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AmigaMARK LPA Website

Benchmark-Tool: AmigaMARK LPA almost finished
The Austrian Rupert Hausberger has worked for some months on a new Freeware benchmark-tool called AmigaMARK LPA. The author has now announced that the program is ready to 98%. Currently the program is in beta test. The first release will be only published in some time because the documentation still has to be written.

AmigaMARK LPA (Lowlevel Preformance Analyse) is an application which determines the perfomance of the computer on which it runs. The performance is measured in three sections: Processor, memory and harddrive. Then a detailed report will be put out in HTML or TXT. There is the possibility to compare the results with the help of a graphic display with other computers.

There will be defenitely versions for 68K and MorphOS. If there will be also a version for AmigaOS4 is uncertain and depends on it if the author will get developer information. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Nov. 2002, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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