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Carsten Schröder (E-Mail)

FTD: Elsa: Specialist for graphics and network crashed
»The German specialist for graphics and network Elsa is illiquid. FTD Online (Financial Times Deutschland) found out about that from bank and business circles.«
See title link for complete article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Nosutta (ANF)

Amithlon site by Shop'n Fun now in English too
The Amithlon help site, put online by Michael Ublrich, now is also available in English. Amithlon users are adviced to have a look on it, especially for the AmiTV page. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

ScummVM Version 0.1.0 for MorphOS released
Rüdiger Hanke released his new version of the ScummVM-MorphOS. He wrote, that this new version would fix many bugs from v0.0.3.

The MorphOS version got some display code now and became independent of SDL. This reduces the program in size and switching from full screen to window mode now works clean. Other enhancements are being worked on. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Duin alias amigaharry (ANF)

RealPlayerInfo 1.2 with DefIcons support
RealPlayerInfo 1.2 shows title, author and copyright tag stored in Realmedia files, and DefIcons support.

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 14:21] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

GP appoints H&P German Distributor
The Australian software house GP Software appoints HAAGE&PARTNER exclusive distributor in the German language area of the product Directory Opus 6 for Windows.

H&P first will distribute the English version and offer German speaking support via email and phone. The translation of the program is to follow, soon, and will be available for free download to H&P's customers. Translation of the detailed manual is being worked on, too.

The price of the new version 6.1 was lowerd. There is also a sidegrade possibility for registered users of the Amiga version. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 14:06] [Comments: 1 - 09. Feb. 2002, 08:50]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

CD32-Emulator for Windows: Akiko v1.2
Finally the time has come! A new version of Akiko, CD32 and CDTV emulator for Microsoft(r) Windows(r), can be downloaded from the Airsoft Softwair homepage ( Version 1.2 is a major update which is about 20% faster and supports emulation of the CD32's nonvolatile memory including a cool nv ram editor which supports importing, exporting, locking & patching of save states.

Example of patching a save game is included in the documentation. Additionally Akiko has now a real Joypad emulation which means that the user can map every key / joystick button to the CD32's joypad buttons. Akiko also supports the emulation of the language identifier of the CD32 and CDTV now so some games appear now automatically in the language you configured in the Akiko settings. Finally there were some bug fixes and improvements in the single patches as well as an extended documentation.

If you still haven't registered Akiko (only $15US/15 EUR) you should have a look at Defender Of The Crown 2 CDTV which can now also be played with the Akiko demo version. But don't forget to set your native language to the CDTV's language in the Akiko settings so that the game appears in it. By the way, Akiko does not require the extended ROMs of the CD32 & CDTV. Kickstart 3.1 and 1.3 are enough. Registered users please send an email to with "subscribe" subject and you'll get the latest version (you'll only have to subscribe once, then you'll always get the latest version of Akiko) If you haven't registered yet, you should definitely get the demo version of Akiko! (ps)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2002, 01:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Lohr (ANF)

3. IRC meeting of the DigiboosterPro community on 07.02.2002
On Thursday, 07.02.2002, takes the 3. IRC meeting of the DigiboosterPro community place, beginning at 20.00 h. The channel is accessable as follows:

Channel name: #digiboosterpro
Port: 6667

We'd be very pleased about numerous appearance of active DBPro users and interested people.

Furthermore we'd like to draw your attention once again to the DBPro mod compo running for the time being. For further information please visit the DigiboosterPro website (title link). (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Abitz (ANF)

Wipeout 2097 for the Mac
Wipeout 2097 has been released for the Mac. The interesting point - it is advertised as Playstation and Amiga classic. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 20:50] [Comments: 0]
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Kieron Wilkinson (ANF)

CAPS Update
CAPS (The Classic Amiga Preservation Society) is working to save original Amiga (read: even copy protected) games from floppy disk extinction (for remastering or emulator use) and has had a huge update!


  • Very detailed report of last months WIP
  • Lots more games dumped, with hundreds still waiting
  • Portugese translation (French, Spanish and German on the way)
  • New credits section

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert (E-Mail)

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX sells Amiga Sources
Due to a lack of time, motivation and general interest, PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX is looking for licensees that are willing to obtain the source code for the well-known ak Datatypes (other products on request) under exclusive or non-exclusive license on as-is basis.

The license will not include the keyfile-code (removal) and it won't include the right to sell a product under the same name. So the licensee will be able to work out new products based on the sources, without any further relations or obligations. Basic help for getting started with the sources and concepts will be provided.

We're awaiting your offers.

OpenSource projects may obtain FREE licences under certain circumstances. Please contact us.

This offer is limited until 31.03.2001.

In the meantime, our website will be reworked. The Amiga section was removed. (ps)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 14:47] [Comments: 0]
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Event: HobbyTronic 2002
From 20. to 24. February 2002 takes in the Dortmunder Westfalenhallen 4 and 5 the HobbyTronic place. The HobbyTronic computer fair shows the offer for electronics fiddlers, radio amateurs, Dxer, tape and TV amateurs, video fans, electronic acoustic handicrafts and CB radio operators and presents a great offering for computer users in hobby, job and training with devices, systems, add-ons and programs. A special service offer the actions center and the computer street where specialists from all electronic fields pass on valuable information and hints.

Further information can be found following the title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 14:41] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 04.02.2002)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your harddrive which were formerly meant only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated:
  • 04.02.02 improved: Pirates! (Gold) CD³² (Microprose) various changes, supports german version too
  • 04.02.02 fixed: Magic Boy (Blue Turtle) protection correctly removed, minor other changes
  • 04.02.02 improved: Adventures of Robin Hood (Millennium) sound replay fixed, faster
  • 04.02.02 improved: No Excuses (Arcana) various changes
  • 04.02.02 improved: Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (Virgin) supports another version
  • 04.02.02 improved: Rampage (Activision) keyboard fixed
  • 04.02.02 improved: Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis (Lucasfilms Games) ingame bug fixed
  • 04.02.02 improved: B.A.T. (UBI-Soft) supports french version too
  • 31.01.02 Searching the website works again
  • 31.01.02 new: Teenage Queen (Ere) done by Psygore
  • 31.01.02 new: PGA European Tour (The Dome/Ocean) done by Codetapper

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 13:09] [Comments: 0]
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Editor: VIM version 6.0.189
VIM is an editor that has its roots in the Unix editor "vi" and that is available for different systems like AmigaOS, AtariMiNT, BeOS, DOS, MacOS, MachTen, OS/2, RiscOS, VMS, and Windows (95/98/NT4/NT5/2000). Today has version 6.0.189 been released.

