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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: New raffle, Amiga in agriculture, Updates
On the Amiga Future home page there is a new raffle on the FAQ, an article about utilising the Amiga in agriculture and further updates.

In support of Thomas' FAQ on the Amiga Future home page there is a new raffle. Andreas Magerl writes:
"Surely everyone of you has at one time or another had a problem with the Amiga and hopefully that problem has somehow been solved.

Now we want to have your problem solutions to make them available to other users in the FAQ.

As a small incentive for that, again there's something to be won. Among all participants the following prices will be rafled:
  • 1 x Wendetta 2175
  • 1 x Shogo
Amiga in agriculture
A small article about the utilisation of the Amiga in agriculture has been sent to Amiga Future. The article can be found in the articles area of the Amiga Future home page.

Furthermore the Cheats and Links on the home page have been updated. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 22. Dec. 2002, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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