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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Timo Kloss via E-Mail

Inutilis Graphics Adventure Developerkit "Inga" Nearly Finished
Inga is an engine to develop graphics adventure like Monkey Island 3. With this developer kit you can comfortably create games by yourself. The programs of the developer kit are nearly finished. They are fully functional and support the locale-library. more ... (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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GameSpy (ANF)

Interview with Cinemaware
On GameSpy you can find is an interesting interview with Lars Fuhrken-Batista of Cinemaware. The company, well known to any Amiga fan, was revived a few months ago after its death in 1991 and is now working on a remake of the classic "Defender of the Crown" - only for Windows-PCs. But also for Amigans there are some interesting views in the history of Cinemaware and its games. Also said in the interview that the next remake might be "Rocket Ranger". (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 18:13] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst (ANF)

MiniGlowIcons V1.6 - 400 Icons
The latest version of the MiniGlowIcons with more than 400 icons for Amiga OS 3.5/3.9 desktop and start menus (like DirOpusII) you can find on our homepage. Added since the last version are for example the new icons for the Boinbag of OS 3.9. Also you can find desktop themes for your workbench. The archive for WB200 users (toolbar) will be updated in the next days. (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Green (ANF)

K4 Kickstart Amiga Show
The Kickstart Amiga User Group in association with EYETECH and ANALOGIC is pleased to announce the final exhibitor line-up for K4 - The Kickstart Amiga Show. Further information can be found on the show web site.
  • The Date: Saturday May 26th 2001
  • The Place: Banstead Youth Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ
  • The Time: 12pm-5pm
  • Admission: £2
Come see the first public demonstration in the UK of iFUSION, the long awaited PowerPC Mac emulator from Microcode and Blittersoft. more ... (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Fotos: Prometheus PCI-Board von Matay
Matay presents in combination with technical specifications some pictures of its PCI-board Prometheus (in this case placed in an A4000 Escom tower. Shipping date was delayed about two weeks because of lacking some parts from Taiwan. (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 08:15] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler /

John Chandler: May Update
John Chandler writes monthly an issue about Amiga on The latest issue deals with the announcements of Amiga, Inc. at the St. Louis Show and the after-effects. (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 01:36] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via E-Mail

CD32 Games Install Kit v4.3NG
A new update of the CD32 Games Install Kit for owners of the The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM was just released on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. The version 4.3 NG of the Install Kit supports now many more games (177 in total !!). Additionally there were some optimizations made and also a small bug was fixed.Version 4.3 can be downloaded now from the protected area of the Airsoft Softwair homepage that can only be accessed by owners of the The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM. (ps)

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 00:49] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VHT: VirusExecutor V2.18
  • Name: VirusExecutor v2.18
  • Archive name: VirusExecutor.lha
  • Archive size: 265.367 Bytes
  • Release date: 8. Mai 2001
  • Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
  • Requires: xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library, xadmaster.library

[News message: 08. May. 2001, 00:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Update

Amiga Update - Newsletter by Brad Webb

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 20:07] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Impact

WarpSNES: Survey
WarpSNES emulators, a Super Nintendo Entertainment System on PowerAmiga. Currently there is a survey by the programmers about the interest in a new version. The new version would contain a improved sound-emulation but this would cause a slowdown of the whole program. You find the survey on the title link in the 'News'-section. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 19:43] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel (ANF)

New Beta Version of AmigaAMP v2.9 Available
Thomas Wenzel wrote:
I have made a very early version of the new beta of AmigaAMP v2.9 available for download. Due to some serious problems with my own Amiga I am currently not able to spend much time on developing the new version. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 19:21] [Comments: 0]
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Tales of Tamar News and New FAQ
Tales of Tamar is an internet based strategy game for Amiga, Atari, Linux and PC by Eternity Entertainment Software. Version 0.35R2 is now available for registered testers. more ... (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 19:07] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad Support Page