In issue 1 vol. 1 of the Free Software Magazine there's an article that covers among other things the history of VIM.

VIM was developed by Bram Moolenaar first for the Amiga and had its first appearance on the Fish #591 (November 1991). (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 12:58] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Official: NVidia introduces GeForce4 - first benchmarks
»GeForce2 and GeForce3 will be replaced
Now that almost all information became known in advance, has NVidia themselves officially announced their new GeForce4 graphics chip family. This one replaces its predecessors GeForce2 and GeForce3 completely.«
Full (German) article see title link.

Further link covering this subject (German):
Heise: Nvidia introduces 3D chip GeForce4
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: AWeb workshop reworked
Ricco Clemens has updated and reworked the AWeb workshop on the Amiga Future homepage. The new version is now online. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 11:44] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (email)

#AmigaFun: chat with Hyperion on 18.02.2002
On Monday, 18. February 2002, beginning at 19.00 h will Steffen Häuser, Thomas and Hans-Jörg Frieden from Hyperion answer to questions on the IRC Amiga channel #AmigaFun. All three are programmers at Hyperion and deal with AmigaOS 4 and with games ports, like for example Quake 2. The chat with Hyperion is organised in co-operation with the Amiga Future.

How to access the IRC channel #AmigaFun:

IRC server (enter WITHOUT "irc."):
IRC port: 6667
IRC channel: #amigafun

Should the server fail you can access the channel via this server: (please enter again without "irc.").

Further information especially for IRC beginners can be found on the #AmigaFun homepage.

The chat can be accessed via HTML chat from the #AmigaFun homepage, Amiga Future homepage and from the forum. As we can't guarantee an error free functioning of the HTML chat and programs like AMIRC or BlackIRC are anyway nicer to use we recommend to use an IRC client in any way.

Possible languages are German and English. The logfiles of the chat will be later released on the homepages of the Amiga Future and the #AmigaFun in German and in English.
Stefan Martens: "I'd like this time to point to the fact that nobody else may release the logfiles of the chat this time." (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2002, 11:41] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Online Games - Onlinegame at 09.02.2002
On Saturday, 09.02.2002 on port:8000 a HBMonopolyV2.6-Server is running. All interested Monopoly-players are invited to play from 18 o'clock. Further informations you can request under IRC ( / Channel #AOG). (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 23:02] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

AmigaOS XL: Official update for Amithlon and AmigaXL
This is the first official AmigaOS XL Update from Haage&Partner, which will fix all known problems. Amithlon now features an improved sound output as well as enhanced mouse and keyboard drivers and a bug fixed CPU/FPU emulation. HDToolBox will now run stable again under Amithlon and AmigaXL. (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 19:38] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer (ANF)

Mailprogram: SimpleMail Version 0.15
The new version 0.15 of SimpleMail is released.

Latest changes:

  • SimpleMail is converted internal to Unicode
  • New localisations added
  • Two new columns added in mail list: "POP3 Server" and "Received"
  • Little layout changes in mail writing window
  • "Content-Description:" field is supported
  • Some bugfixes
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 17:50] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News(ANF)

Golem: Yamaha provides SCSI converter for internal IDE CD-writers
Yamaha announced a new SCSI converter for both CD-writer lines CRW3200E (24x) und CRW2200E (20x)to use those IDE drives with SCSI host adapters, too. Yamaha plans to start delivery in early February.
See title link for the Golem article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 17:47] [Comments: 0]
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Older interview with Bill McEwen from Steve Folberg
Steve Folberg has published an older unreleased interview with Bill McEwen on his website. This interview was made at the Amiga2001 for the AmigaWorld #5, but was not released there. You will find the long and interesting interview here. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 10:58] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Games: Charts from AGC (Amiga Games Classifying)
AGC has released the Charts January/February 2002 of the most popular games. The first three places are Quake, Napalm, and Payback. In March 2002 starts the poll for March/April 2002. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 10:58] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Matay: P96-Drivers only on request
Matay has removed the archive with the P96-drivers V2.1a for Prometheus from the server and will send the archive only on request via email. It will be available again later on when a registration process will be implemented. Owners of a Prometheus board can get it sending an email to Matay has decided to do so because also users without a Prometheus board are using these drivers.

You find this text at the archive:
"This archive has been deleted from the page because of numerous downloads by people who don't have Prometheus boards but are still using our page to recieve a full archive of shareware program. In short future there will be a questionary veryfing and writing down all necessary data of the one who is downloading. Till then, please inquire to, we will send you this archive on your email account. Thank you, Matay team" (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 10:58] [Comments: 0]
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David McMinn (ANF)

Programming Language: AmiBlitz2 Version 2.24
Version 2.24 of the programming language AmiBlitz has been published. If you have bug reports please do not send them to the uploader but to the mailinglist to avoid double bug reports.

In order to subscribe the mailinglist please send a mail to For unsubscribing please send a mail to


Original message:
The Blitz2000 site is dedicated to bringing you the best information and resources about the programming language AmiBlitz2 (formerly Blitz Basic 2). It has been updated and a new version of AmiBlitz2 has been released (v2.24 - both an update and a full user-distribution). Loads of other smaller updates have been made (mainly more documentation and source examples).

Check out the news page for a full list of changes. (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2002, 09:34] [Comments: 0]
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Marius Schwarz (ANF)

Morpheus Security Bug at last public
Once more Amiga users are informed faster and better than the PC world. As the Amiga Security Page is already reading since 24. August 2001, Morpheus clients can be spied using a simple web browser and avoid any file sharing settings of the client.

This concerns all P2P clients using the Morpheus protocoll. See also description of Morpheus on the ASP.

BTW: Now there also is a topical virus / trojan list on the ASP sponsored by Sophos Anitvirus.

See title link for the Heise article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2002, 19:39] [Comments: 0]
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Running AmigaOS on a PC: Review of Amiga XL
OSNews is running a review of AmigaXL, a system that allows you to boot AmigaOS on your PC in a way that resembles a regular-booting x86 operating system. Screenshots accompany the article show the latest version of AmigaOS 3.9 running on a Compaq laptop. With AmigaOS 4.0 coming out in March with lots of new features (antialias fonts, better memory protection etc) is AmigaXL the one true future of Amiga, a future that AmigaDE, QNX and Gateway failed to materialize through their involvement with AmigaOS? (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2002, 16:45] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (E-Mail)

Andreas R. Kleinert: References to pirate copies of my programms wanted
Today, I read the article about shareware and pirate copies on Very interesting. Well, it is that from time to time people send me illegal keyfiles and/or key generators for my programs - sometimes refering to the source where to find those.

