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21.Mar.2013 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Super Tirititran and MiniSlug Project
"Super Tirititran" (screenshots) is a classic shoot'em up game and the MiniSlug Project is a remake of the classic arcade game Metal Slug.

The versions for the Amiga were ported by Hugues 'HunoPPC' Nouvel. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2013, 23:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Magazine: Commodore Free, issue 68
"Commodore Free" is a free, English-language magazine about Commodore and Amiga computers which is available in different formats - among others as HTML-version and as C64-Diskmag. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2013, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Leona's Tricky Adventures: Preorders instead of Kickstarter-Project
For "Leona's Tricky Adventures" only 1.794 of 35.000 Pounds were donated with the help of the Kickstarter-Project. Therefore today it was canceled. Instead of it, you can now directly preorder the puzzle adventure under the title link. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2013, 16:08] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: AmigaAMP 3.6
Thomas Wenzel has updated his music play program AmigaAMP. The changes in version 3.6:
  • Added new GET... AREXX commands
  • Fixed picky streaming sanity check
  • Fixed 'disabled' status for tag editor Save/Clear-buttons
  • Fixed crash when quitting AmigaAMP while visualization is stopped
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2013, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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Database: MUIbase 3.0 (AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS)
Steffen Gutmann has released an update of his relational, programmable database MUIbase. Changes in version 3.0:
  • Optional logging of changes (adding, deleting and changing of records) into a system log table
  • The counting of changes can now be disabled for a complete table including the table's attributes
  • New dialog editor for table display objects
  • Panels are now part of the table display object
  • Possibility of defining record descriptions which are used when logging changes and when listing records in list view popups
  • Record description can be computed by a trigger function. This addresses feature request 2491815.
  • New menu item for viewing all records of a table in the query editor
  • Updated license to GPL-3
  • Use GTK 3 on Linux
  • Use global menu for all windows on Linux if gtk-shell-shows-menubar is set, e.g. when using the Unity desktop
  • The geometry layout on GTK (Windows, Mac OS and Linux) now better matches to the one generated by MUI (Amiga)
  • New demo project 'Yam-Link.mb' that demonstrates how to interface MUIbase with Yam for storing the message IDs of emails in a MUIbase project, and showing the corresponding Email in Yam (Amiga)
  • When started from Workbench, use the search path from Workbench for starting other processes (Amiga)
  • Several bug fixes

The MUIbase distribution includes ports for AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2013, 05:39] [Comments: 0]
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Jim Neray (ANF)

Game-Launcher: X-bEnCH 0.87 beta
X-bEnCH (Youtube video) is a graphical user-interface with 128 colours for starting WHDLoad games (.slave, .exe). According to the developer the program runs on all Amigas (OCS and AGA) with 68000 up to 68060 processors and requires very few ressouces.

Changes in version 0.87 Beta:
  • Fast volume fader fix.
  • CLI should now work with all setups. (SuperPlus displaymode and strange rom included)
  • Added a path requester for the installer.
  • New path checks in the installer to prevent guru.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2013, 01:43] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-Emulator: FS-UAE 2.2
Frode Solheim's FS-UAE for Windows, OS X, Linux and BSD is based on WinUAE and can be completely controlled with a joypad. The most important changes in version 2.2 (a detailed list can be found in the release notes):
  • Much-improved FS-UAE Launcher UI
  • Updated emulation code from WinUAE 2.5.1
  • Better stability, better performance
  • More keyboard shortcuts
  • Improved support for directory hard drives
  • Initial support for the Open Amiga Game Database
  • More input options
  • Amiga PAL/NTSC mode switching
  • Better shader and theme support
  • Improved WHDLoad support
  • LHA archive support
  • Improved support for Amiga Forever
  • More platforms and more languages supported
  • And many other improvements and fixes
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2013, 01:40] [Comments: 0]
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19.Mar.2013 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: 8-Bit-Emulator Atari++ 1.71
The emulator Atari++ emulates Atari's 8-Bit-homecomputer as well as the game console Atari 5200. The version for AmigaOS-4 was ported by Ventzislav 'drHirudo' Tzvetkov, supports AmigaInput and can be controlled with joysticks or analog controllers. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Mar. 2013, 01:31] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Impact (Webseite)

