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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

MorphOS: Birdie Shoot goes Gold, Knights&Merchants in beta testing
Arcade fun shooter "Birdie Shoot" has gone gold for the Pegasos/MorphOS. New MorphOS users will soon be able to take part in the addictive digital hunt for all sorts of crazy Birds that takes place in 4 great levels. Best of all: Birdie Shoot comes free with the new operating system MorphOS.

Our next game for the Pegasos/MorphOS will be "Knights&Merchants". The 800x600 version of this great empire builder has already been demonstrated at the ARC in Aachen earlier this month. Now in the final stages of betatesting are both versions of the game including the 1024x768 version of "Knights & Merchants".

More information on both these titles can be found in the Projects section of our homepage. (ps)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2002, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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