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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Mattias Karlsson (E-Mail)

Event: AmiGBG 2002 - Ticket shop ready (Update)
AmiGBG have finished their ticket shop, where tickets for the Swedish Amiga show can be ordered with a secure online conection. This show was for the first time organized in 1989.

AmiGBG 2002 is the name of the Amiga show to take place on 2. March 2002 in Göteborg, Sweden. Both Swedish companies and user groups and such from foreign countries will exhibit on this show.

This show will deliver insight into the future Amiga systems AmigaOS 4 and AmigaDE. Existing and coming hardware from different developers will be shown. (ps)

Update 18.01.2002:
According to a comment from Mattias Karlsson this show really is new, but the first one since 1989. Thank's for information, Mattias! (mj) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2002, 17:35] [Comments: 2 - 18. Jan. 2002, 20:17]
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Blick - Swiss daily newspaper / Peter Glauser (ANF)

Blick: Microsoft aims at security
With the magic word «Trustworthy Computing» in the future Microsoft will primarily aim at security as for their programmers.

»Microsoft boss Bill Gates changes his corporate strategy. In the future security shall take priority for new software, as well as for new Windows operating systems, too. «

See title link for the full Blick article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2002, 17:31] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: SPD party: Is there a future for open source?
The German parliamentary party SPD states on their own website, how thier Linux server with Apache, Qmail, OpenLDAP, Samba, and SUN as well for the Oracle database is trouble-free working together with the working place machines unter Windows. The affiliated forum invites to discuss this issue.
See title link for full Heise article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2002, 13:22] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

New informationen about "ATI-Radeon" support for AmigaOS
On the AmigaOne mailing list Bill Toner, responsible for development of 2D/3D AmigaOS drivers for ATI Radeon graphics boards, voices upon miscellanous questions regarding support for these boards. The most important spots:

Support for the following versions of the operating system and computer configurations:

Bill Toner (and a partner not named) are responsible for driver development; Picasso96 and Warp3D drivers. Those drivers are about to be released for AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4.x.

In any case the Prometheus PCI board will be supported under OS 3.x, since Bill owns such board. Mediator support is being planned, though Mediator 1200 boards will raise additional efforts. According to Bill, DCE did not respond to his request regarding Radeon drivers about one year ago, therefore he cannot talk about GRexx solutions, yet.

Radeon versions supported

First the original Radeon chipset will be supported (RV100), later on support for the newer chipset RV200 will be added. Whichever the different versions (32 or 64 MB video RAM, additional chips for special functions like TV in/out) would differ from the developers point of view, it may come that not every model will be supported, due to the developers team cannot purchase every Radeon board. The PCI Radeon 32MB SDR, one AGP RV100, and one of the newer boards with RV200 chipset are planned to be supported at all events. If the "All-In-Wonder" (highend version with TV tuner, etc.) will be supported (respectively all of its features) was not decided yet - even though they aim at this. There will not be more detailed information about board models to be supported before the developers will have an Amiga with AGP slot.

Distribution and prices

Apparently the drivers will be sold bundled with an ATI graphcis board, only. Those are expected to work only with that board, they will come bundled with. Bill expressly states, that one should not buy an ATI graphics board right now.

This step intends to decrease the number of piracy copied driver versions. As an example Bill states the low number of registered P96 users among the customers of Elbox. Further on this would help the Amiga developers to enhance their income a bit, since they will not only earn by selling their software, but also can book the difference from purchase price to selling price of the graphics board (which otherwise a PC vendor would get).

According to a careful estimation by Bill the packet ATI graphics board plus Amiga driver would cost 50 to 70 USD more than the respective board would cost at the PC vendor's - he hopes that the additional charge will be only a few more than 50 USD if possible, but cannot say anything in detail about that, yet.

The additonal charge contains:
  • The costs of 2D and 3D drivers.
  • Support, which also has to be done by the developers.
  • A commercial Picasso96 license.
  • Probably a commercial Warp3D license.


An initial driver release should not be expected along with the OS4.0 launch. Bill cannot tell about detailed dates, yet.

