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Boing Attitude: Interview with Ben Hermans about AmigaOS 4.0
On 26 January 2002 an interview with Ben Hermans from Hyperion about AmigaOS 4.0 was published on Boing Attitude.

The interview is available in French and English. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 22:17] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Game: Graphic designers wanted for Ermentrud
The website of the game Ermentrud has been updated . It now shows first images of the adventures as they appear in the game. At the same time it becomes obvious that the game is in the process of being developed since the Inga engine has finally reached the beta version 1.0 (not yet published).

Ermentrud requires a lot of graphic design and some graphic designers are still needed for the background images.

These images are supposed to be scanned pencil drawings which are coloured in by the computer. The following skills are required:
  • Being able to draw very well, according to the style of the example image.
  • Opportunity to scan (with good quality).
  • Not necessary but desirable: being able to colour in images, according to the style of the second example image.
The payment is based on profit share after the game has been published. Unfortunately Inutilis can't afford a pre-payment since the whole project is more or less a spare time activity.

Please mail your applications including drawings to (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

FreeCD: Pinball Nights
The FreeCD "Pinball Nights" has been published on the "The Faces of Mars" website. It contains the full versions of Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies, Pinball Illusions, Pinball Hazard and Obsession Pinball.

The CD can be ordered via the title link. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: WatchDog 2.5
On 25 January 2002 Zbigniew Trzcionkowski released with version 2.5 the latest snapshot of his memory surveillance tool 'Watchdog'. In this version further tests have been added amongst other things. Compared to version 2.1 the following details have changed:
  • added ToolType 'IgnoreSnoopDos' - currently this is the only patcher I have decided to include since in future I want to use heuristics to analyse ANY patches...
  • added 'WatchDog' position in WB/Tools menu. After watching this requester memory test is performed too...
  • added new memory installation and new timing routines... a. read: memory deprotection of WatchDog together with xvs should be more difficult for virus now... b. time between memory checks is adjusted using AI features and varies somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds (depending on system and user activity)... c. fixed little bit my unfreezing toy...
  • added few more vital Exec vectors to memcheck...
  • added checker for some important dos vectors (with $4ef9 opcode generic restorer)
  • added some debug tooltypes - no need to mention them here...
  • added S:startup-sequence and S:user-startup notification so that any change (or deletion) of these important files is reported to the user. If You don't know what that notification is You'd better believe me that it slows no machine and causes no accesses to the watched files...
  • added ToolType 'NoNotify' to switch off ability mentioned above :)

The tool uses the xvs.library in order to check every three seconds if the memory contains any known virus. All further features of the program are explained in the documentation.

Watchdog runs from AmigaOS 2.04 and needs the xvs.library.

Download: WatchDog.lha (19K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame: Amiga and AmigaDE - the 'game of the year' election
Amiga Flame runs also this year an election to award the Amiga-game of the year. There is now also a 'game of the year' election for AmigaDE. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: latest snapshots
With regard to AROS the latest snapshots of the sources and binaries were published on Sourceforge. AROS is an open source project for the implementation of a portable OS which is compatible with AmigaOS 3.1.

Release Name: 20020126
The following files are available:
  • AROS-20020126-source.tar.gz
    The main AROS sources.
  • AROS-20020126-contrib-source.tar.gz
    contrib sources.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-linux.tar.gz
    The hosted version for Linux/i386. This is the most complete and mature port, which means that you can run almost all included programs and demos with it. This archive contains all AROS and contrib binaries compiled from the CVS tree.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-freebsd.tar.gz
    The hosted version for FreeBSD/i386. This is a fairly new port for which binary snapshots haven't been available until now, so it might not be as mature as the Linux/i386 port. For example, this archive does not contain contrib binaries.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc.tar.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. It works quite well, but the driver support is very limited at the moment. This archive contains all AROS and contrib binaries compiled from the CVS tree, but not boot floppy or cdrom images which are available separately.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc-floppies.tar.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. This archive contains the boot and contrib disk floppies which you can quickly write to a disk and boot AROS with.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc-cdrom.iso.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. This is the bootable CDROM ISO image, which contains all programs in AROS-20020126-i386-pc.tar.gz.

    The image is a bit experimental, which means that eg. the Startup-Sequence hasn't been adapted properly yet (although you can boot into AROS). Also, this version WILL NOT work with computers that have more than one CD-ROM drive.
(sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 18:14] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

Game: ScummVM AGA v0.38 with sound support
Today the new version of ScummVM AGA has been released on the ScummVM website.

  • Changed delay routines: the game is *A LOT* faster ! (Try the FASTMODE at least once: press RightShift+f !!!)
  • Sound support (AHI required)
  • F1 will now grab the scummaga screen (requires iff.library)
  • Adjustable talk delay (use '+' and '-' on keypad)
  • Screen mode is now saved to disk
  • Put back color cycles (SLOW under AGA...)
  • Changed keys: 'ESC' will now skip cut scenes and 'F10' will exit
(sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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SLF-Team (ANF)

Game: Battlefield competition
On 21 January the battlefield graphic competition finished. Unfortunately there were only two participants so that finding the winner will be very easy. The winner will be announced very soon and the prize will be presented. Further information is available under the title link. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

Incompatible Euro keymaps and fonts
For the attention of everybody who produces fonts and keymaps:

Because of the introduction of the Euro some people have unfortunately got on the wrong track. The Amiga uses the Latin-8858-1 code table that allocates the Euro sign to the ASCII code 164.

