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08.Apr.2001 Michael Garlich via E-Mail |
Titan Computer Support MorphOS Press release from Titan Computer, Software Development, 08.04.2001 Titan Computer is happy to announce that we have decided to now also support MorphOS in the future. One of our first projects will be the video-editing software Motionstudio, which will be developed by the company with the same name, who have already developed software like Elastic Dreams and Artstudio Pro. Motionstudio will be released in 4/Q exclusively for MorphOS. The software supports non-linear video-editing, PlugIn interface, more than 40 video- and audio effects, innovative GUI as well as Firewire support (e.g. B-Plan Pegasos Computer). Take a look at one of the first screenshots (201 kB) of the GUI. Kontakt: Titan Computer Mahndorfer Heerstr. 80 A D-28307 Bremen Tel.: +49/(0)421/48 16 20 Fax : +49/(0)421/43 88 29 E-Mail: WWW: [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 22:31] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 RELEC im ANF |
Prometheus in Switzerland & France Prometheus in Switzerland & France! RELEC Software & Hardware AMIGA become exclusive distributor in Switzerland and France. More informations and FAQ in French at relec.prometheus.html. Note from the editor: 'Prometheus' is not the BBS-software, but the PCI-Board by Matay with the same name. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:17] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Jens Schönfeld on ANF |
Mekka & Symposium 2001 co-sponsored by individual Computers As during the past years we support the now nearly legendary scene-party Mekka & Symposium with prices for about 1100,- DM. The fourday party is held every year on easter in Fallingbostel (between Hamburg and Hannover (our report). In the Mid 80's the first "European style demos" came to the C-64. Intro-Coders broke with the Cracker-scene to let their creativity develop freely. In the 90's this programming style evolved on all of the computer systems, for example Amiga, C-64 and PC, to an style of art, which we think is worth supporting. The programming (coding) of demos has become a lifestyle for some people: Even the proposal of marriage of a well known C-64 coder to his girlfriend had to shown as a demo over the "big screen" - supported by the applause from several thousand scene-members. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:15] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Martina Jacobs |
Sven Drieling's Evaluation now also in English Martina Jacobs has translated the evaluation by Sven Drieling entitled "St. Louis 2001: Nothing has changed". St. Louis 2001: nothing has changed - 05.04.2001 Translator: Martina Jacobs Last weekend Amiga published their current plans in St. Louis which beforehand were announced to be a ground shaking event. According to what I have read about that in the Internet since Sunday it seems to me that nothing has changed. Amiga's long term target further on is a portable, independent running AmigaDE combined with TAO's Elate. New is that the plan to develop AmigaOS v5 including memory protection, SMP, and other features as an further foundation component for this system was added. Furthermore there is Sharp featuring a cooperation to develop applications for Sharp's Zaurus PDA basing on AmigaDE. Unfortunately no changes happened to Amiga's information policy, too, thus it is very hard to understand, what Amiga's plans are about and I'm not quit sure if I realized their plans correctly. Indeed it effects me if Bill McEwen and Fleecy Moss are talking about one single plan, but concentrating on opposite tails. Bill McEwen is focusing on short term targets (AmigaOS for PPC, PDA, hosted AmigaDE) and Fleecy Moss is focusing on the long term targets (independent running, portable AmigaOS v5 + AmigaDE for hardware from PDAs through servers including the desktops). Those two different focal points might be one reason for the current confusion. A second reason might be that Amiga didn't publish any contiguous texts clearly stating their future plans, by now - a.o. still almost nothing is known about the AmigaDE. As I've got it the plans are now as follows, whereas I'm absolutely not sure, if my version is correct, since it is very hard to read what Amiga now actually wants to do from the input coming from Amiga and there is range for personal interpretations. Short term targets are the AmigaDE hosted on Linux and WindowsCE for PDAs, an an AmigaOS v4.x plus the hosted AmigaDE for PPC computers, which meet the Zico specification. For example this applies to the AmigaOne 1200 by Eyetech. The long