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CD³²-Allianz on ANF

CDTV DeveloperKit Released
From now on the CDTV DeveloperKit is available for free download at the CD32-Corner.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 21:59] [Comments: 0]
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Monkey Island Tones for Nokia 3210 Cell Phone
At Arcadetones you can find new ringtones for your Nokia 3210 cell phone. Worth mentioning in this is that those are to be pices of music from the popular adventure game 'The Secret Of Monkey Island'. Available are music from Ghost Dance, Le Chuck's Theme, Scumm Bar, Title Music, and Voodoo Shop. Those either can be downloaded as .mid files or directly fed to the cell phone with a certain character string.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 15:44] [Comments: 0]
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What's Faster - G4/733 or Dual G4/533?
Bare Feats have tested what's faster, the Macintosh G4/733 or PowerMac Dual G4/533. You can read the test results generated with different programs under the title link.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 15:39] [Comments: 0]
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Amster News
Amster is a program for downloading of authorized MP3 music files from Napster. One also can let the program (client) search for music files made available by other participants or can chat with other participants.

Yesterday the Amster source code was put on SourceForge. Interested developers can participate in further development under 'CVS access' (explanation in addition).

Since it wasn't clear to me what CVS access means I asked about this on our internal mailing list. Ruediger Hanke took the task to give an extended explanation. Because I can imagine our readers to be interested in this, too, I post his answer here:

What is CVS access?

CVS = Concurrent Versions System, a program for source code management. Among other things the program saves old versions of the source code, so one can trace changes from one version to another. Furthermore it coordinates changes in source codes if several developers are working on one single program. Else there would happen situations like follows:
  • developer A loads source ab.c
  • developer B loads source ab.c
  • developer A saves source code ab.c including changes done by him
  • developer B saves source code ab.c including changes done by him and by doing so overwrites the changes of developer A.

CVS cares for changes not to be accidently overwritten by somebody and in the case of need announces conflicts caused by changes. Thus it is essential if several developers are working on one single program.

Amster seems to be under CVS control. "CVS access" in this case means that people wanting to participate in programming Amster can get access to the CVS server managing the program's source codes.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Mueller on ANF

New Amiga Game for Everybody
A new freeware game for grown-ups and kids. Download Amiga-Superball for free. The game is runnable on any Amiga with 1 MB of Chip-RAM. You can also register for the game info-letter and then directly will receive an e-mail with information if a new game get's available for download.

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 14:16] [Comments: 0]
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Halvadjian Georges on ANF

PerfectPaint V2.5
PerfectPaint V2.5 is available. New in the current version:
  • Add AppIcon
  • Drop one file, Pfpaint will ask you if you want to load the file as a picture, brush or anim.
  • Drop several files, and PfPaint will create an anim.
  • Improve Undo:
    • Entirely Rewritten
    • add a Real Redo
    • Add Prefs
  • little bug corrected with 'Adjust levels'
  • Last Jpeg.library is used.
  • bug fix with effectbrush and picasso96
  • Improve Edit mask: 'Pick color' now have tolerance.
  • New Arrex Commands
    • pp_GetCurrentFrame
    • pp_GetCurrentBuffer
    • pp_GetCurrentBrush
    • pp_FindEmptyBuffer
    • pp_FindEmptyBrush
    • pp_SetBuffer
    • pp_ClearCurrentBuffer
    • pp_AnimGui
  • You can have ten buffers, each buffer can have a picture or an anim, with different depth.
  • Improve Scaling anim picture, and scaling anim window
  • Improve animation storage: RAM or HD (you can also select a path for the storage.)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2001, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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IT-Business News No. 11

Plextor Stops SCSI
Plextor Europe will stop production and distribution of SCSI CDRom drives this very year. As reason for this the company named regressive sales figures as well as problems in providing components. In the long term this would also affect the American and Japanese market. One would want to address the DVD market segement with devices with USB and Firewire interfaces in the future.

[News message: 14. Mar. 2001, 21:55] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss via E-Mail

Inutilis News
Good news: It has been just uploaded the third demo-version of Ermentrud! It is a new graphic adventure which plays in the Middle Ages.

There has not been many changes to the content but you can finally check out the inventory and dialog system! Do not miss it!

