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Cloanto (ANF)

Pictures from Spoletium 4
On November 24-25, 2001, Cloanto attended the Spoletium 4 event in Spoleto, Italy, providing a wireless webcam service. Pictures are now online at

In a computing world in which hardware and software have exploded beyond imagination, where lone pioneers have been displaced by billion-dollar investments, where programming manuals that used to ship with affordable home computers have been replaced by multi-volume and constantly changing SDKs which are beyond the reach of the average user, the demo scene continues to remind us that writing software can still be a sublime fusion of expression and creativity, of technology and art, a medium in which the germ of talent can be discovered and nourished, where individuals exchange ideas and compete with others, but, as they build universes of which they are to be in full control, are also confronted most of all in an intimate challenge with their inner selves. Thank you, friends at Spoletium, for keeping the flame alive! (ps)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 10:10] [Comments: 0]
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