This often enables me to deactivate the respective keys, which respond to a certain pattern. So there are faithful users too - who nevertheless stumble upon such things from time to time - and help program authors to embank pirate copying.

I would like to offer the following to those users:

Who will send me keyfiles for my programs (or the respective generators), up to now not recognized as "pirate keys" by those, will receive an original keyfile at a time. In especially fiddly cases I will charge even more. For multi-transmittal applies: "The first to send in, will win".

Naturally data will be kept in confidence and anonymous if desired (the real name is only required for the keyfile).

P.S.: Dubious software gets tested under UAE, insofar transfecting virsues is useless. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2002, 16:43] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

MMKeyboard Version 1.20
There is a new version of MMKeyboard available now. Besides many changes and improvements the archive now contains some Win95 keymaps compatible with the Euro.

Older hardware is, of course, still compatible,

Download: MMKeyboard.lha

A more detailed description of the funcionality of MMKeyboard can be found in the readme file included in the archive. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2002, 14:28] [Comments: 0]
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Shareware: Bitwise Operator: The Plain Truth About Piracy
In the above mentioned English article by "Ambrosia Software", a company that develops software for Apple computers, the company's experience with shareware and privacy is described.

The change from a fully functional shareware to a more crippled version didn't cause people to register 5 times more often as mentioned in the article "Why Do People Register, Does Crippling Work, Does Anybody Really Know?" by Colin Messitt but it triggered off an increase in sales figures.

A change of the registration procedure in the middle of last year showed that more than 50% of the people who had installed the update for the software "Snapz Pro X" were using a pirate code to activate the software.

The article is available via the title link. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 23:17] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Reiswigh (G-Rex ML)

G-Rex: SoloOne Mixer V1.2
On 3 February 2002 version 1.2 of the 'SoloOne' mixer was released on It supports sound cards with the SoloOne chip (e.g. Terratec 128iPCI).

The ESS Solo1 mixer will now run under CGX V3 & V4 and contains a few other minor updates.

Download: SoloOneMixer1_2.lzh (12K) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 21:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amithlon: Update 3-Patches (Update)
The text of this message was deleted. The Amithlon developers did not grant permit to release beta test drivers on the relevant website. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 20:52] [Comments: 1 - 04. Feb. 2002, 22:51]
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Amiga Future

Icons: PygmIconsGL Icons (Update)
On 2 February 2002 the gamesicon collection "PygmIconsGL Icons" was published by Frank on the website. It contains more than 250 icons for all games for the Workbench V3.5.

Download: PygmIconsGL_G1.LHA (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

Amiga Flame: Amiga and AmigaDE - game of the year election 2001
Amiga Flame has published the results of the game of the year election 2001 for Amiga and AmigaDE.

The first place for Amiga goes to Payback (Apex Designs), Shogo and Freespace: The Great War (both portings from Hyperion Entertainment).

The first place for AmigaDE goes to Planet Zed (Zeoneo), Blobula (Pagan Games) und Boxikon (Zeoneo).

All further rankings and additional information about the games are available via the links. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Downloads, JanoEditor, PCI.hidd, DOS
After the publication of AROS snapshots on SourceForge 475 downloads measuring 4GB were registered.

Daniel Holmen published a Norwegian translation for JanoEditor.

Michael Schulz has added a new PCI.hidd. It scans the PCI bus and enables the enquiry of application information via PCI tools. Besides he has started to write something which he calls "nvidia.hidd". Whatever this may be ;-). There isn't a lot of code available but it should run on all boards such as Riva 128, GeForce2 and Quadro.

Georg Steger has removed a few problems in the DOS and Startup code which shouldn't try to examine the command line if the program was started from the workbench.library. He has also improved JanoEdit (catalogues are now created. Some small bugfixes for AROS). (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 19:03] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaDE: mailing list for Technomages
Technomages develops games for AmigaDE and has now installed a mailing list for their own news.

This list can be ordered by sending a blank e-mail to

So far Technomages has released 5 memory games for AmigaDE (Memory, Get To Work, Art Avenue Puzzles 1 und 2, Tikino). (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 19:03] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Alt.WoA 2002: car sharing
On 23 February 2002 the Alt.WoA 2002 takes place in Huddersfield, England. A notice board has been added to the website of the fair in order to organise car sharing. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 18:24] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Icons: new and updated MasonIcons
Martin 'Mason' Merz has published in the project category of his homepage some new and updated 'MasonIcons'.

  • AmiMCDMI - Reworked toolbar for AmiMDC
  • AminetIdxMI - New toolbar set for AminetIdx
  • AudioMI - Extended toolbar for AudioMaster
  • AWebMI - Reworked navigation board for Aweb
  • CharonMI - Redesigned toolbar for Charon
  • GiambyMI - New toolbar for GiambyNetGrabber
  • IBrowseMI - A navigation board for IBrowse with additional images by Kristóph Gruber
  • MiamiPhoneMI - Glow icons toolbar set for MiamiPhone
  • SimplePostMI - Reworked toolbar for SimplePost
  • VideoMI - New toolbar for MUI Video
  • VoyagerMI - Extended navigation board set for Voyager
(sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 18:24] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Safe V17.8
On 3 February 2002 Virus Help Denmark released version 17.8 of the virus detector 'Safe' developed by Zbigniew Trzcionkowski. 'Safe' recognises any viruses that are in the memory of the computer and, if possible, removes them. Compared with the previous version, the following features have changed:

  • some at least imaginary MGA hits removed, report if this new Safe causes any MF/MGA hits
Name: Safe v17.8
Archive name : Safe.lha
Archive size : 18 855
Date : 3 February 2002
Programmer : Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires : OS 2.04+, xvs.library

Download: Safe.lha (18K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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AudioLabs (ANF)

AudioLabs: AHI driver for Sunrize AD516
Chris Brenner has released an AHI-driver for the Sunrize audio board "AD516" (Zorro II), available on Aminet.

The Sunrize's AD516 has been one of the most interesting ZII audio boards. Unfortunately, until now, there haven't been any drivers of any kind for this card, leaving owners in need for realtime software with the only option to use Studio16, the application developed for this hardware by Sunrize and bundled with the product.

Lack of detailed documentation, and the fact that Sunrize left the market, prevented people from taking advantage of more modern non-linear editing software, developed years after Studio16. Until now.

