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Donald E. Knuth: All Questions Answered
On 5 October 2001 Donald E. Knuth gave a presentation at the 'Technische Universität München' entitled 'All Questions Answered'. 350 people were present and he just answered all the questions of the audience. AMS published an English article of 7 pages about everything that was said including photos. In the article you'll find answers to the following questions:
  • Do you have thoughts on quantum computing?
  • What importance do you give to the design of efficient algorithms, and what emphasis do you suggest giving this area in the future?
  • Can you give us an outline for computer science, some milestones for the next ten or twenty years?
  • What is the relationship between God and computers?
  • What is your thinking about software patents?
Donald E. Knuth is the author of "The Art of Computer Programming" and the TeX settings system.

Since 1968 he's been working at Stanford University where he holds the title of 'Professor Emeritus of the Art of Computer Programming'.

Download: fea-knuth.pdf (370K) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 17. Mar. 2002, 20:24] [Comments: 0]
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