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Retro Supplies: Four new hardware products
After Andrew 'LinuxJedi' Hutching presented updates for existing hardware projects at the beginning of July ( reported), he is now presenting four new developments:

ZonKEY is a replacement for the 6570 keyboard controller IC used in all models of Amiga 500 keyboards. It contains firmware that Hutching rewrote from scratch using the Amiga hardware manuals and reverse engineering the original chip.

DoohicKEY is a complete keyboard controller replacement board for the Amiga 500 Mitsumi keyboards, which is the most common type of keyboard for the Amiga 500. It uses the same base firmware as ZonKEY and offers additional features such as a two-colour LED (orange/green) for drive indication: orange for FDD activity and optional green for HDD activity. It uses 100% new parts, even the LEDs are new, with specially designed 3D printed lenses that fit into the Amiga case.

Zinc is the 30pin SIMM version of the 72pin Hafnium diagnostic board which he launched earlier this year: it can be used to determine which RAM tracks on a motherboard have been damaged by a battery.

RGBtoHDMI board for the Amiga 500 enables pixel-perfect HDMI output from the Amiga 500 using a Raspberry Pi Zero (not included). This new version is low enough to keep the HDMI connector and board far away from the accelerator. (dr)

[News message: 26. Sep. 2024, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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