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Software News
Audiomaster 2000 v 0.66
At Frank Fenn, you can find a new
version of his MUI sample editor 'Audiomaster 2k', which supports all
AHI devices. Saving is not possible in the demo version.
Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 276 kB
AWeb popup problem
If you have after installation of OS3.9 boing bag 1 a problem with AWeb that
cycle gadgets with less than three options show only the first option correctly,
you can find at Tom Parker
a small patch which solves the problem by patching the 'listbrowser.gadget'. Download:
Aminet CD 42
Aminet CD 42 is now available at Schatztruhe.
The April CD contains more than 800 MB (unarchived) software in almost a thousand archives.
As a special highlight, the full version of the SuperView Productivity Suite is included,
with a cheap upgrade option to SuperView Productivity Suite II.
[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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