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Daniel Miller (ANF)

Portal: and boycott Amiga Inc.
Because of Amiga Inc.'s plans to provide Microsoft Windows CE.NET with software and have decided to boycott Amiga Inc.. All links to Amiga Inc. will be removed from the pages and there'll be no more publications of news regarding the company, their products and their employees. As far as Amiga Klassik, MorphOS etc. is concerned everything will stay the same.

«"The latest Amiga Inc. policy shifts... give us no other option than to say farewell to them for good..." That was the public statement of Grzegorz Juraszek of Poland's Amiga news service

Balogh Karoly of the Hungarian Amiga news service followed suit. "We the editors of hereby join the Polish boycott." Karoly cited a public opinion poll that showed users strongly disapproved of recent events at Amiga Inc.

The developments are in response to announcements by both Amiga Inc. and Microsoft that the two companies have formed an axis. Amiga Inc. intends to provide software to Windows CE devices, and is appearing at the current Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco, USA.

The Russian Amiga Information Center had not yet taken a public position as of press time.» (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2002, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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