Installer: WHDLoad V14.2
Version 14.2 of the harddisk-install-tool WHDLoad released. WHDLoad enables you to install many floppy based games onto your harddisk. Download: WHDLoad_14.2_usr.lzx - 119 kB (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 18:49] [Comments: 0]
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GameSpy: Interview with Andy Kellett
There is an interview by GameSpy with Andy Kellett of F1 Software. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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Virtual Dimension

Virtual Dimension: Exhibition Video
Virtual Dimension published a video, filmed at the 'World of Amiga 2000', on their webpage. There are two different versions available. One MPEG-version for Amiga-player and a DivX-version for other systems. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 17:39] [Comments: 0]
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CUCUG: Status Register April 2001
The Status Register is the monthly newsletter by the Champaign-Urbana Computer User Group. It deals with news about Amiga, Macintosh and PC. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 17:32] [Comments: 0]
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Apex Designs

Game: New Maps for Payback
There are some new extra-maps for the game »Payback« by Apex. A PPC-version of this game will be available by June or July. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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Exotica Team (ANF)

Exotica: New Pictures in Gallery
We added 38 new scans of old games to the 'Games Gallery'. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 15:28] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Fritsch, Selco (ANF)

New Version of jpeg2avi
New version of jpeg2avi released. The new version works faster as its predecessor. jpeg2avi lets you join JPEG-files and AIFF-files into one AVI-file. You do not need any additional library.
Download: jpeg2avi.lha (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 15:25] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wolf (ANF)

Picture Gallery at
Thomas Wolf wrote:
72,55% of our visitors voted for a picture gallery. You can visit our new gallery by following the title link. (ps)

[News message: 07. May. 2001, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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CDTV Information Center
The website of 'The Commodore CDTV Information Center' is available under, now. Additionally information were extended and a new forum was created. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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06.May.2001 im ANF Available again gives you the opportunity to express your opinion about hardware and software products, websites, and dealers. After a little face lifting now the page is available, again. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 20:23] [Comments: 0]
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06.May.2001 Moving will move to another server within the next days. This might lead to problems, but after moving will have better possibilities to offer their services; topical and commentable messages from the Amiga sector, as well as different discussion boards. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Network News more Comfortable
Christian Kemp did a technical extension of the Amiga Network News website (ANN), re-activated the notify service, and changed the HTML code. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

New Entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware
The 'Big Book of Amiga Hardware' was updated. These are the changes:
  • New: entry - DigiLab (thanks to Robert Maruszak)
  • New: pictures - A600 Motherboards (thanks to Andrew Lindsay)
  • New: pictures - Personality Module + HD (thanks to Andrew Lindsay)
  • New: entry + picture - Kickswitch (thanks to Andrew Lindsay)
  • New: entry + picture - Pro-Agnus SS2 (thanks to Andrew Lindsay)
  • New: entry + picture - H530 StormBringer (thanks to Frank Ciesiewicz)
  • New: picture - A1011 Floppy Drive (thanks to Richard Wagenfuehrer)

The ´Big Book Of Hardware´ is an extended hardware reference website with information about many Amiga hardware products. (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann

Digital Almanac: Homepage Not Available
The homepage of the astronomic program "Digital Almanac" is not available under the known address indefinitely, due to a server problem not located, yet. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl

DAD: Interview mit Laszlo Torok (MooVId)
Digital Amiga Dream had published an interview with Laszlo Torok, developer of the video player 'MooVId'. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schoelzel