AROS: Screenshot of native Raspberry-Pi-port
Under the title link a screenshot of the AROS developer Nick 'Kalamatee' Andrews announces his nearly finished native port of the operating system for the Raspberry Pi. Only the USB-support has still to be added. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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Edgar Schwan (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: AbiWord 2.8.6r2 for AmiCygnix
For the X11-environment AmiCygnix an update of the word processing software AbiWord has been released. The most important changes:
  • Keyboard layouts that do not conform to ISO-8859-1 standard (eg Polish or Greek keyboards) are now better supported
  • Support for dead keys
  • "AbiWord" can now import pictures in SVG and XCF (Gimp) format
All other programm packages are being reworked as well and will be released during the next days without a special message.

Download: abiword.lha (57 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 15:07] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 16.03.2013
The following packages have been added to Aminet until March 16th, 2013:
PgpDevBas.lha            dev/basic  37K   68k Using PGP library from Hisoft...
cole_2.0.1.lha           dev/lib    207K  MOS read Microsoft Structured Sto...
libmodplug.lha           dev/lib    435K  OS4 Render mod music files as raw...
libsdl_mixer.lha         dev/lib    621K  OS4 SDL mixer library
libsdl_sound.lha         dev/lib    269K  OS4 SDL abstract soundfile decoder
daa2iso.lha              disk/misc  52K   OS4 Convert DAA images to ISO
uif2iso.lha              disk/misc  105K  OS4 Convert UIF images to ISO
blobwars.lha             game/actio 67M   OS4 Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid
ngl-RetroNoid-RTG.lha    game/data  241K      Cool RETRO style ArTKanoid Sk...
edgar.lha                game/jump  31M   OS4 The Legend of Edgar
StrifeAGA-1.0.lha        game/misc  1.1M  68k Amiga AGA port of Strife
uqm.lha                  game/misc  1.6M  OS4 Port of Ur-Quan Masters
uqm-src.lha              game/misc  1.9M      Source for Ur-Quan Masters port
cag50registered.lha      game/role  788K  68k Create Adventure Games V5.0
DeadMetal11.lha          game/strat 1.0M  68k Strategy game - battle number 11
freesynd.lha             game/strat 4.1M  OS4 A GPL Syndicate reimplementation
freesynd-src.lha         game/strat 2.6M      A GPL Syndicate reimplementation
widelands.lha            game/strat 179M  OS4 A Settlers-like real-time str...
widelands-src.tar.bz2    game/strat 7.1M      A Settlers-like real-time str...
pushover.i386-aros.lha   game/think 33M   x86 Puzzle game with dominoes
pushover.src.tgz         game/think 543K      Pushover sources
Lightit.lha              game/wb    32K   68k Light up this hexagonal-shape...
Lights.lha               game/wb    32K   68k Switch on the lights!
Squax.lha                game/wb    32K   68k Match the game patterns!
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   3.0M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha       misc/emu   3.3M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   3.2M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
GoatTrackerStereo-mos... mus/edit   688K  MOS Tracker-like C64 stereo music...
xmp.lha                  mus/play   431K  OS4 XMP multi-module player + Tun...
bde64.lha                util/conv  8K    OS4 Decode/encode base64
byte2c.lha               util/conv  9K    OS4 Generate C data from binary data
nrg2cue.lha              util/conv  12K   OS4 Generate CUE file from NRG
lpatch.lha               util/misc  66K   OS4 Lame Patcher - Binary file pa...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 16.03.2013
The following packages have been added to OS4Depot until March 16th, 2013:
xmp.lha                  aud/pla 431kb 4.0 XMP multi-module player + TuneNe...
warppngdt.lha            dat/ima 207kb 4.0 PNG image datatype V45.17