Original English postings

Under the following links you can read the original postings from Bill Toner, Forefront Technologies, Inc. (previously Progressive Data Systems) on the AmigaOne mailing list:
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2002, 12:14] [Comments: 1 - 18. Jan. 2002, 15:11]
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Daniel Orth (ANF)

amiga-topcool: Big Book of Amiga Hardware on our CD
Daniel Orth writes:
Today, Mike Dennison admited to contribute his Big Book of Amiga Hardware to our CD. Another highlight of the CD: 135 MB video about the Amiga 2001 show by Virtual Dimensions, lots of topical software from the Aminet, and the winter issue of amiga-topcool with 50 pages of tense background reports, tests, and workshops (all texts in German).

Already three dedicated Amigans responded to our appeal for co-workes here on We are still looking for people wanting to write workshops (DSL and Amiga) or software tests (AmigaOS XL, AmiAtlas 6, ....). Please, just contact us via email. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2002, 11:42] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena Special Price Project: Photoalbum and Cybershow
Amiga Arena - Special Price Project
In 2002 the Amiga Arena will continue to try to achieve special prices for shareware software. But due to the bad shareware situation, this became allmost impossible. The more I am happy about to be able to present you with a very special project. In cooperation with Helmut Hoffman the Amiga Arena makes possible a special price project for the image management software "PhotoAlbum" along with the image viewer "Cybershow".

Before the rest of the vacation bonus expires, better invest in shareware... - Big PhotoAlbum and CyberShow Euro-Predecessor-Currency-Shareware-Project. Who still has valid bank notes of the twelve predecessor currencies of the twelve countries sharing one currency Euro now, can order PhotoAlbum/Cybershow for payment in cash in any currency combination (value at least 20 Euro- e.g. 280 schilling from your weekend in Vienna or 4,000 Pesetas from your last trip to Mallorca) until 28. February 2002. If there is not enough, of course you can fill up with Euro bank notes. Coins will not be accepted. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 22:25] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens (ANF)

68k Assembler Programmer wanted
Stefan Martens writes:
I'm urgently wanting several 68k assembler programmers who dare to continue to develop a popular sound program. Please, send your offer of any kind to me or ask for more inforamtion under this address. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Game: Mahjongg Tiles Version 1.4
The Polish programmers team of R.E.D.Group has published version 1.4 of its game Mahjongg which fixes some bugs.

Download: MahjonggTiles_v1.4.lzx (453K) (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 17:42] [Comments: 0]
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AmiDog: AMP Movie Player Beta Version 020115 (Update)
Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund has published a new version of his movie player for PPC called 'AMP'. Currently with 'AMP' you can play the following multimedia types:
  • MPEG1/2 Video with sound (optional)
  • MP2/MP3 audiostreams
  • AC3 Streams
  • (S)VCD, CD-i and DVD
Download: AMP2-BETA-020115.lha (Beta) (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 17:22] [Comments: 0]
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The Register (ANF)

The Register: Open source developers face new warranty threat
In the article Andrew Orlowski describes how and why the obligation of warranty menaces open-source.
Have a look at the title link for the full article. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 15:47] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Guillemot/Hercules cancels cooperation with NVidia
»In Future graphic boards will only have ATI's Radeon and STM's Kyro chips
In the future Guillemot/Hercules will only use chips from ATI and ST Microelectronics for their graphic boards. As the company told the existing products with NVidias GeForce2- and GeForce3 chips will be replaced step by step by graphic boards with ATI chips.«
Have a look at the title link for the full article (German). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2002, 00:48] [Comments: 1 - 07. Apr. 2008, 03:14]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

CD32-Emulator for Windows: Akiko emulate MPEG Modul
The Windows cd32 emulator Akiko by Airsoft Softwair is now able to emulate the mpeg module of the CD32. The speed is amazing as well as the sound and video quality because all the cpu-intensive operations are done by the x86 cpu. It was really hard work to implement this feature but the result is really overwhelming. You can finally watch the mpeg intros which were just skipped for users without an mpeg module (e.g. Cannon Fodder). And of course the cool Commodore commercial with the mad scientist and his assistent. I quickly made some screenshots and uploaded them to the Akiko product page.

