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Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 21
The current issue 21 (September 2024) of the Italian magazine "Passione Amiga" again comprises 48 color pages and is available in print or digital form. The main focus of the issue is the presentation of the A600GS minicomputer.
  • Game reviews: OpenDune 2, CD32 Arcade Classic, Heretic II, Agent 357, AmiBrixx 22, Vanilla Conquer, Vanilla Conquer – Red Alert, Holy Warrior, Skinny Marley, Skinny Marley Waiter Dog, Borg, Ninja Carnage, Shift, Zombie Survivor and Droid Special
  • Hardware reviews: A600GS, LANIDE Zorro2 and Zorro3
  • Previews: A500 Maxi, QuasaurusX
  • Technology: Amiga and networks
  • Plus: gaming news, technology news
Passione Amiga 21 can be ordered from the publisher's webshop at the title link as a single issue or by subscription as of September 15, 2024. (nba)

[News message: 01. Oct. 2024, 18:23] [Comments: 0]
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