Chris Brenner has just released his new excellent AHI driver, available on Aminet, that now allows AHI-compatible applications to access the AD516 A/D D/A converters (for SMPTE support, Studio16 is still the right tool). Several applications have already been tested and work fine.

Early reports about ProStationAudio and this new development say that the driver exhibits low-latency, extremely important to allow using mixing automation and the 30+ realtime DSP effects for ProStationAudio. More information soon, as soon as they arrive.

To download the driver, search for "AD516" on Aminet. Information about the developer is in the driver archive, don't forget to send him feedback.

In the Dev-archive the hardware of the board is described. This description is incomplete but good enough to program drivers.

Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 17:11] [Comments: 0]
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03.Feb.2002 (ANF)

John Chandler: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
On 31 January 2002 John Chandler published on suite101 a new English column about the Amiga in which he talks about AmigaOS 4.0.

"One thing that anyone still using an Amiga has gained over the years is a sense of patience. No matter how tough things get, no matter how much the situation ups and downs, most Amiga users will remain fairly patient in the face of frustrations that would have owners of other platforms cursing and wailing. Yes we do get moments of despair, yes sometimes it does look bleak and you can be forgiven for losing the optimism and thick-skins built up in the post-Commodore years... but then things come along and suddenly everything looks bright again." ..... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 16:57] [Comments: 1 - 03. Feb. 2002, 22:02]
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Vim (ANF)

Editor: Vim-6.0.160
VIM is an improved version of the editor "vi", one of the standard text editors on UNIX systems.

VIM adds many of the features that you would expect in an editor: unlimited undo, syntax coloring, split windows, visual selection, graphical user interface (read: menus, mouse control, scrollbars, text selection), and much much more.

VIM runs on many operating systems: AmigaOS, AtariMiNT, BeOS, DOS, MacOS, MachTen, OS/2, RiscOS, VMS, and Windows (95/98/NT4/NT5/2000)

In edition 1 vol. 1 of the Free Software Magazine there is an article which mentions amongst other things how VIM came into being.

VIM was developed by Bram Moolenaar first for Amiga and was released for the first time on Fish #591 (November 1991). (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2002, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Microsoft defends themselves against petition
»In the discussion about the introduction of Linux in the German Bundestag Microsoft's speaking from official side. Kurt Sibold, chairman of the Microsoft GmbH management and Vice President EMEA, turns in an open letter to the politicians, that are counting to the first signers of the online petition (to be found under«
Full (German) article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 21:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena - You never leave completely :)
Amiga Arena - Update
I'd like to thank very much all those who gave me so much positive feedback with their mails and comments! The Amiga Arena will stay online and the support for the game "PuzzelBOBS" is also guaranteed. In irregular intervals will smaller updates of the Amiga Arena be possible and still incoming interviews etc. will of course be released. A "time out" for an undefined period of time will come as announced, though.
Thank you very much for your understanding.

Yours Olaf Köbnik

Amiga Arena - Interview campaign
It is thanks to Nicolas Ramz with his "ScummVM" Amiga68k port that it is possible to play old games by LucasArts like for example "Day of the Tentacle" on the Amiga. The Amiga Arena talked to Nicolas Ramz about his work on "ScummVM" and how he's seeing the future of Amiga. Special thanks go to Christian Busse for his tireless translations for the Amiga Arena!

Interview in German
Interview in English

Shareware news
After a long time could the Amiga Arena find the developer of the shareware software "ScanTek" and has the following information:

The new version 4.6 is from now on available for download on the homepage under (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai (email)

New cartoon: "IBM and Linux", cartoon gallery added

Since June we have to get by without the wonderful and accurate cartoons by Torsten Dudai, as he's suffering from a lack of time aswell as a lack of motivation for further cartoons.

The more we're pleased that Torsten found two nice pieces while searching through old backups that he wants to share with us. First there's a PDF version of the old Amiga park cartoon, perfectly suited for printing as a poster (to be found under the title link), and then there's a previously unreleased cartoon about IBM and Linux done about six months ago.

Additionally, we created a gallery that contains all of Torsten Dudai's released cartoons, and we're inviting you to take a nostalgic trip browsing it. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Naumann (E-Mail)

CD-ReWriter Plextor: 40x burner for the ATAPI interface (E-IDE)
The company Plextor now offers a 40x burner for the ATAPI interface (E-IDE). The PLEXWRITER 40/12/40A allows the burning of CD-R with the CLV process and the zone CLV process with max. 40x (6000 KB/s) as well as the rewriting of CD-R/W with max. 12x (1800 KB/s). CDs are read with the CAV process with 17x-40x (2600-6000 KB/s) speed.

The burner has a buffer of 4 MB and is equipped with the proven BURN-Proof technology that almost completely excludes a burning of defective CDs.

For the time being there are no information about the price. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 18:36] [Comments: 0]
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Bernhard Wörner (ANF)

Audio: Amplify
Amplify is in the version 1.3 online.

Compared to the version 1.2 nothing important has been changed. Just the code has been revised a little bit and Bernhard Wörner has fixed one or another small bug in the requesters.

In the next version (probably next Saturday) will then the MP3 import be ready. In the current 1.4 beta (unreleased) it works already quite well. This version has just to be tested.

The homepage can from now on also be reached via (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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Chatprogram: AmIRC 3.5.23beta
This beta version is available for registered users only, and fixes some small issues. (ps)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail)

Messenger: AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9440
Richard H. Poser has released beta version 0.9439 of the AIM compatible messenger software AmigAIM. AmigAIM is a client to connect with the America Online Instant Messenger (AIM service). Here's an excerpt taken from the history where you can find the changes made:
  • Added a special mode in the prefs under "Connect" for AmigaXL users to use a timer based signal instead of the socket signal. (not fully tested yet)
Download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha (ps)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2002, 12:56] [Comments: 0]
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Event: AmiGBG 2002 - list of exhibitors and opening times
The AmiGBG 2002 is taking place on March 2nd 2002 in Göteborg, Sweden. Today was decided that the exhibition is open from 12.00 to 17.00. The ending ceremony starts at 17.00.