I hope that the mpeg module emulation will be ready for the next version of Akiko (of course only for the full version!). Another nice thing is that finally Microcosm works with Akiko and you haven't lived if you did not see this game! The next version of Akiko will be ready in near future and it will contain NV ram emulation and real Joypad emulation for sure. So check back this homepage from time to time because the winter is anything else than cold.... Finally I want to say "thank you" to the many registered users out there! Your support makes Akiko better and better all the time! (ps)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 22:08] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Reimann (E-Mail)

Virus on!
Daniel Reimann wrote:
"Fussball total", which recently was uploaded, contains two Ebola viruses!! It is vital for you to check it with VirusChecker before installation!
(mj) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 21:43] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

First ScummVM-Version (for 68k processors & AGA) released
At the Aminet the first beta version of the Amiga port of LucasArts ScummVM system was released. This little program interpretes the data files of the old LucasArts Classic Adventures und makes them useable on the Amiga. Now the PC versions of "Monkey Island 2", "Indiana Jones - And The Fate Of Atlantis", "Day Of The tentacle", and "Sam & Max - Hit The Road" can be played for the first time in 256 colours on an Amiga.

The ScummVM system runs under AGA and RTG. This first beta version does not support sound but this will be fixed in the next update. Requirements for ScummVM are an Amiga with 020 processor, a harddisk, the original PC games, BlazeWCP (for AGA only) and the Ixemul.library.

Download: ScummVM_AGA.lha - ScummVM_AGA.readme
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 21:38] [Comments: 0]
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Maik Pönitzsch (Twister) (ANF)

Alternative IRC Channel for GRexx-Support
Maik Pönitzsch writes:
Some already complained about the IRC channel Grexx-Support does not exist any more. There is an alternative for that, visit IRC channel #AmigaPPCWorld.

Port: 6667
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Arena

Amiga Arena: Interview with Andrija Antonijevic (e.g. Charon / AmiSSL)
"Charon" is the best download mananger for the Amiga. Amiga Arena has interviewed Andrija Antonijevic, also responsible for the programs "AmiSSL" and "HTTPResume", about the future of "Charon" and how he came to the Amiga. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 18:54] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Chat with bplan at #AmigaFun
#AmigaFun: Realtime chat with Salvador Fernandez Gomez of bplan

On Monday, 21st January 2002, you can chat with Salvador Fernandez Gomez of bplan at the IRC Amiga channel #AmigaFun. He is known as one of the minds of bplan, well known with Pegasos. In the near future Pegasos will be released. You can ask him about bplan, Pegasos, and maybe some questions about MorphOS. The chat is organised with the help of Amiga Future.

You can reach the IRC channel #Amigafun this way:

IRC Server (without "irc."):
IRC Port: 6667
IRC Kanal: #amigafun

If the server malfunctions you can get access via this server: (without "irc.")


You can reach the chat also via the #AmigaFun Homepage, Amiga Future Homepage and from the Forum as HTML chat.

But we cannot guarantee that this HTML chat will function perfectly and programs like AMIRC and BlackIRC are more comfortable so we recommend to use an IRC client.

The used languages are German and English and the logfiles will be available at the Amiga Future and #AmigaFun homepages. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 18:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Participants for games user charts wanted
The German print magazine Amiga Future publishes sales and user charts of games in every issue. Amiga users are wanted to send what their top 5 games are via email. Even though there is nothing to win this time, the editors board hopes that a lot of users will participate. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Engelhardt (ANF)

New games at Amigaland (Update: Danger, virus)
New games for download at Amigaland
The first update in the new year! So there are some new games ready for download: Crack does Pay, Deluxe Galaga ECS +AGA, Deluxe Pacman, Ports of Call (English), The Patricien, Pinball Fantasies (HD-Version), Fußball Total. Have fun with it...

Next you can reach the English version of at

The game "Fussball total"(one of the latest uploads) contains two Ebola viruses! You have to check it with VirusChecker! The maintainer of this page is informed. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2002, 10:52] [Comments: 0]
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Palm Desktop for Amiga: Spitfire² Version 1.9
Spitfire² has just been updated to version 1.9. Spitfire² by Ralph Torchia is a Palm-Desktop for AmigaOS. This shareware-software allows connection to a Palm computer by 3Com or compatibles. The program among other things offers HotSync functions between the Amiga and Palm.