This allocation is binding. All the keymaps and texts which have recently been checked in Aminet showed faults. Often the sign is allocated to code 128 as it is common in the PC world. This might be based on the assumption that a text transfer is easier in this way. Unfortunately this is not the case because special signs specific to a country must be converted anyway. Therefore it's up to the manufacturers of the conversion programs to implement the Euro sign.

This false code leads to the unwanted effect that texts on other Amiga systems cannot be read correctly and that the Amiga becomes incompatible to itself. Besides such a text is not convertible automatically.

Moreover the key combination "Alt E" should be agreed on. The symbol (@) is on the bottom right hand side of the keyboard and it is activated by pressing the "Alt" key. If you have a Win keyboard, which are the only Amiga keyboards with the Euro sign, the Euro sign is also on the bottom right hand side of the keyboard. The combination "Alt E" seems to be more logical than "Alt Shift E".

Creating texts with the Euro sign in both code positions is not desirable due to the loss of a sign on the one hand and due to the loss of transparency on the other hand since the user will not know if the used sign is really compatible.

Here are some correct programs, texts and keymaps from Aminet:

EuroHack.lha: Patches the Euro sign in the topaz 8 font on 164!
EuroConv.lha: Converts the Euro sign from the PC on the Amiga.

According to the author the font set EuroFonts.lha has already been changed to 164 although the wrong Euro is still implemented. The new archive with approximately 900 Kb is supposed to be released over the next few days. The small archive (300 Kb) isn't compatible.

Last but not least try the test which checks the compatibility of the created Euro sign:

Open a shell and enter the following lines. "EEEE" stands for one or more Euro signs.

Echo "EEEE" to t:Test
type t:test hex

As a result the value "A4" should appear for each of the Euro signs! The value "0A" should be ignored.

0000: A4A4A4A4 0A

If another value other than "A4" comes up, the keymap is incompatible.

Guido Mersmann (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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27.Jan.2002 (ANF)

Kultpower: New comics by Karl Bihlmeier
gene writes:
Check out for some new comics of the popular "Ninja Turkeys" from the magazine Videogames.

While the Modul series was finished, the prologue is now available as well as the first three parts of the continuation "Return to Modul" by Karl Bihlmeier (who is also the graphic artist of "Hermann the User").

Have fun!! (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Jaap (ANF)

New Emulator-CD-ROM
Emulator compilers for the Amiga - from ABC80 to VC20 and PC. Apart from the emulators there are matching tools available as well as images of the emulated systems. To enjoy the games legally the CD (ISO9660-format) contains various PD games. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2002, 00:13] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: news regarding the case between Obelix and MobiliX
»Reply to suit released on the Internet
On November 2001 had Werner Heuser, provider of the Open Source project MobiliX - UniX on Mobile Computers received a suit from "Lés Editions Albert René", owner of the trademark rights "Obelix". Heuser didn't want to simply abandon the mark and therefore went to court. The reply to the suit by the Berlin law firm Jaschinski Biere Brexl (JBB) was made available by him on his pages.«
Full (German) article see title link.

Interesting here is the release of the full reply to the suit, where among other things websites as well as subsites with similar names like for example Idefix are mentioned. Affected by this are among others the Aminet and Jens Schönfeld. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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26.Jan.2002 tests Mambo Site Server
After having made bad experiences with PHP-Nuke as web interface and suffering several hacker attacks Wayne Hunt has now installed partially Mambo Site Server as new web interface at (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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Virtual Dimension

Virtual Dimension news about exhibition video and Star Empire II
After a short time out during Christmas is Virtual Dimension busy again: the text of the exhibition video has been translated to English so that VD can go next week into the studio for the audio recordings.

VD additionally points out that the registration phase for the new round of the Internet space strategy game Star Empire II ends soon - the game starts on 1.2.2002! Everybody who wants to take part should now hurry...
By the way: the evaluation is now also available as HTML guide with better layout, additional information and easier navigation through direct links. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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Messenger: AmigAIM BETA version 0.9439
Richard H. Poser has released beta version 0.9439 of the AIM compatible messenger software AmigAIM. AmigAIM is a client to connect with the America Online Instant Messenger (AIM service). Here's an excerpt taken from the history where you can find the changes made:

  • Repaired a problem with the line graphics in the setup portion of the Buddy list that occurred when I removed the memory leak in the previous release.
Download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:49] [Comments: 0]
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XBaze Site

Data base: XBaze version 7.1
Rafal Kaczmarczyk has released version 7.1 of his data base 'XBaze'. The program offers an easy-to-use editor for the fields of the data records and the layout (drag'n drop). It runs from AmigaOS V3.0 on.