Please refer to the list of exhibitors to see which companies and user groups have announced their participation. Yesterday, there was talk about Martin Blom's (AHI) coming also. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 15:50] [Comments: 0]
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Olivier Fabre

Screenblanker: Matrix Version 1.8 for 68020 and MorphOS
Oliver Fabre has released version 1.8 of his screen saver 'Matrix'. The blanker requires OS3.1 and CGX/P96. The following changes were made:

  • Fixed graphic bug introduced in 1.7: character erasure was one pixel too big horizontally and vertically.
  • Changed default screen selection (when no modeid is given): now opens a 4 (under AGA) or 8 (under CGX) bit depth screen of the same size as the WB, or of the size given by the Width and Height tooltypes. If that fails, clone the WB screen (that was the default behaviour previously). Using a lower depth screen should improve the speed (and it is necessary for the ColourCycle option to work).
  • Added Colour option to change the Matrix colour. [Rafo]
  • Added ColourCycle option to cycle through all colours of the palette, like the WB blanker does...
  • Changed ThreadsLength to be a percentage of the screen height (threadslength=100 means 1 thread per column in average, 50 means 2 threads, etc.). Default value 75.
  • Changed commodity name from "Matrix Blanker" to "MatrixBlanker" for MagicExchange usage. [DET Nicolas]
  • Minor fixes and improvements...
Download: Matrix_1.8.lzx (86 KB)
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 11:34] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch (ANF)

AUG99: New survey - G-REX for A4000D in tower cases?
Matthias Münch of the user group AUG99 writes:
We have started a new survey for February. This time we want to know how much interest there is in a G-REX version for Amiga 4000D in tower cases. You can find the survey at the title link. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 10:36] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch (ANF)

DigiBoosterPro Compo: upload area established
From today on, the upload area for the DigiBoosterPro Compo is open. You can now send your music for the current DBPro Compo until February 28th. We wish you success. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Amiga Update Newsletter #020131 by Brad Webb
Read the following newsletter from Amiga Update (Brad Webb) for January 2002.

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      |#020131 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
        B I L L ' S   S H O R T   U P D A T E   F O R   J A N 

      A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   D E V E L O P M E N T   N E W S

          A N D   A   S H O R T   U P D A T E   O N   3 . 9 

                  U P D A T E   O N   A L T - W O A

             A M I G A   E X P O   U P D A T E   N E W S 

                   A M I G B G   S H O W   N E W S  

       S I I A   S H O W   U P C O M I N G   I N   F R A N C E 

    I S S U E   O N E   O F   I T A L I A N   " B I T P L A N E " 

        E L B O X   S T A T E M E N T   O N   M E D I A T O R 

             O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   M A T A Y 
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Welcome to another Amiga year! Each new year we see as a community
gives me hope for the future. And that despite having only a few
stories for you this month. We've received suggestions that we become
a bi-monthly publication because of the shrinking amount of real news
in the Amiga community. However, we will resist that for now as it
would make what stories we do have older than we'd like when you
receive them. We'd rather send smaller issues, at least once a month.
 One thing you'll notice about this issue - there are many update
stories about upcoming Amiga shows. Looks like fun. Hey, a year where
Amiga Inc. continues to survive in a "down" economy, and make progress
against their business plan, plus we have several shows to enjoy
throughout the world, could be very interesting and positive. At
least, we'll start the year hoping so.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

31 Dec 2001 

Hello Brad

 I just read your latest Update. In it you corrected the information
about AmiWest from 2001 to read 2002.
 Ah-ha! I think you still have the date wrong. You list AmiWest 2002
as being on 28 and 29 July 2002. July 28 is Sunday and July 29 is
Monday. Normally AmiWest is held on the last weekend in July, Saturday
and Sunday, not Sunday and Monday.
 According to my calendar the AmiWest Show should be on Saturday, 27
July and Sunday, 28 July 2002.
 At least the 27th and 28th are the dates I plan on attending.


 Sigh. I just print 'em as I get 'em sometimes. I suspect your
calendar reading skills got the right information. Maybe it's a clever
trick on AmiWest's part to keep getting a bit of information in the
E-mail to the E-ditor section. :-)
 Thnks for the correction,


Mr. Webb,
     Yes, I remember your "Dos Lab" Articles in "JUMPDISK".
I would be extremely surprised if Microsoft did not engineer 
Amiga's demise.  

 You've certainly been a part of the community for some time. Thanks
for staying with us! "Jumpdisk" was quite the publication. (And I
appreciate being remembered.)
 When I look at recent Microsoft product announcements and plans, it
does look to me as if they are after the market Amiga has staked out.
Yes, it makes me nervous.



 How do I change my email address? I can't find a way to do that in
the newsletter... someting you might want to add.

 Sending us a note is the best way. is
the address to use, if there's anyone else out there wondering.

        B I L L ' S   S H O R T   U P D A T E   F O R   J A N 

Greetings one and all:

 I have received many e-mails reminding me of the need to announce the
STB OEM partner. We at Amiga are well aware that it was scheduled for
last week and, we were expecting the legal department of the partner
to have approved the press release. Unfortunately when one is dealing
with multi-billion dollar companies it can, more often than not, take
longer than planned.
 We did receive the OK to announce to our developers and this was done
last week. All NDA developers know the details of the signed OEM deal.
However, we are going to have to wait a little while longer for the
rest of the Amiga community to see the public release.
 I am sorry for the delay, but it will be worth the wait. In fact, we
will probably have a couple more that we can announce at the same
 We should have the public announcement out by next week.

Stay tuned !

Bill McEwen
CEO Amiga Inc.

{Note from Brad: STB=Set Top Box; NDA=Non Disclosure Agreement;
OEM=Original Equipment Manufacturer.}

      A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   D E V E L O P M E N T   N E W S 

Leuven, Belgium, January 21, 2002.