More information on the program's features can be located at the homepage. For registered user there is available the ClockSync Plugin (V1.2) and the YAMSync Plugin (V1.0)

Download: Spitfire2.lha (854 KB) (ps)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2002, 13:00] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 14.01.2002) (Update)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your harddrive which were originally made for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated:
  • 14.01.02 improved: Ruff'n'Tumble (Renegade) misc changes
  • 14.01.02 new: Kick Off (ANCO) done by Psygore
  • 14.01.02 new: Base Jumpers CD³² (Rasputin) done by JOTD
  • 13.01.02 improved: Transartica (Silmarils) supports another version
  • 13.01.02 new: Death Mask (Alternative) done by Abaddon
  • 13.01.02 new: D/Generation (Mindscape) done by JOTD

[News message: 14. Jan. 2002, 11:27] [Comments: 0]
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Pagan Games

Game: Earth 2140 Mission Pack Update for PPC
For people experiencing problems with the mission pack and a PPC processor download this patch now or visit our Product Support page. Should only be downloaded if you experience problems with the original executable! (ps)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2002, 11:21] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Fritsch (ANF)

Lightwave-extension: New LWToy
Ray of Therapy released a new version of LWToy (just visit the title link).

LWToy is a viewer for Lightwave objects. The astonishing point about it is the speed when moving objects even with a 68k CPU. Lust but not least: Ray disabled the demo-limitation in this version. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2002, 11:04] [Comments: 0]
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Andre Beer (ANF)

Geographic: GeoWorld Update 13
GeoWorld V1.13 is a geographic-program for Amiga, sold as shareware. After five years of constant development the new version (1.13) offers the follwing features:

  • Extensive information about 192 countries (misc, economical, political, sociological, historical and environmental data, maps and flags and much more)
  • NEW: The full version contains about 440KB of historical textbased information.
  • Worldmap, continents, and more than 200 maps can be displayed in a fullscreenmode (nearly 5MB of pictures)
  • You can display one country on the worldmap and on the map of the continent
  • Information about the biggest cities of the earth (alltogether 6119 cities), among the others there are 1850 cities in Germany and 1100 in the USA; 99% of the included cities can be displayed on the map.
  • Information about international organizations and about the members of these organizations.
  • Very userfriendly
  • Export of maps (including the displayed cities)
  • Extensive search and sort functions
  • Print (print into a file or into the clipboard)
  • Online-help (explenations about windows, buttons and so on)
  • A quiz (there are about 20 different kind of questions for example about misc data about cities or countries) with a highscore function
  • Convert between nearly 170 currencies (including the EURO) and information about each of them
  • Highly customizeable (screenmode, font, search-functionality and much more
  • The floppy version includes a printed documentation (21 pages)
  • Other languages will soon be available (a english version is still in progress)
At last, after a long time an update of GeoWorld (to version 1.13) is now available. More information and the download links can be found at the homepage of GeoWorld. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2002, 03:24] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

JPEG: exif.library 1.1, pfDirectoryView V13.1
On 13 January 2002 updates were published on the web sites of Steeple Software (Paul Huxham) for "exif.library" and for "pfDirectoryView".

The "exif.library" supports the selection of the EXIF-data of a JFIF-(JPEG)-image file. It was developed to gain useful information from image files as saved by most digital cameras. Example programs and a single image with EXID-data are included in the library.

In this version a bug in a language string has been fixed.

In the "pfDirectoryView V13.1" module for PhotoFolio 2.2 a bug has been fixed in connection with loading locale catalogs.

Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 23:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Scalos: Updates for DefIcons, Persistent Windows und WB39-Plugins
On 13 January 2002 new versions of DefIcons, Persistend Windows and WB39-Plugins for the Workbench alternative "Scalos" were released.

DefIcons Plugin V45.6
This can be used as a replacement for the filetypes-plugin. It can display a default icon for files without icon, depending on the type of the file.

DefIcons requires AmigaOS V3.5+

Persistent Windows Plugin V39.16
This plugin records all the directory windows a user opens and closes and keeps a record. Should a reboot or a crash occur this data is used in order to open the windows automatically so that the former condition is restored.

Note: If you had previously the SnapDesktop beta installed, it is necessary to delete the old files completely before this new plugin is installed.

WB3.9 Plugin V45.21
This plugin is for AmigaOS 3.5/9 users only. It provides Scalos with some missing functions that will now allow some other software to work correctly, e.g. AmiDock.

It also offers an integrated volumegauge for AmigaOS 3.5+ users. It now loads in OS3.5+ volumegauge preferences as set in the Workbench preferences.

There were also further system checks added so that this plugin is now more stable.

Note: Users who use this plugin don't need the volumegauge.plugin. If it was previously installed, it must me removed.

Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 23:38] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with Gerd Frank (AmiATLAS)
Olaf Köbnik writes:
In November it finally happened. A new version of the travel planner "AmiATLAS" was published for the first time since 1998. It was developed by Andreas Regul and then Gerd Frank took over and developed it further. Within a short period of time he created a piece of software of the highest quality - AmiATLAS 6.

