, Germany, and of course we will be there for you, again.

On this occation we are planning to make an interview with one of the Amiga VIPs on the show. Who to interview? That's up to you.

Write your wishes to Who is it you allways wanted to see in front of the camera? What questions would you like to ask him / her? We will collect all of the requests, chart them and then do what ever possible to get this person on tape.

By the way: Who is interested in participating the next StarEmpire round can pencil in from now on, and will contact you as soon as the registration phase has started.

Star Empire II is a round and text basined space strategy game by Christian Becker for up to 32 players. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel (ANF)

Game: Graphics competition for Schlachtfeld
Horst Diebel wrote:
Since we are urgently needing new graphics for phase 2 of the Schlachtfeld development and our own recources are quite limited, we decided to start a graphics competition.

Since Eddy already eagerly designed units this competition is about creation of background graphics. Those patterns should be of 256+ colours at the size of 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 pixel.

Different scenarios are needed for the backgrounds, such like swamps, grass or hill landscapes, craggy and rugged mountains, towns, deserts, ....

Partitipants are free to chose a subject - but we would be happy to get informed in advance just to have the chance to discuss our ideas.

As first prices two new A1200s are at our disposal, also there are several packages with Amiga software classics and Aminet CDs. Maybe the number of prices will increase, but we ask you to take into account that this project still is about creating free available software, which of course qualifys what we are able to give as prices :-(

Anybody can participate, the graphics must be free from third-party rights, and in the case of a price winning graphic we must get entitled to use it for comming versions of Schlachtfeld.

Ok, as usual we would be happy to get feedback.... To determine the winners in a way as neutral as possible we called up several representatives of the community to join the jury - but just have a look at the website..... Also there are more information and even more soon.

PS: As usual, of course we still are wanting people who would like to cooperate in this project; conceptional, as programmer or graphics artist. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Exotica Team (ANF)

ExoticA overloaded
The Amiga-ExoticA team wrote:
Please, use the mirror of Amiga ExoticA:

The main page cannot cope with the run on the server. Thank you for your interest.

The ExoticA website deals with the musical capabilities and history of the Amiga. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Søren Ladegaard (ANF)

History: The Commodore Billboard - Q1241 brochure
26 English Amiga adverts have been added to The Commodore Billboard. Several German brochures have been added too, including a brochure for the A1200 CDrom drive Q1241 from Amiga Technologies. Last but not least a 30 second Australian Commodore64 commercial has been added too. It was shown on Australian channel 10 back in 1985. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 13:35] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: "Uropa² HD" full version
With permission by Stephen Smith (Austex Software) the Amiga Arena makes the download of the full version of Uropa² (shareware version 2.0) available. Uropa² is a game based on isometric 3D graphics and lightsource vector graphics. The plot takes place on the moon of Uropa. Fight the evil Kapones and find their leading head that is responsible for their acts!

Available for download is the Aminet version of Uropa² as well as the Amiga Arena archive with the keyfile, German guide and catalogue files.

Hint: Exclusively can the Final Uropa² CD version 3.0, distributed by Vulcan Software, be found as full version on the Amiga Future readers CD 33.

Exclusive II: For all owners of the orginal CD are all Final Updates for Uropa² available for download, too! Including a new intaller for the CD version by Stephen Smith.

Special thanks go to Stephen Smith for the support as well as to Gerd F., who made the shareware version available. Enjoy one more commercial full version! With the best wishes from the Amiga Arena!