 Let me start off by wishing everybody in the Amiga community all the
best in 2002!
 As you know, on November 1, 2001 Hyperion Entertainment entered into
a license agreement with Amiga Inc. to produce Amiga OS 4.0 for PPC
based systems.
 Since my presentation in Cologne at the Amiga 2001 show on November
17-18, very substantial progress was made which I am now ready to
share with you.
 Some of you have expressed some misgivings about the lack of progress
reports on OS 4.0 development but I hope I can count on your
understanding as all of us have been extremely busy, even through the
holiday season, to bring you what is unquestionably the most ambitious
OS upgrade since Amiga OS 3.0.
 Now I know that many of you are sceptical because of the scope of the
project and because similar promises were made in the past.
 To those people I would like to point out that Hyperion Entertainment
does not enter into contracts lightly and that we have a track-record
carrying out commercial development and contract-work for Windows,
Mac, Linux, Amiga and Amiga DE/Elate.
 We have brought together a truly impressive development team of some
25 people building on the OS 3.5 and 3.9 development team whilst
adding several well-known and respected Amiga developers to the mix.
 Im very pleased to say that Dave Haynie has agreed to serve as a
technical consultant.
 Youll be hard-pressed to find a more experienced team for the job!
 The feature-set of OS 4.0 has now been finalised to a large extent.
 We cant guarantee that every single feature listed here will make it
in the initial release of OS 4.0 but this the feature-set that we have
contractually committed to delivering.
 You will also note that for the first time in many, many years very
substantial work is being done on Intuition, one of the core elements
of the Amiga OS. Having a PPC native version of Intuition available
will make a very noticeable difference speed-wise.
 We intend for OS 4.0 to be disk-based or at least partly disk-based
and partly flashrom based even for current Amigas. More about that in
a later update.
 We also intend for OS 4.0 to be installed effortlessly from CD and
from scratch without the need for an existing OS install.
 As we have taken on more work (Intuition etc.) and folded some of the
functionality originally planned for OS 4.2 into OS 4.0, this
inevitably means the original February release-date might slip
somewhat but all in all we believe that the end-result will be
technologically more satisfying.
 Come end of January, I hope to have the biggest chunk of the legal
work for OS 4.0 behind me which will allow me to provide you with more
regular updates.
 I know full well that your patience has been sorely tested over the
last years so I understand your impatience and even your scepticism
but I can assure you that the Amiga OS is in good hands and that we
will deliver.
 In closing, I would like to invite everybody out there who (out of an
understandable frustration with the neglect of the Amiga OS by its
respective past owners) decided to take matters in his own hands, to
work with us, rather than against us.
 Ben Hermans, LL.M Managing partner Hyperion Entertainment VOF

Amiga OS 4.0 provisional feature list

 Exec Second Generation (Exec SG)
 Exec is the kernel of the AmigaOS and is currently written in 68K
 Exec is being re-written in C and new functionality will be
introduced to
 allow the deployment of OS 4.x on any suitable PPC hardware.

The following features are planned:

   o Hardware abstraction layer
   o Virtual memory
   o New library interface
   o Resource tracking and management
   o Optional memory protection
   o WarpOS backwards compatibility

68K Just in Time emulation

PPC native TCP/IP stack

   o - implemented as a single shared library
   o - compatible with the Amiga standard "bsdsocket" API, as defined 
       by the  AmiTCP product
   o - enhanced API for more control over the inner workings and
   o - built-in DHCP client (e.g. for cable modems)
   o - Internet Superserver (inetd)
   o - IP filtering and networking address translation
   o - drivers for asynchronous PPP (dial-up networking) and PPP over
     Ethernet (for ADSL and cable modems)
   o - AmiSSL V2.0

PPC native filesystem (FFS2)

 FFS2 is a fully backwards compatible re-implementation in C of the
Fast File System. It supports media > 4 GByte, and a new variant of
the file/directory name storage format which allows for long file
names (up to 108 characters).

Recovery and Salvage tools

 Comprehensive suite of salvage and recovery tools including Salvage,
Undelete, Unformat, Repair, RDBSalv, ReOrg/Defrag, Check Integrity

PPC native RTG system

 The PPC native RTG system (based on Picasso 96 V3) allows for the use
of modern graphics cards on the Amiga. Drivers for all current Zorro
II/III cards as well as drivers for the Permedia 2/3, Voodoo 3, Matrox
G450/G550 and ATI Radeon are planned. An arithmetically optimised PPC
native version of layers.library is also planned.


 New version of Warp3D, the powerful yet low-level 3D API which is
both available on the classic Amiga and intent/Amiga DE and which
allows developers to rapidly migrate 3D content between both
platforms. Drivers for Permedia 2/3, Voodoo 3, Matrox G450/G550 and
ATI Radeon are planned.

OpenGL 1.3 support (Mesa 4.0)

 OpenGL is a cross-platform (Mac, Linux, Windows, AmigaDE etc.)
high-level 3D API originally developed by Silicon Graphics. Support
for OpenGL 1.3 will be provided by porting the open source project
Mesa (which now passes all SGI compliance tests) which will sit on top
of Warp3D so that graphics-card functionality not currently offered by
the OpenGL API may be supported nonetheless.

PPC native RTA system (AHI)

 A Retargetable Audio System allows the use of plug-in soundcards (PCI
or Zorro II). AHI by Martin Blom is currently the de facto standard on
the Amiga and a PPC native version will be offered with support for a
wide variety of soundcards including but not limited to all current
Amiga soundcards and the Soundblaster 128 and Live (EMU10K1) cards.

PPC native Intuition and Reaction

 Reaction is the BOOPSI based GUI system for the Amiga, introduced in
OS 3.5 and extended in OS 3.9. Existing ROM classes will be enhanced
or even rewritten for a betterand more consistent look. The requester
handling will be improvedas well as the Intuition menus. Moreover a
new preferences system will allow the user to change more aspects of
the GUI.

Other features:

   o Drag and Drop support
   o New ghosted look

Intuition will sport the following new features (more planned):

   o New DrawInfo pens
   o Enhanced window borders
   o Resolution-adaptive system gadgets
   o User-selectable styles for system glyphs and 3D frames with 
     support for
     external plug-ins
   o Configurable look for proportional gadgets
   o New-style (3D recessed) disabled look for gadgets where 
   o Gad-Tools enhancements (pop-up capability for cycle gadgets 
   o Full-user control of Workbench palette

SCSI drivers for SCRIPTS based SCSI controllers

WarpInput API (working title)

 WarpInput is an API for multimedia controller devices (akin to
DirectInput on Windows) which allows a programmer to provide support
through one API for a wide variety of input-devices such as keyboard,
mouse, joysticks (analog and digital), track-ball, Playstation
controller etc.

Minimal USB stack

PPC native datatypes

New HDToolbox replacement

Support for TrueType/OpenType fonts

         A N D   A   S H O R T   U P D A T E   O N   3 . 9 

24 Jan 2002

Euro update for AmigaOS 3.9 from Haage&partner
 Finally we are able to release the Euro update for AmigaOS 3.9. It
took a bit longer because there were some more things to consider.
Many thanks to the all involved people. This update especially
contains keymaps and Amiga bitmap fonts that make it possible to use
the Euro symbol on the Amiga. It also contains a German Euro keymap
for AmigaOS XL. Download

{Taken from the Czech Amiga News website,

 Haage&partner website

                 U P D A T E   O N   A L T - W O A

9 Jan 2002 14:40:17 +0100

Huddersfield Amiga User Group

 The North of England's Second Great Amiga Show coming up on the 23rd
February 2002
 3 floors of attractions including a much larger games area and a
series of Workshops throughout the day.

