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Workbench clock and calendar: ScreenTime v1.6 now available
ScreenTime, which has just been released in version 1.6, is a useful commodity for all Amigas from Kickstart 2.04 onwards. It displays the current time on the Workbench or any other PubScreen. ScreenTime opens a borderless window at the top of the screen by default, which blends seamlessly into the overall picture. The font and colors are automatically adjusted to match those of the screen. This can create the visual impression that the window is part of the Workbench title bar.

If necessary, these settings, including the display format, can also be customized manually. Various configuration options are available for this via tooltypes or shell arguments.

In addition, a calendar with monthly pages is available, which can be accessed by clicking on the clock or using a keyboard shortcut.

ScreenTime requires Kickstart 2.04 or later. The package includes several languages, including German, and full source code.

The new version 1.6 includes bug fixes and improvements, as well as an option for different types of borders for the calendar, including a borderless design. (nba)

[News message: 01. Oct. 2024, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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