Bug reports and suggestions can be sent to the following address:

This version contains the following changes:

  • Added new tooltypes:
    - NOSIZEABLE - main window can't be resized.
    - NONAVBUTTS - window without navigation buttons.
    - 3DLOOK - navigation buttons will have 3D-look.
  • Added possibility to assign ARexx programs to TEXT fields. Programs will be called during every record refresh.
  • Added new option: "Project|Define..." used to define fields.
  • Menu "Edit|Markers|" was divided to : "Edit|Mark|" and "Edit|Unmark|".
  • Added following menu items: - "?|Help..." - calls on-line help
    - "?|Shortcuts..." - calls on-line help
    - "?|e-mail..." - opens mail program
    - "Navigation|Next|Marked" - goes to next marked record
    - "Navigation|Next|Unmarked" - goes to next unmarked record
    - "Navigation|Prev|Marked" - goes to previous marked record
    - "Navigation|Prev|Unmarked" - goes to previous unmarked record
    - "Navigation|First|Marked" - goes to the first marked record
    - "Navigation|First|Unmarked" - goes to the first unmarked record
    - "Navigation|Last|Marked" - goes to the last marked record
    - "Navigation|Last|Unmarked" - goes to the last unmarked record
  • Added on-;ine help available under [Help] key.
  • New popupmenu for navigation gadgets in window border.
  • Gadgets "Reset to default" and "Last saved" in program settings window was moved to popup menu.
  • Added posibility to change placement of toolbar, you can change it using settings or tooltypes.
  • New options in program settings window, suitable to tooltypes: NOSIZEABLE, NONAVBUTTS.

Download: XB-7.1.lha (561 KB) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:34] [Comments: 0]
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Bernhard Wörner Homepage

Audio: Amplify version 1.2 (Update)
Bernhard Wörner has today released version 1.2 of his audio tool 'Amplify'. Amplify offers the following features:
  • Modulation on 0 dB
  • Removing of empty space at beginning and end
  • Removing of specific time ranges at beginning and end
  • Mixing left and right channel together
  • Fade in and out
  • Inserting of breaks at beginning and end
  • Removing of knacking at beginning and end
Minimal system configuration: AmigaOS 3.1, 68020+, 1,5 MB free memory

The tool is available for download for different 68k and PPC CPUs via the title link.

Update 28.01.2002:
Bernhard Wörner:
The program now needs only AmigaOS 3.0! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:22] [Comments: 0]
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SPIEGEL: new IBM strategy - Linux for mainframes
»IBM goes Linux: The American computer giant presents its first mainframe computers that are developed exlusively for the Open Source operating system.«
Full (German) article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 16:54] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Arena

Amiga Arena: interview with Ralph Torchia (Spitfire²)
With Spitfire² exists a very good shareware software for all Amiga and PalmOS users. Spitfire² allows a connection between a Palm computer and an Amiga computer. Amiga Arena talked to Ralph Torchia, the developer of Spitfire², about the past and the future of the program. The interview can be found following the title link while the English version is available here. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 16:28] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

ScummVM - Amiga ports website goes online!
Since today is the ScummVM Amiga port website online. It contains actual information about ScummVM_AGA by NoGFX or about the MorphOS version by Rüdiger Hanke, screenshots, downloads and much more. In a few days there'll be the new version of ScummVM_AGA released! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: log file of the bplan chat translated to German
On 21.01.2002 at 19.00 o'clock took on the IRC channel #AmigaFun a chat with Salvador Fernandez Gomez from bplan place. Via the title link you'll find the translation by Amiga Future of the original log file. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 15:14] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

Greg Donner: much updated Amiga information
Gregory S. Donner releases on his private English Amiga website uncountable interesting information about the Amiga and updates his website regularly. In the area 'Workbench Nostalgia' for example you can find information beginning with the first Workbench up to the just released information regarding AmigaOS 4.0.

Comprehensive FAQs for AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9 and reviews invite for reading as well as detailed information about different hardware components. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 13:12] [Comments: 0]
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CUCUG: Status Register January 2002
The Status Register is the monthly newsletter of the Champaign-Urbana Computer User Group. Dealt are current and important information regarding Amiga, Macintosh and PC as well as the computer industry. (ps)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 12:12] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Perver (ANF)

Textviewer: EvenMore 0.59 now with MacWORD Plugin
The EvenMore executable has been updated to allow hilighting of text simply by clicking and dragging the mouse over the text. A new plugin has also been created to read MacWORD documents. (ps)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2002, 11:33] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Williams (ANF)

New Total Amiga Website
South Essex Amiga Link is proud to announce the launch of a website for Total Amiga Magazine:

Total Amiga is the new name for our established quarterly printed Amiga magazine, "Clubbed".

On our new site you can find full details about the magazine, contents lists for past issues and our plans for the future. There is information on ordering trial copies of the magazine and subscriptions with links to ForeMatt Home Computing and Kicksoft who offer an online ordering service for us.

We also have a behind the scenes section where you can find out how the magazine is produced (on the Amiga of course) and see a preview of the new design.

The first issue of Total Amiga is going to press next week and will be available in February.

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 22:49] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

SUBWAY / HIGHWAY poll results
The poll for SUBWAY / HIGHWAY has given first results. You can find them under the title link, after clicking on the British flag in the menu bar. Thanks to everybody who did participate in this poll! We will try to get your ideas (if technically possible) into our work. (ps)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 19:15] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze (ANF)

Important information regarding HSMathLibs and stormamiga.lib
As a result of the litigations concerning the name "CyberdyneSystems" I was forbidden to use this name in connection with "HSMathLibs" and "stormamiga.lib". Since this also concerns the domain name, the "HSMathLibs" and "stormamiga.lib" soon will not be found at "", any more. I will inform about the future place to find those pages as soon as this was fixed. Due to the changes the respective pages may be down for a short time. I ask you for your understanding. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 19:13] [Comments: 0]
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cyborg (ANF)

Poll at
On the above website a poll about the most secure operating system takes place. Though AmigaOS happend to have a security gap recently, in general we don't need to deal with this issue. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 19:12] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench: Scalos Version 40.19
On 28. January 2002 beta version 40.19 of the Workbench replacement 'Scalos V1.3' was released.

