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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga 4.0b1
Originally planned as version 3.3, developer Dirk Hoffmann has released the latest version of his Amiga emulator "vAmiga" for macOS as version 4.0 beta 1, as he has made some fundamental changes: until now, the snapshot format was used as the document format for saving configurations and game states. However, for technical reasons, the snapshot format changed with almost every version, making it unusable as a long-term solution.

To improve user-friendliness, this version replaces the snapshot format with workspaces as a new, more stable format. This new format is not version dependent. Instead, it will be a resource package containing the complete Amiga configuration, installed ROMs, floppy discs and hard disks.

When a user opens a .vamiga file, vAmiga will configure the Amiga based on the config.ini and attach the specified media. The system is always rebooted from scratch. When saving, all current settings and all connected data carriers and hard drives are automatically exported.

Importing and exporting snapshots will still be possible. However, it has to be done manually by two (new) menu items Export Snapshot... and Import Snapshot... from the File menu.

Switching to resource bundles should also solve the snapshot issue with the web version of vAmiga, vAmigaWeb ( reported).

In addition, vAmiga now supports the Quick Look preview feature developed by Apple. All changes in version 4.0 beta 1 at a glance:

  • Workspaces
  • Quick Look support
  • Additional screenshot options
  • Improved snapshot compression
Bug fixes
  • The audio fast-path was sometimes taken too early
Code quality
  • All enums were replaced by strongly typed enum classes
  • Safer and more reliable multi-threading
  • Prepared the codebase for Swift 6
At least macOS 13.5 is now required. (dr)

[News message: 10. Feb. 2025, 05:19] [Comments: 0]
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