Programming language: AmiBlitz 3.10.0
Version 3.10.0 of the AmiBlitz programming language has just been released. As the developer Sven 'honitos' Dröge writes, he has put a lot of effort into the stability of the overall package and fixed many bugs. The changes at a glance:
- fixed problem when reloading source file with same file name but different paths
- fixed a gotoline bug, gotoline now displays the current line number instead of "0"
- fixed several mungwall hits reported by MuGuardianAngel
- rewrite of printing routines, source drawing ia now much faster
- rewrite of block selection routine
- killing a block selection will now join both lines enclosing the selection
- improved rendering of cursor
- removed support for italic remarks
- changed behaviour of "Save & Create executable": if the filenames are known, PED will not ask for them each time
- added wheelmouse support to sourcebrowser window
- added tooltip on file tab
- added symbols for debugging mode and tokenization mode in message line
- added feature if mouse click is done with LSHIFT, a block will be selected
- fixed bug that did not show error messages in status area anymore
- fixed bug crashing on Kick 2.0 due to usage of HelpControl() that is only available with Kick2.1
- started to improve GUI by switching to gadtools for some windows
- fixed "Could not allocate memeory" bug in CLI-mode
- fixed bug that corrupted the cli-structure of the shell in CLI-mode
- fixed bug that prevented upper case file extentions
- fixed an openlibrary call before adding local libs-directory to LIBS:-assign
- fixed several mungwall hits reported by MuGuardianAngel
- new feature for userlibs: if a lib is placed in that drawer that libnumber is already loaded, it will replace the already loaded blitzlib. That simplifies testing libchanges a lot
- disassembled RIPacklib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled RIFNSlib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled blitzoslib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled maxlenlib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled maxslib converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled lotanmemlib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- disassembled datalib and converted to ab3 compatible source
- improved example for RIFNSlib and recompiled lib to work again
- added example code for blitzoslib
- updated ptplayerlib to version 6.4 and updated example
- added warp3dlib and autodocs
- fixed icons to be shown nicely with every Workbench version
- fixed AB3FDConvert utility to work with current blitzlibs drawer structure
Download: Amiblitz3100.lha (11 MB) (dr)
[News message: 14. Mar. 2025, 17:07] [Comments: 1 - 14. Mar. 2025, 19:59]
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