Changes can be taken for the history.

Using the bug report page you can inform the Scalos team about bugs.

ScalosBeta.lha (223 KB)
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 15:58] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Neumann (ANF)

Version 3.1 of the text viewer "Next" released
Jürgen Klawitte relesed version 3.1 of his text viewer "Next". This update come with numerous enhancements and three innovations: "Next" now supports XAD, plays sound files with an own routine, and allows the user to decide the program windows' colour. More informatino under the title link.

Next3.1.lha (110 KB),
and on Aminet, soon.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 12:55] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke (ANF)

EZP@gerNG V2.0 released
The latest version of the SMS, paging, and email software EZP@gerNG is available in an unregistered version for free download. This new version comes with numerous new features.

All registered EZP@gerNG users will find an update archive at the download area to update their version 1.4 to version 2.0.

The most important changes:
  • Now supports MultiMessages for sending several messages one after the other over one single connection.
  • Messages can be sent via the internet, if a respective external plugin for the SMS web gateway to be used is installed.
  • Single, group, and quick call messages now can be saved to edit/send them later.
  • Messages in the log book can be copied, moved, and sent immediate.
  • New features for message editing under OS 3.5/3.9: clipboard support, undo, and other enhanced editing functions.
  • Receivers can be defined without a given call service and used with single call.
  • Additional ARexx commands.
  • For more changes seee the ReadMe.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2002, 12:50] [Comments: 0]
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GUI: ControlTV for TV card drivers on the Elbox Multimedia-CD
On the Mediator support site of CyberGraphX you can find a simple Arexx script using AWNPIPE to have a GUI for the drivers on the Elbox Multimedia-CD. With this for example you can switch between several TV channels problem-free. You can find this script on the 3rd Party Mediator Software Page. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaKult: New layout almost finished
The AmigaKult webmaster is looking forward to your feedback on the new design. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 19:23] [Comments: 0]
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AmiDog's Movie Player

AmiDog: Bugfix for AMP movie player beta version 020118
There is a bugfix available for the beta version for PPC ´AMP´ by Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund, released on 18. January 2002. This fixes a bug in the MPEG video plugin.

Download: MPEGV.lha

´AMP´ currently knows the following multimedia-types:

  • MPEG1/2 video with sound (optional)
  • MP2/MP3 audio streams
  • AC3 streams
  • (S)VCD, CD-i and DVD
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 23.01.2002)
WHDLoad helps you to install your old game to your harddisc. The following packages were added or updated:
  • 23.01.02 new: Pirates! (Gold) CD³² (Microprose) done by JOTD
  • 23.01.02 new: The Teller (UBI-Soft) done by CFOU!
  • 23.01.02 improved: Dragonflight (Thalion) supports another version
  • 22.01.02 improved: Ghost Busters 2 (Activision) supports another version
  • 21.01.02 fixed: Aufschwung Ost (Sunflowers) new imager and install script

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 19:08] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software

Tool: Report+ Version 5.22
For AmigaOS 3.9 user is available version 5.22 from Report+. With Report+ from Amigan Software you can easily create bugreports, Aminet readmes, Autodocs, and other reports. It is freeware and supports the GUI systems ReAction and GadTools.

Download: ReportPlus.lha (468 KB) (ps)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 19:00] [Comments: 0]
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gene of kultpower (ANF)

Heise: Linux games developer Loki appears to give up
According to Heise Scott Draeker, Loki Software President, seemingly has announced in an email to his business partners, that the games developer would abandon its business by 31. January.

Three years ago Loki has started to provide the Linux community with topical games. Moreover it made a name for itself by the open source project Simple DirectMedia Layr (SDL), some kind of DirectX for Linux.
See title link for the Heise article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Lohr (ANF)

Music: DigiboosterPro Community organizing a Mod-Compo
Would you like to...
  • have fun?
  • meet with likeminded?
  • be creative?
  • let them all see?
  • the ultimate challenge?
  • be the BEST?
...then the DigiboosterPro Community is your place to be!

From 01. February 2001 the Digiboster Community will organize a Module-Competition. How that runs? Quite easy: You have to track a so called module (DBM) with DigiboosterPro while observing the rules given. We will give everybody the chance to participate, to have a great variety of several kinds of music in this competition. You will find more detailed information about the rules and how this Mod-Compo runs under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

H&P: Euro-Update for AmigaOS 3.9
Haage&Partner: Finally we are able to release the Euro update for AmigaOS  3.9. It took a bit longer because there were some more things to consider. Many thanks to the all involved people. This update especially contains keymaps and Amiga bitmap fonts that make it possible to use the Euro symbol on the Amiga. It also contains a German Euro keymap for AmigaOS XL. (ps)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 17:58] [Comments: 0]
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JOTD Patch & HD Installer Page