The Amiga Arena talked to Gerd Frank about the development and future of AmiATLAS and about the question why some of the planned features were not finished for the release.

Just a personal remark
I can only appeal to all of you. Whoever wants good software for the Amiga will destroy its future by using pirate copies which are unfortunately also available from AmiATLAS.

Many people don't seem to be aware of the fact that every registered and sold unit counts!

Just now that we are about to have the chance to get an up-to-date software it would be a shame to ruin ourselves and also the future of the platform Amiga by using pirate copies.

I take this interview as an opportunity to once again draw attention to this issue!

Olaf - Amiga Arena (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: WatchDog 2.1
On 13 January 2002 Zbigniew Trzcionkowski released with version 2.1 a current snapshot of his memory watch tool 'WatchDog'.

The tool uses the 'xvs.library' in order to check every three seconds if there are any known bugs in the memory. There are further features which are explained in the documentation.

'WatchDog' runs from AmigaOS 2.04 and uses the xvs.library.

Download: WatchDog.lha (16 834), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 19:27] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Audio: Amplify V1.0a
On 13 January 2002 version 1.0a of the audiotool 'Amplify' was released. In addition, benchmarking results was put online on a 060-computer.

Amplify offers the following features:
  • Modulates on 0dB.
  • Removes empty spaces at beginning and end.
  • Removes a particular time interval at beginning and end.
  • Mixes together the left and the right channel.
  • Dubs in and fades out.
  • Inserts pauses at beginning and end.
  • Removes crackling at beginning and end.
System prerequisite: AmigaOS 3.1, 68020+, 1,5 free memory.

The tool is available for download for various 68k-CPUs and PPC via the title link. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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File Manager: Translations for DiskMaster 2 needed
Rudolph Riedel is looking for further translators for the next Aminet release of his file manager 'DiskMaster 2'.

At the moment there are translations available for English, German, French and Dutch. The Italian version will soon be released, the Hungarian has been announced.

Whoever is interested in doing translations should contact Rudolph Riedel. ( 59 short sentences have to be translated.

If you haven't got a tool to convert the file, you can use one of the empty .ct files or you can ask Rudolph Riedel for an empty .ct file. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

ProStationAudio: ALPS-Update and WinUAE-Benchmark
On 12 January 2002 an update of the plug-ins for 'ProStationAudio Titanium' as well as early DSPSpeed benchmarking results for WinUAE- JIT (0.8.17 R3) were released.

The ALPS update makes sure that the plug-ins APS-1 and APR-1 (Stereo Phase Rotator) are compatible with 'ProStationAudio Titanium'.

The benchmark tool 'DSPSpeed' measures the performance of a computer system with AmigaOS which runs 'ProStationAudio' in real time. Here the reference system is AmigaOS/68 on a 68060 with 50MHz. To this system the index value 100% was allocated.

The result page for this benchmark has now been extended with early results for WinUAE-JIT (0.8.17 R3) on a Celeron Coppermine with 1000 MHz. At this benchmark WinUAE runs at approximately half-speed than Amithlon and still provides high acceleration for 'ProStationAudio' compared to the reference system.

Download: ALPSfix020112.lha (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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13.Jan.2002 (ANF)

topcool: Interview-Steffen Häuser about Quake 2:68k-Version probably too slow
At the moment Quake2 is generated by Hyperion-Entertainment only for the PPC since the 68k computer has turned out to be too slow. In the interview with amiga-topcool Steffen Häuser gives away many more interesting details about porting the game which is registered in Germany. Steffen Häuser is working together with Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden on a port of Quake2 for AmigaOS.

Update 13.01.2002:
Daniel Orth: "Steffen Häuser has asked me to change the heading of the interview. He emphasized that the 68k version for QuakeII hasn't died yet. He won't exclude it explicitly, since a decision hasn't been made yet. In the interview he only said that a 68k version might be too slow. more...". (ps) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 18:02] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

MorphOS: csa.morphos appears on Usenet-Servers
Daniel Miller writes in the MorphOS mailing list that the new Usenet group 'comp.sys.amiga.morphos' now appears on Usenet-Servers. You can read and post to it. Since it is a new group, it cannot be found on all servers. However, you can find the group under
  • '' Port 119
  • '' Port 119
(sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 16:24] [Comments: 0]
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Programming Language: PowerD V0.19 alpha4
On 12 January 2002 Martin Kuchinka released the alpha version 0.19 alpha4 of his compiler for the programming language 'PowerD'.