Next to Uropa² there are more commercial games available for free and legal download like Burnout, Blade and The Prophet. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 18:46] [Comments: 0]
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27.Oct.2001 - roadmap
Under the title link you find a comprehensive roadmap, how will continue. Among other things a new server, new partner sites, an improved user login are planned as well as a new comments system. The forums system and the poll scripts are to be improved during this complete overhaul, too. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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Bernie Meyer (email) now online with information
Bernie Meyer wrote:
As there seems to be the need for it I have gathered some information on and made downloads available. In particular there are:
  • a detailed guide how to boot Amithlon from the hard disk,
  • bootable CD and floppy images for testing existing hardware for Amithlon compatibility,
  • an up-to-date FAQ.
Some parts are still in development and some parts are missing just completely --- but regarding the discussions taking place at the moment I wanted to make the existing information available as soon as possible. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Astronomy: Digital Almanac III - update and further news
Promised is promised: the latest update for DA III (to version 4.2) was uploaded to Aminet. Users of the program can download and decrypt the program via in-built function automatically as soon as the update appears on the recent list. For this you need an already installed v4.0 or higher.

Here the most important changes:
  • Complete Bayer/Flamsteed data base (historical naming of stars)
  • The DA screen is now public.
  • The printer output can now be previewed in a browser.
  • Online information about several hundred stars.

The most important bugfixes:
  • Drawing Deep Sky objects into the printer output caused crashes.
  • The evaluation of the mouse position in the PPC versions had not always worked.
And a short notice regarding the OpenGL version of DA III (issue 10/2001 of the AmigaPlus): This project was cancelled already several weeks ago as there was no speed gain compared to the normal version.
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:51] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Göken (ANF)

IRC-Kanal for GRex users
Michael Göken wrote:
As already mentioned we want to set up an IRC channel that offers a possibility for the exchange of experiences to GRex owners. If we'd have some flatrate owners we could maintain an online channel.

I post the server I'll open the #GREXX channel on from time to time.

Channel: #GREXX

Update 28-Oct-2001:
The name of the IRC channel was changed. It's now '#GREX' and it is set up on the server (port: 6667).
(sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:48] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr (ANF)

New site about self built Amiga laptops online
Volker Mohr wrote:
For all interested I have finally put together pictures of all Amiga laptops built by me as well as some hints for assembling such on a homepage. I admit this page was overdue but better late than never :-) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Gerd Frank (e-mail)

New AmiATLAS website online
At the title link you'll find the new website of the route planner AmiATLAS 6. Alternately the website can be reached at (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 19:05] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (e-mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with James Daniels (programmer of Payback)
There's currently perhaps only one commercial Amiga game which is maintained so well as Payback by James Daniels. Sadly, James' work does not reflect in the sales. Because of the download count (updates) which are much higher than the sales it has to be assumed that a huge amount of pirated copies endanger the further development of Payback!

In the interview with Amiga Arena James revealed what the update 6 will offer. Should the amount of sales not increase we will have to do without a very talented "young" developer for Amiga.

Special thanks to Christian B. who made it possible that the interviews are online in German and English. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 19:05] [Comments: 3 - 28. Oct. 2001, 20:26]
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Michael Dittmar (ANF)

Blizkick - Bugfixed for the new (PCI)-Flash-ROM
A new update for the MAPROM tool Blizkick is available. Besides other bugfixes the new version now works with BlizzardPPC boards which have been flashed with the new (PCI-)flash ROM. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 18:58] [Comments: 0]
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eisblock (ANF)

DiCaTool V0.81
There is a new version of DiCaTool which you can download again this weekend (server is not online permanently). With DiCaTool you can configure your digital camera, load pictures from the camera or use it as a webcam. Have fun with it. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (ML)

Virus Help Denmark: xvs.library V33.36
A new update of the "xvs.library" has been released today. This is a major update and you should download the update right away, just read about the changes.

And what must be one of the best news in the anti-virus scene in 2001, the 'man' himself is back on the Amiga scene. Georg Hoermann, the original programmer of VirusZ III and xvs.library is BACK. Georg Hoermann and Jan Erik Olausen will work together on the update of xvs.library in future.