CD³²: MP3 Track of the Start Sound
The CD³² console by Commodore plays a sound on start up. This start sound is available for download as MP3 file at the CD³²/CDTV-Corner of the CD³²-Allianz, now. more ... (sd)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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AmiSource on ANF

dynAMIte CD Version News
The recently started dynAMIte CD project is progressing in some way, but unfortunately not as fast as we had hoped. We are on a good way to it, but still need some pre-orders to achieve a minimum of 100. We got some questions about the content of the CD:
  • dynAMIte (the game itself will stay freeware!)
  • New dynAMIte Gfx-Styles
  • New dynAMIte Sample sets
  • At least 100 new levels
  • Extended manual in any imaginable language
  • Big Intro
  • CD sound track
  • and some more surprises which we hopefully will be able announce, soon.
We are looking forward to more pre-orders! (ps)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 14:18] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: Partners
more ... (td)

[News message: 06. May. 2001, 01:11] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena: Special Price for VideoEasel
In co-operation with Thomas Richter Amiga Arena makes VideoEasel available at a special price. The special price is valid until the 31.06.2001. You can find the special price campaign in the section "Aktionen"! more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 23:01] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News (Update)
QuickNote v1.5 - beta2
At OnyxSoft is version 1.5 (Beta2) of QuickNote by Stephan Blixth being published. This program is, as the name already suggests, a virtual notepad.
Download: quicknote15b0501.lha more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 16:22] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

Digital Almanac III - Update and News
There's again an update of the astronomical program ´Digital Almanac III´ with new features and improvements. The new version is numbered 3.3. more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 15:07] [Comments: 0]
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KATO Development Group

AMPlifier V2.26
AMPlifier is in the first line a comfortable player program for MP3 (MPEG) audio, but can also play different 16-bit sound formats (AIFF, MAUD, WAV, RAW). AMPlifier supports hardware based MPEG audio decoder as much as software decoding via MPEGA.library. The graphical design can be fit to everybody's own likings via so called 'skins'. As the same system as in WinAMP is used there are several thousands ready skins available. more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 15:02] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VHT: Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
Virus Help Denmark has opened the worldwide first reference-book for Amiga viruses.Four weeks have VHT worked on the creation of the site that will be regularly updated in the future and enhanced with further ideas. For now there's a problem with the search function, but that will be solved, soon. (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 14:28] [Comments: 0]
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Leser on ANF

c't issue 10/2001: Amiga-Comeback?
On page 32 of the latest c't (German computer print magazine), the following can be read:
»Amiga Comeback?
Despite otherwise read rumors Sharp's for the end of the year announced Zaurus PDA will not run with a new developed Amiga OS. Instead of this a specially adapted version of RedHat-Linux will be used. Amiga Incorporated, the remainder of the same named computer manufacturer with rich traditions, will indeed develop numerous Java applications for the organizer, so that the GUI may indeed remind of old Amiga times. (dal)« (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 14:15] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaDE on OEM Basis
Bill McEwen on the occasion of the Photogenics/CE thread at "AmigaDE runs and it is for the time being available for PocketPC, WinCE, Win98, Win2000, WinNT, Epoc, iTron, Linux, Zaurus, and others. AmigaDE is right now available on an OEM basis, the first devices will be delivered from May 30th." (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 14:09] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Lohr via E-Mail

Psyria: New Piece of Music
Psyria produces its music exclusively on the Amiga. Two days ago Psyria has released a new megamix which is ready for download only for a short time! more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. May. 2001, 12:38] [Comments: 0]
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Davy Wentzler via E-Mail

Audio Evolution V3.20
Davy Wentzel has released update v3.20 for Audio Evolution which mainly contains bugfixes and minor enhancements. The HD recording software for recording, editing, and playing of audio tracks is distributed by Computer City and surely well known by many users by it's old name 'PlayHD'. Registered users will automatically receive the update via e-mail. more ... (ps)

[News message: 04. May. 2001, 14:59] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena: F-Base V2.4 Full Version
F-Base V2.4 Full Version
By agreement of Frederic Laboureur (developer of "PureBasic") the Amiga Arena makes the unlimited and registered version of F-Base v2.4 available for download. F-Base is an easy to use database software. Detailed information about F-Base can be taken from the English documentation. more ... (ps)