term target is a portable, independent, run-anywhere OS basing on the AmigaOS and combined with TAO's Elate and the AmigaDE. That OS will offer memory protection, virtual memory, SMP, and similar and will be available scalable for from PDAs through servers. In this there are no changes in plans for and further development of AmigaDE. It still will offer the VP, the Sheep language, OpenGL, and the other planned and still unknown features and it will run hosted on other systems, as well as it will be available as an independent system, on the long run. The d'Amiga also might still will act as a computer for software development with an advanced SDK. I don't think/hope that Amiga will nominate the Zico-PPC for the only development computer for AmigaDE. By that and 15 month after their foundation Amiga should now meet the wishes of both, the people wanting an AmigaOS for PPC as well as the people recommending AmigaDE, and not at the expense of any of these groups. It is completely incomprehensible to me, why Amiga is not capable to put this across the public. What makes me bothered by St. Louis Calamitous information policy Amiga finally has to realize that it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to understand and to comprehend what Amiga actually is planning and for what reason. This is due to all of the necessary information published only bit by bit on account of tempered reactions from Amiga users, who were completely confused and misinformed after the announcements in St. Louis. What sill is missing are texts illustrating Amiga's plans clearly, understandable, comprehensible, and without contradiction - on Such would not only be helpful for the Amiga users, but even for Amiga's staffers, who again got a flood of tempered reactions lavished on them after St. Louis, while they could have spent their time doing more suggestive things. No new SDK Contrary to what was anticipated by many of us there was no new version of the SDK presented in St. Louis already containing e.g. OpenGL, a glimpse on Sheep, and offering other elements. That might have been a reason for the impression that Amiga now would disregard the AmiaDE and instead would put their focus on AmigaOS. Neglect of current AmigaPPC computers In the beginning disregarding the AmigaOS and concentrating on the AmigaDE. There even wasn't the definite statement that a third-party company will port AmigaDE to the current AmigaPPC machines and that AmigaDE will contain a Classic Amiga emulation right from start (with accentuation on definite statement). Because of such statements one could have purchased hard- and software for the existing Amigas in peace of conscience, since one would have known that one would be able to use those components together with AmigaDE in the future. That way Amiga companies and distributors could have continued to transacted their businesses from early 2000. That's why I don't understand why Amiga makes the same mistakes, again. AmigaOS v4.x was announced for Zico PPC machines, but there is no definite statement that AmigaOS v4.x also will be available for existing PPC-Amigas. Equipped with a PCI board plus adequate FireWire cards, and similar, these computers would meet the Zico specification, moreover. I understand that Amiga themselves is focusing the easier to handle AmigaOne. With this Amiga will not forfeit time and they can concentrate on their real target in a better way. But I cannot understand why the possibility for third-party companies to port the AmigaOS v4.x for AmigaOne to the existing PPC-Amigas wasn't mentioned in one single announcement. Though somewhere Fleecy Moss denoted that possibility, there doesn't seem to be any definite statement on that. Amiga would not deteriorate by such a port, but probably there would be some 1,000 AmigaOS v4.x users more. Nobody would mope because of the expensive PPC hardware suddenly becoming useless, though this hardware would be proper for the AmigaOS, and Amiga companies and Amiga vendors could earn money with PCI boards, and similar, already now, instead of being forced to wait for the AmigaOne in summer. Neglect of desktops Regarding the AmigaDE Amiga first put their focus on PDAs. Due to the existing cooperation with Sharp and - as I think - because it is easier to gain a secure market position in the PDA section than in the desktop section, they are doing it right. But since AmigaDE must be available for desktop machines (developer machines), and because one certain point in case of PDAs is the easy data transfer between PDA and desktops, in my opinion nothing objects to talk about desktops in one breath. Since just AmigaDE would make it