Amongst other things bugs were removed in this version, the compiled executables can be launched directly from the Workbench and there is also a German catalogue available. More detailed information can be found under Readme

The alpha.lzx archive contains as update those files which have changed since the last version. Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 16:24] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Lovera (E-Mail)

AmigaPage: "Amiga Passion"-Contest
The "Amiga Passion" competition was born to let you share in the AmigaPage life. The target of this competition is all the Amiga users to participate by sending one or more of your Workbench screenshots (max 3) to with "Concorso" for the subject.

Originally "Amiga Passion" expired on 31. December 2001, but a new expiration date was decided to be 31. January 2001. So there is another chance for everybody to win !!!

  • Position 1: Full version of EXTREME plus full version of PuzzleBOBS plus mouse pad.
  • Position 2: Full version of EXTREME plus a brooch
  • Position 3: Full version of EXTREME plus a poster.
Games contributed by DKGStore. Mouse pad, brooch, and poster contributed by AmigaPage.

The jury consists of Marco Lovera, Sandra Lovera, and Claudio Marro Filosa.

All of the screenshots sent in will be published on the following websites:

After the competion expired all shots will be moved to our "Computer Passion" section.

I invite you to participate in the "Amiga Passion" competition!

(Message text edited by mj) (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 02:13] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (E-Mail)

Graphic Adventure-Developer Kit: Inga-Engine Version 0.9/5
Timo Kloss writes:
Once again there is a version which is really almost totally finished! Of course the Audio-CD-Support is still missing. Compared to the last version the most outstanding difference is the following: the plug-in system has been removed!!! What's all this about? All the features offered by the plug-ins of late have now been firmly integrated (sound-/ language and MED-music) and can be activated by using normal script commands. Accordingly, Inga has been prepared to be ported to other platforms. However, a complete compatibility of all versions would be endangered by a plug-in system. Consequently, it has been removed! Further information can be found in the compendium under "LadeSound", "SpieleModule" etc. Besides the following improvements have been made:
  • You can now also talk to the characters even when you can't run to them all the way (because of the run card). However, it's still not possible to give them anything (that is to say "WennBenutzt" works but "WennBenutzt-Mit" doesn't work!).
  • The destination of the run towards the characters is now better calculated. So far it has only been possible to run either on the left-hand or right-hand side (only provisional).
  • Small mistakes have been removed: If animated characters appeared for example only from the left-hand side and if they bent forward, it was impossible to find a suitable representation.
  • Inga-pictogram information now enables the features "NOSOUND" and "NOPLAYER" as a substitute for "DISABLE" at the plug-ins. You can find further information in the game instructions.
  • The speed of the characters can now be changed. (Consult the compendium under "Laufschnelligkeit" (speed)).

InutilisGraphics Version 1.04

For this you can also find an update with two improvements:
  • Even for small graphics a big screen now opens up so that it is possible to control the characters from a point outside the graphic.
  • 24-bit-pictures are now recognised and activate a warning message while previously the program got stuck.
(ps) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 01:49] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Miscellaneous news at Airsoft Softwair
Finally all prices for the Shareware programs on the Airsoft Softwair website, which is, were changed from DM (Deutsche Mark) into EUR (Euro, the new European currency). Of course, all prices are available in USD (US dollars) too. In near future there will also be new versions of Akiko (including NV-Ram emulation and real Joypad emulation!), NewInstaller and Rainboot. So stay tuned and check back on this homepage every once in a while. By the way, there were also some small changes on this homepage. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 01:42] [Comments: 0]
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Pawel Filipczak (ANF)

SMS-Tool: New TaskiSMS
New (2.60) version of TaskiSMS has been released.
News in this release:
  • updated VLF plugin
  • updated ICQ plugin
  • updated GoldenTelecom plugin
  • added Vizzavi plugin
  • added MTNSMS plugin
  • added folder filters (only for registered users)

Using this program you can send SMSes to cellular phones to over 160 countries around the world. You can download demo version from TaskiSMS homepage or from AmiNet. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 00:31] [Comments: 1 - 16. Jan. 2002, 08:44]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

MI News: AppMI 7 is available for download
The archive features over 600 image sets and animations in 27 categories based on the GlowIcons design by Mat Chaput. Each image set content three single images for normal, selected and ghosted display. AppMI is Freeware. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2002, 00:26] [Comments: 0]
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Spiegel: Kimble on the run
Kim Schmitz, known to the Amiga scene since his "Hacker times", understands it perfectly to put himself in the limelight in one or another way. This time he feels abandoned by the German authority of the state and mocked by the press. He turns disappointed Germany his back with a good bye on his website.