[News message: 04. May. 2001, 14:07] [Comments: 0]
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Nikolaj Thygesen via E-Mail

Paint Program: DiamondBOX Version 1.11
Nikolaj Thygesen as released version 1.11 of his Amiga paint program ´DiamondBOX´. This program is CGFX compatible and requires at least AmigaOS 3.0, 8 MB RAM, 1 MB harddisk space, an Amiga with at least 68020 CPU, and of course a bit of creativity.
Download: DiamondBOX.lha (ps)

[News message: 04. May. 2001, 13:12] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

GFX-Base: Interview with James Daniels
You can read an interview with James Daniels, the developer of the GTA clone Payback. He uncovered some details of the upcoming PPC version and it's possible new features and improvements. more ... (ps)

[News message: 04. May. 2001, 13:05] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: New Microsoft Push against Open Source
»Today's speech of Craig Mundie, vice president and software analyzer of Microsoft, invoked some discomposure in advance. According to the New York Times Mundie is about to deepen the contra open source arguments of Microsoft's head, Jim Allchin, who said that open source would endanger software development. A few days later Microsoft said his statement was a disaccord.«
Complete article (German) under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 19:05] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Wilps im ANF

DirectoryOpus 4.15j (Beta)
Jacek Rzeuski has made available version 4.15j. This version still is a beta release, but a new major version 4.16 is about to be released as soon as the ATO translators have finished their work.
Download under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 18:25] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 03.05.2001
LocalePL_OS39.lha    biz/dbase   96K+Polish locale for OS3.9 ver 1.6.1
LauncherUpd.lha      biz/titan   34K+ShogoLauncher Update (Demo and Retail)
ShogoDemoUpd.lha     biz/titan  394K+Shogo Demo Multiplayer fix
ReKeyIt_GR.lha       comm/mail    4K+Greek locale for ReKeyIt
YAT.lha              comm/mail  519K+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
tv-prog.lha          comm/misc  420K+(PL/CZ) TV programe on computer! [v1.00b
AmiMUD.lha           comm/net   211K+Version 3.5 of THE Amiga MUD Client.
ftpmount.lha         comm/tcp   134K+Handler to use FTP as real directory
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   421K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
http_post.lha        comm/www    45K+Send POST query to HTTP server
MassDL.lha           comm/www    41K+Less work leching on Web pages. (AWeb)
APX-Melba.lha        demo/aga   134K+Melba by Appendix, released at Melba/Sym
PSL-KMJintro.lha     demo/aga   657K+Kiss My Jazz intro by Pic Saint Loup
DKG-ST16.lha         demo/mag   2.7M+The Long-Awaited SHOWTIME #16 By Darkage
Z80SimulatorDo.lha   dev/cross   94K+Documentation for Z80Simulator.
MuForce.lha          dev/debug  270K+The V40 Enforcer, detects illegal RAM ac
MuGuardianAngl.lha   dev/debug  292K+MungWall superset, detect accesses to no
MuLink.lha           dev/misc   120K+Memory protect selected hunks of binarie
MuScan.lha           dev/misc   118K+Print the MMU tree layout.
systemviewer.lha     dev/moni   302K+View & change OS components (source incl
acdb_pch.lha         disk/cdrom  18K+Patch to make ACDB (CDDB client) work
LowDiskSpace.lha     disk/moni   16K+Small commodity to watch for low disk sp
2PatchList.lha       docs/help    3K+List with patches and information.
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/hyper 823K+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 04/2001 (Itali
AaktInt0401.lha      docs/mags  256K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0401GFX.lha   docs/mags  323K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AIOV46.lha           docs/mags  1.1M+Amiga Information Online, Issue 46 (Apri
MuManual.lha         docs/misc  787K+Tutorial, examples, includes, (auto)docs
LegoBlast.lha        game/2play 1.0M+Dynablaster-Like game
Risiko.lha           game/board 443K+"Risk" Fullversion German/English
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (29 Apri
WHD_JetSetWly2.lha   game/patch  19K+HD Installer for Jet Set Willy II
WHD_ScoobyDoo.lha    game/patch  17K+HD Installer for Scooby & Scrappy Doo
WHD_TowerBabel.lha   game/patch  19K+HD Installer for Tower of Babel
