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Glenn Fuller (ANF)

Ben Fuller is dead - biography in the work
Benjamin G. Fuller, active Amiga developer since the early days, died on September, 11th 2002. The family, relatives and friends are putting a biography about Ben together and would welcome any contributions from the Amiga community.

1986 was the AAUG (Arizona Amiga Users Group) founded by Ben and some other users. Aged 17, Ben was probably one of the first and youngest developer of commercial Amiga software and visited among other things the 2nd Annual Amiga Developer's Conference in November 1986. 1988 he had worked in California at Silent Software and contributed to the creation of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" that had been distributed by Buena Vista Software and Disney. In 1992 he returned to Arizona to develop at Softwood, Inc. for example Final Copy II.

The next station was SunRize Industries, the makers of the hardware-software solution AD516/Studio16 Digital Audio Workstation. there he developed among other things the Automated Mixer of AD516/Studio16 v3.0 and its enhanced SMPTE Handling and the Amiga side including ARexx API of the software SoundSwitch that was also made compatible to the Video Toaster.

In June 2001 Fuller retired from SONICblue (ReplayTV) where he had worked since 1998 and concentrated on the photography with his Olympus E-10. His photos can be viewed on his website under the title link. Until the end Ben had used the Amiga emulator Amiga Forever running on a Dell-PC.

Please send contributions like publications, photos, reviews or comments that could help to complete the biography to or to (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2003, 00:39] [Comments: 2 - 14. Feb. 2007, 16:09]
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