possible to execute one single application on PDAs as well as on desktops. The desktop variant then would run hosted on the widely spread Windows and Linux machines, and in addition on AmigaOS v4.x on PPC-Amiga computers. Conclusion With AmigaDE plus applications for PDAs and AmigaOS plus the PPC-hardware, in my opinion Amiga takes two ways on which Amiga, as well as third-party companies, could have gains in a short term, already. Additionally Amiga now meet the wishes of the PPC and AmigaDE backers, without changing the initial targets. I don't know why Amiga now reclaims the AmigaOS. Reasons for that might have been the claims to further develop the AmigaOS, and that Amiga learned to know reality during the last month and while that learned that yet it takes some time to transform own ideas, no matter how good these are. The Zico PPC computers are still a very small corner of the market only addressing the existing Amiga users, for the first time. With a LinuxPPC for those machines the ring of users can be extended with another hand full of people, who then might become aware of AmigaOS and AmigaDE, too. But in my opinion it will not be possible to address a bigger market with that. But this might be possible by a hosted AmigaDE for PDAs and desktops. While I still don't know what AmigaDE is about in detail, so I absolutely have no idea how much interesting this system would be for users of other systems. But if there would be an independent running AmigaDE, already yet, that would represent only a small part of the AmigaDE systems installed, cause most of AmigaDE systems probably would run hosted on another system, as I think. Because this way users were able to use the system and software they know and additionally the new system with the run-anywhere software. They would not be forced to switch to another system, overnight. Because I don't have any details about the AmigaDE, I cannot estimate Amiga's future chances, at the time being. But I think they now have put their plans on stable ground, thus they have good conditions in the beginning. But in my opinion a possible breakthrough will not come overnight, but will yield over the years. One important thing in this then will be the portable AmigaOS v5, in which assumedly AmigaOS and AmigaDE will melt together as one, making Amiga independent from other systems. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:08] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Alexander Kurtz on ANF |
AmiNET-Gui Available under The AmiNET-Gui is, at last, once again reachable under a .de-domain. The Domain will in the next hours once again link to the amiNET-Gui. Shortly the page will be redesigned , as soon as will be connected once again. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 14:57] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Diverse Sources |
Software News V³ 3.3.95beta The browser Voyager is now available in 2 versions, one for AmigaOS and one for MorphOS. Which changes have been made can be read in the Readme. Download: AmigaOS: v3_3395beta_amigaos.lzx MorphOS: v3_3395beta_morphos.lzx Choowin V1.0 Martin Elsner has released version 1.0 of his Workbench-Tool 'Choowin'. Choowin is a small tool to start programs and bring windows to the front and activate them, similar to a task-manager. Version 1.0 now has a startmenu, a new tooltype-filter and a new look Download: choowin.lha - 20 kB SoftCinema V0.12 beta Total Vision has released beta-version 0.12 of SoftCinema, the movie and animation player for the Amiga. The program ist shareware, an unregistered version plays only 30 seconds. You can register the program online at RegNet or, if you don't have a credit card, order at Fun Time World. Download: SoftCinema_012.lha CondenseIcon V44.5 Stephan Rupprecht released version44.5 of CondenseIcon, which lets you shrink .info-files. Download: CondenseIcon.lha - 6 kB Mapeditor V1.01 At Peter Weigoldt you can find version 1.01 of his map editor for the game 'Schlachtfeld'. Download: Karteneditor.lha - 72 kB Turboprint V7.17beta At IrseeSoft version 7.17Beta of the printer driver system 'Turboprint' is available for download. Download: tp717beta.lha VEPatchBrain V1.29 AT Virus Help Denmark you can find the new PatchBrain version 1.29 for the virus checker 'VirusExecutor'. Here the details: Name: VEPatchBrain v1.29 Archivename: VEPatchBrain.lha Archivesize: 19.658 Bytes Releasedate: 8. April 2001 Coder: Jan Erik Olausen [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 14:49] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 A.C.T. on ANF |
