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AmigaKit: Super Skidmarks now pre-installed on the A600GS
The classic Amiga racing game "Super Skidmarks", developed by Chris Blackbourn, will now be pre-installed on the new A600GS from AmigaKit. Users who already own the A600GS system can add the game to the game menu via a free update.

Skidmarks was first released in 1993 and was well-known and popular for its top-down multiplayer races and graphical quality. Two years later, Super Skidmarks followed with new features, more tracks and new vehicle types, including such absurdities as cars with caravans or cows on wheels.

Chris Blackburn has also announced Epic Skidmarks, which will allow players to race in multiplayer races in a web browser, according to the New Zealand developer. (nba)

[News message: 13. Aug. 2024, 17:01] [Comments: 1 - 14. Aug. 2024, 09:34]
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