Anton Preinsack (ANF)
Open Amiga Southeast European Show (O.A.S.E.) in Graz/Austria
The "Open Amiga Southeast European Show (O.A.S.E.)" will be held on the 1.12. and 2.12. in Graz/Austria. The show will open at 10.00 and close at 18.00.
This show is organized by point.design.
Some of the highlights:
Amithlon, various AMIGA-PCI-devices and maybe a fully useable Pegasos-system. Furthermore there will be a presentation (made with
Scala and designed by Ben Hermans) of the upcoming AmigaOS 4.x. The admission is free. Further information is available at the
title link.
(ps) (Translation: sk)
[News message: 26. Nov. 2001, 13:41] [Comments: 0]
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