Prelude Programmer-Infos A.C.T. have made available the first version (currently only in German) of the information for programmers, which will allow to write Prelude drivers. This makes it also possible to develop Linux drivers for both Preludes (Z2 and 1200). Knowledge about the used sound chips is also necessary. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 13:23] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Daniel Reichen via AMIPRESS-ML |
Send Convalescent Wishes to John Zacharias As we already reported on our Special St. Louis page John Zacharias, author of AEMail and organizer of the AmiWest, happened to have a stroke on the St. Louis Show. Meantime he's on the mend. Send him your convalescent wishes with the greeting card under the title link, created especially for that on Northwest Amiga Group. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 13:22] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Stefan Robl on ANF |
FMdriver und FMdriverVHI V1.25 After a long delay at last I released the two FrameMachine drivers v1.25, today. New in FMdriver the possibility to save different configurations to have optimal source regarding settings at hand. This is very helpful especially if one uses different players for passing data (e.g. 16:9, 4:3, DVD, etc.), but wants to have removed those ugly black borders right from the start. Moreover it now is possible to create time laps recordings in a very simple way. The VHI driver FMdriverVHI was generally reworked and mate with my new driver conception for the FMdriver packet - now performance together with VHI should be much better. Something else on personal cause: unfortunately that I'll have to strongly reduce my programming and hardware activities this year, due to my studies and final year project. Due to this I ask you for your understanding, if it will take me some more time to reply on an e-mail! At all events I will try to release more new versions, even though the time famine. And now, have a lot of fun with the new versions of the programs! [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:46] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Juergen A. Theiner on ANF |
Play!Amiga: Shogo-Demoversion Review What took a long time, at last became fine! Shogo demo version available! After a long waiting period now there is the Shogo demo. The game is supposed to be finished next month. Of course there's one probing question: what will the game look like on my computer? It is about to download simply 40 MB as well as Warp3D v4 and one can get a first impression. That's what Play!Amiga has done for you. [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:38] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
08.Apr.2001 Dynamite Team on ANF |
Dynamite 1.2 Released for Download 1. There is an update file for updating Dynamite v1.1 to v1.2 for download. Dynamite is an Bomberman like online game. 2. There are some innovations in the HTTP section.
Download: Update: dynAMIte_update.lha - 216 kB Complete Archive: dynAMIte.lha - 1757 kB [News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:32] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 Frank Herfurt alias Master 3 on ANF |
Invitation for Chat Channel invites Amiga & PC users to chatting. Everybody with questions or problems regarding his/her Amiga or PC should address to this place. The channel has always an open ear. Server: Channel: [News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 20:38] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 Marco Frischkorn on ANF |
Development of BATTLE Stopped Already in November HighAnt Development announced a turn in direction (we reported). Today Marco Frischkorn informs us that the development of the remaining game 'Battle' had definitively been dropped, too. Frischkorn: "Game Over! You get to see this normally only at the end of a game but in this case it's also valid for BATTLE. Because of private things (I'll become father for the second time) and the general situation we have decided to finish the development of BATTLE and to let the game and the development kit die." Read his full statement under the title link. [News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 Horst Diebel on ANF |
New Entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware Since the 1. April there are again new entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware:
[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 13:24] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 Jan Andersen via email |
VEPatch.Brain for VirusExecutor v.1.28 Released Name: VEPatchBrain v1.28 Archive name: VEPatchBrain.lha Archive size: 21.052 Bytes Release date: 6. April 2001 Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen [News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 11:21] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 FOM on ANF |