libmodplug.lha           dev/lib 435kb 4.0 Render mod music files as raw au...
libsdl_mixer.lha         dev/lib 621kb 4.0 SDL mixer library
libsdl_sound.lha         dev/lib 269kb 4.0 SDL abstract soundfile decoder
fltk.lha                 dev/lib 4Mb   4.0 FLTK 1.1.6 for AmigaOS 4.0 (libs...
byte2c.lha               dev/uti 9kb   4.0 Generate C data from binary data
xeromouse.lha            dri/inp 25kb  4.1 A driver for Cherry "Xero" USB m...
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 4Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
uqm.lha                  gam/mis 2Mb   4.1 Port of Ur-Quan Masters
uqm-src.lha              gam/mis 2Mb   4.1 Source for Ur-Quan Masters port
blobwars.lha             gam/pla 67Mb  4.1 Metal Blob Solid
edgar.lha                gam/pla 31Mb  4.1 The Legend of Edgar
freesynd.lha             gam/str 4Mb   4.1 A GPL Syndicate reimplementation
freesynd-src.lha         gam/str 3Mb   4.1 A GPL Syndicate reimplementation
propercropper.lha        gra/con 23kb  4.0 Easily scale/crop images to fit ...
flphoto.lha              gra/edi 4Mb   4.0 image management and display pro...
amicygnix-base.lha       net/mis 112Mb 4.1 An Unix/X11 environment for Amig...
amicygnix-tools.lha      net/mis 75Mb  4.1 Extension package for AmiCygnix,...
amicygnix-x11-src.lha    net/mis 64Mb  4.1 Sources of the basic X11 system ...
webdav-handler.lha       net/mis 991kb 4.0 DOS handler for accessing WebDAV...
yfacts.lha               net/mis 23kb  4.0 Background time synchronisation ...
fastcompress.lha         uti/arc 3Mb   4.0 Quickly compress into LHA,ZIP,LZ...
netdock.lha              uti/doc 242kb 4.0 Docky to monitor your network ac...
bde64.lha                uti/fil 8kb   4.0 Decode/encode base64
daa2iso.lha              uti/fil 52kb  4.0 Convert DAA images to ISO
lpatch.lha               uti/fil 66kb  4.0 Binary file patcher
nrg2cue.lha              uti/fil 12kb  4.0 Generate CUE file from NRG
uif2iso.lha              uti/fil 105kb 4.1 Convert UIF images to ISO
dot4spool.lha            uti/pri 95kb  4.0 Print spooler with Dot4 support
attachmail.lha           uti/wor 527kb 4.0 Attach file(s) to YAM or SimpleM...
sysmon.lha               uti/wor 749kb 4.1 monitor for Process, Windows (+ ...
ffmpeg.lha               vid/con 15Mb  4.0 Multimedia System
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 16.03.2013
The following packages have been added to AROS-Archives until March 16th, 2013:
pushover.i386-aros.lha       gam/puz 33Mb  Puzzle game with dominoes
pushover.src.tgz             gam/puz 543kb Pushover sources
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 16.03.2013
Using WHDLoad, you can install Games scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until March 16th, 2013: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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Moo Bunny (Forum)

AmigaOS 4: Port of Personal Paint in progress
According to 'AmigaBlitter' under the title link, Cloanto has made available the source code of Personal Paint to its "Porting Team" for a port to AmigaOS 4. Because Andrea 'afxgroup' Palmatč has already written a lot, only few steps are necessary to complete it. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2013, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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16.Mar.2013 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Dir Me Up 1.30
Dir Me Up is a commercial file manager for AmigaOS 4.1 which was written by Jérôme 'Glames' Senay. In version 1.30 among others icons in the list of volumes and files were added (ability to display true icons), drag'n'drop is possible from the Workbench to make copies of drawers/files and there is a preview area for e.g. pictures. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2013, 12:34] [Comments: 0]
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16.Mar.2013 (Webseite)