HD-Installer: JST with new loaders for WHDLoad
With JST by J.F. Fabre you now are able to install floppy disk only games to your harddisk and run them from there. On 19. January 2001 many new loaders and updates for WHDLoad were added. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 15:28] [Comments: 0]
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24.Jan.2002 Searching machine and web-index for games developers
The maintainer of the German games developer network found some useful searching machines and web-indexes for developers. Some of those have much extended databases on different subjects. So he created an own section "Suchmaschinen und Webindexe für Entwickler" for developers. You will find this under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 15:11] [Comments: 0]
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SPIEGEL: Wearable computers
Students from Weimar, Germany, present handhelds as wearable trinkets and show how mini-computers can become wearable vogue.
See title link for the Spiegel article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 14:31] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Stöcker (ANF)

Game: RekoNet arrives at 1,000 card sets
The RekoNet, a collection of card sets, programs and links all about the Klondike game by Reko-Productions, today arrived at the magic border of 1,000 different card sets. Who is interested in Solitär and owns an Amiga or Windows-PC may drop in to if there is something for you in there. Unfortunately some of the elder card sets are still missing. If you have got missing cards, please tell us. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 13:25] [Comments: 0]
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Joachim "Joooch" Nink (ANF)

Cinemaware: "It came from the desert" and "Antheads" for downlaod
After "Wings" and "Defender of the Crown" now there is also available for free download "It came from the desert" and "Antheads". This entry at Cinemaware was done on 17. December 2001. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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Christian S. (ANF)

Filesystem: SmartFilesystem 1.194
Jörg Strohmayer released SmartFilesystem 1.194 on 23. January 2002. New in this version:
  • ACTION_RENAME_DISK didn't check for empty or invalid name.

Download: SFS.lha (41 KB)

This is about a beta version. Bugreports and validation of runability can be sent to Jörg Strohmayer.

There is a SFS mailing list for questions, problems or comments. To register for this list send an email with subject "subscribe" to or register by using the web interface. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 13:19] [Comments: 0]
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Dino Papararo (ANF)

Graphic fractale: FlashMandelWOS Version 1.6
Version 1.6 of FlashMandelWOS has been uploaded on Aminet in gfx/fract directory. With FlashMandel you can explore fractal space and create your own pictures.

These are the main features:
Full functional program for rendering Mandelbrot & Julia fractals with different exponents. Support for ECS/AGA/RTG and 68020+/PPC with an FPU Amiga or compatible systems. Uses new Reaction GUI, Localization, and has an Installer script also to easy update or uninstall the program. C & Asm 68k/PPC sources included! It's really fast even on old Amigas and should be also compatible with all new Amiga clones and it's free.

This has changed in the new version:
  • Extended the Z = Z² + C formula to Z = Z^(2^n) + C with 1 <= n <= 11.
  • Added the new ToolType POWER default to 1 for the classic Mandelbrot & Julia formulas.
  • Fixed some little Reaction default pubscreen mistakes.
  • Default coords are now (-2,+1.125i) and (+1,-1.125i).
  • Splitted the archive into 2 parts one for pictures pix/fract/FlashMandelPic.lha and other for program to reduce the size of the archive.
  • Some minor internal changes and improvements.
  • Recompiled and linked with new AmigaOS 3.9 developer archive includes and libs.
  • Updated the docs and installer to reflect new changes.
  • and much more...
In next version is planned an AREXX port to control the program in auto mode to build anim movies and a special benchmark mode to evaluate the CPU/FPU/MEM speed of 'OLD' real Amigas 68K/PPC VS 'NEW' software clones (UAE & company), stay tuned. (ps)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp (ANF)

GFX-BASE: New tutorial
A new tutorial can be found at GFX-BASE. This tutorial is about Opus Magellan 2 and Workbench to get a maximum of use and to simplify your daily work with your Amiga. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2002, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Special price for GeoWorld
For the best geography programm of the Amiga called "GeoWorld" the Amiga Arena in cooperation with "Beer Productions" is proudly to present a special price. It took one long year until the recently published update 13 could be downloaded. Therefore we are glad to know that this software will be kept developing.

If you want to get more information about "GeoWorld" please visit its homepage. Soon there will be a "developing toolkit" in order to be able to add still more data. For the graphic section the developer still keep looking for some private Photos of landscapes as well as "cartographers".

We would be glad if there were users who give a contribution also in future to make such useful knowledge software possible for Amiga. This special offer is valid until 28.2.2002. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 21:41] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

Amiga Inc.: Executive Update

Bill McEwen discusses the status of a new Set-top Box partner for the Amiga DE.

Greetings one and all:

I have been receiving many e-mails reminding me of the need to announce the STB OEM partner. We are well aware that it was scheduled for last week and we were expecting the legal department of the partner to have released the press release. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with multi-billion dollar companies, it can more often than not take longer than planned.

We did receive the OK to announce to our developers and this was accomplished last week. So all of the NDA developers do know about the deal and the details of the singed OEM deal, however we are going to have to wait a little while longer for the rest of the Amiga community to see the public release.

I am sorry, but it will be worth the wait. In fact we will probably have a couple more that we can announce at the same time.

So the NDA developers were notified last week, and we should have the public announcement out by next week.

Bill McEwen
CEO Amiga Inc. (ps)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 21:27] [Comments: 0]
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Newsgroup de.comp.sys.amiga.unix + (ANF)

Vote about deletion of de.comp.sys.amiga.unix running
The annual vote about the deletion of the newsgroup de.comp.sys.amiga.unix has started. Last year there were enough cons preventing it - what about this year?

