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Asteroids-style dogfights: Hyper Wings 2.21 (update)
Christian Geldmann's "Hyper Wings" (video) is a shooter developed in assembler, in which two human or computer-controlled combatants fight each other with a control system borrowed from Asteroids. Version 2.2 - tagged as the "final release" by the author - offers the following new features:
  • New weapon (gravity bomb): missile which creates a point of high gravity, which attracts only your opponent. Contact with that point recudes energy of your opponent.
  • problems with the speed of the intro screen solved.
  • extended main music tune
  • A new nasty gimmick, which inverts left/right of your Joystick for a short time.
  • Extended game intro
  • Bugfixes
Hyper Wings has been optimised for the Amiga 500 (1 MB RAM, OCS), but also runs on all other Amigas.

Update: (14.03.2025, 22:10, dr)

Version 2.21 offers better performance and stability. (dr)

[News message: 14. Mar. 2025, 05:33] [Comments: 0]
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