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Jens Schönfeld on ANF

Mekka & Symposium 2001 co-sponsored by individual Computers
As during the past years we support the now nearly legendary scene-party Mekka & Symposium with prices for about 1100,- DM. The fourday party is held every year on easter in Fallingbostel (between Hamburg and Hannover (our report).

In the Mid 80's the first "European style demos" came to the C-64. Intro-Coders broke with the Cracker-scene to let their creativity develop freely. In the 90's this programming style evolved on all of the computer systems, for example Amiga, C-64 and PC, to an style of art, which we think is worth supporting.

The programming (coding) of demos has become a lifestyle for some people: Even the proposal of marriage of a well known C-64 coder to his girlfriend had to shown as a demo over the "big screen" - supported by the applause from several thousand scene-members.

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:15] [Comments: 0]
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