Info about the new update of xvs.library:

Name: xvs.library v33.36
Achive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive size: 82,452 bytes
Release date: 25 October 2001
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen & Georg Hoermann

News for v33.36:
  • After several years on a journey the sourcecodes finally came back home;-) Yes, it's me (Georg Hörmann) again, still alive and kicking virus asses... Thanks must go to Alex van Niel and Jan Erik Olausen for keeping the project alive! This update was done by me alone, but in the future, Jan Erik and I will keep the library up-to-date together.
  • Rearranged and enhanced the security stuff inside the library for 100% detection of any (illegal) function patches. Programs like 'ZeebsVS' will no longer work with this version. Thanks must go to Zeeball for his demonstration of security gaps in the older versions.
  • Added support for 'IOZ (512 Bytes)' linkvirus. Thanks go to Zeeball for sending it.
  • Added support for 'Rexxfunc' trojan. Thanks must go to Zeeball and Jan Andersen for sending it.
  • Totally redesigned the scanner for virus tasks/processes. The new code scans all tasks/processes for every known virus in just one step and can even handle several running copies of one virus correctly (thanks Zeeball for the hint).
  • Checked ALL the stuff that has been added in my absence since xvs.library 33.18. See below for what I have changed/fixed. Thanks must go to Jan Andersen, Jan Erik Olausen and Zeeball for sending me the missing viruses and lots of other stuff. Special thanks to Zeeball for the ZeebsVS sourcecodes!
  • Fixed file recognition for 'Bastard Installer 1'.
  • Renamed 'Miami 4.0 Fake Installer' to 'MUI 4.0 Fake Installer', because that's what it really is.
  • Renamed 'CCCP Clone' bootvirus to 'Anal Rapes' (its real name), fixed its memory recognition and added it to linkvirus brain.
  • Removed recognition for 'Doubledensity' bootblock, this is just an intro boot.
  • Fixed longword access to odd address in 'Jode Capullos 2' file recognition. This caused crashes on 68000 systems.
  • Fixed memory removal code for 'Zakahackandpatch' and 'Zakapior'. The processes of these viruses might stay in memory up to one minute after they have been detected, that's not a bug, but their own call to Delay() that we have to wait for.
  • Fixed recognition for 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Installers' and added the plain version created by xfdmaster.library 39.13.
  • Renamed 'MadRoger Short' to 'NoName (248 Bytes)' to follow the guidelines of VTC Hamburg (idea by Jan Andersen).
  • Renamed '212 Bytes Link' linkvirus to 'NoName (212 Bytes)' and fixed its memory removal code.
  • Renamed 'Explode Trojan' linkvirus to 'Port 9876' and removed the repair code, we can use 'Fungus' code instead.
  • Renamed 'Explode Trigger' filevirus to 'Port 9876 Trigger'.
  • Renamed 'Port 4097 Installer' to 'Port 4097' and added memory removal code for the trojan's process. The process will stay in memory for a while without doing any harm, see explanation at 'Zaka...' above.
  • Fixed 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' memory removal code. The process gets killed immediately, the patched stack addresses will disappear one by one after a while without doing harm.
  • Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Motaba 3' linkvirus. Now it restores the correct library jumps and can repair even files that have been damaged by the virus (bad branch offsets!).
  • Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Bastard' linkvirus. Now restores all patched functions (inside asl.library and VirusCheckerII) and repairs even big files with bad branch offsets.
  • File recognition for 'Bastard Installer 2' will now only detect the plain, uncrunched virus as xfdmaster.library unpacks this file correctly.
  • Fixed brain entry of 'Port 2421' linkvirus (wrong virus length) and added memory recognition. Moved 'Port 2421 Installer' from linkvirus to filevirus brain as it cannot reproduce itself.
  • Fixed 'Smeg 2a' and 'Smeg 2b' memory removal code. The processes get killed immediately and the patched stack addresses disappear one by one after a while without doing harm.
  • Fixed repair code for 'Penetrator 2001' linkvirus to handle both ways of infection and added memory removal code (removes the task and 2 of 3 processes, the other one usually should already have been run out or crashed because of bad coding!).
  • Fixed memory recognition for 'Bobek 2' linkvirus and tuned the file recognition/repair code. Thanks to Jan Erik Olausen for his bug report about the beta-release of this code.
  • Add some code to close TCP ports opened by several trojans.
  • Add Neurotic Death 1-5 linkviruses. These are highly polymorphic, but crash on my system if I try to infect some test files. I have received several infected files already from other persons and will try to find some solution for these viruses in the near future.
  • Try to get and add GlobVec linkvirus. The only one who has it is Heiner Schneegold (author of VT-Schutz) and VTC Hamburg, but Heiner doesn't give his permission to the VTC to send me the virus :(
Currently we are developing xvs.library together, so for bug reports, other comments, new ideas etc. it's enough if you choose one of the following addresses:

