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Platform game: Test version 4 of "Dr. Dangerous"
Inspired by the Amiga classic Rick Dangerous, hoogames has released another playable test version of "Dr Dangerous" (YouTube video), which was created with the Scorpion Engine ( reported). The new version 4 offers the following changes:
  • Home screen changed
  • In-game music can be switched on and off with the M button
  • New title music added
  • In-game music added
  • Story for the game (I hope you like it)
  • Added in-game music (not the final music)
  • Level 1-6 changed a little
  • Added some new graphics
  • Added end intro + story (is only for testing)
  • Level 12, 13, 14 added
  • SFX adjusted
  • loading times improved (thanks earok/Scorpion engine)
  • Fixed many bugs
  • Level 5 now playable (you couldn't go any further at the beginning)
  • adjusted some enemies (some of them look behind the player)
  • Intro removed the Game Ui
  • Colors adjusted
  • code blocks tidied up
  • added level codes from 1-14 (so write them down when you find them)
  • For each level code you find you get one life
  • Game UI changed
  • Amiga Workbench version LHA added (not tested)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2024, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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