[News message: 14. Mar. 2001, 20:24] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

The Register: IBM serves up PowerPCs for Hitachi
»IBM and Hitachi are to jointly design and make a range of selected server and semiconductor components. The plan is to speed up product development.

The agreement covers future versions of IBM's PowerPC processors, selected chips to support Hitachi's VOS operating system, and technologies such as multi-chip ceramic modules and memory cache components for use in IBM and Hitachi servers.

Hitachi will also sell rebadged PowerPC-based servers and embrace AIX 5L as a strategic platform.«

[News message: 14. Mar. 2001, 18:15] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

A Ground-shaking Event
Amiga, Inc. announce the Gateway Computer Show 'Amiga 2001' which will take place from March 30th to April 1st, 2001 in St. Louis with the following curious making and hope for something great raising words:

On February 28th, 2001 an announcement was made to a group of employees, and other well known technical people within the Puget Sound region.

Moments later a 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook the northwest. What was said? What was the possible reason for the sudden shift in the earth? Come to St. Louis and learn the answers.

You can find the link to Amiga 2001 here.

[News message: 14. Mar. 2001, 13:07] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
Since I cannot affect as much as I would like to on my own I decided to take a chance for a partnership with the Fun Time World! The Amiga Arena homepage will remain what it is, now, and I hope to be able to act even more effective in this partnership than before !
Olaf Koebnik - Amiga Arena

Amiga Arena - Fun Time World Partnership
The shareware market suffered from evaluations of the past years. The amount of new releases decreased very much every year. To stop this evaluation the pages Fun Time World and Amiga Arena agree to a partnership to patronize the shareware market. This partnership's objective is to call user's attention to developments at the shareware market.

This is to serve the purpose of higher sales and to motivate developers to continue to develop new and better programs, at the same time. In the future by a closer cooperation with the developers user's wishes shall be taken into account more than this has been done before. In further steps registration of programs from foreign countries shall be facilitated.

It will be determined from surveys which kind of software is in demand most. Special wishes from now on can be sent to the Fun Time World and to the Amiga Arena. Programmers who would agree to offer their programs at a more cost-effective price for a certain period of time, can contact the Amiga Arena at any time.

Amiga Arena
The Amiga Arena is a shareware / freeware support site with special prices for shareware software, links, interviews, and full versions of shareware software which will not be further developed.

Fun Time World
The Fun Time World page provides the Amiga users with topical news, test of software and hardware, as well as important information since several years. Meantime the service has been extended by adding an online shop as well as auction and forum sections.

[News message: 13. Mar. 2001, 23:46] [Comments: 0]
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clickBOOM S-File # 10
In the latest S-File clickBOOM say that all the defective Nightlong-CDs are pressed again. Registered Nightlong-users can fill in a formular at the password protected portal of clickBOOM to receive the new CDs.