WHD_Zeewolf.lha      game/patch  25K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
WHD_ZeewolfII.lha    game/patch  24K+HD Installer for Zeewolf II
drangband.lha        game/role  853K+DrAngband 2.9.8 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  956K+Gumband 2.1.5a - Roguelike solo RPG
pmangband.lha        game/role  405K+Pern mangband 3.1.3
Piggy.lha            game/wb      7K+One player dice game written in Arexx.
ps2m.lha             hard/hack   45K+Ultimate Amiga PS/2 WheelMouseController
SMIF.lha             hard/hack  140K+Cheap SmartMedia interface + sourcecode
MuEVD.lha            misc/emu   127K+MuLib driven ShSh driver for ECS,AGA,P96
antique_dream.lha    mods/med   342K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
plastikk_tripp.lha   mods/med    65K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Boulderdash.mpg      mods/mpg   918K+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
BubbleBobble.mpg     mods/mpg   2.2M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
CrazyComets.mpg      mods/mpg   3.2M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
Fairlight.mpg        mods/mpg   1.9M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
GhostsGoblins.mpg    mods/mpg   4.3M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
GreenBeret.mpg       mods/mpg   2.7M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
himnoalpcero.mpg     mods/mpg   492K+A mod maked in bcnparty 2k
IK99.mpg             mods/mpg    13M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
InternationalK.mpg   mods/mpg   3.8M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
SanxionLoading.mpg   mods/mpg   6.5M+C64 improved version of a classic 64 the
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit    92K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
NallePUH.lha         mus/misc   187K+Redirects any (hw-banging) sound program
SerialRipper_s.lzh   mus/misc   813K+SR - Multi Module Ripper - Sourcecode
lch-JapIcons5.lha    pix/gicon   99K+Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 5
jd_Boulevard1.jpg    pix/views  310K+Boulevard in Torun, POLAND (1024x768)
jd_Boulevard2.jpg    pix/views  192K+Boulevard in Torun, POLAND (1024x768)
jd_Ciasna.jpg        pix/views  163K+Ciasna Str in Torun, POLAND (800x600)
jd_Podmurna.jpg      pix/views  196K+Podmurna str in Torun, POLAND (1024x768)
rexx-mode1_1.lha     text/edit   55K+Mojor mode for emacs19/20
MuFastChip.lha       util/boot  116K+Chip memory cache mode fine tuning tool
MuFastRom.lha        util/boot  116K+MuLib conformal ROM to RAM remapper
MuFastZero.lha       util/boot  132K+MuLib Zero Page remapper, FastExec/Prepa
MuLockLib.lha        util/boot  110K+Lock the mmu.library in memory on startu
MuOmniSCSIPatc.lha   util/boot  115K+Make the omniscsi.device MMULib aware
MuProtectModul.lha   util/boot  115K+MuLib ROM Modules Write Protection
MuSetCacheMode.lha   util/boot  119K+MMU tree adjustment tool for experts
ReadDevice.lha       util/cli     2K+Reads data from any device, e0r's util
adTOag.lha           util/conv   18K+AdTOag - Autodocs TO Amigaguide. V1.4
DiaryConv.lha        util/conv   10K+Converts files between Digita's Organise
cvs-1.11.1p1.lha     util/gnu   1.6M+CVS 1.11.1p1 - Concurrent Versions Syste
MMULib.lha           util/libs  527K+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha            util/libs   55K+Minimal MuLib archive for redistribution
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  381K+Report+ 4.51: Multipurpose utility
Sysmon116.lha        util/moni  139K+System monitor and enhancer based on a s
BRLE.lha             util/pack    1K+XFD external decruncher, e0r's util
xPackBest.lha        util/pack   18K+Pack using XPK, adaptive, recursive
Pan0_9.lha           util/rexx  1.7M+Pans image, producing video frames
RexxPatchErrGR.lha   util/rexx    5K+Greek locale for RexxPatchError
Mu680x0Libs.lha      util/sys   327K+MuLib aware 68060, 68040, 68030 and 6803
NewDate2.lha         util/sys    55K+Replacement system date command
Safe.lha             util/virus  28K+V15.4 of virus dicovering system
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 261K+VirusExecutor v2.17
Commander.lha        util/wb     30K+Execute commands with pleasure V1.0
Commander_dt.lha     util/wb      1K+V1.0, German catalog for Commander v1.0
YerFawt2.lha         util/wb      3K+Yer Fawt Version 2! fault strings for "y