Spiegel: »Now he's gone. Up and away. Like Graf Zahl from the Sesame Street with sensation, fireworks and much artificial fog. The most shimmering person of the New Economy has left the German Republic. «
Full article see title link.

Other articles:
Die Kimble-Doku von Torsten Kleinz
Telepolis: Kimble ist ausgewandert
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 19:51] [Comments: 0]
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12.Jan.2002 big T-DSL chat
»Telekom answered questions about the broadband/satellite access and Fastpath

Yesterday, on Januar 2002 10th, had a big, presented T-DSL chat been held where Telekom employees answered questions from 14:00 to 17:00 o'clock about the Telekom's own broadband access. "In the big DSL live chat answered the experts for three hours the questions of the customers regarding connection, hardware installation, costs or modem installation. The responce to the experts chat was so big that during the three hours not all questions could be answered.", so the Deutsche Telekom. We want to give you a short overview about the most important questions and answers.«
Full article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 19:32] [Comments: 0]
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Stern poll: What was your first computer?
In the section Computer&Netze the German print magazine Stern runs a poll asking about your first computer. Possible answers are:
  • Amiga
  • Atari ST
  • Commodore C64 (or VC20, C128 etc.)
  • Macintosh (or other Apple computers)
  • PC
  • none of the above mentioned
For the time being 705 visitors have taken part in the poll and the C64 is leading with 36.9%. To see the current results click here. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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12.Jan.2002 Virus: JS.Gigger.A@mm deletes hard disks
People using a PC next to their amiga should read this (German) article of tecChannel. According to it there's a new computer virus named 'Gigger' underway that can have desastrous effects. The virus is written in Javascript and spreads via email and IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

When the virus comes to work it deletes the contents of all files ending with .asp, .htm and .html on your hard disk, all that resides is a file with 0 bytes. Additionally the virus places the command to format the hard disk after a restart of the computer in the start file "autoexec.bat".

Further (German) articles regarding this topic:
Golem: Neuer HTML-Wurm formatiert die Festplatte
Heise: Neuer Virus zerstört Dateisystem unter Windows
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Update

Newsletter: Amiga Update by Brad Webb #011230
Brad Webb monthly publishes his newsletter 'Amiga Update' in which he writes about the most important Amiga events. Read the December newsletter under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 12:47] [Comments: 0]
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OnyxSoft: several software updates
OnyxSoft begins the new year with all in all seven software updates and a new program by Daniel Westerburg. Besides, there's now a tutorial by Stefan Blixth been added dealing with the creation of logos. Here the software titles listed one by one:

  • Update for 8SVXtoXXX (version 1.3)
  • Update for BackUp (version 1.3)
  • Update for Cathedral (version 1.3)
  • Update for CDDAtoAIFF (version 1.2)
  • Update for DRemind (version 1.59)
  • Update for MultiRen (version 1.47)
  • Update for TheMPegEncGUI (version 2.09)
  • New program: LPFilter (version 1.0)
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 12:13] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch (ANF)

AUG99: present poll
Because of demand and as counter part to the Kultpower poll we have started a corresponding new poll. We want to find out here the most popular Amiga print magazine of the currently existing ones. The poll can be found right here. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 11:35] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

Telepolis: Buried in New Mexiko
According to an investigation of the Telepolis editor Konrad Lischka had the company Atari bought the computer producer Amiga. In the third last paragraph it is written that: "After Tramiel had bought Atari the company concentrated on the home computer market. To enter into the market for respectable business clients Atari took over the Computer producer Amiga.