[News message: 13. Mar. 2001, 19:38] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Football.lha         biz/dbase  583K+*NEW* Version 2.6 - Setup your own leagu
HTMLread.lha         comm/mail  484K+YAM-Plugin to read HTML-Emails
OrangeFTPd.lha       comm/tcp    16K+OrangeFTPd V1.0, freeware FTP daemon.
Tango.lha            comm/tcp   114K+Samba/smb-handler gui. 
NGC-Animatunes.lha   demo/file  1.7M+Animatunes / N.G.C (WHD version)
NGC-ArtParadis.lha   demo/file  1.4M+Artificial Paradise / N.G.C (WHD version
wpz-impact.mpg       demo/file   12M+VHS demo by Whelpz+Potion released at Sa
SceneArchives.lha    demo/mag   1.3M+SASU v1.09: Ultimate Demo CDs-11 CD's (8
clockita.lha         dev/basic   67K+Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
Dorkalize.lha        dev/c      172K+Very powerful localization tool, v0.9
AmiSlateSource.lha   dev/misc   188K+Partial source code for AmiSlate1.4
Amygate1.1PL.lha     docs/help    5K+Polish Locale for Amygate1.1
Virus_ChkII_PL.lha   docs/help    7K+Polish Locale for Virus_CheckerII
starmag26_ht.lha     docs/mags  1.6M+German Amiga-Online-Magazine HTML-Versio
TheCrypt16.lha       docs/mags  2.1M+Issue 16 of "The Crypt" magazine
Toadies_Interv.lha   docs/misc    3K+Amiga Arena Interview mit Thilo Khler
FA_Talkie.lha        game/2play   6K+Better talkie files for Frontal Assault
Toadies.lha          game/2play 1.0M+Version 8.0 - a real Worms clone !
ChaosLite.lha        game/board 5.7M+World's Best Board Game! 1-8 players! Fa
Inju2CARDS.lha       game/data  253K+Anime Cardset for Soliton
Mattonite_Src.lha    game/demo   37K+Source codes of Mattonite and MattoniteE
Diamchal.lha         game/misc  248K+Platform: collect diamonds V1.0 !FINAL!
NapalmPL.lha         game/patch  11K+Polish Locale for Napalm
angband.lha          game/role  726K+Angband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
World.lha            game/role  199K+"WORLD" text adventure, includes source 
colourlines.lha      game/think 107K+Logical ball game
Now_Pop_Quiz_2.lha   game/think 351K+Quiz for all music fans around the world
Now_Pop_Quiz_3.lha   game/think 486K+Quiz for all music fans around the world
Now_Pop_Quiz_4.lha   game/think 542K+Quiz for all music fans around the world
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    17K+A CLI/WB program used for gfx conversion
FlashMandelPPC.lha   gfx/fract  3.9M+The best fractal rendering program for A
FormAldiHyd.lha      hard/drivr 120K+V2.2, Driver for Aldi/Tevion/Aiptek/Waco
cpcd2dsk.lha         misc/emu    15K+EmuCPC .CPCD to .DSK format converter
imdbDiff010302.lha   misc/imdb  5.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Da_13b.lha           misc/misc  126K+Calorie counter and more, italian versio
atom.lha             misc/sci    78K+Propability densities of  electrons in p
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit    77K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
Amoralplay1.5.lha    mus/play   121K+A no fuss multiformat audio player.
Panos3D.lha          pix/trace  203K+Some 3D pictures by Panos
recoilwb02.jpg       pix/wb     206K+*recoilBENCH 2001* 1024x768x16bit Picass
recoilwb03.jpg       pix/wb     280K+*recoilBENCH 2001* 1024x768x16bit Picass
recoilwb04.jpg       pix/wb     179K+*recoilBENCH 2001* 1024x768x16bit Picass
CloudedViews.lha     pix/wfm    2.2M+7 graphix on knowing the heart
QuickNote.lha        text/edit   63K+Notepad for scrap-notes (very handy)
HP_Deskjet870C.lha   text/print  41K+Deskjet 8x0C/9x0C Driver for WB V40.13
BackDrop12.lha       util/boot   26K+Force Workbench 1.3 to run in a normal w
Kill2090.lha         util/boot   14K+Reboot, toggle NTSC/PAL, disable autocon
mathlibspatch.lha    util/boot    9K+Mathffp, ieeesingtrans libs SpeedUp Patc
Wibby.lha            util/boot   19K+Small, quick, and useful taskbar util
HardwareInfo2.lha    util/libs   31K+Library for hardware check and control
Pony3D.lha           util/libs   43K+Library with 3D graphic functions
ReqAttack.lha        util/misc  628K+Best, configurable requesters for Amiga
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc   85K+RAPrefsMUI1.71 - ANOTHER BUGFIX
Lightpen.lha         util/sys     9K+Lightpen-Handler, use lightpen instead o
MegaRamfix.lha       util/sys     4K+Elsat.device fix
SaveROM.lha          util/sys     6K+Save`s ROM to file
QuickLens.lha        util/wb      7K+A quick lens, any OS, source included
SystemReset.lha      util/wb     22K+Simply reset tool
VBRControler.lha     util/wb     18K+Tool to control your VBR location.

[News message: 13. Mar. 2001, 16:35] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Support Network

Dave Haynie Describes PIOS One System
Dave Haynie has released on the developer-supportpage of Amiga, Inc. some technical documents which deal with the PIOS One System. The original message:

Open Documets

These are Technical and Informational documents that are either supplied by Amiga or Third Parties, as noted.

  • The PIOS One System Specification - Graciously supplied by Dave Haynie [PDF (33.8 MB)]
  • The PIOS One Open CPU Module - Graciously supplied by Dave Haynie [PDF (729 kB)]
  • Zip file containing both PIOS One documents [zip (2.73 MB)]

[News message: 13. Mar. 2001, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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