Amiga Easter Card From the FOM website you can now send an easter webcard of the known Amiga cartoonist Eric Schwartz. Amiga no Brasil You can also find a collection of sundry programs of Brazilian Amiga users on the CD-ROM Amiga no Brasil. Games, internet, tools, animations, mods and more. It can be obtained for DM 5.- plus porto and package from me. [News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 10:51] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
07.Apr.2001 Hans-Jörg Frieden on ANF |
Warp3D v4 was Released Warp3D V4 was released. The fourth release of the 3D-hardware driver system now can be downloaded under the title link. Warp3D needs a compatible 3D-graphics card. The archive contains drivers for ViRGE and Permedia 2. The drivers for the Voodoo 3 aren't present in this actual version yet. [News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 00:06] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Thomas Frieden on ANF |
Shogo Demo on Aminet The long wait finally has an end: the demo of Hyperion's story-based shooter Shogo: Mobile Armor Division should appear soon on Aminet. The game runs on PPC (WarpUP) and requires at least 64 MB RAM. For hardware acceleration, Warp3D V4 is required, which should be available from Aminet at the same time. [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Diverse Sources |
Software News Audiomaster 2000 v 0.66 At Frank Fenn, you can find a new version of his MUI sample editor 'Audiomaster 2k', which supports all AHI devices. Saving is not possible in the demo version. Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 276 kB AWeb popup problem If you have after installation of OS3.9 boing bag 1 a problem with AWeb that cycle gadgets with less than three options show only the first option correctly, you can find at Tom Parker a small patch which solves the problem by patching the 'listbrowser.gadget'. Download: ListbrowserPatch.lha Aminet CD 42 Aminet CD 42 is now available at Schatztruhe. The April CD contains more than 800 MB (unarchived) software in almost a thousand archives. As a special highlight, the full version of the SuperView Productivity Suite is included, with a cheap upgrade option to SuperView Productivity Suite II. [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 17:55] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail |
Amiga Arena News In cooperation with Pablo F., the Amiga Arena makes a special price for TaskiSMS possible! TaskiSMS is an easy to use SMS sender for the Amiga. The special price is 50% of the regular price and is only valid until May 10th, 2001. You can register at [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 17:51] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Alfred Sturm |
New Aminet uploadsDopJoin.lha biz/dopus 5K+Join files with DirectoryOpus 4.xx. V1.0 DopJoin5.lha biz/dopus 5K+Join files with DirectoryOpus 5.xx. V1.0 ListbrowserPch.lha biz/patch 10K+Fixes aweb popup problems with OS3.9 BB1 DalHelper.lha comm/irc 37K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo YAT.lha comm/mail 518K+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM GoPortscan.lha comm/net 99K+V0.2 TCP Portscanner with MUI interface T-Rexx.lha comm/tcp 106K+Shows current TV-programs in Finland titlebar_ic.lha dev/gui 24K+BOOPSI class of titlebar gadget images plDPurpleGUIDE.lha docs/hyper 49K+Polish Deep Purple guide V0.1 Aakt0401GFX.lha docs/mags 266K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga AmigaOS39revie.txt docs/rview 12K+A short review of AmigaOS3.9 diceset.lha game/data 13K+A dice-set for the WBgame MagicNumbers WHDParadroid90.lha game/patch 17K+HD Installer for Paradroid90 WHDRockstarHam.lha game/patch 8K+HD Installer for Rockstar Ate My Hamster WHDWhiteSnook.lha game/patch 31K+HD Installer for Jimmy White Snooker WHD_UridiumII.lha game/patch 14K+Uridium II Hard Drive Installer MagicNumbers_d.lha game/think 2K+German catalog for MagicNumbers v1.0 AmiCAD_2.08.lha gfx/edit 691K+Schematics vectorial electronics program CMNDR-ImageFX.lha gfx/ifx 136K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX yav172.lha gfx/show 396K+PowerPC support. Shows bitmap pictures o FDDx2toInt.lha hard/hack 21K+How to connect two PC FDD to internal po MMKeyboard.lha hard/hack 140K+V1.00 Use entire Multmedia Keyboard on A unlzx.c.gz misc/unix 9K+Unlzx - decompresses LZX archives on mul GroundMind.lha mods/blkha 421K+16 channel DBM by blakkhar Chiba_el.mpg mods/elbie 5.9M+Chiba_Electronique [electro] by ElbiE^t1 rno-r059.lha mods/misc 