If you want to participate please read the original article (see below) in the usenet-news and answer via email.

news:de.comp.sys.amiga.unix (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 21:21] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jan.2002 / Daniel Orth (ANF)

amiga-topcool: Interview with Hans Jörg Frieden
On amiga-topcool there is a topical interview with Hans Jörg Frieden from Hyperion. Topic: AmigaOS 4. Frieden answered the following questions: What put the idea in your head? Is it really better than MorphOS? What is new since OS 3.9? Which hardware will be required by the new OS? (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amigaland: New game and "Fußball Total" fixed
Amigaland offers games (legal, thanks to the software groups for their release) as well as demos, emu-tools and emulators for download. You can also find many information to AmigaOS. From today on you can download the cult game called "Doom". Doom has been the first 3d-shooter for the PC and has been later ported to the Amiga.

The game 'Fußball Total' has been fixed. The first archive was infected by a virus but the current one is clean! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 17:02] [Comments: 0]
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Frederic Boisdron (E-Mail)

Event: Invitation to SIIA 2002 in France
Hello from France,

The 2002 autumn will be the birth of the great SIIA (International Alternative Computer Exposition in French) in the little town of Sainte Marie de Redon (South of Britanny) near Nantes and Rennes. This expo would like to be THE best expo in the world of alternative computing !

All the formats will be represented : AmigaOS, TOS, RiscOS, Linux, BeOS, QNX, BSD, CPC and many, many more...

This expo will be implemented on one weekend in November 2002. Some hotels services will be available near Sainte Marie with good prices. You can go to the expo by car, train, boat (on the Vilaine river) and by plane (tourism plane).

The cost to be represented at the expo with a stand will be very cheap (maybe free).

This mail is done to invite you to join us to the party !

You can have some information with :

Mail: or

+33 299 720 663 (after 5:00 PM)
+33 677 358 726 (portable)

Or by snail mail:
La Belle Etoile

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 16:05] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

Heise: Motorola with deficit of a billion (Update)
In the fourth quarter in 2001 the chip- and handy-producer of Motorola had a deficit of 1.4 billion Euro. Thus the sale lowered from 10.1 billion US-Dollar to 7.32 billion dollar. Despite of this negative numbers the president Edward Breen is confident of the future and hopes to black from the second half year. In order to gain this goal the amount of the staff members will be reduced from 150,000 to 101,600 until the end of the year.
Have a look at the title link for the full Heise article.

Update 24.01.2002:
Heise: Motorola closed four factories of semiconductors
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 13:39] [Comments: 0]
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News-area of the website of Metabox (not press) (ANF)

Metabox sells Beta-Boxen, Metabox 1000 to developer
22.January 2002
Offering Beta- met@box1000 to developer and interested beta-tester

We want to proof that met@box 1000 is a usable device for private households. You are supposed to make sure of practical use of the several times introduced settop-boxes. You make sure of it, you are supposed to belong to the first people who have the possibility of enjoying this multimedial product in your own four rooms. We emphasizes that your order is the basic for optmizing the forthcoming mass production. This special production is only possible with your support. For that we guarantee that we will treat this "circle of early orderer" in a very special way. Because of that we specially address to shareholders, developer and interested beta-tester and we want to submit you the following offer of met@box 1000:


  • Satellite box FTA
  • Digital receiver
  • DVD-drive
  • Parallel Port
  • Ethernet (for DSL / Lan) or modem (V90)
  • Internet Html 4, JPEG, BMP, GIF, Macromedia Flash 3.0
  • PiP (Picture in Picture)
  • Simple Menu structure
  • Ingenious keyboard

  • Additional equipment (still in test phase, still not usable)
    • Harddisk
    • SP/DIF
    • USB
This offer has the following conditions:
Acceptance of order and start of production after receipt of 100 orders under prepayment. Delivery of a usable beta-test settop-box. Time of delivery ca. 12-16 weeks

Because of this offer you have the following chances:

  • Beta-test with extensive support
  • Possible offers on the part of market research institutes
  • Possible first interactive TV-content in Germany
  • Possible further participance of introducing projects in Germany (e.g. video on demand)
  • Participance to opinion polls and experience reports

The possibilities of the met@box 1000 are various and contain the whole spectrum of digital television. You can receive all open digital channels like ARD digital and ZDF digital. Additionally you can receive more than 200 free digital broadcats. The met@box 1000 offers an outstanding browser-picture quality. Therefore you can optimally surf in the Internet via TV. Besides this the box offers simultaneous watching television and browsing through the Internet (picture in picture). Additional fetatures:
  • DVD's, video CD's, MP3- and music-CDs
  • HTML based interactive television
  • Webmail
During the 23.01.2002 you will find an ordering formular and the corresponding account number. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2002, 13:11] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Financial software: Bugfix for Bonds V1.85
There is a first bugfix for Bonds v1.85 on the homepage (title link). It replaces the old exe file with a new one.


  • Umlauts now correct.
  • Crash in the depot stock window, if stock = 0.
  • Changing fonts caused crash.
  • Some more little things.

Still not fixed is the problem with the object data list which may occur if thre are two objects with the same first words (e.g. "SAP VZ" and "SAP ST").