Event: AmiWest 2013 in Sacramento (USA)
The 16th annual AmiWest Computer Show has been announced for October 18-20 at the Holiday Inn Express, 2224 Auburn Boulevard in Sacramento, USA. Also the AmiWest Programming Conference will be held October 16-18 at the same location. (snx)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2013, 12:24] [Comments: 0]
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KeHo Software (ANF)

MorphOS: PengoBrain 1.1
PengoBrain written by Achim Kern is a memory game for kids written with Hollywood. The goal of the game is to lead a penguin over a safe path which can be only be seen at the beginning of the game. After the releases for AmigaOS 4 and AmigaOS 3.x, version 1.1 now is also available for MorphOS. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Mar. 2013, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Edgar Schwan (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: X11-environment AmiCygnix 1.3 Release 2
Edgar Schwan has released an update of his X11-environment AmiCygnix for AmigaOS 4. Release 2 of version 1.3 of both basic packages includes the following changes:
  • The support of dead keys was revised again. In 1.3 r1 this feature didn't work properly. Additionally all dead keys - except "DeadDialytikaTonos" - defined in the keymap files in "KEYMAPS:" are now supported.
  • AmiCygnix-tools: The GTK+-programms were linked again to fix the keyboard problems
amicygnix-base.lha (112 MB)
amicygnix-tools.lha (75 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2013, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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14.Mar.2013 (Webseite)

NetSurf 3.0.1a
Artur 'Arti' Jarosik has released version 3.0.1a of his AmigaOS-port of the web browser NetSurf which is also compatile to AROS/68k. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2013, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

Amiga Future: Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko
At the title link, print magazine Amiga Future published a recent interview with the former president of Amiga Technologies GmbH, Petro Tyschtschenko. There he talks about the sale of Magic packs as well as the origin of the A1200 boards he offered earlier this month. The latter were ordered by him from the same indian dealer to swap against defunct boards in the Magic packs. (snx)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2013, 13:41] [Comments: 0]
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PPA (Webseite)

AROS: PGP, VecXGL 1.2 and Speed Dreams
Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró and 'serk118uk' have released new ports for AROS: The encrypting programm Pretty Good Privacy, the emulator of the 8-Bit-console Vectrex VecXGL as well as the car driving game Speed Dreams.

pgp.7z (221 KB)
vecxgl.lha (602 KB)
speed-dreams.7z (4,5 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2013, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaRemix: New songs added
AmigaRemix has uploaded new mixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games as MP3-files. Since our last message the following songs have been added:
  • Big Run (daXX Remix)
  • Echoing (Steissbein Mix)
  • FlashBack (Options Remix)
  • GODS (ChillStep)
  • Ghouls'n'Ghosts (Your Hometown Burns In Hell)
  • Monday (G3D Extended Remix)
  • Monday (Vroom crack intro)
  • Odyssey Part 1 - Reorchestrated by daXX
  • Onslaught (daXX Remix)
  • Test Drive II Remix
  • Zillion-2 (Mankind's hope will rise again)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2013, 10:32] [Comments: 0]
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Jim Neray (ANF)

Game-Launcher: X-bEnCH 0.86 Beta
X-bEnCH (Youtube-video) is a graphical user-interface, which can replace the Workbench for starting WHDLoad-games (.slave, .exe). According to the developer, the programm works on all Amigas (68000 to 68060 processor) with OCS or AGA and requires low memory.

The most important changes in version 0.86 beta:
  • Temps files cleaning fixed.
  • Checkerboard loader timer fixed.
  • Fixed a bug in the MegaRam option.
  • The cLi start a bit faster.
  • Fixed the Sysinfo command in the cli (68060 support & more verbose).
  • Destination path check added to the launcher tab in the setup.
  • Destination path check added to the installer to prevent guru.
  • Internal improvements.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2013, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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