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Amiga emulator for the web: New features in vAmigaWeb
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for web browsers or as a progressive web app. The vAmiga-based emulator now offers the following new features:
  • supports run ahead, which is an effective technique to reduce input lag. run ahead is an emulation technique that essentially pre-computes the emulation a few frames ahead. When the user makes an input, the emulation can immediately respond by adjusting the pre-computed frames accordingly, thus reducing the perceived input delay.
  • For a smoother video output, consider enabling the new vSync option. vSync synchronizes the emulation with your display’s refresh rate, resulting in smoother visuals by adjusting the Amiga's emulation speed to match the monitor’s refresh rate. When selected a new speed icon appears next to the fast forward symbol, functioning as both a speed indicator and a button to go back to the original refresh rate of an Amiga.
  • Slow motion gaming. The new speed setting also offers speeds below 100%. They are ideal to kick in a slow motion effect on fast paced games. From now on no AI enemy can beat your hero when playing at 50% the speed ;-). matrix effect.
  • for wider screens the activity monitor switch has been added to the top icon bar
  • vAmigaWeb is now based on the latest vAmigaCore v3.0
  • a new css grid based navbar has been implemented. It offers a much better responsive behaviour compared to the old one.

[News message: 16. Nov. 2024, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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