Stefan Ruppert (ANF)
Stefan Ruppert: New Adocify Tool v. 40.2 and News
Stefan Ruppert writes:
Adocify is a tool to manipulate developer documentation in AutoDoc and HTML format, especially for sourcecode written in C. The integration of document fragments from C header data of macro and structural definitions is made possible.
- Shareware fee payable through PayPal
Since yesterday I've had a functioning PayPal Account. So now there is an easy way to pay the shareware fees over the Internet.
- Action Pay Feature
This action allows the user to, after a previous consultation for reasons of practicality, "purchase" a new feature [he will code the feature you request into one of his programs. -DM].
- Amiga98 St. Louis lectures online
I have uploaded my seminars that I made at Amiga '98 in St. Louis.
- Using the AmigaOS-Datatypes-System (datatypes.library programming)
- Developing an AmigaOS-Datatype
(ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 19. Dec. 2002, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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