More details available now at:-

 HAUG officially announces the Amiga Arena, a new attraction for 2002,
Amiga Inc and partners will be demonstrating their hardware and
software at a special location at the show.
 Fleecy Moss of Amiga® reports that a few people have been asked to
arrange a demo on the Amiga stand - Matthew Kille of Zeoneo, and Ron
van Herk from Computer City are two that have agreed.
 Fleecy has also asked SSEYO who are unable to answer yet, and said
"we should have a Zaurus or two there to represent Sharp".

 Zeoneo aims to build a reputation for high standards in Amiga
software production. Their exclusive commitment to the AmigaOS and
AmigaDE systems will result in a number of products being released
over time, beginning with our first two PDA titles Convex and Planet
Zed. Zeoneo will demonstrate their products at the show running on a
desktop PC, and a couple of PDAs -- including the new Sharp SL5000D.
 Zeoneo might very well have something new to demonstrate, but details
of that won`t be given out until the actual release date.
 The Zeoneo Web Site details the two products currently on sale for

 Computer City also operate under the Sultan (systems & software)
brand and have published the EuroCD series, and more recently Audio
Evolution and MediaPoint, now developed by Sultan.
 Computer City plan to bring MediaPoint RTG, the first version of the
next-generation MediaPoint, which will support graphics cards,
soundcards and new filetypes. They also plan to demonstrate Audio
Evolution 4, the successor to Audio Evolution targeted directly at the
AmigaOne and other powerful PPC Amiga computers.


           A M I G A   E X P O   U P D A T E   N E W S 

Amiga Expo Announces New Exhibitors and More

 It's an exciting new year for Amiga Expo as we've begun 2002 by
signing up a brand new bunch of exhibitors and speakers for the show
happening on March 29th-31st at the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn.

 MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator) developer Arcade-in-a-Box will
be exhibiting their all-in-one solution for creating a home arcade
 Video Hardware will be exhibiting and demoing Newtek's Video
Toaster[2] and the latest Lightwave.
 Extreme Corporation will be showing Amiga Extreme - their new AmigaOS
XL Amiga solution.
 Ideas2Reality will be showing the Reality Station and their line of
Amiga, PPC and x86 solutions.
 FWD Computing will have their line of CDROMS for Amiga, Linux and
Windows or sale at the show.


 We'll have speakers showing MAME products, video editing solutions,
Amiga advancements, classic computer and game celebrities and much

 We plan to host a celebrity panel at our banquet discussing the
future of computing across many platforms. Be served wonderful food in
a festive atmosphere amongst your fellow enthusiasts and hear about
what's to come!

Free Exhibit Space

 There is also a limited amount of space available, at no charge, to
anyone interested in exhibiting their MAME or arcade game cabinets at
the show. People interested in exhibiting classic computers and
console game machines are also invited to take advantage of this free
display space. You must contact us immediately if you'd like to
 Visit our web site ( and order your tickets online
or by phone or mail. You best hurry as advance purchase discounts will
be ending soon, the discount rooms at the hotel are filling up and the
banquet has LIMITED seating that is selling out fast!

Kermit Woodall 

                 A M I G B G   S H O W   N E W S  

30 Jan 2002

 AmiGBG 2002 is the name of an Amiga fair that will be held in
Gothenburg, the pearl of the westcoast, in 2002, more precisely on the
2nd of march which is a saturday.
 Last time an Amiga fair was organized in Sweden was back in 1998 when
the now discontinued AmiTech was organized in Wasahallarna in
 Now we think that it´s about time for a new fresh start for the Amiga
here in Sweden. To help the amigausers that are still active to get
together and establish new connections this is an attempt to gather
the forces. If you happen to be curious or even a beginner on the
Amiga and want to know what will happen for the time ahead this is a
golden opportunity to get an answer to all your questions. We are all
facing an exciting future and the best way to take a joint step into
the new era is to get together on AmiGBG 2002 in Gothenburg!

Tickets to AmiGBG 2002 released 2002-01-17
The Ticket shop is now finished.

New exhibitor: EB 2002-01-17
Explosives, Brother! will attend the fair.

Pictures of the venue now online 2002-01-15
On the "Where" page you can now find pictures of the venue where 
AmiGBG 2002 will take place.

New exhibitor: S.U.A - Swedish Usergroup of Amiga 2002-01-11
A new exhibitor is ready for AmiGBG 2002, S.U.A - Swedish Usergroup 
of Amiga.

      S I I A   S H O W   U P C O M I N G   I N   F R A N C E 
Biggest Alternative Computer Show in the world for November in France

23 Jan 2002
 Hello from France, The 2002 autumn will be the birth of the great
SIIA (International Alternative Computer Exposition in French) in the
little town of Sainte Marie de Redon (South of Britanny) near Nantes
and Rennes. This expo would like to be THE best expo in the world of
alternative computing ! All the formats will be represented : AmigaOS,
TOS, RiscOS, Linux, BeOS, QNX, BSD, CPC and many, many more... This
expo will be implemented on one week end in november 2002. Some hotels
services will be available near Sainte Marie with good prices. You can
go to the expo by car, train, boat (on the Vilaine river) and by plane
(tourism plane). The cost to be represented at the expo with a stand
will be very cheap (maybe free). This mail is done to invite you to
join us to the party ! You can have some information with : Mail : Phone : +33
299 720 663 (after 5:00 PM) +33 677 358 726 (portable) Or by Paper
mail : BOISDRON Frédéric La Belle Etoile 35600 SAINTE MARIE

     I S S U E   O N E   O F   I T A L I A N   " B I T P L A N E " 

30 Jan 2002

 Finally available is issue #1 of "Bitplane" - the only Amiga printed
magazine in italy with a bi-monthly CD-Rom. This issue also has
another free CD, issue 1. Bitplane is the only Amiga printed
magazine in Italy. It's bi-monthly, subscription only, 64 pages with
cover CD magazine. Issue 1 has a special report from Pianeta Amiga
2001 and the Amiga 2001 show. The review of Amiga OS XL, the italian
Amiga 3.9 book, Prostation Audio, Physics Laboratory Junior, Aminet
44, 8, Light Rom 8 and Brave new World. There are also
tutorials of PHP, Candy Factory and Workbench. A complete guide to
Linux, QNX and MorphOS. A preview of Freespace and the review of Shogo
and Payback. Last but not least comes the Emulazione with emulator
news and reviews. The magazine is available at 7.75 euros + postage.
For subscription please consult our website or e-mail
us at

      E L B O X   S T A T E M E N T   O N   M E D I A T O R 

29 Jan 2002


 Some news services have quoted untrue statements made by Mr. Harald
Frank, VMC, in the Mediator Mailing List about products made by Elbox

Here we would like to explain:

 Since 16 January 2002, Mr. Harald Frank has been systematically
breaching the netiquette binding in the Mediator Mailing List by way
of sending messages offensive and abusive against our company,
employees of our company, our products and -- most of all -- even our
product users.
 Mr. Harald Frank presented himself in these messages as a person
completely devoid of elementary principles of personal humane culture.
It is evident now that his technical knowledge on hardware comes from
gossips from third persons -- and his ideas do not reflect actual and
valid technical knowledge.