Georg Hörmann, Martinswinkelstr. 16c, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
email: or

Jan Erik Olausen, Rødsveien 5, N-1671 Kråkerøy, Norway

Download shortcut:

Remember if you use VirusZ, VirusChecker, Safe and VirusExecutor you must update the xvs.library to have recog for the latest viruses.....
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp (e-mail)

GFX-BASE: New entries and review of Mira-WizARC
At the GFX-BASE you can once more read a new review. This time Kevin Hansen has tested the archive manager Mira-WizARC. Besides our vote (which ends in the next days) there are some new entries of games and scene demos which support graphics cards.

Also new is an improved layout as well as a new logo which is meant to illustrate a small change in direction of our magazine: the GFX-BASE magazine is now not only for graphics card users but for Amiga high-end users in general. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 14:09] [Comments: 0]
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FORE-MATT Home Computing (ANF)

Game: AQUA distributed by FORE-MATT
FORE-MATT Home Computing have been appointed by Emerald Imaging as the new world-wide distributors of AQUA, the graphical adventure game in the style of Myst. The game can now be ordered direct from FORE-MATT Home Computing at the new Amiga Online Superstore. Trade enquiries are welcome by mailing or calling +44 (0)8700 11 22 34.

John Wilson of FORE-MATT stated "FORE-MATT Home Computing are pleased to be working with a company who still believes in the Amiga platform. We are committed to selling and distributing great games from the past, present and future for the Amiga community. Emerald Imaging have shown that great original games can still be made for the Amiga and we hope to see this continue."

Kelly Samel from the Canadian company who developed AQUA had this to say "Emerald Imaging is pleased to be working with FORE-MATT Home Computing in the world-wide distribution of Aqua. Working with FORE-MATT will ensure that Aqua is available world-wide for all Amiga users. We look forward to Aqua being available through many Amiga dealers, including FORE-MATT Home Computing and directly from our website. It's all about opening up choice and offering quality software and service to Amiga customers and dealers. We feel we will succeed in this goal thanks to Aqua gaining a wide scope of availability and appeal."

For those not seen the game yet, it will be displayed on the FORE-MATT Home Computing stand at the World of Amiga SE Show on 3rd November. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Lachner (ANF)

OSNews: Interview with Guillaume Maillard of the BlueOS team
There's an interesting article at OS-News about BlueOS, a BeOS clone based on Linux. In this article a BlueOS team member answers questions about the planned system. This article is also interesting from Amiga point of view for the following reasons:
  • BlueOS could become another alternative operating system for the bPlan PPC board
  • BlueOS could show that it's possible to build an alternative operating system on a Linux kernel which is compatible to an existing one (BeOS). Something similar would be possible for AmigaOS for example with AROS.
All in all the BlueOS project seems to be in a very early state. Interesting for Amiga fans are the aims of the project which read on the homepage as follows: "Call this project ´BeOS 8´ or ´AmigaOS 10, the revenge´ if you want, our dream is to make something better than these great OSes."
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 13:57] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Perver (ANF)