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 17:39] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaLand News
AmigaLand makes elder games available for download by agreement of the authors. Ikarion agreed to the economy simulation ´Hattrick´ to be offered for download for private users. more ... (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 14:50] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

New Clock Port Sound Card VSS for A1200
Ferenc Valenta from Hungary introduces his new sound card named VSS under the title link, which is connected to the A1200 clock port. Respective driver software is ready for download, too. (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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MySQL and Webalizer for AmigaOS
SixK released version MySql_Dev_3.23.37 for 68040 of his MySQL Amiga port.
Download: MySql_Dev_3.23.37.lzx more ... (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 13:57] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

Datatype: WarpPNG V44.17
Oliver Roberts released version 44.17 of his WarpPNG datatype which now uses libpng 1.0.11.
Download: WarpPNGdt.lha - 140 kB (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 13:47] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Willerts Homepage

GoldED Webworld - Menue Extended
Thorsten Willert has extended the GoldED Webworld Menue with the commands of his HTML preprocessor and fixed two minor bugs in the two preprocessors. Who uses CompressHTML for managing HTML projects will appreciate this extention of the Webworld Menue.
Download: WebWorld_Ext.LHA - 3 kB (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 13:37] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VHT: VirusExecutor V2.17
  • Name: VirusExecutor v2.17
  • Archive name : VirusExecutor.lha
  • Archive size: 267.716 Bytes
  • Release date: 2. May 2001
  • Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
  • Requires: xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library, xadmaster.library

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 12:35] [Comments: 0]
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R. Cresente via E-Mail

Webring AmigaXchange leaves, RagonVote comes
The webring 'AmigaXchange' founded by Ragonsoft will be shut down due to lack of interested hompage carriers. more ... (ps)

[News message: 03. May. 2001, 12:28] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Engelhardt on ANF

Spiel: 'Hattrick!' on
On 2 May 2001 a new game was published on It is the economic simulation 'Hattrick!' by company Ikarion. more ... (sd)

[News message: 02. May. 2001, 22:20] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

The Register: IBM extends PowerPC roadmap to 2GHz+
IBM has updated its PowerPC roadmap. It contains plans to extend its G3-processor to 2 GHz and more.
You can read the complete article over the title link. (sd) more ... (sd)

[News message: 02. May. 2001, 22:20] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Scheler on ANF

NetBSD-Amiga 1.5.1 BETA Test Version
You can download a beta snapshot of the forthcoming version 1.5.1 of NetBSD/Amiga via FTP. The NetBSD team waits for the test reports of the NetBSD-mailinglist or the bug-database. (ps)

[News message: 02. May. 2001, 11:51] [Comments: 0]
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No Risc No Fun

Interview: Martin Schueler of ESCENA
On the sites of NoRiscNoFun you can find an interview with Martin Schueler of ESCENA. There you can find out how the Brainstorm-project is making progress and what something else we can expect. (ps)

[News message: 02. May. 2001, 04:21] [Comments: 0]
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