Amiga QuickBasic Compiler
On GitHub the developer Günter Bartsch has released the source code as well a first Early Preview 0.7.0 alpha1 of his Amiga QuickBasic Compiler and descibes it as "an experiment in alternate history: what AmigaBASIC could have looked like, had it been developed further tailored to the Amiga OS."
Improvements over AmigaBASIC include:
- Advanced type system (including UDTs and Pointers, see below)
- Support for non-static functions and subs (enables recursion)
- Module support (similar to UNITs in TurboPascal, with full type safety and dependencies)
- Modern syntax inspired by FreeBASIC and VisualBASIC
- True native 68k compiler
[News message: 27. Aug. 2021, 11:33] [Comments: 0]
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