This is not correct.
1984: Amiga, then represented by the chief developer Jay Miner (formerly chief developer of Atari) had in his financial need already got a private credit from Jack Tramiel (who was the founder of Commodore Business Machines, but then parted from the company because of differences, and afterwards bought the clapped-out game console producer Atari). A takeover of Amiga through Atari had already been negotiated. This takeover was avoided in the last moment through a better offer by Commodore (remember: Tramiel had already left Commodore) what led also to a repayment of Jack Tramiels private investment. The takeover had cost 27 millions dollars. To be looked up in the History of the AMIGA. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 11:18] [Comments: 0]
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Darek Dulian (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator Multimedia-CD Update 1.12
The MM CD 1.12 update for Mediator PCI 4000, Mediator PCI 1200 and Mediator PCI ZIV users, who are registered owners of the Mediator Multimedia CD, has been released by ELBOX Computer.

The MM CD UP 1.12 includes the following updates:
  • tv.vhi ver. 1.1
VHI Studio now works on PowerPC and on 68k processors in both MMU and NO MMU pci.library modes.
  • Voodoo.card ver. 4.13
An incorrect change in the border colour has been eliminated in the Voodoo.card driver, which could occur in ver. 4.12 driver when 8-bit screen was switched to any other colour depth. (ps)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2002, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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LinuxToday: Linux in Korea
Linux PR announce in a press release that the Korean government decided to start to switch to Linux and has ordert the first packets. The product is "HancomLinux Deluxe 2.0" combining the MS compatible Office Suite and LinuxOS. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 23:55] [Comments: 0]
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Bernhard Wörner (ANF)

Audio processing tool "Amplify" in version 1.0 online
Bernhard Wörner:
Version 1.0 of my audio processing tool "Amplify" is available on my homepage since today.

You can for example do the following things:

  • set recording level to 0dB
  • fade in and out
  • cut off silence at beginning or end
The program will also appear on Aminet in the next days. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

"Open Letter" from Matay
You can find an "open letter" from Filip Dab-Mirowski (CEO) on the new Matay homepage. In this letter he announces that there is a new, free firmware upgrade for the "Prometheus" PCI bridge with which drivers for e.g. Fast Ethernet, TV cards and soundcards will be released.

The "Prometheus" boards ordered from now on will be shipped with the new firmware, further the program "English Teacher 5" is added as a bonus.

Also, the game Boing'em for AmigaDE is already available. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 13:13] [Comments: 0]
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Bright Light Software

SB 128 sound mixer AC97 version 1.3 for Amithlon
Frank Fenn has released version 1.3 of the SB 128 sound mixer for Amithlon. Currently supported are ES1370, ES1371 and CT5880 chip sets. The program allows volume and balance control for MASTER, AUX, CD, PCM as well as MUTE. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 13:04] [Comments: 0]
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Wojtek Kozlowski (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator Driver Guide Update
Elbox Computer website has been updated today.
In the SUPPORT / Mediator Driver Guide section the current list of PCI cards has been placed which are supported with drivers for Mediator PCI busboards for Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000. (ps)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 10:51] [Comments: 0]
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Shaun Bebbington (ANF)

Magazine: Retro Computing Today
Retro Computing Today - What is the big idea?

There seems to be a growing interest in computers and technology of yesteryear. With very few publications actually acknowledging this, it is left to a handful of small magazines to fill the gap, with profitable publications such as Computer and Video Games dedicating less than 4 pages to "The Old School". Retro Computing Today aims to be the one of the first professional publication to cover all topics regarding this very subject matter, instead of concentrating on one particular computer or platform, as Commodore Scene does, Retro Computing Today aims to cover as many topics as there are interests for. For instance, those people who choose to use a Vic 20 to view web sites through to the Amiga classic/AmigaOne platform.

Obviously, the more support a particular platform receives, the more of the magazine will be dedicated to covering it, however, we would hope to provide some sort of balance, unlike at least 90% of current publications, whom tend to concentrate on the Windows/XBox platform.

Do you have big ideas yourself?

Details are sketchy at the minute, as the publication is still in early planning stages. We can confirm the following:

  • Launch issue for early May 2002.
  • 8 copies a year (1 every 6 weeks). If there is enough demand, we will move towards 10 copies a year (1 every 5 weeks).
  • Website launched soon.
  • A sample issue will be available to download.
  • Special edition no. 1 will be available to pre-order soon.

So, if you would like to shape this publication, please email me with your suggestions or comments.

If you would like to write any articles for the launch issue, please forward them in .txt format, with the subject matter as Submissions 092246. We would appreciate greatly any help we can get.

Thank you for reading,

Shaun/Retro Computing Today - (ps)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2002, 10:45] [Comments: 0]
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