748K+Rno-records release no.59 by kure/rno (h crs_tilo.lha mods/techn 596K+CRS00060: phase - timelock MSE.lha mus/midi 193K+MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE madonna.jpg pix/art 148K+Hand drawn picture of Madonna AutoPDF13.lha text/misc 22K+AutoPDF 1.3 - Convert Postscript to PDF xadmaster000.lha util/arc 261K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68000 xadmaster020.lha util/arc 263K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68020 xadmaster060.lha util/arc 267K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68060 xadmasterdev.lha util/arc 153K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (DEVEL WinToFront17.lha util/cdity 62K+Replaces ClickToFront, with more options idle1_3.lha util/moni 15K+A (working) cpu monitor xfdmaster.lha util/pack 155K+Rel1.35 Decrunch packed files (exe/data) xfdmaster_dev.lha util/pack 175K+Rel1.35 Decrunch packed files (exe/data) ScreenShell.lha util/shell 6K+Opens full size shell on new public scre TimeKeep.lha util/time 50K+TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invo TimeKeepDev.lha util/time 35K+TimeClock Util for Project Development VEPatchBrain.lha util/virus 21K+PatchBrain v1.28 for VirusExecutor v2.xx IconMaster.lha util/wb 24K+Icon copier with some nice features V1.1 [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 15:39] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 BoingWorld | Moved! After one year without activity, the Yugoslavian news site 2Amiga Jugoslavija" has taken up its news service again under the name "Amiga Pager News". The page has moved and can now be found at All articles appear in Serbian language. [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 12:56] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 CyberGraphX |
Klaus Burkert passed away Klaus Burkert, known for excellent Amiga hard- and software development died two days ago from a heart attack. We offer our sincerest condolences to his family and friends. May they find the strength to get over this loss. Posted on the official P96 mailing list: "Silence, I just want to inform you guys out there that yesterday, after a major heart attack on Monday, one of the greatest developers of Amiga hard- and software who was my best friend and mentor Klaus Burkert has died. It was a really big shock for me and so it will be for others. I don't know what else to say, there are not really words to fit the situation... Bye Klaus, cu on the other side" - Tobias Seiler [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 02:14] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Jens Schönfeld on ANF |
isdnsurfer.device V1.943 Online The new version of the ISDN card driver can be found in the support area of the Individual Computer homepage and offers two new features:
Further, a multitasking bug was fixed which led to performance losses. The development continues, with the next update there will finally be Sync-PPP! Download: isdndev.lha [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 01:02] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Olaf Koebnik on ANF |
Amiga Arena News Amiga Arena full version! With permission of Thomas Dorn, the TruePaint HD version, the 24 bit painting program, is available for download! TruePaint is the predecessor of XiPaint! [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:36] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 René Stelljes on ANF |
New IRC Amiga Channel: #amiweb On April 8th, the new Amiga chat channel #amiweb will officially open. Most of you will probably think that there are so many channels and that another channel won't make any sense. However, #amiweb won't be an ordinary channel, but rather a possibility for the average user to chat with programmers and other important people on the Amiga. On April 8th from 7:00 pm on, #aminet will be officially opened. Invited for the "opening ceremony", we have among others Petro Tyschtschenko and Matthias Böcker, author of DynAMIte and ATC, and the Amiga dealer "Black & White". The server data: Server: (IP is Port: 6667 channel: #amiweb So now just think up some questions, and then we'll read us on April 8th! [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:28] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
06.Apr.2001 Fabio Alemagna on ANF |
Bill McEwen Interviewed Quantum Leap, the Italian e-zine devoted to new technologies is proud to publish an exclusive interview with Bill McEwen, president and CEO of Amiga Inc. [News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:01] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
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