Sven Dröge advices everybody who has MagicMenu installed to enable NON-BLOCKING in its options. Otherwise it may come that the menu choice could be overlooked.

Furthermore configuration files from elder versions of Bonds should not be used, since in part internet regarding settings had to be adjusted. In any case settings should be compared to the included configuration.

Bonds is a shareware financial software to maintain security papers of any kind. But the main focus is on shares. This software was especially designed for the German financial market place and handles best security papers dealt in Germany, since it uses the numbering system for security papers of the German stock-market. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2002, 21:38] [Comments: 0]
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Logfile of the Chats with Salvador Fernandez Gomez of bplan
On Monday on the IRC channel #AmigaFun the chat with Salvador Fernandez Gomez of bplan has taken place. You will find it under the title link.

You can also find the logfile on the homepage of the usergroup AUG99. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2002, 17:07] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

e.p.i.c.: News about Feeble Files for Amiga 68k and PPC
The Feeble Files is currently in the final stages of betatesting for both 68k and PPC Amigas. We expect the game to be finished and go into production within the next week or so, which means the game should be shipping by early/mid february 2002. The Feeble Files will require an Amiga equipped with minimum a 68060, a 4 MByte GFX board and 32 MByte RAM but a PPC equipped Amiga is recommended.

Some users of the PPC version of EARTH 2140 MISSIONPACK:THE FINAL CONFLICT experienced problems with the game. The new update provided by Pagan Games is available from the download section of our website now and should eliminate these problems. However, if you did NOT experience any problems with THE FINAL CONFLICT please do NOT install this update. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2002, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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Thilo Köhler (ANF)

Audio: New audioprocessing program "Samplemanager"
You can find version 0.10 of my audio reworking tools "Samplemanager" in the Aminet for download. It loads/saves AIFF, WAV, MAUD, 8SVX, CDDA and RAW samples and is in "Audiomaster" style for easy handling and usage. The routines are written high optimized 68k Assembler and very fast.

Some features of the tool:
  • "Aussteuern" to 0dB
  • In-/Out fading
  • Cut spaces on start and stop
  • realtime effects like Compressor / Softclipper / Stereospreader/ Equalizer/ Enhancer/ Autotune
  • sample rates / bit resolution / converting data formats
  • complete Undo History
Some bugfixes since version 0.9 were done. The title link leads to the search requester of the Aminet. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2002, 16:21] [Comments: 0]
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Cj-Stroker (ANF)

Music: New song on Amiforce
Amiforce published a new song. So feel free to download and listen to this Trance-song. You will find it in the music-section of the homepage of Amiforce. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2002, 20:35] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Frieden (E-Mail)

Hyperion: Presse Release Amiga OS 4.0 development update

Amiga OS 4.0 development update
Leuven, Belgium, January 21, 2002.

Let me start off by wishing everybody in the Amiga community all the best in 2002!

As you know, on November 1, 2001 Hyperion Entertainment entered into a license agreement with Amiga Inc. to produce Amiga OS 4.0 for PPC based systems.

Since my presentation in Cologne at the Amiga 2001 show on November 17-18, very substantial progress was made which I am now ready to share with you.

Some of you have expressed some misgivings about the lack of progress reports on OS 4.0 development but I hope I can count on your understanding as all of us have been extremely busy, even through the holiday season, to bring you what is unquestionably the most ambitious OS upgrade since Amiga OS 3.0.

Now I know that many of you are sceptical because of the scope of the project and because similar promises were made in the past.

To those people I would like to point out that Hyperion Entertainment does not enter into contracts lightly and that we have a track-record carrying out commercial development and contract-work for Windows, Mac, Linux, Amiga and Amiga DE/Elate.

We have brought together a truly impressive development team of some 25 people building on the OS 3.5 and 3.9 development team whilst adding several well-known and respected Amiga developers to the mix.

I'm very pleased to say that Dave Haynie has agreed to serve as a technical consultant.

You'll be hard-pressed to find a more experienced team for the job!

The feature-set of OS 4.0 has now been finalised to a large extent.

We can't guarantee that every single feature listed here will make it in the initial release of OS 4.0 but this is the feature-set that we have contractually committed to delivering.

You will also note that for the first time in many, many years very substantial work is being done on Intuition, one of the core elements of the Amiga OS. Having a PPC native version of Intuition available will make a very noticeable difference speed-wise.

We intend for OS 4.0 to be disk-based or at least partly disk-based and partly flashrom based even for current Amiga's. More about that in a later update.

We also intend for OS 4.0 to be installed effortlessly from CD and from scratch without the need for an existing OS install.

As we have taken on more work (Intuition etc.) and folded some of the functionality originally planned for OS 4.2 into OS 4.0, this inevitably means the original February release-date might slip somewhat but all in all we believe that the end-result will be technologically more satisfying.

Come end of January, I hope to have the biggest chunk of the legal work for OS 4.0 behind me which will allow me to provide you with more regular updates.

I know full well that your patience has been sorely tested over the last years so I understand your impatience and even your scepticism but I can assure you that the Amiga OS is in good hands and that we will deliver.

In closing, I would like to invite everybody out there who (out of an understandable frustration with the neglect of the Amiga OS by its respective past owners) decided to take matters in his own hands, to work with us, rather than against us.

