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Kicko (ANF)

MIDI: Tracks & Fields now For Free, Programmer wanted
«It was ages when v1.02 was released and it was shareware (demo). Both authors (Anders & Dick) left amiga so Jonas Hulten has been updating it for me. As he has not much time for it he gave me the last source code so i can search for another coder.

As i can't get in touch with the first original coder Anders Larsson (also made far updated pc version) i can't upload the source for free on aminet but i can give it to a serious coder who want's to continue on it.

So if you are a serious coder and want to continue on tracks&fields please contact me and tell me what programs you made so far. You have to know assembler.

In the package there is a full registered version 1.02 and 1.04. There is a bug that comes more on latest version that crashes when editing patterns so there fore i put up the older v1.02.

- Warning. Backup your old preference as v1.04 saves also screenmode u use and it doesn't work if you change to another gfx card and use the saved prefs from the first card. This should be fixed if i find any coder out there.


  • Used the 1.02 source instead
  • Ctrl F3-F5: cut-copy-paste only the column the cursor is on
  • Works on graphics cards - sadly the cursor looks wierd as a result.
  • Doesn't scroll several rows at a time when playing. This is good.
  • Removed writes to address 0 when config was loaded.
  • Minor spelling corrections.
  • Screen mode selection in config.
  • Scaling now autoselects the current position
  • About screen doesn't show up at program start
» (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 16:17] [Comments: 0]
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