To make it clear beyond any doubt on our products:

 ALL the Mediator versions (Mediator PCI 1200, Mediator PCI ZIV and
Mediator PCI 4000), starting with the very first piece sold may work
completely problem-free with SharkPPC (+) G3/G4 cards. (There is NO
need for any hardware update).
 Due to Mr. Harald Frank statements, which were far from cultural and
used offensive language, grossly breaching Yahoo Terms of Service, we
have applied to the Yahoo administrators to remove him from this list.

Best regards,

Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

            O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   M A T A Y 

                                             Warsaw, Poland 2002-01-08

 Some time has passed since I wrote a similar letter. As the beginning
of a new year is a good time for changes I would like to share with
you some information which will surely get your interest.
 Half a year has passed since we introduced in the market our main
product, the first PCI bridge for Amiga 3000/4000 computers which
could be connected to the Zorro 3 slots - "Prometheus". It was an
interesting period for us, which allowed us to gain a lot of valuable
experience. First of all I would like to thank very much all the
Prometheus users for buying our product and for the faith you have in
us. Also I would like to thank all those who appreciated our efforts
and objectively judged the company and the product. We always try to
keep our promises. I would consider it my personal failure if I had
disappointed you.
 For several months we have been working really hard trying to keep up
the development of our company in such difficult times for the IT
market. We entered a fruitful co-operation with many firms and people,
for example the unwavering Amiga Inc. (our first game for Amiga DE -
Boing'em is already on the market, and next are being prepared); with
a little help from us Amiga is creating AmigaOS 4.0. Irreplaceable
Hyperion provides us with its wonderful 3D drivers and the great team:
Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt continue to give us newer and newer 2d
drivers. I would like to thank all the above mentioned as well as a
whole lot of other companies and people whose names I cannot specify
for lack of space [I'm awfully sorry!] for a possibility of
co-operation, their patience and trust they have in us; I do hope that
our acquaintance/co-operation will prove even more fruitful in future
than it has proved so far.
 Now I would like to present to you the results of our hard work.
First of all, "Prometheus". We have finished the work on the firmware
upgrade. What does it mean? From now on, "Prometheus" can operate more
PCI cards, and especially Fast Ethernet cards, TV tuners and
soundcards. The drivers for these cards will appear very quickly after
we do the upgrade. The first one will probably be available in this
month. I would like to remind you here that our drivers are completely
free and the firmware upgrade will be free as well. To make things
easier for you, we prepared two options for providing you with the
upgrade. Option one is for people who do not want (or are not keen on
doing so) to do anything on their own. Those of you can send your
Prometheus cards to us (or your local dealer) and the upgrade will be
done and the card returned to you. Of course, you will have to pay the
shipment costs and wait. Therefore, there is a second option: you can
order a programming device which allows to flash the Prometheus chips
just like any flashROM. The device is connected to the serial port,
flashing lasts some seconds and that is all. For people who already
own Prometheus boards, the programming device is FREE. You just have
to order it from your local dealer or directly from us.
 This does not, of course, apply to people who will buy our board from
now on. The chips there are upgraded with the latest firmware flash,
so you do not have to worry. The next change is connected with the
Euro coming to the EU. From now on, the suggested price of the
Prometheus board is 219 EURO. To convince you even stronger to buy our
product, we now add to each Prometheus sold some bonus software - a
great program for learning English language - English Teacher 5.
 And last, but not least: our webpage has changed. Many things have
been rebuilt, the files section should now be more clear, as well as
the whole page. We hope you will like it. We are launching the foreign
side of our Shop very soon, therefore people from countries without
local dealers will be able to buy our products. I hope that is good
news for you. We will inform you as things progress, according to our
slogan "No promises, just solutions". We have not forgotten about the
PPC cards. We are working together with independent developers and it
seems like we will be able to give you the solutions for the time
Amiga OS 4.0 is shipped.

Please support us!

Filip Dab-Mirowski
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2002 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator for A3000D, A3000T and A4000T
You all know we listen to your needs and make your use of Amiga computers more efficient and more enjoyable. Now you can have the new ultimate Mediator busboard for owners of Amiga models: the A3000D, the A3000T and the A4000T.

Elbox Computer has expanded the Mediator PCI busboard line with two further models:
  • Mediator PCI 3000D
    Mediator PCI 3000D is dedicated for Amiga 3000D computers. It allows for simultaneous use of 5 PCI cards and 6 Zorro III/II cards.

  • Mediator PCI 3/4000T
    Mediator PCI 3/4000T is dedicated for Amiga 3000T and Amiga 4000T computers. It allows for simultaneous use of 5 PCI cards and 4 Zorro III/II cards.
About Mediator:
Mediator PCI is a family of expansion boards, which enable using high-performance cost-effective PCI cards in Amiga computers.

The Mediator PCI busboard line is designed to enable expanding Amiga computers with a wide range of standard PCI cards like graphic cards, Ethernet and Fast Ethernet network cards, modem cards, ISDN cards, USB and SCSI cards, sound cards and multimedia cards: TV tuner and MPEG-2 hardware decoders.

Expanding the Amiga with the Mediator PCI busboard opens the way to employing the power of the latest PowerPC G3/G4 processors in Amiga, around which SharkPPC and SharkPPC+ cards are based.

For the list of currently supported PCI cards see Mediator Driver Guide. (ps)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 09:32] [Comments: 0]
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Update: Free Amiga Jobs
The Amiga online job market 'Free Amiga Jobs', severd by AMIGAplus and, was updated on a bigger scale. New jobs have been added and elder offers deleted. If you are looking for a job in the Amiga line, we would be happy to have you dropping in on the FAJ page (job offers in German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2002, 01:07] [Comments: 0]
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