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Adventure: "Geo's Quest" box set
Paul Golian's graphic adventures Geo's Quest 2 - In Search of Queen Lorraine and Geo's Quest 3 - Gateway to Nowhere can now be purchased as a box set for 22 euros plus 18 euros shipping to Europe. The colour-printed box and glossy sleeve contain:
  • CD with both full games (GQ2 & GQ3) in PAL & NTSC and PDF's of each Manual
  • SD with both full games (GQ2 & GQ3) in PAL & NTSC and PDF's of each Manual
  • Color Glossy printed 9" x 6" Game Manuals for both Games
  • Color Glossy 9" x 17" Game Maps for both Games
Once Chapter 6 "There be Cows" is completed, (anticipated to be Early 2025) the Box Set purchaser will be emailed a zip of the Chapter along with a PDF of the Chapters Manual for free. (dr)

[News message: 14. Aug. 2024, 06:27] [Comments: 0]
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