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Tutorials for AmigaOS 4: Setting up an IDE, transferring software
With Kea Campus, Hans De Ruiter has started a membership programme in which software and electronics tasks are to be discussed and solved ( reported). As announced, he has also set up an Amiga corner on YouTube, in which instructions etc. are published at different times.

After his first article about setting up a cross-compiler for AmigaOS 4 ( reported), he has deepened this topic:

In the following article, he explains how to set up a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for cross-compiling to AmigaOS using Visual Studio Code as an example (YouTube video).

In the third part published yesterday, he shows how to copy the software created with it quickly and efficiently to an Amiga (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 26. Sep. 2024, 06:38] [Comments: 0]
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