Textviewer: Updated plug-ins for EvenMore
Using the new plugin feature of EvenMore, it is now possible for anyone with a basic knowledge of any compiling programming language to create plugins for EvenMore. I have created AmigaGuide, HTML, MSWord and WordWorth conversion plugins to date. The possibilities are endless. If anyone wants to create a plugin, let me know. This will also help me to improve the plugin functions and expand the type and functions of plugins that can be created. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 13:51] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas C. Schmidt (ANF)

Private G-REX 4000D performance tests by Andreas C. Schmidt
Last week I have promised in one of the comment threads to make real world tests on my G-REX 4000D. Now that I have my G-REX together with Voodoo3-3000 working the results are available at the title link.

Amidog's AMP sadly does not run with the G-REX-Voodoo combination and likes to crash on startup. I don't have a 100 MBit ethernet card yet since the drivers are still missing. As soon as the drivers are available I will do the tests.

One word on the 3D games: Heretic and Shogo run perfectly, Wipeout runs (on my system) only on Workbench and the glQuake status bar is mangled and unreadable. The main 3D graphic in glQuake is not affected, though.

Now a call to all Mediator users: I would *LOVE* to see my tests on the most powerful Mediator environment (603e-240, Voodoo3-3000)! With the help of my test notes it should be easily possible for anyone to execute them himself (except the ethernet test).
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 13:46] [Comments: 0]
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Survey: Which system do you want to use 2002?
In our forum some asked when we would start another survey along with a precise suggestion to query for: "What system would you like to use in 2002?". Possible answers:
  • "Classic" Amiga / AmigaOS 3.x
  • "Classic" Amiga / Linux
  • AmigaOne / AmigaOS 4.0
  • Pegasos / MorphOS
  • Pegasos / LinuxPPC
  • x86 / AmigaOS XL / Amithlon
  • x86 / UAE
  • x86 / Windows
  • x86 / Linux
  • Macintosh / UAE
  • Macintosh / MacOS
  • Macintosh / LinuxPPC
Unfortunately our script does not allow multiple entries. Suggestions for other surveys are welcome.

Update: (30.04.2011, cg)

For archiving reasons, the results of the survey are added to this news item:
System                          Votes

"Classic" Amiga / AmigaOS 3.x    327   (13.09%)
"Classic" Amiga / Linux           20    (0.80%)
AmigaOne / AmigaOS 4.0          1000   (40.02%)
Pegasos / LinuxPPC                15    (0.60%)
Pegasos / MorphOS                611   (24.45%)
x86 / AmigaOS XL / Amithlon      269   (10.76%)
x86 / UAE                         24    (0.96%)
x86 / Windows                     84    (3.36%)
x86 / Linux                       58    (2.32%)
Macintosh / UAE                    3    (0.12%)
Macintosh / MacOS                 55    (2.20%)
Macintosh / LinuxPPC               1    (0.04%)
Andere / Other                    32    (1.28%)
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2001, 16:28] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: ReqAttack Version 1.93
The tool to embellish system requesters programmed by Georg Steger and further developed by Jaca/Dreamolers-Caps now is available for download in version 1.93 under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2001, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Da SixK Port Page

Database: MySQL version 4.0.0 for 68040 CPU
In this archive you will find MySQL version 4.0.0 (alpha binary). Thus a corrected version of MySQL 4.0.0 alpha for the 68040 CPU has been released fixing the 'Create Database' error.

Download: mysqld-4_bin_create_db_fix.lzx (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2001, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga Inc.: Amiga announces first release of its AmigaDE Player
As already reported in August Amiga Inc. have released an AmigaDE player for Linux and Windows. You will find the official press release of Amiga Inc. under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2001, 12:48] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Garlich (ANF)

Video editing: New effect movies by Motionstudio
Titan Computer released two new effect movies for download in the 'Shot/Movie' section, which give a good impression of the plasma and fireworks effects. The Quicktime movies can be displayed using any Amiga QT player. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2001, 03:04] [Comments: 0]
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