Ben Hermans, LL.M
Managing partner Hyperion Entertainment VOF

Amiga OS 4.0 provisional feature list

Exec Second Generation (Exec SG)
Exec is the kernel of the AmigaOS and is currently written in 68K assembly.
Exec is being re-written in C and new functionality will be introduced to allow the deployment of OS 4.x on any suitable PPC hardware.
The following features are planned:
  • Hardware abstraction layer
  • Virtual memory
  • New library interface
  • Resource tracking and management
  • Optional memory protection
  • WarpOS backwards compatibility

68K "Just in Time" emulation

PPC native TCP/IP stack
  • implemented as a single shared library
  • compatible with the Amiga standard "bsdsocket" API, as defined by the AmiTCP product
  • enhanced API for more control over the inner workings and configuration
  • built-in DHCP client (e.g. for cable modems)
  • Internet Superserver (inetd)
  • IP filtering and networking address translation
  • drivers for asynchronous PPP (dial-up networking) and PPP over Ethernet (for ADSL and cable modems)
  • AmiSSL V2.0

PPC native filesystem (FFS2)
FFS2 is a fully backwards compatible re-implementation in C of the Fast File System. It supports media > 4 GByte, and a new variant of the file/directory name storage format which allows for long file names (up to 108 characters).

Recovery and Salvage tools
Comprehensive suite of salvage and recovery tools including Salvage, Undelete, Unformat, Repair, RDBSalv, ReOrg/Defrag, Check Integrity etc.

PPC native RTG system
The PPC native RTG system (based on Picasso 96 V3) allows for the use of modern graphics cards on the Amiga.
Drivers for all current Zorro II/III cards as well as drivers for the Permedia 2/3, Voodoo 3, Matrox G450/G550 and ATI Radeon are planned.
An arithmetically optimised PPC native version of layers.library is also planned.

New version of Warp3D, the powerful yet low-level 3D API which is both available on the classic Amiga and intent/Amiga DE and which allows developers to rapidly migrate 3D content between both platforms.
Drivers for Permedia 2/3, Voodoo 3, Matrox G450/G550 and ATI Radeon are planned.

OpenGL 1.3 support (Mesa 4.0)
OpenGL is a cross-platform (Mac, Linux, Windows, AmigaDE etc.) high-level 3D API originally developed by Silicon Graphics.
Support for OpenGL 1.3 will be provided by porting the open source project Mesa (which now passes all SGI compliance tests) which will sit on top of Warp3D so that graphics-card functionality not currently offered by the OpenGL API may be supported nonetheless.

PPC native RTA system (AHI)
A Retargetable Audio System allows the use of plug-in sound cards (PCI or Zorro II).
AHI by Martin Blom is currently the de facto standard on the Amiga and a PPC native version will be offered with support for a wide variety of sound cards including but not limited to all current Amiga sound cards and the Soundblaster 128 and Live (EMU10K1) cards.

PPC native Intuition and Reaction
Reaction is the BOOPSI based GUI system for the Amiga, introduced in OS 3.5 and extended in OS 3.9.
Moreover a new preferences system will allow the user to change more aspects of the GUI.
Other features:
  • Drag and Drop support
  • New "ghosted" look

Intuition will sport the following new features (more planned):
  • New DrawInfo pens
  • Enhanced window borders
  • Resolution-adaptive system gadgets
  • User-selectable styles for system glyphs and 3D frames with support for external plug-ins
  • Configurable look for proportional gadgets
  • New-style (3D recessed) "disabled" look for gadgets where applicable
  • Gad-Tools enhancements (pop-up capability for cycle gadgets etc.)
  • Full-user control of Workbench palette

SCSI drivers for SCRIPTS based SCSI controllers

WarpInput API (working title)
WarpInput is an API for multimedia controller devices (akin to DirectInput on Windows) which allows a programmer to provide support through one API for a wide variety of input-devices such as keyboard, mouse, joysticks (analog and digital), track-ball, Playstation controller etc.

Minimal USB stack

PPC native datatypes

New HDToolbox replacement

Support for TrueType/OpenType fonts

[News message: 21. Jan. 2002, 16:12] [Comments: 3 - 24. Jan. 2002, 07:53]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 20.01.2002)
WHDLoad helps you to install your old game to your harddisc. The following packages were added or updated:
  • 20.01.02 new: Magicland Dizzy (Codemasters) done by Abaddon
  • 20.01.02 new: Harlequin (Gremlin) done by Abaddon
  • 20.01.02 improved: D/Generation (Mindscape) supports CD³² version too
  • 20.01.02 fixed: Car Vup (Core Design) misc changes
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2002, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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BusinessWeek: Apple Special
There is a new article about Apple at the BusinessWeek-homepage. A subpage of this article is dealing with GUI and easier computers.

»Instead of starting out with hardware and software as the first design step, I said what we are going to need if we want to reach millions of people is to start with the question of what do people do with a computer, and how do they do it. What is the interface like? And then design the hardware and software to support that. This is why the Macintosh was unlike any commercial product that came before it. (Jef Raskin)« (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2002, 12:53] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser (ANF)

Screenshots of Quake 2 for Amiga
Quake2 for Amiga is not finished yet but now there are some screenshots available. These pics were took from different "Quake2 Mods" that will be available with the release of the game.

You can find the screenshots here: Steffen Häuser (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2002, 00:22] [Comments: 0]
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